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Carol Ansel

The Daring Librarian: Wikipedia is not wicked! - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post - 70 views

  • Teaching Wikipedia in 5 Easy Steps: *Use it as background information *Use it for technology terms *Use it for current pop cultural literacy *Use it for the Keywords *Use it for the REFERENCES at the bottom of the page!
  • 4 ways to use Wikipedia (hint: never cite it) Teachers: Please stop prohibiting the use of Wikipedia 20 Little Known Ways to Use Wikipedia Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica Schiff, Stacy. “Know it all: Can Wikipedia conquer expertise?” The New Yorker, February 26, 2006 And: Yes students, there’s a world beyond Wikipedia **Several years ago, Nature magazine did a comparison of material available on Wikipedia and Brittanica and concluded that Brittanica was somewhat, but not overwhelmingly, more accurate than Wikipedia. Brittanica lodged a complaint, and here, you can see what it complained about as well as Nature’s response. Nature compared articles from both organizations on various topics and sent them to experts to review. Per article, the averages were: 2.92 mistakes per article for Britannica and 3.86 for Wikipedia. -0- Follow The Answer Sheet every day by bookmarking And for admissions advice, college news and links to campus papers, please check out our Higher Education page. Bookmark it! var entrycat = ' ' By Valerie Strauss  |  05:00 AM ET, 09/07/2011 .connect_widget .connect_widget_text .connect_widget_connected_text a {display:block;} #center {overflow:visible;} /*.override-width iframe {width:274px !important;}*/ Tumblr Reddit Stumbleupon Digg Delicious LinkedIn
    Excellent perspective on "The 'W' Word" - use it wisely for what it is - high school and college kids shouldn't be citing any general knowledge encyclopedias for serious research - but that doesn't mean there aren't some excellent uses for it.
Rachel Hinton

Five mobile reference apps for quick access to the info you need - 53 views

    From identifying fonts to monitoring data usage to tracking package deliveries, these apps can simplify the job of keeping up with vital info.
Christy Branham

learningIT - Mac Related ICT, Art & Creativity Info for Teachers & Students - 0 views

    Art & Creativity Info for Teachers & Students
Teresa Ilgunas

21st Century Literacies: Tools for Reading the World - 3 views

    Wow, this is a PRACTICAL guide to info literacy, from step by step on how to read a website, to how students report the info. FULL of information I can use in my classroom without having to reinvent the wheel myself!
Jac Londe

A propos de - 4 views

  • est né de la volonté de quatre maisons d'édition (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte et Erès) ayant en charge la publication et la diffusion de revues de sciences humaines et sociales, d’unir leurs efforts pour améliorer leur présence sur l’Internet, et de proposer à d’autres acteurs souhaitant développer une version électronique de leurs publications, les outils techniques et commerciaux développés à cet effet.
Erin DeBell

SPAN 103N W01 S111: Foro de lenguaje y cultura - Semana 9 - El embarazo - Due Sunday, 7/17 - 7 views

