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New Tools for the Flipped School: Interactive Visual Media in Remote Learning - 4 views

  • This article focuses on the use, potential benefits, and best practices of interactive visual media in online education and remote learning. We will discuss: What are the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning? What are some examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students? How can students use interactive visual media for documenting and sharing their learning?
  • Interactive images, videos, and virtual tours can support online learning by providing an alternative to text-based communication. Here are three arguments for why this is the case.
    • vallb001
      Agreed. I think we must keep in mind the Internet goes beyond text and video. If we use online tools just as we used books and VCRs in the bast, we are wasting the potential of the Internet.
  • Humans remember pictures better than words (the “picture superiority effect”)
  • ...46 more annotations...
  • Multisensory experience triggers simultaneous associations.
  • Pictures, sounds, and words together with a contextual experience of a place can create memorable learning experiences more efficiently than plain images or written words alone that are not associated with anything real
  • Seeing a new word written under a picture and hearing how it is pronounced, helps us understand and remember what we are looking at.
  • Virtual tours expand our fields of perception from physical to digital.
  • We can remember and learn on a virtual field trip the same way as we learn on a physical field trip.
  • Interactive videos, audio posters, narrated screenshots, and virtual tours can be effective tools for online education that help educators and learners work together using not only text-based communication, but also voice, video, and images.
  • A great way for giving assignments or sharing projects is adding voice instructions to various areas of a photo, poster or a screenshot.
  • Equipment: The good news is, you only need your phone or laptop, so there is no need to invest in additional hardware unless you want to
  • Setup: A video lesson can be very similar to your lesson in the classroom.
  • Recording: Find a place with natural light where you feel comfortable, and start recording. The audience is your students so picture them in front of you, and address them as you would in the class. You may even mention some of them by name to keep their attention!
  • Duration: Our recommendation is you look at the lesson as a whole and divide it into parts, max 10-15 minutes and ideally 6 minutes each.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • 1. Explain visuals with text labels
  • 2. Explain abstract concepts with detailed descriptions
  • 3. Explain assignments using your voice
  • 4. Art history: Introduce a masterpiece
  • 5. Literature: Interpret a masterpiece
  • 6. Read to your students
  • 7. Learn vocabulary in new places
  • 8. Narrate your own virtual lesson
  • 9. Create a virtual field trip with assignment
  • 10. Ask students to narrate a virtual audio tour
  • Supporting student-centered learning with interactive visual media
  • Project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and problem-based learning are constructivist approaches to education that develop the learners skills for research, problem-solving and collaboration. The process is based on authentic questions and problems identified by students, and finding information and explanation models to research and solve them.
  • An important aspect of student-centered learning is documenting the various phases and aspects of the learning process.
  • The following examples will show how students can use mixed media for completing various kinds of creative assignments and sharing them with their teacher and fellow students.
  • In the following, we summarize 10 easy project ideas for remote learning that encourage students to 1) make handwritten, visual and pictorial notes, collages and artwork, and 2) enhance and explain their work using digital audio/text notes, photos and video. Each of the examples provide a mix of learning opportunities combining traditional student work in the classroom with digital storytelling at home. The projects can be shared to a learning management system or collaboration platform such as Canvas, Schoology, Google Education or Microsoft Teams.
  • 1. Make an interactive greeting card
  • 2. Create an interactive book report
  • 3. Make a vocabulary poster in a foreign language
  • 4. Introduce yourself
  • 5. Create an interactive herbarium
  • 6. Make your own comic strips
  • 7. Create an interactive timeline
  • 8. Explain details of a painting
  • 9. Create an interactive map
  • 10. Build a diorama
  • Hotspots, what are they and how do they work? The purpose of the clickable hotspots is to give the viewer further information and resources on the topic they are learning about. Teachers and students can add various types of content in the hotspots, such as text, additional closeup images, video, sound, links and embedded web content such as maps or forms. These resources can serve any of the following functions: Building perspective by linking to related materials Improving comprehension of the topic by highlighting key concepts and vocabulary Zooming into details in a scene Creating a feedback loop by including a call to action
    • pamh6832
      These would be very helpful in a flipped classroom or with distance teaching.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Best practices for developing students' creativity and digital storytelling skills at home
  • School teachers
  • School teachers
    • pamh6832
      10 creative ideas for students to use ThingLink while remote learning and in traditional classroom. I could see doing #3 (vocabulary poster) and #4 (introduce yourself) during first quarter.
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I have been thinking of what makes Thinglink different from the Microsoft Power Point? PPT also enables you to add recording on a slide. Later, I realized that Thinglink enables multiple layers to one picture/screen. Users can opt to access to other media or information when necessary. It would be useful to provide scaffolding only when it is necessary (e.g., students click links to get hint only when they cannot complete the task by themselves). Thinglink also condense information within one page/slide/screen without having to scroll down. However, we may be economical when we decide how many links we want to put on one screen.
    Whether we like it or not, it looks like we're going to consider some of this information in the upcoming school year. As I browsed the article, I realize options are almost unlimited but of course it requires time to figure out and prepare materials. Last spring I felt a bit like a Youtuber and I see how that is not actually an easy job!
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
    A very complete article about the advantages of using images and learning. I really want to learn how to use thinglink now.
Marcie Pratt

