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John Evans

creatingaPLN » home - 0 views

    joevans · My Wikis · My Mail · My Account · Help · Sign Out · wikispaces *This page can only be edited by organizers of this wiki.homeProtected * pagesubmenu o print o what links here? o rename o delete o redirect o unlock o view source * discussion * history * notify me Protected Welcome to our resource wiki for: Personal Learning Networks: The Power of the Human Network Judith Epcke (@jepcke) and Scott Meech (@smeech) Locations of visitors to this page Bold Italic Underline Color and Style Ordered List Unordered List Horizontal Rule Insert Link Remove Link Insert Images and Files Embed Widget Insert Table Insert Special Character Insert Code Cancel none Optional: a note about this edit for the page history log Optional: tags for this page, separated by commas Cancel Note that the content you create on is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. Please only submit content that you write yourself or that is in the public domain. Learn more about our open content policy. Insert a File Double click an image or file to insert it into the page. Show: please wait... Page: Jump: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Double clicking a file: inserts the file links to the file Upload New File notUploading Insert External Image by URL Enter an external image address, click "Load", then double click the image to insert it into the page. * Wikispaces Wikispaces * Video Video * Audio Audio * Calendar Calendar * Spreadsheet Spreadsheet * Document Document * Polls Polls * RSS Feed RSS Feed * Chat and IM Chat and IM * Slideshow Slideshow * Map Map * Bookmark Bookmark * Other HTML Other HTML Choose the category of application you would like to embed from the list on the left. Choose the kind of content you would like
John Evans

KIDZ Scramble Word Magenet Online Game - 16 views

    This applet creates a 'magnetic poetry' board upon which the user may shift around the words the webpage designer has listed (mouse click and drag a word to move it). Furthermore, the user may modify an existing 'magnet' by SHIFT-clicking on it. Alternately, new magnets may be created by SHIFT-clicking in vacant area of the applet (then type what new letters you want on the magnet piece).
John Evans

Educational Technology Guy: Permission Click - making permission slips online and easie... - 3 views

    "Permission Click is a new, free, online resource that allows teachers to create and send digital permission slips directly to a parent's email instead of using paper permission slips for trips and events. Parents give approval through the cloud-based app, and can even send payment if needed"
John Evans

Science Explained « techchef4u - 4 views

    "At last week's iPad site visit, a student on the panel was describing her favorite iLesson: "It was in science. It is an interactive periodic table (app). We were learning about the elements. You click on an element and it gives you the history, who made it, how you use it, what it is used for. Another cool feature is you can make them. You can keep on adding neutrons, electrons, and protons as much as you like and every time you click on the plus or minus, it tells you what element you just made. The results were really amazing. We had more interest in the periodic table than we ever had before mainly because it was fun, it was interesting, we actually got to play around with it and see what we could make with it instead of just giving us a piece of paper and telling us 'research these'.""
Reynold Redekopp

SearchO - 3 views

    A Google Chrome extension that lets you enter a search phrase and then lets you click and click on results from 9 different searches (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia, YouTube, Wolfram, Amazon, Ebay, Twitter). Nice way to make comparisons.
John Evans

Going Mobile - Apps for Life » - 3 views

    This blog site was developed to share information about apps used to support individuals with disabilities. The picture menu on the top shows you the six "big" categories into which apps have been organized. Click on any of these pictures to get a list of the posts that fall within each category. Sometimes, apps don't neatly fit within one of these six areas, so posts have also been tagged with other descriptors that might help you find what you are looking for. The list is on the left side of this screen. Just click on any category tag that is of interest. You can also use the search tool that is at the very bottom of this page.
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Students Learn About the Science of Hearing on The Intera... - 3 views

    "The Interactive Ear is a neat website through which students can learn about how the human ear works. The site has three sections; the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. In each section students can click on little pinmarks on the drawings to learn about the parts of the ear and their functions. Students can also click the "journey" button to see how sound travels through the ear."
John Evans

Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say - The Wa... - 5 views

    "Claire Handscombe has a commitment problem online. Like a lot of Web surfers, she clicks on links posted on social networks, reads a few sentences, looks for exciting words, and then grows restless, scampering off to the next page she probably won't commit to. "I give it a few seconds - not even minutes - and then I'm moving again," says Handscombe, a 35-year-old graduate student in creative writing at American University. Gallery Lynda Barry: The 20 stages of reading: If there are stages of grief and steps to recovery, isn't the act of reading a complicated, evolving thing over time? Cartoonist Lynda Barry, one of scores of writers at the National Book Festival on Sept. 21-22, certainly thinks so. (Related: 12 authors, 12 reasons why they write) Click here to subscribe. But it's not just online anymore. She finds herself behaving the same way with a novel. "
John Evans

Part 8… STEM Resource Series… 80 Stemtastic Sites | 21 st Century Educational... - 5 views

    "Part 1 Then click here to see those first ten. Part 2 Now up to 20 resources Part 3 Check out these 10 to make 30 Part 4 A list that now supplies up to 40 STEM sites Part 5 An amazing 50 STEM sites. Part 6 Now at 60 sites and more to come Part 7 Click here as we get closer to 80 STEM sites"
John Evans