    • Erin DeBell
      Suggestions: Use past tense (preterite) more often to talk about things that happened in the past. The verbs you recognized are good examples.  At this point, though, not only should you recognize words, but phrases and TENSES/CONCEPTS, as well.  These are the grammar examples you will need to share on your chart.  Did you see any reflexive verbs?  Commands?  Preterite?  If so, share the example AND the English equivalent (translation).
    • Erin DeBell
      Also, for your chart you might end up being short on Country-Specific resources.  When looking for things to share, think about sharing info from a particular country.  It is too late for this post, but since your resource is from California, perhaps you could find some info on the Hispanic population in California.  Where are they from?  Then pick one of those countries of origin and find some info about it for us.  Bingo!  Country-specific example for your chart.
    • Erin DeBell
      Since this forum is over, you can post this info on the "country-specific catch-up forum" that I will make available immediately.
    • Erin DeBell
      I sense a lot of stress about the forum requirements, so I am going to provide group feedback this way.  Make sure to click on each "sticky note" to get my feedback on the post.  This will help you complete your chart as best as possible.
    • Erin DeBell
      HIGHLIGHTS: You will see a lot of highlights on this page.   Pink/red highlights indicate a mistake is present.  I have not highlighted ALL mistakes, just some that you should be able to fix with what you know at this point. GREEN means GOOD!  I have highlighted many phrases that indicate good/correct grammar usage.  Sometimes I highlight in green things that I really like :-)  Green means GO!!!
    • Erin DeBell
      YELLOW highlights are for important things - read them!
    • Erin DeBell
  • siertas
  • ...49 more annotations...
  • Vi la pagina
  • Me encanta
  • unico
  • Lo unico que puedes hacer es revisar y leer tus viejos forums y buscar ejemplos que
  • usastes.
  • Me pongo
  • nervioso
  • Completado
    • Erin DeBell
      If you want to say "I completed," you should use the preterite.  Verb = COMPLETAR.  Yo completé.
  • están encontrando
  • mucho las
    • Erin DeBell
  • encontre
  • promueve
  • parecer
  • matres
  • olvido
    • Erin DeBell
      This post is very interesting.  The quote included is informative and summarizes the findings of the source Gabriela consulted.  This information is very useful for all of us.  The content is excellent, but I would like to see more linguistic information.  For example, did you pick up any new words from reading this article?  If so, you should list them (WITH English translations for the benefit of classmates).   Also, to obtain country-specific resources, you could have looked up premature births in Spanish-speaking countries and focused on one in particular, perhaps sharing information or a resource from that country.  Feel free to do this and post on the "make-up forum" available soon.
  • Yo necesito leer mis viejos forums
  • Yo escribo el charto pronto
  • unico problema
  • ayudan
  • yo vi que usaron el preterite(pasado tenso) como "se logro-was accomplished".
  • usted sito
  • son
  • son embarazado
  • Encuentré
  • en español:
  • muchísimas ejemplos
  • los verbos reflexivos, empieza immediatemente en diapositiva 2: “se usa para identificar afecctiones serias o mortales antes que lo síntomas aparezcan. Se puede empezar el tratamiento antes que la salud del bebé se perjudique por estas afecciones.”
  • Objeto Directo ejemplo, de diapositiva 4: “...el tratamiento puede salvarle o evitarle problemas....”
  • Objeto Indirecto ejemplo, de diapositiva 16: “ no le practicaron pruebas preliminares de la audición a su bebé al nacer, asegúrarse de que le practiquen estas pruebas.”
  • Y Objecto Doble en diapositiva 22: “...y al recién nacido se les da de alta antes que el bebé....”
  • Ejemplos de vocabulario nuevo
  • Ahora estoy curiosa como se prueban los recién nacidos in otros países. Encuentro un sitio de Bolivia
  • No la encuentro la misma que Bolivia
  • la situación en Venezuela
  • me dijo
  • Hablé con mis vecinos, quienes son de El Salvador
  • Tuve que buscar
  • Completado
  • Completado
  • Completado
  • Completado las
  • decidí esperar
  • yo no realizo que “verb use” fue el verbos yo uso en “my post.”
  • haci
  • y haci vino
  • el nacio vajo
  • Escuchado
  • nombre de la operación
Jac Londe

Cartes de Montréal - 1 views

  • Cartes actuelle de la ville de Montréal
  • Cartes des quartiers et arrondissements de Montréal
  • Cartes du quartier Centre-Ville (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Côte-des-Neiges - Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Rosemont (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Outremont (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Plateau Mont-Royal (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Ahuntsic / Cartierville (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Villeray / Saint-Michel (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Lachine (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Verdun (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Saint-Léonard (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Westmount (PDF) »» Cartes du quartier Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne (PDF) »» Arrondissement Rivière-des-Prairies Pointe-aux-Trembles (PDF) »» Autres plans Carte détaillée du Montréal Souterrain (PDF) »» Carte détaillée du Montréal Souterrain par la STM (PDF) »» Carte détaillée du Montréal Souterrain RESO (PDF) »» Carte des pistes cyclables de Montréal et ses banlieues(PDF) (PDF) »» Pistes cyclables de la Ville de Montréal(PDF) (PDF) »» Plan du campus de l'Université de Montreal (PDF) »» Plan du campus de l'UQAM »» Carte du réseau d'autoroute du grand Montréal (PDF) »» Plan du Vieux Port de Montréal (PDF) »» Voir aussi: cartes sur le site de la STM
Kenuvis Romero

