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Accueil_ITC-Twitterature - 4 views

  • Concours de twittérature Règlements du concours pour le premier Festival international de twittérature
    • fredbernard
      le Tweet peut-il prétendre au statut de Haïku virtuel en prenant le contre-pied du Slam: En dire moins pour signifier plus.
    • fredbernard
      Le Tweet peut-il prétendre au statut de Haiku virtuel en prenant le contre-pied du Slam: En dire moins pour signifier plus.

20% Time Rubric - 79 views

    What it says - a rubric for 20% time
Stacy Olson

App Learning Tasks By Brad Wilson - 5 views

    Lists of learning tasks matched with apps and Bloom's - Math, reading, storytelling, writing, language arts, social studies, and science.
matt oconnor

Tweachers - Aussie-based. Pls add to! - Google Docs - 41 views

    twitter list of australian educators
Laura Bowen

Ways to Use Thinglink in the Classroom - 189 views

    Google presentation with ideas for using Thinglink with students.
Amber Bridge

Socrative Shared Quiz List - Google Sheets - 65 views

    " "
Mr Casal

Weekly Twitter Chat Times - 45 views

shared by Mr Casal on 16 Apr 13 - No Cached
    Great schedule of live Twitter chats & hashtags. Excellent resource for any educator on Twitter
Elizabeth Resnick

TCEA-Recommended iPad Apps | Diigo - 4 views

    huge google doc of recommended apps
M Laks

601 Survey - 3 views

shared by M Laks on 30 Apr 12 - No Cached
Roland Gesthuizen

Say NO to NAPLAN (1).pdf - Google Docs - 55 views

    Papers compiled by a group of concerned educators who are speaking out for many who are constrained from speaking publicly.
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