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Ross Davis

iPads in Education - Exploring the use of iPads and mobile devices in education. - 187 views

  • How does the releaseof iOS 5 impact you? Multitouch gestures, Notification Center, an upgraded Safari browser, Newstand and more. iOS 5 comes with over 200 new features. Which ones will you use most - both personally and professionally? Share your opinions... News & Views Videos Using an iPad as a Document Camera Added by Sam Gliksman0 Comments 0 Likes First Look: Apple's iOS 5 Added by Sam Gliksman0 Comments 0 Likes Impromptu Field Trip Added by Skip Via0 Comments 0 Likes Add Videos View All xg.addOnRequire(function () { x$('.module_video').mouseover(function () { x$(this).find('.video-facebook-share').show(); }) .mouseout(function () { x$(this).find('.video-facebook-share').hide(); }); }); #iPadEd on Twitter Use the hashtag #iPadEd to tweet with network members // iPads in Education Tweets SamGliksman RT @kcalderw: Last call for participants for an iPad in Edu survey for Masters class. Looking for teachers who use them. #ipadchat #ipaded4 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite buddyxo Coding on the iPad: Looki
  • Finally, the goal of this community is to promote innovation in education through the use of technology. The site is not sponsored by Apple nor does it endorse the use of any specific technology or product.
  • Finally, the goal of this community is to promote innovation in education through the use of technology. The site is not sponsored by Apple nor does it endorse the use of any specific technology or product.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Tablet computing and mobile devices promise to have a dramatic impact on education. This Ning network was created to explore ways iPads and other portable devices could be used to re-structure and re-imagine the processes of education.
    Lists of apps for k-6, teachers and parents
B Allen

Ning Blog » Pearson to provide Ning Mini for free to educators - 15 views

    Pearson to provide Ning Mini for free to educators....
Tony Baldasaro

Putting the Ning into 'Learning' | Why did the Chickenman cross the road? - 0 views

  • for a completely free service
  • Recently some of my students were creating podcasts or videos for their own revision, they then posted it to their ning community and other students looked at them and downloaded them for their own revision then left comments on what they thought of it and how it could be improved.
    • Tony Baldasaro
      Sounds like a great way for students to collaborate.
  • More recently with the new instant message chat facility I have conduced some live out of hours revision sessions for students literally sometimes the night before an exam.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • other students supporting their classmates
  • I have gone away from ning and tried other ways of working with collaboratively with students but I keep going back to it.
    I have been using Ning with my students for the last couple of years and I have to say for a completely free service it is amazing! For any of you who have never come across it - you can sign up for free and for within a matter of minutes you can create your own online community that looks and feels like facebook or bebo. You can then make it completely private to protect say your students and you then can control who joins the community in fact you can invite people only if that is how you want to work it.
Betty Powell

Examples of K-12 Class Nings - 128 views

    links to examples of class Nings.
Dimitris Tzouris

Flipped Learning Network Ning - A professional learning community for teachers using sc... - 14 views

    Flipped Learning Network Ning - A learning community for teachers using screencasting in education #bocsm #blpp
Maggie Tsai

Sweeny's Canadawiki Weblog: Make Your Own Wiki Textbook With Web 2.0 - 6 views

  • Web 2.0 services are generating what is truly a personal learning renaissance.Here's a comment from teacher Elizabeth Davis at Classroom 2.0:"Following and reading blogs, participating in ning, contributing to wikis, writing in my blog, I haven't thought this much in years. It truly is an amazing phenomenon. I feel so intellectually alive. I'm inspired and challenged constantly. The blogs I read lead me to question and explore new tools and Websites. I haven't written this much since I was in school. It is all so exciting and energizing. For me, classroom 2.0 could just be about my own growth and learning and that would be enough."A good example of a free Web 2.0 service is Wikispaces. Here's a class wiki made with the service - A Broken World, the World War I wiki of a Grade 9 class. Their teacher comments:You are now "textbook writers." Your goal is to make a better, more interesting textbook than that overweight, boring, 20th Century history textbook you're now using. And to do work of such high quality that you can include it on your resume as another example of your academic skills in your "digital portfolio."Here are some other School 2.0 online services:* Diigo- for "social bookmarking" of Web sources.* Blogger - to create a class weblog.* Ning - to build your own social network]
Tammy Riedel

The Educator's PLN - The personal learning network for educators - 92 views

  • This is a ning site dedicated to the support of a Personal Learning Network for Educators
    This is a ning site dedicated to the support of a Personal Learning Network for Educators
    This is a ning site dedicated to the support of a Personal Learning Network for Educators.
Jeff Ferrell