Social-networking sites in foreign language classes: Opportunities for re-creation | Ka... - 4 views

  •   38   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS 2001). This difference in ‘lifestyle’ gives educators reason to believe we shouldincorporate SNS usage into our class-related activities, to capture these students’imaginations and t their thought patterns and socializing habits (Godwin-Jones,2008; Winke & Goertler, 2008).However, although technology is an integral part of neomillennial students’lives, they often do not know how to use technology in ways that would benet them in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Dieu & Stevens, 2007;Kolaitis, Mahoney, Pomann, & Hubbard, 2006; Winke & Goertler, 2008). Suc - cessful CALL activities, then, often require a substantial training period at theoutset (Jones & Bissoonauth-Bedford, 2008; Kolaitis et al., 2006), and studentsmay be less enthusiastic about a class’s language and culture projects if the formof computer-mediated communication ( CMC) employed is not the type they areaccustomed to using (McBride & Wildner-Bassett, 2008; Thorne, 2003). A usefulresponse may be to craft CALL activities more to the practices that our studentsare familiar with (Winke & Goertler, 2008). SNSs are an obvious possibility to consider, given their tremendous popularity.If we can get our F
  • we can get our FL students to interact socially on SNSs, then they may beengaged in more authentic social and communicative behavior than typically hap-pens in classrooms, because “instead of merely simulating other modes of interac-tion, technology mediated communication is, in and of itself, the real thing
  •   40   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS and sites like it, knowing, socially and technically, how to re-use media in thisparticular way has become foundational for communication and creative expres- sion over the Web” (Perkel, 2008, p. 218). We can call this activity of writing/remixing the self through the manipulationof text and media ‘ self-authorship.’ Within the framework of CALL, this term refers to students authoring their own materials which can then serve as the basisfor learning and lessons. Using student-created materials as the center of a lesson ts with a student-centered pedagogy (Dieu, Campbell, & Ammann, 2006). Self-authorship activities can increase interest and time on task, and they put students in a more active role in their own learning process (Kramsch, A’Ness, & Lam,2000; Nikolova, 2002).Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Such use could instantiate the primary condition that research has shown to encourage L2 acquisition: timespent on meaningfully embedded interaction and negotiation with others
  • Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning and language develop through interaction with others, by means of in- ternalizing problem-solving patterns that are rst experienced in dialogue withothers (Vygotsky, 1978). SNSs therefore are a promising tool for FL education intheir capacity to be used by learners as L2 practice in a way similar to how they are used by the majority of young people in our society.
    • Marcie Pratt
      I did not mean to highlight so much. Can't find the "undo" highlight. I believe the paragraph starting with "If we can get our FL students..." is important because as FL teachers we are always working towards getting out students to speak in the target langauge and with as much authenticity as possible. By working with an SNS then they might be more apt to use their L2 skills in a more authentic way outside of the classroom as mentioned in the paragraph.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      Great comment! SNS are a way to help students connect class with the real world and someone besides peers and instructors. Interaction through SNS is practice in the target language with speakers of that language, helpful for when they study abroad, for when they graduate and find a job where they interact with Spanish speakers in the case of my students population. These kinds of interactions build on confidence and improvement of speaking skills.
Caroline Switzer Kelly

