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Marlene Johnshoy

Week 2 - Activity 3 - CARLA Tech Online - 1 views

  • B. Install the “Diigolet” into your browser  (Due Thursday, July 16)
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Now I can add a note and save it to the group. It should show up in the Diigo group page list of posts - with a colored bar alongside the note, or a little post-it note icon.
    If you are seeing this with the Chrome Extension - I'm discovering that there is no way to share your highlights and post-it notes with the group. Go back and install the Diigolet - instructions in Week 2!

Die Engelsgeduld | Wort der Woche | DW.COM | 20.07.2015 - 2 views

  • dass man sich durch nichts aus der Ruhe bringen lässt
  • dass sie Frühstück für ihn mach
  • Als er die ganze Nacht feiern war und morgens verlangt,
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • anonymous
      A great warm-up for students to find the "Nebensätze" in this short read that is also an insight into having "the patience of an angel."
    Word of the Week from Highlighting & annotating for creating a lesson based on this material.
Amy Uribe

▶ Socrative in the Classroom - YouTube - 2 views

    Want to learn how to use Socrative?  Here is a 3 minute video.  
    I have used Socrative and my First Graders were very good using it. So, no excuses for older ones. I like the fact that we can add pictures and share the SOCs with other teachers.
    Thanks Amy for these videos on Animato and Socrative. It is so much easier to try a new tool when you have a step by step explanation.
Amy Uribe

▶ How to Use Animoto in a High School Classroom - YouTube - 2 views

    If you want ideas for how teachers use Animoto, check out this video. at about minute 3:40 it talks about how students can use it.  
senora heebsh

Free Technology for Teachers: 3 Ways, Other Than Skype, to Bring Experts Into Class - 2 views

    Bringing experts into your classroom via video conferencing can be an excellent enhancement to your students' learning experiences. Video conferencing can also be used to connect classrooms in a 21st century version of penpal exchanges. Skype is the most common tool for making these connections and for good reason Skype is the most popular video conferencing application.

Connecting a Classroom: Reflections on Using Social Media With My Students - Education ... - 2 views

  • eflections on Using Social Media
  • Social media can expand our thoughts and ideas and connect us to what is going on in the rest of the world. It would be cool getting ideas that are actually present outside our community.”
  • sk students to help develop ways to use that platform to connect within and beyond your classroom. Co-create virtual community with students rather than for them. This obviously looks different for elementary classrooms than for secondary, but all students should feel a sense of ownership over the classroom accounts.
    • moramichal
      " ask students to help develop ways to use that platform to connect within and beyond your classroom. Co-create virtual community with students rather than for them. This obviously looks different for elementary classrooms than for secondary, but all students should feel a sense of ownership over the classroom accounts". i think that this is the key - not building for them but with them
    • Kimberly Jaeger
      That's a great statement to highlight. This applies to higher ed as well. (Kim, Group 3)
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • olso2135
      I like this idea, but wonder how it would look in a classroom where some students have extremely limited tech knowledge. Maybe pairing them up with other students and having them teach each other?
anonymous | brainstorm and mind map online - 3 views

    Here's a great, free resource for creating mind maps. An invaluable tool!

Second-Language Acquisition and the Information Age: How Social Software has Created a ... - 3 views

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    Alternatively, you can download the PDF file directly to your computer, from where it can be opened using a PDF reader. To download the PDF, click the Download link above.


6 Creative Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom | Edudemic - 3 views

  • 4. Use it for tutoring.
    • Diane Nordin
      In Skype Classroom, you will find some people who are providing tutoring service there.
  • 5. Host a virtual Career Exploration Day.
  • 6. Enable better collaboration for group projects and extracurricular activities.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • For Collaborating:
  • For Presentations:
  • For Recording:
  • The Tools That Help
    • Diane Nordin
      Nice list of tools that can be used with (or without) Skype.
  • Skype is one more free and infinitely useful tool that educators can add to their toolbox
  • 1. Use it to collaborate with other classrooms.
  • 3. Enable participation (and catch-up) for students outside of the classroom.
  • 2. Use it to conduct expert interviews.
  • Q&A or more of a lecture
  • doing some research and coming up with questions in advance, so they have an opportunity to interact with the expert and learn more.
  • Students will get a glimpse into different career options and learn a little more about their peers, and parents get a chance to be more involved with the class
    The expert interviews are something I need to do more of. Love the idea of a virtual Career day. Would be a good way to keep alums connected.
Martha Borden

Synchronous Learning Experiences: Distance and Residential Learners' Perspective in a B... - 0 views

    Published Winter 2007 in the Journal of Interactive Online Learning
Marlene Johnshoy

Summer PD: New Teacher Boot Camp Week 3 - Using Storybird | Edutopia - 1 views

    We need to get all of the "Boot Camp" pages in here, I think!  This one is on Storybird
Martha Borden

10 Ways to Archive Your Tweets - 2 views

    I noticed that I was only getting about 3 days' worth of tweets in Seesimic and then they didn't show any more - especially in the group hashtags for the "storytweeting" activity - so this interested me. You may also be interested in how to keep student tweets for classroom purposes.
    What do you do if you need to go back to find an old tweet or want to assess a student based on a series of tweets-archive the tweets. here are 10 ways to archive the tweets.

