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Agustin Vizcaino


  • A preliminary evaluation with language teachers and computer specialists was carried out in 2001 to investigate the technological capabilities of four Internet-based desktop videoconferencing tools (CUseeMe, ICUII, Video VoxPhone Gold, and NetMeeting), and NetMeeting revealed itself as the most potentially appropriate tool for supporting oral and visual interaction in DLE (Wang, 2004).
  • He suggested firstly that "linguistic interaction is a collaborative activity," and then moved on to say that "linguistic communication involves the establishment of a triangular relationship between the sender, the receiver, and the context of situation."
  • Oral-visual interaction represents the highest level of CMC-based interaction at the present time.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • It offers an authentic learning environment, in which language learners can orally and visually interact with another human being in the target language much in the same ways as in face-to-face interaction. However, research on oral-visual interaction in CMC has only occupied a marginal status in CMC research.
  • Cognitively and linguistically, it is generally maintained that paralinguistic cues such as head nods and facial expressions reduce ambiguity in speech and improve understanding
  • Signs of comprehension, frustration, nervousness, and enjoyment were all evident in real time.
  • More importantly, there is a crucial pedagogical concern at the heart of this research, that is, for distance language professionals to be open to the use of whatever technology available to maximize the level and quality of oral-visual interaction, and in so doing, create a more effective and efficient learning environment for distance language learners. Although the technology is changing rapidly, the larger pedagogical issue contained in this research is unlimited and beyond obsolescence.
  • It is not an exaggeration to say that Internet-based real time technology is changing distance education quantitatively as well as qualitatively, and this research represents only the beginning of the important effort to make distance language learning a more effective endeavor.
    This article talks about many aspects of communication especially the benefits of synchronous distance language learning
Marlene Johnshoy

Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students: 2009-10 - 0 views

    This report provides national estimates about distance education courses in public school districts. The estimates presented in this report are based on a district survey about distance education courses offered by the district or by any of the schools in the district during the 2009-10 school year.

Understanding OER | Open Educational Resource (OER) Africa - 0 views

    Open Educational Resources clear lists and explanation of resources (not just for African client).  See 'supporting distance learner' in right menu.  

synchronous vs asynchronous distance learning - 1 views

    Nice, quick overview of the difference between the two styles of online learning
    compare formats for distance learning

Blog | Creative Language Class - 0 views

    This website was created by Kara Parker and Megan Smith, world language consultants, curriculum writers and bloggers. I was impressed by this blog's long list of topics and its topic choices, such as authentic resources, listening and reading resources, interpretive reading/listening activities, interpersonal speaking activities, distance learning, and technology. The posts that I read I found meaningful and well-written and their suggestions creative, practical and innovative.
Marlene Johnshoy

Going the Distance: Online Education in the United States, 2011 - 1 views

    This is higher education levels, not K-12. They interviewed chief academic officers for this info. The report shows more students taking online courses, a higher percentage of courses being online, faculty acceptance of online courses, what training faculty receive, and compares student outcomes to face-to-face.
Marlene Johnshoy

Learning to teach online or learning to become an online teacher: An exploration of tea... - 3 views

    From the abstract: This paper evaluates the impact that t he introduction of blended learning in a distance language learning course has had on teachers.
Marlene Johnshoy

Exchanges that Work with ANVILL | LearnCentral - 0 views

    Those of you doing distance learning might be interested in what ANVILL could add to your class if you don't have access to Wimba for voiced activities.  

Technology Provides Foreign-Language Immersion at a Distance - 3 views

    • janayalf
      I think this is something that we forget about on the virtual stage: we can still observe through body language and backgrounds about culture and cultural differences.
  • The students not only get to talk to one another but also can see how their partners react to questions, how they look, and how they live.
  • “It’s not knowing only a language,” he says, “but also knowing how to behave and acknowledge differences—cultural differences, behavioral differences.”
    I like this article even though it's from 6 years ago because it talks about the benefits to teletandem communication. I hope you are able to read it because it's from the Chronicle of Higher Education and you might need to sign up.
    It sounds interesting but I can't read the article because it prompts me to log in or create an account. I've always been interested in what I call "The cultural dimension of FL teaching".

Going the Distance: Online Learning Ideas | Creative Language Class - 7 views

  • Instead of you being their main source of language input… put your authentic resources to work. I started playing with Google Classroom and here’s a snapshot of what you could do to PLAN and ORGANIZE learning.
    • pamh6832
      Example of appropriate use of Google Translate.
    • pamh6832
      This is an example of using authentic videos for an interpretive assignment. We study house-related vocabulary in ch.6B of "Autentico 1" (the textbook we use with our Spanish 2 students). An activity like this would work in that unit.
    Megan Smith wrote about ways to adapt a lesson about houses for a traditional class to one for an online class. She included interpretive, interpersonal and presentational activities.
    I love the way she set-up these examples. Has anyone done something similar? What was your experience with the 20% Free Time? I'm considering something similar in the "fall"... which is coming up quickly. No matter the schedule, I've always liked the idea, 20% Free/Genius Hour. If you have experience with this, I would love to hear about how you set them up.. and assessed them.
Marlene Johnshoy

Classkick - Helping Teachers Be Awesome - 1 views

    From a post in the ACTFL distance learning SIG: "It is a free tool. Class Kick allows you to add interactive elements to synchronous lessons. You can monitor and see student activity in real time. You can also use it to communicate with individual students in real time." - Angela
Marlene Johnshoy

Using Morning Messages to Start the Day in Elementary School Distance Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

    "The morning message is a popular way to help elementary students transition into school-and it can be adapted for home learning."
Marlene Johnshoy

USDLA - United States Distance Learning Association: Current Issues - 2 views

    Quarterly Journal freely available online

Introducing a New Teaching Model:Flipped Classroom--《Journal of Distance Educ... - 0 views

    A flipped classroom is a classroom that swaps the arrangement of knowledge imparting and knowledge internalization comparing to traditional classroom.In the flipped classroom,the roles of teachers and students have been changed and the class time should have a new plan.Information technology and activity learning construct an individuation and cooperative learning environment for learners to create new learning culture.Based on the analysis of literature of flipped classroom and some typical cases,we summarize a flipped classroom teaching model.We also describe the challenges in the implementation of the flipped classroom teaching.The paper provides an innovative way to reform teaching in Chinese schools.
    This article is on the subject of the flipped classroom applied to Chinese language.
Marlene Johnshoy

Systematic Review of Two Decades (1995 to 2014) of Research on Synchronous Online Learn... - 1 views

    "Systematic reviews of literature are studies that strategically search for published research on a specific topic in order to synthesize what is known about the topic. This systematic review describes 157 articles on synchronous online learning (SOL) from thirty-four different countries on instructional setting, content areas, participant demographics, research designs, independent and dependent variables, SOL technologies, and data-collection tools. "
Marlene Johnshoy

Technology Provides Foreign-Language Immersion at a Distance - 2 views

    Describes the "teletandem" exchanges that some teachers are having their students participate in for live conversation with native speakers.
Marlene Johnshoy

Taylor & Francis Online :: From the Student Perspective: Experiences of Middle and High... - 1 views

    Sorry, you may have to go to your own library access to see this, but it was interesting for a number of things: 80% took all classes online, 74% indicated interaction with peers was not or only a little important, among other questions in a survey given to middle and high school students.
Kathryn Murphy-Judy

Clarification: No, there aren't 7.1 million students in US taking at least one online c... - 0 views

    Online statistics Babson/Sloan v. IPEDs (
Kathryn Murphy-Judy

Tracking online learning in the USA - and Ontario - 0 views

    Online learning in Canada and USA
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