No Free Lunch for Ning Users; Still Plenty of Bargains Elsewhere - 47 views

    Free, open-source alternatives to Ning for building private social networks.
Tracy Tuten

Ning eliminates free accounts - Educators leave it behind? | Education IT | - 35 views

    Bad news for teachers - just as Ning was increasingly adopted by teachers for use as course hubs, it's gone. 
Bob Rowan

PETE&C Ning Site - 34 views

    Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) shared ning web site. Includes handouts from presentations and follow-up discussion from the conference
Adam Babcock

The Free Learning Library - English Companion Ning - 102 views

    The Free Learning Library is proud to offer the complete digital library of Teaching That Matters to all its members for free. This special ECN Edition of the library, which includes links back to the ECN, is free to use in all schools and classrooms thanks to the generous donation of these materials by Steve Peha from Teaching That Makes Sense. Please click on the document link below to learn more about this new partnership between the EC Ning and Teaching That Makes Sense.
Karen Polstra

Classroom 2.0 - 62 views

    • Justin Shorb
      How many members of the Diigo Ed group are using this forum? I don't want to be overwhelmed by too many social networking groups that I become inundated with too much information to be a truly participating member of any of them. I like the Diigo Ed group, so far!
    • Monika King
      I enjoy reading the items in the Forum, but I have yet to contribute.
    • Meredith Johnson
      I find the two forums match very well for what my interests are in education.
    • Deb White Groebner
      While I am new to the Diigo Ed group (and like it so far), I joined CR 2.0 a year and a half ago and have thoroughly enjoyed the conversations, info, and (especially) the webinars! Lots of good sharing all around.
    • Antwon Lincoln
      Just a wonderful resource for all who are in to connecting classrooms with technology!
    • Phil Taylor
      I also belong to Diigo in Education as well as four of EDTech type groups, as well as one that I have created for my school.
    • Gerald Carey
      I also can see different uses for these two forums.
    • Susan Wanke
      I've been using Diigo and the group Diigo in Education for quite some time, but Classroom 2.0 is active with tons of ideas for all of us.
  • social network for those interested in Web 2.0 and Social Media in education
  • Classroom 2.0 is a free, community-supported network. We especially hope that those who are "beginners" will find this a supportive comfortable place to start being part of the digital dialog. Because of spammers, we have to approve all memberships here. While your membership is pending you are still welcome to peruse the site or attend any events!
    • Molly Hinkle
      I'm wondering how the value of this will balance with the time required to do it right!
    • Karen Polstra
      Me too.  I just joined.  We will see.
    Online social networking at its best. This Ning page is centered around using online resources in today's classrooms. Excellent group!
  • ...5 more comments...
    The community for educators using Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies!
    I've been using it the last 3 weeks. There is a large group of educators there and usefull shared information.
    I just joined the Classroom 2.0 ning about a week ago. It appears to have some valuable information. I am new to social networking, but am looking forward to the experience. I am very interested in Web 2.0 technologies so the ning seemed like a good place to start.
    This is an interesting website with a great collection of tools for use in e-learning, blended classrooms and traditional teaching.
    This is an interesting website with a great collection of tools for use in e-learning, blended classrooms and traditional teaching.
    web 2,  classroom practice
    This is an interesting website with a great collection of tools for use in e-learning, blended classrooms and traditional teaching.
Roseanne Sessa

ISTE 2012 Conference Ning - 53 views

    ISTE 2012 Conference Ning
Kelly Christopherson

Teacher Professional Development Sourcebook: The World's Largest English Department - 39 views

    A Ning group for English teachers reveals the potential of online social networking to break the culture of professional isolation.
Rachel Ernst

English Teachers Find an Online Friend: the English Companion Ning - National Writing P... - 0 views

shared by Rachel Ernst on 06 Apr 09 - Cached
  •  "The first semester I was groping my way along, trying to not completely implode," said Rachel E., who is teaching high school students in El Cajon, California, for the first time. "But second semester something amazing happened. I found this Ning. And it has literally changed the way I teach. I feel like I have insight from some of the best teachers out there. I can listen in to conversations that would never happen in my staff room."
    • Rachel Ernst
      Hey that's me! If you haven't joined the Ning, you really should. It has helped my teaching immensely!
Lee-Anne Patterson

Middle School Portal - the network for middle school math and science teachers - 1 views

    Ning site that is dedicated to providing professional development for Maths and Science teachers
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