Not an Introvert, Not an Extrovert? You May Be An Ambivert - WSJ - 1 views

  • Ambiverts have introverted and extroverted traits, but neither trait is dominant. As a result, they have more balanced, or nuanced, personalities. They aren’t the folks yammering your ear off. Nor are they the totally silent ones happily ensconced in the corner.
  • speaking up or listening carefully
  • with greater ease than either extroverts or introverts.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • You can tell if you’re an ambivert by asking yourself how you’d behave in common situations.
    There has been some discussion about introverts' comfort level with online comments. Here's another take on the introvert/extrovert classification!

3 Digital Tools for Helping Students Gain Perspective on Immigration | MindShift | KQED... - 5 views

  • For young people without a personal connection to an immigration story, these websites, games, multimedia news pieces, and more, can help put a human face on an abstract debate.
  • For students with first-hand knowledge of the immigrant experience, they can find validation of their stories and/or those of their friends and family.
  • they can help students step back for a big-picture, historical perspective on U.S. immigration
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • ismaelfranqui
      The foreign born population map information says, "The culture and politics of the US have always been profoundly shaped by the material and emotional ties many of its residents have had to the places where they were born".
  • analyze migration patterns for the whole country over time
    • ismaelfranqui
      This one is amazing and must be fully explored. "Illuminating, up-close-and-personal visit to the U.S.-Mexico border".
  • This unique interactive resource can be a valuable supplement to a lesson or unit about U.S. immigration.
  • an illuminating, intimate visit to the U.S.-Mexico border
  • Teachers can use Borderland for whole-class discussion and exploration, or give students time to experience these powerful stories on their own.
    • ismaelfranqui
      Not free (9.99) but sounds like an amazing learning experience.
  • Players approve or deny someone entry to a fictional country, basing their decisions on an ever-increasing number of virtual documents they must read and analyze.
    "You have no idea what people will do to reach the United States - until you hear their stories". (From reviewed tool NPR Borderline Stories)
Marlene Johnshoy

Tomorrow's College - Online Learning - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views

  • The University System of Maryland now requires undergraduates to take 12 credits in alternative learning modes, including online. Texas has proposed a similar rule. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is pushing to have 25 percent of credits earned online by 2015.
  • In a test, there's no one telling you that you can't look at the book, says Ariel Hatten, 20, a junior and nursing major who considers her online class an easy A. "No one enforces you to do the right thing" in an online course, Ms. Hatten says. "It's at your discretion. I care about my grade, so if I don't know the answer, I'm not gonna let myself fail when I have an opportunity to look in the book."
  • When Central Florida began experimenting with online courses in the mid-1990s, it didn't expect demand from on-campus students like Ms. Black. Officials figured they'd get students who lived far away. But early on, about 75 percent of online students were already on the campus or lived nearby.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The university has a severe shortage of classroom space.
  • The university remains 40 percent short on classroom space. One of its coping strategies is invisible on a campus dotted with new buildings—football stadium, basketball arena, pastel dorms—that scream Traditional State U. UCF has become a hybrid university.
  • Blended classes generate the highest student evaluations of any learning mode at Central Florida, and, like her classmates, Ms. Black is a fan.
  • One of her mixed-mode professors, Youngsoo Choi, likes the online component for another reason: It makes students grapple with material before they meet for class.
  • ther students customize their own unofficial blends
  • Some students show up more than an hour early for a seat, but attendance isn't mandatory. Students can also watch online videos of the lectures any time. Mr. Harrison catches some lectures and skips others. He likes the freedom of these video classes.
  • There's a lot of distractions that come with putting courses on the Internet."
  • His first experience with an online course was a struggle. He got lazy. He'd tell himself, I'll watch the lecture between 2 and 4 p.m. Something would come up. He'd say, I'll watch two tomorrow. He fell behind. There was no help. He got a C.
  • "I tell them, 'Listen, I don't want you to think that I'm stalking you or anything, but I will certainly try to get ahold of you if you're not turning in work and participating,'" she says. Some are adolescents, she notes. Most don't have online experience.

