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John Evans

A round-up of interactive video options - @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch - 0 views

    "We take for granted that we can interact with text, but up until recently it's been a challenge to interact (read/write/talk) with media.  I last looked at tools for annotating and interacting with video more than a year ago.  The field has changed a bit. Why interact with video? Being able to interact with video allows us to personalize video-based instruction, by leading learners to the segment of video we like them to watch, by adding voice-overs, notes, pop-ups, screenshots, maps, references, pauses.   It also allows learners to create video with even more depth and features and can the interaction can be used to support media literacy learning."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Create Interactive Videos On ThingLink Video - 4 views

    "ThingLink is a popular tool for collaboratively creating interactive images. Now, you can use ThingLink to create interactive videos too. ThingLink Video (still in beta, but you can register for early access here) allows you to select any public video on YouTube and add interactive pinmarks to it. Each pinmark can contain embeds of other videos, maps, text, and links to other pages of information. Learn more about the ThingLink video in the video below."
John Evans

TouchCast: An Exciting New iPad Tool to Create Wildly Interactive Videos | Wired Educator - 7 views

    "TouchCast is an exciting new tool that combines video and the web in amazingly new interactive ways that I have never before Img2seen. I believe TouchCast could be an exciting new for educators and students. The ability to move and interact with the content on the screen during the video reminds me of the user interface used in the movie Minority Report. Very creative ability to both create and interact with various content. You can just tell when an app fully uses the capabilities of the iPad and TouchCast is one of those amazing apps that gets it right."
John Evans

Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom - - 2 views

    "One of the more exciting apps that has recently made it's way onto the social media scene is Periscope. Periscope is a live, interactive video streaming  app which allows users to broadcast media and footage while their followers engage in their content at the same time. When used in the classroom, students are able to connect with the world in real-time and interact with any of the content that is made available to them. One of the ways Periscope can be used to enhance a lesson or unit is with a teacher-directed Periscope. Inviting students to interact in this way now allows for personalizing what is needed from each individual at that very moment. When creating content with a screencast program, teachers must already anticipate the needs of their class. With Periscope, teachers can broadcast content live to their students with the ability to tailor the video on the spot in response to student questions and conversations. Flipping a lesson, re-teaching a strategy, or communicating classroom information all in real-time now gives the teacher the power to easily personalize instruction through the interactivity of this app. Students on the other hand, now have the power to pick the path of their own learning."
John Evans

Interactive Science Glossary for iPads | Class Tech Tips - 1 views

    "Interactive Science Glossary: Earth Science and Interactive Science Glossary: Life Science are two fantastic resources for the science classroom.  These completely free interactive science glossaries are a great tool for teachers and students.  With videos, diagrams and flashcards, you'll find that these apps are great study tools.  The tutorials can also be shared with students straight from your device during whole class instruction or for small groups that need extra help."
John Evans

Teaching With Video Games Is Not What You Think - 4 views

    "Teaching with video games is not what you think. Unless you recognize video games as an increasingly engaging, compelling, and interactive narrative form that is seeking to leapfrog film as the medium of choice not just for teenage boys who like Call of Duty, but, well, you too. And that teaching with them means taking as close a look at the creation and design of the stories and play mechanics and the interaction between story and player as you do the narrative itself. Which can act as a kind of schema to inform how you teach novels, poetry, government or science-as-inquiry."
John Evans

On Meerkat - @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch - 2 views

    "Yesterday I wished my friends could see the beauty of my snowy backyard and I discovered the Meerkat app. It seems everyone is buzzing about the free app that allows you to connect your iPhone or iPad or iPod Touch camera to Twitter and live stream or schedule the video you shoot real-time to all of your followers.  You can shoot videos portrait or landscape and turn the camera on yourself or the scene beyond. Your live video stream shows up instantly on your followers' Twitter feeds.  As folks start to watch, their Twitter profile pictures appear, and you can see and interact with your viewers,  Your viewers' tweets to you appear on the screen, allowing you to respond.  Followers who have the app get notifications of additions and may watch, comment and interact on the app."
John Evans

It's explosive: Brit's Biggest Bangs - @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch - 0 views

    "No mess.  No danger.  No smelly fumes. BBC Brit's Biggest Bangs is a fun, interactive video experience that allows users to channel their inner mad scientists, mixing dangerous chemicals with sometimes explosive results without a proper laboratory. The secret behind the interactivity is a central choose-your-own-adventure video around which annotations lead to separate videos that respond to your chemical selections. Choose your first chemical and then select another from among eight on the laboratory table.  You'll see the team scientist take each chemical from the table.  Then pause to consider-will it explode or won't it?"
Rick Beach