Psilocybin (magic mushrooms) - 0 views

  • The biosinthetic path that allow Psilocybin to be produced by mushrooms is as follow:
  • The several analogyes with triptophan aminoacid, with whom psilocybin has common origines are probably at the base of psilocybin ability to induced psychedelich alteration on humans.
  • Amino acids, including tryptophan, act as building blocks in protein biosynthesis. In addition, tryptophan functions as a biochemical precursor for many compounds like serotonin Serotonin (a neurotransmitter), synthesized via tryptophan hydroxylase. Serotonin, in turn, can be converted to melatonin (a neurohormone), via N-acetyltransferase and 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activities
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • it's been noticed that psilocyn can indirectly raise dopamine concentration withing the basal ganglia.
  • Almost 50% of oral psilocybin is absorbed by stomach and gut; from here is lead to liver, where it's converted in psilocin, pharmacologically active form, that can furtherly be glucoronated and escreted with urine or converted in other psilocinics metabolites.
  • In rats, the median lethal dose (LD50) when administered orally is 280 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), approximately one and a half times that of caffeine. When administered intravenously in rabbits, psilocybin's LD50 is approximately 12.5 mg/kg
  • traces of the compund can be detected in unine even after 7 days.
  • Clinical studies show that psilocin concentrations in the plasma of adults average about 8 µg/liter within 2 hours after ingestion of a single 15 mg oral psilocybin dose; psychological effects occur with a blood plasma concentration of 4–6 µg/liter. Psilocybin is about 100 times less potent than LSD on a weight per weight basis, and the physiological effects last about half as long.
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) have been known to prolong and enhance the effects of psilocybin. Alcohol consumption may enhance the effects of psilocybin, because acetaldehyde, one of the primary breakdown metabolites of consumed alcohol, reacts with biogenic amines present in the body to produce MAOIs related to tetrahydroisoquinoline and β-carboline. Tobacco smokers can also experience more powerful effects with psilocybin, because tobacco smoke exposure decreases levels of MAO in the brain and peripheral organs.
  • Within 24 hours from administration 65% of the alucinogen is escreted by urine, while another 15-20% is excreted by bile and feces.
  • Psilocybin comprises approximately 1% of the weight of Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, and so nearly 1.7 kilograms (3.7 lb) of dried mushrooms, or 17 kilograms (37 lb) of fresh mushrooms, would be required for a 60-kilogram (130 lb) person to reach the 280 mg/kg LD50 value.
  • This could lead to a lower usage o f glucose, but the same study admitted an increase glucose usage by the whole brain cell, meaning a differente use of this sugar while the drug is having effects.
  • use of MRI (functional magnetic resounance) showed that the decresed blood flow associate with decreasing in neural activity. A simple explanation for this unexpected situation could be the serotoning agonist action of psilocybin, action that seems to be focused more on 5-HT receptors than on 5-HT2A.
  • psilocibyn is able to act as a 5-HT agonist binding directly its receptors.
  • augmented glucose consumption in several brain regions; this lead to the conclusion that psilocybin is some way able to modify the physiological glucosal metabolic rate of our body
    • Kenuvis Romero
      Lower brain glucose metabolism is linked with increased capacity for working memory.
  • The strong inibition of the PCC is now thought to be most significant action of psilocybin on neural disaccoppiation
  • psilocybin can cause anxiety and increased heart rate and BP which is very counter- productive for someone on metoprolol and micardis.
  • propose the possibility to use psilocybin as a palliative therapy for terminal illness like cancer but also as a real antidepressive active principle available for the family of the patient. The rational is foundable in the fact that we usually administer SSRI as antidepressive agents, so psilocibyn sholud be useful in this purpose for its selective agonist action on 5-HT2A receptors
Maggie Tsai

new! Delete student accounts | optional student personal profile - 43 views

If you already have created some student accounts prior to these new changes, and wish to have your students' personal info section completely disabled, please send us a private email and advise...

delete student account teacher console

Heide DeMorris

MediaSmarts - 71 views

    "Here we explore digital literacy and media literacy and their underlying aspects and principles." Also info and resources on cyber security
    "Here we explore digital literacy and media literacy and their underlying aspects and principles." Also info and resources on cyber security
NTHS Library

Baby Name Meanings - 0 views

    Annoying ads, but looks like good info.