Best Practices for an Online Spanish Course - The FLTMAG - 5 views

  • nearly a third of American college courses are now taught online.
  • anguage instructors need to be convinced that online education presents a responsible learning environment for students,
  • lexibility. S
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Personalization.
  • Autonomy. 
  • tudents must assume greater responsibility and organization for their learning journey than in the face-to-face classroom.
  • . Automation. 
  • ongoing guidance and supervision from instructors, with regards to logistical and pedagogical issues.
  • increase student collaboration,
  • Monday: I
  • teacher-centered
  • forum
  • ourse content and logistics
  • Online grammar and vocabulary activities. Students work on their own with input, explanations, and activities from an online textbook.  
  • istening activities. We created interactive “video lessons” using Adobe Captivate: 5 minutes interviews, accompanied by comprehension questions, vocabulary, grammar exercises, and short writing assignments. For these activities, we interviewed various professionals around Davis
  • Speaking asynchronous activities. In Canvas, students record a video message related to a specific communicative task. For example, they compare Davis to a city in the Hispanic world. Also, they have to comment on at least one video from a classmate
  • ynchronous speaking activities. They consist of a video chat with the instructor and 2-3 students, working on communicative activities related to the lesson. It is student-centered day and learners tend to receive more feedback than in the traditional face-to-face classroom
  • riting activities.
    • kelseypelham
      I love the way UC Davis has the week split up. I'm wondering if they run into students with conflicts with the synchronous schedule? How much coordination does it take? How many hours is the instructor putting in on Thursdays and Fridays meeting with students? I love the idea, just need to see how it works in practice.
  • Student preparation: Students need more preparation for the online learning experience. The creation of a mandatory workshop
  • mphasizing the pedagogical particularities of online learning, could help with student attrition, which is usually higher in online courses than in traditional courses.
  • e
  • Transition from a focus on activities to a focus on projects: dynamic assessment, portfolios, self-evaluations, tandems, etc.
    • kelseypelham
      I agree that this would be great, but logistically can be hard especially at lower-levels where so much repetition and practice is needed, particularly with grammar structures.
    • kelseypelham
      It is true that more students do tend to "fall through the cracks" in online classes. A short workshop that preps them for success in online classes would be ideal. If not, we should address it in the courses themselves.
    This describes a really good setup for an online language course!
    Seems pretty formulaic - so a good place to start!

Going the Distance: Online Learning Ideas | Creative Language Class - 7 views

  • Instead of you being their main source of language input… put your authentic resources to work. I started playing with Google Classroom and here’s a snapshot of what you could do to PLAN and ORGANIZE learning.
    • pamh6832
      Example of appropriate use of Google Translate.
    • pamh6832
      This is an example of using authentic videos for an interpretive assignment. We study house-related vocabulary in ch.6B of "Autentico 1" (the textbook we use with our Spanish 2 students). An activity like this would work in that unit.
    Megan Smith wrote about ways to adapt a lesson about houses for a traditional class to one for an online class. She included interpretive, interpersonal and presentational activities.
    I love the way she set-up these examples. Has anyone done something similar? What was your experience with the 20% Free Time? I'm considering something similar in the "fall"... which is coming up quickly. No matter the schedule, I've always liked the idea, 20% Free/Genius Hour. If you have experience with this, I would love to hear about how you set them up.. and assessed them.
Beth Kautz

11970.pdf - 2 views

    " Using TPCK with digital story issues in educational technology Abstract Digital storytelling is recognized as a motivating students in critical thinking and reflective learni ng storytelling are readily available and much easier to use today than they were in years pa convergence of these facto rs has facilitated the inclusion of digital storyte lling in p educational technology courses . Some researchers have expressed concern over approach technology instruction over careful consideration of the educational value of the tool, speculating that such are unlikely to result in powerful uses of technology in schools. Mishra and Koehler (2006) proposed a conceptual framework technology an d pedagogy. With emphasis on the development of Content Knowledge (TPCK) , the model reframes for pre-service teachers. This case stud framework to a digital storytelling project in an u ndergraduate teacher education course. Keywords: digital storytelling, educational technology, Techn ological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPCK Journal of Instructional Pedagogies TPCK with Digital Storytelling digital story tell ing to investigate contemporary issues in educational technology "
Marlene Johnshoy

