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Paul McKean

educational-origami - Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - 145 views

  • This is an update to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy which attempts to account for the new behaviours and actions emerging as technology advances and becomes more ubiquitous.
  • Details last edit Oct 9, 2009 12:19 am by achurches - 56 revisions - locked Tags a churches blooms blooms digital taxonomy blooms revised taxonomy digital edorigami learning a churches blooms blooms digital taxonomy blooms revised taxonomy digital edorigami learning a churches blooms blooms digital taxonomy blooms revised taxonomy digital edorigami learning Type a tag name. Press comma or enter to add another. Cancel Table of Contents Synopsis: A little Disclaimer: Introduction and Background: Bloom's Domains of learning The Cognitive Domain - Bloom's Taxonomy Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Sub Categories Bloom's as a learning process. Is it important where you start? Must I start with remembering? Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Summary Map Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and Collaboration. Resources: Web 2.0 Tutorials Acknowledgements:This is the introduction to Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. The different taxonomical levels can be viewed individually via the navigation bar or below this introduction as embedded pages. Synopsis:  This is an update to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy which attempts to account for the new behaviours and actions emerging as technology advances and becomes more ubiquitous. Bloom's Revised Taxonomy accounts for many of the traditional c
    This is an update to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy which attempts to account for the new behaviours and actions emerging as technology advances and becomes more ubiquitous.
eileen tobin

Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally, Andrew Churches - 33 views

  • In the 1950's Benjamin Bloom developed his taxonomy of cognitive objectives, Bloom's Taxonomy. This categorized and ordered thinking skills and objectives. His taxonomy follows the thinking process. You can not understand a concept if you do not first remember it, similarly you can not apply knowledge and concepts if you do not understand them. It is a continuum from Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) to Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Bloom labels each category with a gerund.
  • In the 1990's, a former student of Bloom, Lorin Anderson, revised Bloom's Taxonomy and published this- Bloom's Revised Taxonomy in 2001.Key to this is the use of verbs rather than nouns for each of the categories and a rearrangement of the sequence within the taxonomy. They are arranged below in increasing order, from low to high.
    • eileen tobin
      I like that the revised version is ongoing. Eileen Tobin
  • Bloom's digital taxonomy map
    • Eileen Tobin
      This is a great tool for Level Questions
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Each of the categories or taxonomic elements has a number of key verbs associated with it Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) Remembering - Recognising, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding Understanding - Interpreting, Summarising, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining, exemplifying Applying - Implementing, carrying out, using, executing Analysing - Comparing, organising, deconstructing, Attributing, outlining, finding, structuring, integrating Evaluating - Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, Experimenting, judging, testing, Detecting, Monitoring Creating - designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making
  • Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
    Bloom's taxonomy as it relates to 21st century technology skills
    Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally - By Andrew Churches, April 1, 2008
Nigel Coutts

Making the most of Bloom's Taxonomy - 109 views

    Spend time in any school talking to teachers and even students about thinking and learning and you are likely to hear the phrase 'Bloom's taxonomy' passed around. More than likely you will see it displayed on a wall as a set of processes learners engage with when working in the cognitive domain but how might we maximise the benefits of Bloom's Taxonomy
Libby Lawrie

Tech Coach: Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Pyramid - 11 views

    Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Pyramid
megan Heath

The Differentiator - 17 views

    Build your objectives using Revised Bloom's Taxonomy.
    This creator integrates Bloom's Taxonomy while creating differentiated lessons.

Bloomin' Apps - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 201 views

    bloom's taxonomy in apps
  • ...2 more comments...
    Amazing!  Bloom updated for the 21st century with a comprehensive toolkit of apps that help encourage and foster each cog of cognition. Great for problem/inquiry based investigations and collaborations.
    This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place!
    This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place! Each of the images has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Google, Android, and Web 2.0 applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
    Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and Web 2.0 applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
Ian Coronado

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy - Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - 95 views

    animated view of Bloom's taxonomy for cognitive processes stratified by different knowledge dimensions
    Here's a nice interactive representation of Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Darcy Goshorn

Bloom's Taxonomy According to Pirates of the Caribbean - 121 views

    The six levels of Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as found in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. Music from Pirates I and III
Beth Panitz

Kathy Schrock's - Google Blooms Taxonomy - 11 views

    Blooms taxonomy with all the google tools placed in it to show wehre they fit in the various stages of learning
    Visual menu of applications available through Google arranged according to Bloom's Taxonomy
James Norwood

Bloom's in the Classroom | Bloom's Taxonomy Presented Visually | - 124 views

    Bloom's in the Classroom | @scoopit #edchat #elemchat #spedchat #bloomstaxonomy
Patti Anderson

VisualBlooms - home - 178 views

    Visual Bloom's Taxonomy - Infographic.  Using Web 2.0 following Bloom's.
Lauren Rosen

ZaidLearn: A Juicy Collection of Bloom's Digital Taxonomies! - 97 views

    A nice list of the many renditions of Bloom's with apps to support the various levels of the taxonomy.
Chelsie Jolley

Bloom's Taxonomy - 111 views

    This chart includes Web 2.0 tools to be used with each level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy and hyperlinked to the the tools' websites.
    This is a pyramid showing the new Bloom with links to web2.0 sites for each level.
    Nice pyramid of online tools you can use with the different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Jeff Andersen

The Differentiator - 16 views

    Interactive tool for reconsidering your learning objectives and activities along the lines of Bloom's taxonomy.
    The Differentiator is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Kaplan and Gould's Depth and Complexity, and David Chung's product menu. Try It In: French Dutch * Tweet It * Pin It
Terrence Shaneyfelt

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - 96 views

  • Anderson and Krathwohl's Taxonomy
    Good overview of Bloom' T. but even better is the section on Bloom's and Collaboration (about 1/2 down the page).
    blooms all about it
Martha Hickson

Blooms Taxonomy Poster for Teachers and Students. - HOME - Edgalaxy: Where Ed... - 12 views

    Bloom's taxonomy presented in the shape of a butterfly
Bronwyn Davies

Announcing - Bloom's Digital Taxonomy version 3.0 | Educational Origami - 1 views

    I have recently updated Bloom's Digital Taxonomy to version 3.0. This version includes starter sheets and refreshed rubrics. It is probably still a little
BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Apps Taskonomy - 77 views

    The iPad (or iPod touch or iPhone) with its apps opens many new opportunities for learning. At the same time, it offers a slightly different wrapper for older learning opportunities. Both can be worthwhile, but it would be a shame if teachers missed the former for the latter. And, if past experience and research is any indication, educators are much more likely to co-opt the new technology to accomplish the status quo. This activity is designed to help teachers think through both opportunities and to categorize those apps that lend themselves to either or both. Teachers will start by exploring a variety of apps, some that lend themselves to learning content such as math facts or spelling words and others that can be used in open ended content creation such as storytelling or photography. Then, teachers will examine a set of lessons that use these apps. Finally, teachers will use a "taxonomy" such as Bloom's Taxonomy, SAMR, LoTi, ETaP, Prensky, etc. and attempt to classify/categorize where the apps fall. Most likely teachers will need to contextualize the app to a particular use/activity. Ideally, teachers will realize that in most cases it is not the app itself, but the use that detrmines where it falls and that the apps belong in multiple places.
Michelle Kassorla

Interactive Web 2.0 Bloom's Triangle - 199 views

    Bloom's Pyramid Interactive - a collection of Web 2.0 tool links arranged in a Bloom's triangle. Excellent reference in a very small space.
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