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Kathleen N

gReactions - 0 views

    gReactions is a Firefox extension that allows you to read comments from all over the web to your posts, directly from Google Reader.
    @coolcatteacher gReactions is a Firefox extension that allows you to read comments from all over the web to your posts, directly from Google Reader.
Suzie Nestico

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Tears on the Keyboard - 0 views

    Moving forward in the face of resistance in education

Cool Cat Teacher Blog - 0 views

    Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 05/22/2013
Roland Gesthuizen

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 15 Fantastic Ways to Use Flipboard - 0 views

    "Flipboard is a phenomenal reading app for the ipad and was the big reason I begged my family to give me one for my birthday. However, because so little content is really produced FOR the flipboard, you have to know how to add it. You only get two screens of content (for now) so use it well."
Darren Draper

Reflections of a new-ish blogger « Educational Insanity - 0 views

  • I think where I’m going with this is that I worry that the ed. tech. blogosphere is reasonably saturated.  Related to Darren Draper’s post on Twitter Set Theory, I feel like there are some central figures whose spheres overlap considerably and a whole lot of us outsiders trying to penetrate that inner circle.  It’s as if folks like Will Richardson, David Warlick, Wes Fryer, Vicki Davis, Dean Shareski, Stephen Downes, Chris Lehmann…(and, yes, you Scott) are having an awesome cocktail party conversation and I’m standing on the outside staring over their shoulders and listening in, trying to get a word in, but not penetrating that conversation at all.  I know there are LOTS of us on the outside looking in. 
    • Darren Draper
      What can we do to reduce this feeling of exclusivity? Doubtless there are hundreds of great educators out there that feel this way.
    • Darren Draper
      I agree with you, David. There is no accurate measure as to the success of a blog - other than the intrinsic measure that each blogger feels about how things are going.
  • My theory is– don’t worry about getting your voice out there, or comments, or rankings, or even being invited to the right parties (inner circle) — rather focus intently on children, your vision, and leaving education better than you found it. Concentrate on helping those within your sphere of influence to make principled changes in education that is in the best interest of kids.
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Cool Cat Teacher Blog: A Beginner's Guide to Tumblr - 0 views

    Tumblr beginners guide 
Mitch Weisburgh

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: QR Code Classroom Implementation Guide - 0 views

    guide to using qr codes, with projects
Maggie Verster

Facebook Friending 101 for Schools - 52 views

    "Facebook has added an incredible complexity to our lives and relationships for one simple reason: it is in writing. The courts have always put things "in writing" in higher esteem above word of mouth. Now that we are inundated with video, text, and photographs and a set of complex relationships - we end up with things "in writing" that are distributed far beyond our true "friends" into places that get us in trouble."
Gaby K. Slezák

Metaverse for Augmented Reality: Program Breakouts and More - 14 views

    Good starter point for learning how to use or program AR (augmented reality) scenes or games in the classroom with the Metaverse browser. Good explanation about the difference between VR and AR, too
Paul Beaufait

The Epic Ebook Guide - 11 views

    Posted on Tuesday, April 1, 2014
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