Online Peer Feedback in Beginners' Writing Tasks: Lessons Learned | IALLT - 1 views

    Abstract This study contributes to the body of research that aims to understand the relationship between online communication and foreign language (FL) learning, in particular when teachers seek to provide authentic opportunities for interaction for their learners. The study was motivated by efforts made in the New Zealand context to overcome the geographic limitations of interaction between FL learners and native speakers. We report on the findings of an exploratory study into an online reciprocal peer tutoring program established to enhance the FL learning of a group of beginner eleven-year old students of Spanish, with particular focus on the benefits of written corrective feedback. The project aimed to examine the processes by which students tutored each other in the online environment as they responded to each other's texts. The analysis of the students' messages focused on (1) the aspects of language corrected by the tutors, (2) the frequency with which tutors accurately identified and provided input on errors, (3) the types of feedback provided by the tutors, and (4) what the learners did with the corrections and feedback. The findings indicate that the students were willing to contribute to peer correction and used different strategies and correction techniques to foster attention to linguistic form, although they were not always capable of providing accurate feedback or metalinguistic explanations.

The Backchannel: Giving Every Student a Voice in the Blended Mobile Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

    • sarahlbassett
      A backchannel could be a really useful adaptation for SPED and EL students in mainstream classes who find themselves left behind in conversation
    • moramichal
      just used SLAck in my workshop - it was a great experiment
  • They create a blended environment where teachers and students engage in both physical and online conversations so that learning is no longer confined to a single means of communication or even an arbitrary class perio
    • sarahlbassett
      This solves the "I don't have enough time with my students during class" problem if students have access to conversations beyond the limits of a class period
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • A face-to-face conversation while simultaneously reading might have been a distraction. However, by typing their thoughts, all students contributed their ideas while each having the autonomy to work at his or her own pace.
    • sarahlbassett
      I especially like having an outlet for students to work at their own pace on something while still contributing to a conversation
  • conversations were never los
    • sarahlbassett
      "The conversations were never lost" - this is a great point!  Students could read and re-read past conversations.  With a traditional speaking/listening conversation, it isn't possible to read at all, let alone re-read.
  • Backchannel
  • Blended Mobile
  • Classroom
  • Charlie needed an alternative means to participate, and a backchannel would have provided him with that outlet.
  • a digital conversation that runs concurrently with a face-to-face activit
  • TodaysMeet would have let teachers create private chat rooms so that students could ask questions or leave comments during class. A Padlet wall might have fueled students to share their ideas as text, images, videos, and links posted to a digital bulletin board. The open response questions available in a student response system like Socrative or InfuseLearning could have become discussion prompts to give each student an opportunity to share his or her ideas before engaging in class discussion.
    • moramichal
      want to try it in my class - to give voice to student how afraid to talk in front of everybody
    • moramichal
      i was a fraid to write my thought on the board - imaybe a private channel ?
    Thanks for sharing this (and for the highlights). It's something I need to explore further.
    I love this idea.
Marlene Johnshoy

Language Learners' "Willingness to Communicate" through - 0 views

    Abstract: This case study is based on an investigation into the use that a group of language learners made of, a Social Networking Site through which language exchange is enabled via social media applications. The learners created profiles in the website and proceeded to interact with speakers of their target languages, reporting back on their experiences over a 10-week period. As communication between language partners can take place through several different channels, and can be asynchronous or synchronous, written or spoken, it was considered that the preferences of learners with different personality types (as indicated by responses to a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire) might be accommodated. Several studies have suggested that the anxiety that some language learners feel when communicating in L2, especially when speaking, is reduced in online environments. Under the premise that a reduction in anxiety may lead to an increased "willingness to communicate" (MacIntyre et al., 1998), the principal objective of this project was to examine the type and frequency of online interactions that the participants engaged in with other speakers of their target languages in the Livemocha language learning community.
Marlene Johnshoy