All Together Now: Getting Faculty, Administrators, and Staff Engaged in Information Lit... - 55 views

    • turbobks
      Purpose: "Coates Library at Trinity University offers a model for libraries seeking  to actively engage their campuses through 1) establishing a common definition of information  literacy; 2) developing workshops and grants; and 3) engaging in campus-wide information literacy  assessment using rubrics"
Natalie Mann

8 Awesome Educational Infographics for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Lea... - 14 views

    Fabulous info graphics for teachers

Rethinking the Way College Students Are Taught - 52 views

  • But here's the irony. "Mary is more likely to convince John than professor Mazur in front of the class," Mazur says. "She's only recently learned it and still has some feeling for the conceptual difficulties that she has whereas professor Mazur learned [the idea] such a long time ago that he can no longer understand why somebody has difficulty grasping it." That's the irony of becoming an expert in your field, Mazur says. "It becomes not easier to teach, it becomes harder to teach because you're unaware of the conceptual difficulties of a beginning learner."
  • To make sure his students are prepared, Mazur has set up a web-based monitoring system where everyone has to submit answers to questions about the reading prior to coming to class. The last question asks students to tell Mazur what confused them. He uses their answers to prepare a set of multiple-choice questions he uses during class.
  • Mazur begins class by giving a brief explanation of a concept he wants students to understand. Then he asks one of the multiple-choice questions. Students get a minute to think about the question on their own and then answer it using a mobile device that sends their answers to Mazur's laptop. Next, he asks the students to turn to the person sitting next to them and talk about the question. The class typically erupts in a cacophony of voices, as it did that first time he told students to talk to each other because he couldn't figure out what else to do. Once the students have discussed the question for a few minutes, Mazur instructs them to answer the question again.
  • ...7 more annotations...
    • anonymous
      Why do we continue to do things the same way we always have and expect different results from what we have always gotten?
    • anonymous
      How true this statement is!  If students want to learn, they are going to learn in spite of who the teacher is or what the teacher does - no teacher is really needed!
  • So Mazur gave what he thought was a thorough and thoughtful explanation of the concept. He went slowly, putting all kinds of helpful diagrams up on the board. "I thought I'd nailed it," he says. "I thought it was the best explanation one could possibly give of this question." Mazur triumphantly turned around. "Any questions?" he asked. The students just stared at him. "Nobody raised their hand and said, well but what if this and what if that, simply because they were so confused they couldn't," he says. "I didn't know what to do. But I knew one thing. I knew that 50 percent of the students had given the right answer."
    • anonymous
      How many times have we done this when we are providing direct instructions to students and then felt frustration when we assess what they know?  ARGH!
    • anonymous
      Watch this video!
    • anonymous
      The same probably goes for info that is simply read and not annotated or discussed.  It is probably also true for info gained from a video or movie...
    • anonymous
      This would be an effective use of Socrative or WallWisher!
deborah moore

Creative Spirits - Aboriginal Australia, Photography and Poems - 24 views

    Quite a comprehensive site with much information about Indigenous history and culture. Read the "Can you trust this site" section for more info.
Annette P

Web 2.0 Tools « - 8 views

  • Blogging the Learning Process Just as blogs can help foster conversation among students and faculty, instructors are discovering that they can also serve a more personal role, as a tool of reflection and self-appraisal. “The blog’s biggest strength is in the development and authentication of the student voice in learning,” notes Ruth Reynard, associate professor of education and the director of the Center for Instructional Technology at Trevecca Nazarene University (TN). Reynard uses blogs as a way to get students to reflect on their coursework–essentially by keeping an online journal in which they track their learning. As opposed to a traditional journal that is read only by the instructor, student
  • When used as a tool for reflection, blogs allow students to write at length about their own experiences as learners, and to read and comment on the insights posted on their classmates’ blogs. This type of public, shared self-reflection is difficult to achieve in other forms of collaborative online writing, such as discussion boards. “If the
  • Reynard has also found that blogs are a great tool for helping her graduate students learn to write academically. She requires her graduate students to embed hyperlinks to online sources that are influencing their thinking in their reflective blog posts.
    useful info for blogging and reflective thinking
Tracy Watanabe

Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog: Video: The Benefits of Blogging! - 68 views

    Great blogging info from Mrs. Yollis' students! Benefits, tips, making quality comments, and resources.
Michele Brown

American Family Through Time - 2 views

    Journey through American family history with this interactive info graphic. Move around and click on dates, buildings, cards and fine comparative information from census records.  Very interesting.  Great for history lessons.
Deborah Baillesderr

Executive Functioning Issues in Children | Working Memory Problems - Understood - 29 views

    A great site if you suspect a child might be impacted by this issue or if they were just diagnosed with this issue. Great info for parents and teachers.
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