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John Evans

Illuminations: Angle Sums - 8 views

    Examine the angles in a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon or octagon. Can you find a relationship between the number of sides and the sum of the interior angles?
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Three Good Resources for Learning About the Science of Ba... - 1 views

    "Watching a Red Sox game or listening to one on the radio is one of my favorite things to do on a warm summer night like we're having tonight in Maine. During the pregame show this evening the broadcasters were talking about the launch angle of some of the homeruns hit by Red Sox players this year. That discussion of launch angle triggered my memory of some resources that I've shared over the years regarding the math and science of baseball. "
John Evans

360 Video Education Spotlight: BBC on YouTube - Class Tech Tips - 2 views

    "here are lots of ways to incorporate video into the classroom. From capturing students' attention as you kick off a lesson, to providing context for a new learning experience, teachers use videos in lots of different ways. Whether you are looking for a clip to send home to students via Google Classroom or want to connect a video link for a QR code scavenger hunt, educational 360 videos are worth exploring. 360 video gives students the power to explore a space from every angle. YouTube hosts a range of 360 video content and one of my favorites is from the BBC. On the BBC's YouTube channel you'll find different types of video options for a virtual visit to places around the world. As you search through their content you'll see that they've tagged their videos as 360 to make it especially easy to find."
John Evans

Can We See Reading Comprehension in the Brain? - Inside School Research - Education Week - 3 views

    "Brain researchers have long studied how students hear and read individual words, but it has proven difficult to parse out what happens when a reader understands a long and difficult passage of text. Now, a team of researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston,Ill., have developed a new way to view reading comprehension in the brain, and in the process highlighted a new angle for testing comprehension that isn't skewed by a student's background knowledge."
John Evans

How Teachers Are Actually Using Technology In Their Classrooms - Edudemic - 0 views

    "Earlier this year, a study was completed that aimed to understand how teachers use technology in their classrooms, and to identify some best practices for all to benefit from. As most of you well know, many teachers have to approach classroom technology from different angles. Some have to follow a specific set of rules from their school or district, including what devices and software to use. Some have great support from their school. Others have none at all, and if they want to integrate classroom technology, it is 100% up to them. But where ever you're coming at it from, a few best practices can help a lot. "
John Evans

Hands On: Osmo, a Tangible Play system (iPad) | MacNN - 0 views

    "We really enjoy it when a developer takes advantage of the fantastic technology we have today while still grounding an experience in our own physical space. Osmo does just that and does it nicely. The Osmo system uses an angled mirror clipped over the front-facing FaceTime camera alongside a stand, and coupled with free iPad apps to make the area directly in front of the iPad an active virtual and real-world play space. The combo is a very simple way of going about it, but the results can be magical."
John Evans

A Word Cloud Generator with an Angle | doug - off the record - 2 views

    "Word Clouds.  We've seen them, we've done them, many of us wear the t-shirt.   It's a quick and easy way to create a graphic based upon text.  Essentially, the size of the word is based upon the frequency of the text.  Many teachers use word clouds to  have students analyse their writing or to create a poster/graphic based upon key words. But, suppose you worked a little mathematics into it! Jason Davies has actually worked a lot of mathematics into his Word Cloud Generator.  Just start with this little protractor at the bottom of the screen."
John Evans

Movie Mount turns your iPad 2 into a serious video-making machine -- Engadget - 7 views

    "We're sure there's at least one person out there who has been itching to shoot boat-loads of video with their iPad 2. Perhaps even a short film or two. After we pointed out how crazy you are, we might suggest looking into a tripod-mountable case like Makayama's Movie Mount. This simple plastic frame adds a number of things that a budding iPad videographer might appreciate, including a pair of hot shoes for hooking up lights and mics, and a mount for lenses, just in case you prefer wide-angle or telephoto shots. You can even switch between the conversion lenses and the built-in one on the fly thanks to the sliding adapter. The Movie Mount is available to pre-order now for $69.95, with the first deliveries expected to ship in October. Before you go, check out the gallery below, as well as the video and PR after the break."
John Evans

30 Of The Best Apps For Group Project-Based Learning - 0 views

    "Project-based learning is a matter of identifying needs and opportunities (using an app like flipboard), gathering potential resources (using an app like pinterest), collecting notes and artifacts (with an app like Evernote), concept-mapping potential scale or angles for the project (using an app like simplemind), assigning roles (with an appp like Trello), scheduling deadlines (with apps like Google Calendar), and sharing it all (with apps like OneDrive or Google Drive). With that in mind, below are 30 of the best apps for getting this kind of work done in the classroom, with an emphasis on group project-based learning apps for both Android and iPad (and even a few for plain old browsers)."
John Evans

'Terrific Tessellations' - lesson idea | iPad Art Room - 0 views

    "A tessellation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again. The collection of figures on the plane have no gaps and no overlaps. Patterns created this way have an incredible mathematical rhythm. Not only are tessellations fun to create, they can teach students about the function, and relationship between, the elements of art (line, shape, colour, etc). They can also be used to make strong links to other subjects, particularly maths (incremental increases, angles, space, golden ratio, etc)."
John Evans

Making Maths Meaningful with Scratch - 4 views

    "We know that students learn best when content is meaningful and has a direct connection and application to their lives. However, while some maths concepts, such as telling the time or using money, can have immediate relevance, others seem to have very little application to children's daily lives. How often will 11 year old children really need to measure the size of angles, or work with cartesian graphs? I've found that teaching children to code may be part of the answer. This year, I've been teaching students in Years 2-6 to create simple arcade games using Scratch. In order for my students to be successful, they've been required to apply some core mathematical ideas that I've struggled to find a relevant use for in the past."
John Evans

The Orchestra App Visualises How Classical Music Comes Together - 2 views

    "Developers Touchpress are quickly becoming one of the top creators of iPad apps. The Orchestra is just another fine example of how apps should be designed and built. Although the app centres around classical music, you don't necessarily have to enjoy classical music in order to appreciate it. The focus of the app is to help users understand and observe an orchestra while they are playing - with note-by-note visualisations of each piece as it's played. There are multiple camera angles and views so that you can switch between them at any point during the music."
John Evans

Miami Device - Make Marvelous Movies - Learning in Hand - 0 views

    "Today it's possible to film, edit, and publish movies all on an iOS device. There's no more importing video into a computer, and apps are making the process easier than ever! See a demonstration and examples of how to create excellent educational films by using a variety of iPhone and iPad apps to film, edit, enhance, and publish videos. Learn about tips and tricks for helping students memorize lines, improving sound quality, changing camera angles, improving lighting, and much more. We'll even produce a short film together!"
Keri-Lee Beasley

Into Film - 1 views

    Great resource for all manner of things related to Film. From camera angles and shots to plans for running film clubs, this is a site worth diving into.
    A wealth of information can be found on this site for the exploration of film. Do check out the comprehensive Film Club section if you are thinking of running an ECA on film.
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