Facebook-ing and the Social Generation: A New Era of Language Learning - 1 views

    Abstract: In this paper, we examine the use of Facebook (FB) as a social networking tool in an intermediate French class. After reviewing the available studies on FB in language instruction, we analyze surveys that were administered to students as well as student FB posts. We look at the potential benefits of social media, specifically FB, and discuss its impact on foreign language learning. We aim to address how FB is being used in the language classroom, how students respond to the integration of this social networking site in courses, the attitudes of higher education foreign language learners towards FB, as well as the role of FB in new learning spaces and with today's learners. An analysis of survey data suggests that students respond in a positive manner toward the use of FB in education and highlights some differences in the way FB is used in both personal and academic settings.
Marlene Johnshoy

Free Virtual Classroom Premium Membership for Academicians on WizIQ - 1 views

    Sign-up for the 30-day, but a year - free! Here's info I got in an email notification: We are glad to announce a free WizIQ individual membership for K-12 and College teachers. To be eligible for this offer, teachers need email addresses associated with their educational institutes (e.g., or If you are a teacher from K12 or a College, apply and claim your free membership by following the steps below: Steps to get free WizIQ membership: 1.Sign up for a 30-day trial by clicking on the 'Apply now' button below 2. Verify your email address from your email inbox 3. You'll receive a confirmation email from us once your free membership is approved Apply now  WizIQ's free teacher accounts give educators at accredited institutions access to a range of teaching tools. To many educators, the virtual classroom for which WizIQ is best known only means live classes, which they might not need considering they see their students in person every day. But with the WizIQ Virtual Classroom teachers can also: Offer online courses for their school Run virtual office hours and homework help Run summer school online to address transportation and facilities issues Give AP students a jumpstart with virtual summer class sessions Let athletes or homebound students work with their classes, live, even if they can't be there Easily set up classes - without IT help Bring subject matter experts into their classrooms virtually Support group and project-based learning Engage hard-to-reach parents with: Virtual parents' nights Virtual conferences Adult education and community outreach Virtual math and literacy nights Broadcast live school committee meetings on the web Record lectures or flip their classrooms Conduct virtual field trips Run professional development when and where staff are available Share teaching resources among schools Teachers can take full advantage of every WizIQ feature, including screen-sharing, polling, video-confe
Beth Kautz

Legal Issues & Language Learning Technology | IALLT - 1 views

    Eyes are on "the UCLA case," where a university has been sued because it undertook to provide video streams on campus without asking permission from the video rights holders. The case is not likely to be definitive but it raises important questions: What constitutes classroom use of a film? Can an institution sign away its fair use rights? Who is responsible for providing the infrastructure for streaming media distribution at an educational institution?
Alyssa Ruesch

Grading with Voice on an iPad - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 6 views

    Wow, this just seems like an awesome idea. I've been toying with the idea of getting an iPad, just for fun, and this makes me want to get one and play around with it before the next school year starts.
    I really like this idea! The teacher can give a much more detailed commentary on the assessment and with that the student may come away with a better understanding of necessary improvements.
    This is a great idea and I like that there are other gadgets that can be used in conjunction. However I assume this would only be useful if you are a f2f teacher. In Blackboard we have wimba voice authoring which allows us to give audio feedback. I use this tool a lot and I feel that those who actually listen to my feedback profit from it.

