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Kim Fynboh

Educational Blogging Platforms for Students - 1 views

    Today there are lots of creative blogging tools for students to use at school, but the five below are specifically catered towards a K-12 audience and come with lots of useful features for teachers and students. So, if you are itching to get your students online, consider the following options.
Kim Fynboh

Skype in the Classroom - 1 views

    gives you some interesting resources or ideas in using skype in the classroom
Kim Fynboh

Educational Leadership:Meeting Students Where They Are:Why Teachers Should Try Twitter - 5 views

    • senora heebsh
      Good article for convincing non-tweeters that it is a good tool. For Carla Tech 11, we already know this information.
    • anonymous
      Well, we are all trying it... that's a start.
  • eaching professionals have found ways to use Twitter to share resources and lend quick support to peers with similar interests
    • senora heebsh
      I've only used twitter for 2 days, and I have ALREADY created a PLN that is full of ideas.
  • o build a
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • network of people
  • I now turn to Twitter friends for help in the same way that I turn to the teachers on my hallway. Recently, a friend in my Twitter feed pointed me to a great strategy for structuring classroom discussions, a practice I'd been struggling with (
    • senora heebsh
    • Lorraine Effler
      I can see this being a great use of Twitter.
    • Kim Fynboh
      this would work!
  • he primary reason for my inability to embrace differentiation as a teacher was that, until recently, I'd never experienced differentiation as a learner. Like most practitioners, I've spent too much professional development time sitting in lectures delivered to entire faculties. No one offered preassessments, tiered lessons, or learning contracts to my colleagues or me.
    • senora heebsh
      How true is that...Back to school fall workshops anyone?
    • Kim Fynboh
      I don't think I'm ready for fall workshops quite yet! :)
senora heebsh

50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom - 4 views

    I liked how the teacher videotaped the skype conversation with a flipcam in order to replay it for her students. Then, they could focus on parts of the conversation in more detail.
    I like the idea of the flipcam as well. I also like how she manages to have those kids skype, which is a difficult tasks to do. This is a very good example on how a whole group can skype with another located in another part of the world.
    At our school there is a phenomenal social studies teacher who uses Skype to talk to students in the Middle East. I would love to chat with students from Mexico or another Spanish speaking country, but am unsure about how to get started. Does anyone have any tips about how to find a partner school and set up interaction? I think this is essentially part of 'ePals'. Does anyone use this? Share your experiences, please, if you have!
Susan Wicht

French Language Study - 2 views

    A useful site for learners with a special thumbnail for teachers. I have used it frequently.
heidikreutzer - 2 views

    • heidikreutzer
      These 5 criteria are important to keep in mind as we design our interpersonal activities.
    This is a good description of the interpersonal mode, how to design activities, what a rubric might look like, and sample activities.

When Not to Use Video Chat for Language Learning | | Academic Technology Specialists - 0 views

  • October 31, 2011
    • lars3969
      This article is not the most recent, but it's still an interesting read.
  • trying to have a conversation with someone you have never met, over a low quality video connection, in a language you don’t speak very well, is quite challenging socially as well as linguistically.
    • lars3969
      This is the most interesting point in the article. Even when speaking with another native English speaker on Skype or Google Hangouts, it can be hard to negotiate turn taking.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Anyone who has used video chat for business purposes knows just how difficult it is to execute turn-taking, interrupting, and politeness.

The Official Padlet Blog - 5 views

    This is Padlet's official blog, full of ideas and tips. I didn't realize that Padlet had its own blog until now and thought I'd share it (rather than zeroing in on one specific post).

Mirroring Project - 2 views

  • Mirroring Project:
    • lars3969
      Colleen has presented on the Mirroring Project in some of my classes. It seems to have impressive results for international students' pronunciation and presentation skills.
  • Step 1: Identify major pronunciation challenge
    • lars3969
      This is the "before" video for an international graduate teaching assistant.
  • Step 2: Choose appropriate model
    • lars3969
      Typically, students choose a TED speaker whose style they want to emulate.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Step 4: Mirror the original recording.
    • lars3969
      The goal here is for the international student to copy the TED speaker as much as possible. They should think about pronunciation, intonation, stress, and gesture.
  • speaker with strong non-native rhythm and intonation patterns.
    • lars3969
      I don't know how to un-highlight. Oh well!
  • speaker with strong non-native rhythm and intonation patterns.
  • speaker with strong non-native rhythm and intonation patterns.
  • speaker with strong non-native rhythm and intonation patterns.

20 useful ways to use Padlet in class now | Ditch That Textbook - 10 views

  • Gather responses globally — Create a Padlet with a question and post it on Twitter, a blog or other social media. (A hashtag like #comments4kids could help more people see it and respond.) See where in the world responses come from!
    • heidikreutzer
      It would be great if the class/students could get feedback from all over the world - especially in the target language!
    For all of you Padlet fans - here's a ton of ideas for putting it to more use!
    More ways to use Padlet in class.
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