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James OReilly

ThinkBalm publishes business value study « ThinkBalm: Immersive Internet insi... - 0 views

  • Nearly 30% of survey respondents (19 of 66) said their organization recouped their investment in immersive technologies in less than nine months, once their project(s) launched.
  • The top motivations for investment in immersive technology in 2008 /1Q 2009 were enabling people in disparate locations to spend time together, increased innovation, and cost savings or avoidance.
  • Early implementers are choosing the simplest use cases first. The most common were learning and training (80%, or 53 of 66 respondents focused on this use case) and meetings (76%, or 50 of 66 respondents). Some intend to take on more complex use cases in 2010 or 2011.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Immersive technology won out over a variety of alternatives primarily due to low cost and the increased engagement it delivers. The leading alternatives were Web conferencing and in-person meetings, followed by phone calls.
  • Work-related use of the Immersive Internet is in the early adopter phase. Before it can pass into the early majority phase, practitioners and the technology vendors who serve them must “cross the chasm.” The most common barriers to adoption are target users having inadequate hardware, corporate security restrictions, and getting users interested in the technology.
Caroline Roche

From cognitive capability to social reform? Shifting perceptions of learning in immersi... - 0 views

    Learning in immersive virtual worlds (simulations and virtual worlds such as Second Life) could become a central learning approach in many curricula, ...
Julie Shy

Mission 1 | Mission US | THIRTEEN - 0 views

    Mission US is a multimedia project that immerses players in U.S. history content through free interactive games.  Mission 1: "For Crown or Colony?" puts players in the shoes of Nat Wheeler, a printer's apprentice in 1770 Boston. They encounter both Patriots and Loyalists, and when rising tensions result in the Boston Massacre, they must choose where their loyalties lie.   In Mission 2: "Flight to Freedom," players take on the role of Lucy, a 14-year-old slave in Kentucky.  As they navigate her escape and journey  to Ohio, they discover that life in the "free" North is dangerous and difficult. In 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act brings disaster. Will Lucy ever truly be free? 
Tero Toivanen

Solve for X: Nicholas Negroponte on learning by themselves - YouTube - 26 views

    Nicholas Negroponte founded the MIT Media Lab (1980), WiReD Magazine (1990), and One Laptop per Child. Nicholas has recently launched a reading experiment to learn whether poor and remote kids (5-10 years old) can learn to read on their own with a solar powered, Android tablet suitably loaded with immersive and constructionist material.
Berylaube 00

Book Drum - Books - 0 views

    Book Drum is the perfect companion to the books we love, bringing them to life with immersive pictures, videos, maps and music It has been a great tool for close reading in my AP Lit class. Love Bookdrum!
Jacques Cool

Assessment, Technology, and Change - 0 views

    In this article, the authors present a model for how technology can provide more observations about student learning than current assessments. To illustrate this approach, the authors describe their early research on using immersive technologies to develop virtual performance assessments.
Jeff Johnson

Moran students get a 21st century education ( - 0 views

    His dream is to have a laptop computer in the hands of every student. While he's not quite there yet, Paul Bogush has come very close using the resources at his disposal. For Bogush, the use of technology has become the backbone of instruction. The Moran Middle School teacher was awarded a spot at the Google Teacher Academy last month, but was already immersed in the Web's free portals to engage his eighth grade class and prepare students to communicate in a digital world.
James OReilly

Versatile, Immersive, Creative and Dynamic Virtual 3-D Healthcare Learning Environments... - 0 views