5.1 Dogoriti.pdf - 1 views

shared by rillia on 27 Jul 15 - No Cached
  • Twitter is used as an ongoing public channel of communication for academic and co-curricular discussions
  • English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • The use of the Web2 can provide opportunities for collaboration, authentic communication in a discourse community and provide what Warschauer and Kern (2000) termedas networked-based language teaching. Some ofthe general benefits of using technology in ESP are the use of authentic tasks, tools, and context (Bremner, 2010; Evans, 2012).It provides interaction and communication among learners, uses collaborative learning, focuses on socio-
  • do not provide motivation, enthusiasm or personalization
  • earning management systems (LMSs)
  • ave generally been used as static sources of content with no social appeal like social networks, such as Facebook or YouTube
  • while also impeding general pedagogical support with their default settings and familiar features
  • social networking platforms have been acclaimed to provide learners social communication, autonomy,fluid online discussions, and identity management
  • ease interaction, e-discussions by focusing on the use of technology to support education
  • informal and relaxing atmosphere and make learning effective (Dalton, 2009). Social networking allows students and teachers to build a rapport and overcome inhibitions
  • Integrating social software with LMS aims at active participation, interaction and collaborationbetween the members of an academic community
  • Web 2.0 tools consist of blogs, microblogs, wikis, podcasts, virtual worlds and social networks
  • he benefits of using Web 2.0 in education are the new interaction styles between students and teachers, immediacy of information, access to authentic learning environments, content sharing, collaboration and enhancement of learning experience
  • a service offering language learning quizzes via Twitter hasbeen established (TwitterLearn, 2008)
    • rillia
      I couldn't locate this service in a search; I suppose it went defunct?
  • Twitter, Edmodo, and Ning
  • On the whole, the reasons language instructors may opt to choose Edmodo in class are that teachers and students connect, assignments, back channeling, a paperless learning environment, its backpack feature,the library feature, Apps, homework, badges, learning continues outside the classroom, assessments, interface, sharing, and its private and safe learning environment
  • the use of Twitter facilitated collaboration, communication and data exchange among students in real time.The role of the instructor is underscored as she/he acts as a mediator, supporting the content, organizing the activities, and clarifying the use of the educational tool
  • Facebook
  • Twitter has been studied in context with other social media and has proven to have a significant influence on academic activity
  • microblogging and inferred that it enhanced students’ achievement, motivation and participation in class.
  • Edudemic
    • rillia
      Check this out--appears to be a comprehensive site about the use of technology for educators and students.
  • Different platforms suit different sorts of interactions and appeal tostudents and educators in a diverse manner
  • From the Edmodo platform, two main features are utilized. First, the Edmodo forum is used for both teacher-to-student communication and student-to -student communication. The communication topics include subjects such as assignments, questions, announcements, etc. Second, the Edmodo Assignment Center is used for testing the students on each learning topic and easily collecting their answers
    • rillia
      Although we have an in-house LMS at Northwest, I created an Edmodo platform for my Intermediate Russian I course for the fall to see how it will work. I'll use it in conjunction with the in-house LMS, which may prove to be cumbersome. We'll see.
  • As far as the assessment of students’ performance goes, the conventional assessment through graded assignments is backed up by students’ social learning activities. Network buildingand self-regulated learning canbe indicative of students’ progress throughout the course.Ongoing assessment or formative assessmentstrategies(integration of performance and feedback and reflection) can facilitate learning and review students’ performance
  • The empirical evaluation of the research highlights the dominanceof intrinsic motivation(students’ intentionsto use Twitter/perceived enjoyment)over extrinsic motivation in explaining the adoption of social media in the class
  • n order to provide assessment, instructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing their reflections. Communication (teacher-student/student-student)throughout the learning processcan also providefeedback information that may aid assessment
  • nstructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing theirreflections on what they have gained through networked learning
  • References
    • rillia
      Excellent collection of reference materials on SNSs in foreign-language (and other) learning.
Caroline Switzer Kelly

Crowdsourcing Drives Latest Disruptive Tech in Online Language Learning - 1 views

    WeSpeke is an app that enables students in US language classes to be matched with a native speaker anywhere in the world. It is a curated program, with special privacy safeguards built in at the HS level.
    iTalki has been my go to for finding language exchange partners but the fact that there are safeguards built in for the HS level makes this an attractive option to use at the secondary level, thanks for sharing this!
    Good resource. This is definitely an aspect of my teaching that needs more work, especially in lower-level classes.
Marlene Johnshoy

Language learners use VoiceThread to practice speaking - 0 views

    An example of "how an ESL student can practice her computer skills and her language skills to talk about everyday activities"
Marlene Johnshoy

Summer PD: New Teacher Boot Camp Week 4 - Using Wetoku | Edutopia - 0 views

    Wetoku is a web service or Web 2.0 tool out of Korea that provides a simple platform for interviewing someone via the Internet. Collaborating globally is a must for our students and as result interviewing can be a challenge. Wetoku makes doing an interview as easy as filling out some basic information, creating an interview session and then sending the creative interview session's URL to the interviewee. Once the recording is done, the interviewer can embed the copy of the URL into a blog or website. You will need a web-cam for this tool.
Roxana Sandu - 2 views

    interesting article -just read it myself!
    An article about using Twitter in an English class to train communicative and cultural competence at a Distant College in China.
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