Studio 4 Learning - 0 views

    Need online homework help or need to prepare for your tests? Get the answers you need at Browse or search to find what you are looking for. Click one of the 10 categories at the top of the page and select one subject listed in the drop down menu. You can also type a word or phrase in the search box and click search. Explore, find and watch free online video help at
John Evans

NOAA Photo Library - HOME - 0 views

    Restrictions for Using NOAA Images Most NOAA photos and slides are in the public domain and CANNOT be copyrighted. Although at present, no fee is charged for using the photos credit MUST be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce unless otherwise instructed to give credit to the photographer or other source. Downloading Images If you wish to download an image, click below the image caption on High Resolution Photo. This will download a high resolution "jpg" image that can be saved by right clicking your mouse for printing or manipulation within a graphics software program.
John Evans

Summer Brain Gain: 20+ Edtech Learning Opportunities for Educators and Students | EdSur... - 3 views

    "The end of the academic year is approaching, as is summer break. But learning doesn't have to end on the last day of school--neither for the student, nor for the teacher. To that end, we've compiled a selection of resources and opportunities for teachers (click here for our educator list) and students (click here for our student summer opportunities list) to prevent that tired ol' "summer slide" and make this "summer of learning" the best one yet."
John Evans

Download Ten Free Writing Ideas for the First Week of School - Education Rethink - 0 views

    "Check out the visual writing idea for the first week of school. This set comes with both a curriculum and a set of visual ideas (as .png). Simply click on the icon above and it should download. Click on the .zip file (most likely in your Download folder of your computer) and everything should work. The resource is Creative Commons, meaning you can print, display or distribute it as you wish.  "
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Measure Distances in Google Maps - 5 views

    "The only reason that I had for clinging to the old version of Google Maps has gone away. This week Google added a new measurement tool to the newer version of Google Maps. To use the measurement tool just right-click on a map and select "measure" then left-click on another location to measure the distance between the two locations. In the video below I demonstrate how that feature works along with a couple of other neat options."
tech vedic

How to get a full-screen Gmail compose window every time? - 0 views

    On clicking Gmail's "Compose" button, a window appears in the right corner of the screen. Well, this window has new options now. In the top-right corner of that "Compose" window, you will find three icons: Minimize, Full-screen and Close. By clicking the one in middle, window gets enlarged.
John Evans

First Grade Funtastic: Kindergarten December Fun Using iPads (loaded with pictures) - 0 views

    "December has been a busy month for us!  It's a really exciting month too!  Have you heard the saying that usually things click for kindergarten kids AFTER Christmas?  Well, I can happily say that things have really clicked for our classroom AFTER Thanksgiving.  Almost all of my students know their letters and sounds and have a huge bank of sight words that they know.  They are becoming so much more independent.  I love sitting back and watching them work.  This allows me to work with small groups or to get assessments done."
John Evans

Hidden iPad Features to Help Students with Learning Difficulties | Educational Technolo... - 1 views

    "The value of technology, as Apple Education states, is in its empowering character, when individuals use it to extend their physical and cognitive limitations and transform their learning. Technology opens a world of limitless learning possibilities for persons with learning difficulties and in today's post we are featuring some of the important features embedded in iPad that can help complement learners' vision, hearing, motor skills, and literacy. To access these assistive features head over to your iPad home screen and click on settings icon, next click on General and select Accessibility and then turn on the features you are interested in. Some of the assistive features as lied out in Apple's guide include:"
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: The Periodic Table in Pictures and Words - 1 views

    "The Periodic Table of Elements, in Pictures and Words is an interactive site that shows students how each element is used or is present in familiar products. When students click on an element in the interactive display an image of a familiar product or object appears along with a description of the element and its characteristics. For example, if you click on aluminum an image of airplane appears along with a description of aluminum, its uses, and its characteristics."
John Evans

Reach for the APPS Brings iPads to Children With Autism - 3 views

    " Apple has long touted its device's assistive technology as a powerful tool for the educational development of physically and mentally disabled children. The iPad's touch screen makes it easier to manipulate than more traditional educational tools. For children with autism, "the iPad is not a toy, but a tool that works best when there is a 'team effort' between parents and therapists encouraging its proper use," said Marc Reisner, co-founder of Reach for the APPs. "Our goal is to provide schools with iPads so they can reach every child on the autistic spectrum." Reach for the APPs built their site with an initial donation from Managed Digital. Now, they're seeking out donations of money and/or iPads from both individuals and corporations to propel the program forward. According to reports from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1-in-88 children have some form of autism, up 78 percent from just a decade ago. The demand for augmentative communications devices is growing. But the schools can't meet the demand, so the children are losing valuable time during critical developmental years. Lois Brady, a speech language pathologist and assistive technology specialist, said apps can help develop fine-motor skills, which will in turn make functions like writing and manipulating small objects easier for the students. "I have spent years working with the most challenging students that are considered profoundly disabled," she said. "And I have seen some small miracles when I introduce the iPad into our therapy, as the children have made huge gains in attention, focus, communication, language and literacy skills." Some experts also say that the iPad can lessen symptoms of autistic disorders, helping children deal with life's sensory overload. Brady will be contributing content to the Reach for the APPs website to inform therapists about the latest-and-greatest apps for children all over the autistim spectrum. Apps must be tailor
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