Evernote's Penultimate for iPad now behaves more like a real notebook - 2 views
I have been using this app as a smart board. The advantages are: you can add/edit notes as you teach, highlight vocabulary or grammar elemen, you can also use notes from previous lessons and you could also email the presented material on the Ipad to students. Students love it and it makes learning more interactive.
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This sounds cool, my husband has been really happy with using the evernote. I'm going to try this out too. :D
I use evernote all of the time for a personal "to-do" list but I never thought of using it for class. Thanks for the great ideas!
Die Engelsgeduld | Wort der Woche | DW.COM | 20.07.2015 - 2 views
dass man sich durch nichts aus der Ruhe bringen lässt
dass sie Frühstück für ihn mach
Als er die ganze Nacht feiern war und morgens verlangt,
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5.1 Dogoriti.pdf - 1 views
Twitter is used as an ongoing public channel of communication for academic and co-curricular discussions
English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
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21st Century Fluency Project - 1 views
tsdwlstandards - Interpretive Reading strategies - 2 views
Reading Steps
No - this isn't exactly an article! But I'm glad I found it because s a very helpful summary of how to approach a reading with a view to comprehension. And I have highlighted this heading because it's a reminder that reading can take different forms, and that each one is a process -- and those processes often have to be explicitly taught to our L2 students. We all tend to take reading and comprehending for granted and not realize how variety there can be in how we approach at text. And we tend to forget that it's not at all passive. It's a complex process in our L1. How much more so in an L2.
VoiceThread in the Classroom - 2 views
Learn Chinese with CSLPOD - 3 views
Why Diigo Rocks for Educators! | TeachHUB - 7 views
Once the group is created, you can create student accounts. No email addresses needed. You create the username and password.
There are groups for all these where members can share their saves to not only their inventory but to the group as well. Diigo will email you once a week with all the new content. Pretty neat, huh?
There are loads of other features as well, like highlighting on a webpage, adding sticky notes to pages, saving pages to read later without actually adding them to your collection and so much more.
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I love that you can use this with students! I had no clue. Thanks for sharing.
As I am still trying to understand the full benefits of using Diigo, I found this article of tremendous help. Thank you for sharing!
This seems really useful. I'm excited about Diigo for my own use, hadn't thought about using it with students yet.
I've Been Using Evernote All Wrong. Here's Why It's Actually Amazing - 1 views
I kept hearing how awesome Evernote was
Archive whiteboard notes
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I used to use Evernote a while ago for a staff writer/communications job I held in grad school. It helped a great deal with keeping my boss informed on my progress on news stories and for making suggestions. After reading this, I want to go back to it. I remember how organized it made me feel-- I'm sure I could use a lot more of that as a teacher! Thanks for sharing. Glad that Evernote is back on my radar-- with so much more to it than I remember!
Media Use in the Classroom - 2 views
Joe Dale explores how languages teachers have embraced technology in the classroom
The use of social media has allowed colleagues to get to know each other as real people not just teachers and this has strengthened the sense of cohesion, solidarity and collective confidence.
gy suited to MFL? Well, one of the fundamentals of language learning is re
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Facilitating a Class Twitter Chat | Edutopia - 3 views
Communicate the public nature of Twitter to parents. Consider an opt-out alternative for students or parents who are uncomfortable with participating in the classroom chat.
assist students in moving back and forth between their own words and technical or course-specific terms. And help highlight particular content with the use of sentence starters.
Do you feel the chat’s objective was reached? What was the most useful part of the chat? How might we improve the chat?
Thanks for sharing, Carmen-- I am also considering students who do not have Twitter, or parent concerns, and I wonder if small group work might be a solution- Using the twitter account of one student, another student or group of students help to compose responses, stay hidden from their online contributions.
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Thanks for this suggestions, Carmen-- will use it!
Especially middle/high school parents/students may feel more comfortable using a platform provided by the district. I am also planning to use the discussion board in the district's platform. I can definitely use the tips in this article.
The Best Ways to Build Student's Interpretive Listening Skills | Calico Spanish - 6 views
“Students should practice picking up key words and extrapolating main ideas using the context of what they hear.” @ChristeyHughes responded, “En français, we often refer to ‘la tolérance de l’ambiguité’ to be able to work through, perhaps not getting each word.”
“…Make sure that you select an appropriate length for novices–small doses of ‘anything.’”
“Multiple choice requires no production of any kind. Really, it’s only good for finding out what they don’t know.” @LauraJaneBarber said, “I like to do listening as input for a writing or speaking task. Can show true comprehension better than multiple choice.”
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Mirroring Project - 2 views
Mirroring Project:
Step 1: Identify major pronunciation challenge
Step 2: Choose appropriate model
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Why Teachers And Students Should Blog: 18 Benefits of Educational Blogging - 3 views
let’s explore why blogging has lasted while other tools have come and gone.The simple reason is, a blog is more than a tool. It’s anything you want it to be. A blog is a blank canvas and a virtual home for you to set up however you like.Blogs are simply websites. The only real difference between a blog and a traditional website is that it is generally updated more frequently and usually offers interaction in the form of comments.
New Tools for the Flipped School: Interactive Visual Media in Remote Learning - 4 views
This article focuses on the use, potential benefits, and best practices of interactive visual media in online education and remote learning. We will discuss: What are the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning? What are some examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students? How can students use interactive visual media for documenting and sharing their learning?
Interactive images, videos, and virtual tours can support online learning by providing an alternative to text-based communication. Here are three arguments for why this is the case.
Humans remember pictures better than words (the “picture superiority effect”)
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An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
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An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
A very complete article about the advantages of using images and learning. I really want to learn how to use thinglink now.
https://tophat.com/blog/synchronous-teaching-tools/ - 2 views
Highlighting the importance of building connections with students, strengthening support systems and assessing learners with a multitude of options in your synchronous online course
The Elephant in the Language Classroom | Edutopia - 3 views
have concluded that collaborative and cooperative learning methods improve students' time on tasks and motivation to learn. Language teachers are finding that group activities and conversational pairing have distinct advantages over individualised tasks. Students enjoy interacting with each other, particularly in speaking activities, and opportunities to do so are relished. The prospect of school exchanges, making new social links abroad, and exploring new cultures is another powerful motivator. The pairing of language students with counterparts abroad is the next logical step. Working effectively online with native speakers is a challenging and alluring proposition.
Assessment is more difficult
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The article highlights the effectiveness of collaborative and cooperative language learning activities such as school exchanges and pairing students with counterparts abroad. It also bring up the issue of difficult assessment gets in the way and brings to the front solo performances and summative examinations.
I certainly agree with this as being an effective way to language learning. We in the military community use the group/pair work approach for many reasons. Pair work keeps them interested and motivated to learn. It also makes better use of class time. I also think that when the students are ready for the OPI, they generally do better than if they were in a traditional classroom. As for assessment, yes it is more difficult, but it is up to us as instructors to find ways to measure the students' performance based on the interaction. Once the student is in country, it will be up to him/her to communicate with others. That will be the true test.
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