One Stop Resource for Google Docs « doug - off the record - 0 views
A Word Cloud Generator with an Angle | doug - off the record - 2 views
"Word Clouds. We've seen them, we've done them, many of us wear the t-shirt. It's a quick and easy way to create a graphic based upon text. Essentially, the size of the word is based upon the frequency of the text. Many teachers use word clouds to have students analyse their writing or to create a poster/graphic based upon key words. But, suppose you worked a little mathematics into it! Jason Davies has actually worked a lot of mathematics into his Word Cloud Generator. Just start with this little protractor at the bottom of the screen."
Doug's PD Wiki / FrontPage - 4 views
A Hashtag You Shouldn't Ignore « doug - off the record - 8 views
Python with Ease | doug - off the record - 2 views
"For many, Python is the programming language of choice for use in the classroom. Why? There have been many ways to get at Python and make it successful. As mentioned previously, and it will come up with any computer science teacher, there's nothing like a silly missing semi-colon to drive the introductory programming student crazy. In many cases, people will introduce Scratch or Alice as an introductory language since building with blocks overcomes this situation. The programming concepts are great for those getting started."
Playing with CodeMonkey | doug - off the record - 3 views
"Many of the applications for introductory program are based on the logo turtle concept. Even at that presentation, there sometimes is a challenging entry point. You have to understand the concept of the stage, the mathematics of location, movement, etc. before you even get started. In the case of CodeMonkey, they've take more of a challenge / gamification approach. Yes, you work directly with code instructions like STEP and TURN but they're done in the context of solving a problem. The video above gives a nice description of how you or your students work within the environment. As with many of my obsessions with coding and Computer Science, it's just plain fun. Stepping back for a moment, I had to reflect on the fact that they've introduced the concept of coding and problem solving in a very non-threatening manner. I was quite impressed."
An Interview with Shelly Terrell | doug --- off the record - 0 views
"One of the true joys of being online and connecting with others are the others that you connect with. One of these people is Shelly Sanchez Terrell. We've never formally met but I've been following her learning and sharing for a long time. Recently, she agreed to be interviewed for this blog. It's a great opportunity for me to ask her questions that I've always wondered about."
An Incredible Mathematics Application « doug - off the record - 1 views
It's Not About the Technology « doug - off the record - 0 views
Deja Drop « doug - off the record - 0 views
Doug's Dozen | doug - off the record - 0 views
"To make things more difficult for the new iPad owner (grin) or perhaps you have a class set and are wondering what to load, I offer Doug's Dozen. Taken from the experience of a guy who has nothing better to do that search for the best in class in any application, I took a look at the top applications that I use regularly and offer them below for your thoughts, criticisms, and one-up-ed-ness."