shared by James OReilly on 13 Dec 08 - Cached
  • Virtual 3-D Healthcare Learning Environments
  • The author provides a critical overview of three-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds and “serious gaming” that are currently being developed and used in healthcare professional education and medicine.
  • Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations Theory
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Siemens’ Connectivism Theory
  • accelerating momentum
  • there are some fundamental questions which remain unanswered.
  • it is beneficial to address while the race to adopt and implement highly engaging Web 3-D virtual worlds is watched in healthcare professional education
  • Therefore, Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations Theory [5] and Siemens’ Connectivism Theory [6] for today’s learners will serve as theoretical frameworks for this paper.
  • A 3-D virtual world, also known as a Massively Multiplayer Virtual World (MMVW), is an example of a Web 2.0/Web 3-D dynamic computer-based application.
  • applications that enable social publishing, such as blogs and wikis
  • the most popular virtual world used by the general public is Linden Lab’s Second Life (SL)
  • Who would imagine attending medical school in a virtual world?
  • US agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health conduct meetings in SL to discuss the educational potential of SL
  • virtual medical universities exist all over the world
  • The term “avatar” is an old Sanskrit word portraying a deity which takes on a human shape
  • Trauma Center
  • Virtual worlds are currently being used as educational spaces [1] and continue to grow in popularity on campuses and businesses worldwide. Furthermore, access to versions of virtual worlds on the Web, such as “Croquet,” “Uni-Verse,” and “Multiverse” are predicted within two to three years to be mainstream in education
  • there are reported advantages to having students engage in these emerging technologies
  • By allowing students time to interact with other avatars (eg, patients, staff members, and other healthcare professionals) in a safe, simulated environment, a decrease in student anxiety, an increase in competency in learning a new skill, and encouragement to cooperate and collaborate, as well as resolve conflicts, is possible.
  • High quality 3-D entertainment that is freely accessible via Web browsing facilitates engagement opportunities with individuals or groups of people in an authentic manner that illustrates collective intelligence
  • Advanced Learning and Immersive Virtual Environment (ALIVE) at the University of Southern Queensland
  • health information island
  • Problem-based learning groups enrolled in a clinical management course at Coventry University meet in SL and are employed to build learning facilities for the next semester of SL students. This management course teaches students to manage healthcare facilities and is reported to be the first healthcare-related class to use SL as a learning environment.
  • Another example of a medical school using SL is St. George’s Medical School in London.
  • Stanford University medical school
  • Another virtual world project developed by staff at the Imperial College in London, in collaboration with the National Physical Lab in the United Kingdom, is the Second Health Project
  • Mesko [35] presents the top 10 virtual medical sites in SL.
  • The development and use of 3-D virtual worlds in nursing education is increasing.
  • Some educators may balk at adopting this technology because there is a learning curve associated with the use of 3-D virtual worlds.
  • Let’s have fun, explore these fascinating worlds and games, and network with others while respecting diverse ways of life-long learning and current researchers’ findings.
  • there is an underlying push in higher education to adopt these collaborative tools and shift the paradigm from a traditional Socratic method of education to one possessing a more active and interactive nature
  • One may view online virtual worlds and serious gaming as a threat to the adoption and purchase of high-fidelity computerized patient-simulation mannequins that are currently purchased for healthcare-profession training. For example, nurses may login into SL and learn Advanced Cardiac Life Support at their convenience, and it costs virtually nothing for the nurse and perhaps a nominal fee for the developer.
  • The educational opportunity in SL may not be a replacement for the doctor- or nurse-patient interaction or relationship, but SL may serve as an adjunct or pre- or post-learning tool.
  • one recalls when critics questioned the validity and reliability of the stethoscope invented by Laennec in 1816 and how today it is second nature to use this assessment tool.
  • 2006 health fair
Kathleen N

Quest Atlantis - 0 views

    This is an outstanding opportunity to bring a high-quality, immersive educational experience to your classroom or school (ages 10-14). From the University of Indiana and supported by the McArthur Foundation, the program is researched based and provides a number of opportunities in curriculum areas. It is also customizable for your specific educational goals.This is 21st Century Learning at it's finest. Participants must complete the professional development to gain entry for their school or class. Check it out!
Nigel Coutts

Letting how we choose to learn inform our teaching - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Think of a time when you were completely immersed in a learning challenge. A time when you became aware of the need to master a new skill or concept. A situation that took you outside of your comfort zone, when there were times that you became frustrated, when you thought of quitting, downed tools and walked away, but came back time and time again. Maybe it was a problem you had to solve. Maybe it was a challenge you wanted to overcome.
Nigel Coutts

The learner's role in their search for learning - The Learner's Way - 3 views

    Rather than expecting to be immersed in learning that shines a light on the path forward the notion of searching for driftwood that suits the learner's needs is very empowering. It requires an imagining of learning as a very active process where the learner is aware of their context, their current understanding and what they might need to move forward. It demands a conscious practice of reflection and a disposition towards taking charge of one's learning. It is a very agentic view where learning is something that you do, not something that happens to you. 
Martin Burrett

Spotlight Stories - 0 views

    "A stunning collection of immersive VR stories which can be viewed via a mobile phone or VR headset. Turn the device to view the scene as the stories unfold."
Networth and College attended

Ashley Benson: Net Worth, College Attended, Life and Career - A Comprehensive Overview ... - 0 views

    Ashley Benson, a shining star in the vast universe of television and film, stands out not just for her beauty but for her unparalleled acting prowess. From the tender age when she first graced the screen in commercials, showcasing a promise that was hard to ignore, to her transformative role as Hanna Marin in the cultural phenomenon "Pretty Little Liars," Benson's trajectory in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of meteoric. Her ability to immerse herself in diverse roles and make them her own speaks volumes of her dedication and passion for the craft.
Gaby K. Slezák

rumii - VR Conferencing and Collaboration - 11 views

    Setup your own virtual meeting rooms or training sessions in a true immersive 3D environment and interact with team mebers or learners via avatars. Runs on desktop Mac, PC and VR gear like Okulus Rift, HTC Vive and soon Daydream, too. Up to 3 users for free!

Indoor Swim School - 0 views

    At OtterSwim, we understand the significance of introducing children to the joys of swimming in a safe and controlled setting. Our Indoor swim school in Yishun is designed to give toddlers a pleasant introduction to swimming while providing heated swim classes for a more comfortable and immersive experience.
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