3 Strategies to Rock your ESL Class | eduCanon's blog - 0 views

  • #2 Bring in American/English TV Shows
    • amykrowland
      I think this is a great way to bring popular culture into the classroom.  TV shows provide a more authentic representation of language than educational videos. 

21st Century Icebreakers: 13 Ways To Get To Know Your Students with Technology | TeachB... - 5 views

    I like this listing of ice breakers.  Many would work in a language classroom with some tweaking, depending on the level.  I like 2, 7, and 9 for novice low-mid students.

Why Diigo Rocks for Educators! | TeachHUB - 7 views

  • Once the group is created, you can create student accounts. No email addresses needed. You create the username and password.
  • There are groups for all these where members can share their saves to not only their inventory but to the group as well. Diigo will email you once a week with all the new content. Pretty neat, huh? 
  • There are loads of other features as well, like highlighting on a webpage, adding sticky notes to pages, saving pages to read later without actually adding them to your collection and so much more.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • When you save to Diigo your saves go anywhere because they are saved to the cloud. Sounds mystical doesn't it?
    • mauritzenj
      I am so mad I never used this earlier! It is really fantastic.
  • One of the most powerful features is the tagging. Basically, if I save and don't tag it, I will have to remember the name of the site or something in the address
  • your saves don't travel with you from computer to computer and device to device.
  • So if students are working on a group project they can share their saves together, automatically. Or as a class, if you are working on something everyone can contribute information they find.
    • cwelton
      I love this concept--in level 3 I sometimes have the students do peer-editing of papers or projects, and I think Diigo could pair well with a pre-editing phase where they could collaborate on research as well as composition!
    • tkozhanova
      I agree. i like this idea too!
  • hen visit the Educator Area and apply for the Educator upgrade.
    I love that you can use this with students! I had no clue. Thanks for sharing.
    As I am still trying to understand the full benefits of using Diigo, I found this article of tremendous help. Thank you for sharing!
    This seems really useful. I'm excited about Diigo for my own use, hadn't thought about using it with students yet.

Best Practices for an Online Spanish Course - The FLTMAG - 5 views

  • nearly a third of American college courses are now taught online.
  • anguage instructors need to be convinced that online education presents a responsible learning environment for students,
  • lexibility. S
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Personalization.
  • Autonomy. 
  • tudents must assume greater responsibility and organization for their learning journey than in the face-to-face classroom.
  • . Automation. 
  • ongoing guidance and supervision from instructors, with regards to logistical and pedagogical issues.
  • increase student collaboration,
  • Monday: I
  • teacher-centered
  • forum
  • ourse content and logistics
  • Online grammar and vocabulary activities. Students work on their own with input, explanations, and activities from an online textbook.  
  • istening activities. We created interactive “video lessons” using Adobe Captivate: 5 minutes interviews, accompanied by comprehension questions, vocabulary, grammar exercises, and short writing assignments. For these activities, we interviewed various professionals around Davis
  • Speaking asynchronous activities. In Canvas, students record a video message related to a specific communicative task. For example, they compare Davis to a city in the Hispanic world. Also, they have to comment on at least one video from a classmate
  • ynchronous speaking activities. They consist of a video chat with the instructor and 2-3 students, working on communicative activities related to the lesson. It is student-centered day and learners tend to receive more feedback than in the traditional face-to-face classroom
  • riting activities.
    • kelseypelham
      I love the way UC Davis has the week split up. I'm wondering if they run into students with conflicts with the synchronous schedule? How much coordination does it take? How many hours is the instructor putting in on Thursdays and Fridays meeting with students? I love the idea, just need to see how it works in practice.
  • Student preparation: Students need more preparation for the online learning experience. The creation of a mandatory workshop
  • mphasizing the pedagogical particularities of online learning, could help with student attrition, which is usually higher in online courses than in traditional courses.
  • e
  • Transition from a focus on activities to a focus on projects: dynamic assessment, portfolios, self-evaluations, tandems, etc.
    • kelseypelham
      I agree that this would be great, but logistically can be hard especially at lower-levels where so much repetition and practice is needed, particularly with grammar structures.
    • kelseypelham
      It is true that more students do tend to "fall through the cracks" in online classes. A short workshop that preps them for success in online classes would be ideal. If not, we should address it in the courses themselves.
    This describes a really good setup for an online language course!
    Seems pretty formulaic - so a good place to start!
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