Make Your Videos Interactive With Viewbix - 9 views

    An alternative, "interactive" video annotation tools to YouTube Annotations; you can also add apps to a video.
Rick Beach

Creating interactive online video using YouTube | Technology with Intention - 5 views

    Using YouTube annotations to create interactive videos for use in flipped classrooms--create videos for students to view as homework versus lecturing in class.
John Evans

3 Reasons to Take the Next ThingLink Teacher Summer Challenge - 4 views

    "The ThingLink Summer Teacher Challenge is a free, self-paced, online professional development opportunity designed to help teachers explore the powerful possibilities of using ThingLink for teaching and learning. This 5 week challenge invites teachers to have fun learning to use interactive images, slideshow channels and interactive video to power up your pedagogy and redefine learning in the classroom. Throughout the challenge, we will use the ThingLink flexible suite of interactive tools for schools to create media rich, customized resources for use in your classroom. The weekly challenge activities are designed to be beneficial to educators who are new to ThingLink and also to experienced users. We will explore all the flexible features of ThingLink and discover the tremendous potential for using this amazing tool. Here are 3 reasons to take the ThingLink Summer Teacher Challenge."
John Evans

5 Anchors For Using Technology To Teach Reading - - 4 views

    "Teaching reading is an art filled with limiting factors: motivation, vocabulary, decoding, and comprehension are only a few of the comprehensive skills or traits that students need to be able to comprehend text, making the subject of literacy, in particular, difficult to teach. video gameYes, there are ways to garner student interest, especially when it comes to interacting with text, but in a society that is becoming increasingly visual and dependent on instant gratification, the delayed gratification of interacting with text can be far less enticing to our little ones. And for this reason, it's important to help them see that interacting with text can be just as gratifying as watching a movie or playing a game. But this is not a simple task. Not simple at all."
John Evans

ThingLink Brings Interactive Virtual Reality to Schools | Cool Tools for 21st Century L... - 0 views

    "Virtual Reality is about to find it's way into schools and classrooms with a new layer of interactivity from ThingLink! ThingLink VR will allow educators to create an affordable interactive learning environment to immerse students in learning experiences like never before. ThingLink is evolving from image and video annotation to 360 content, which gives educators a larger canvas to create virtual learning experiences. "
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Math Playground - Hundreds of Math Games & Instructional ... - 1 views

    "Math Playground is a great website containing hundreds of mathematics games appropriate for K-8 students. I first reviewed the site back in 2008. Whenever I have returned to it since then, more games and other helpful features have been added to it. Math Playground offers a huge variety of math games for students. You can locate games according to suggested grade level, by topic, or by question type. Students who need a refresher on a skill, can probably find one in Math Playground's video library. Math Playground's video library offers more than 100 instructional videos organized according to topic. To the right side of each video students will see some suggested games aligned to the topic covered in the instructional video."
John Evans

Online Video: YouTube Gets Video Annotation - 0 views

    Add interactive comments to your YouTube videos with the new annotation feature. To annotate to any video you've uploaded, just head to your uploaded videos page and click the Edit annotations button. From there you can add comment boxes, speech bubbles, and even links to other content.
John Evans

iPads at Burley: Interactive Anchor Charts - 7 views

    "A while back I wrote a post about two great resources for math instructional videos. I enjoy exposing kids to these instructional videos because it gives them the opportunity to hear other teachers and students explain things. After much hemming and hawing I've found a way to easily and quickly make and integrate my own videos into my classroom. "
Nik Peachey

Nik's QuickShout: Creating interactive video on the iPad - 0 views

    I think this kind of tool can be really beneficial for creating flipped learning or video orientated learning as the speaker can guide learners to various learning resources on the web. They can also embed visual support for language learners such as text and images and even write over the video as though it were a whiteboard.
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: An Interactive Video Series About the Search for the Nort... - 2 views

    "Journey Into the Arctic is a neat choose-your-own-adventure series of videos about the search for the Northwest Passage. The series of videos, produced by Canadian Heritage, puts viewers in the role of an explorer leaving England in the 19th century to search for the Northwest Passage. At the end of each segment in the series viewers have to make decisions about navigation and logistical concerns. Each decision will lead to another segment in which viewers can continue or turn back in the exploration."
John Evans

A ThingLink challenge and new video tagging - @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch - 3 views

    "One of the most versatile and easiest-to-use platforms I've used over the past several years is ThingLink. I've used the interactive poster tagging tool to create and embed media-rich image maps, to annotate and evaluate the claims infographics make, as a portfolio and as a curation tool. This summer, educator, consultant and ThingLink Education Community Manager, Susan Oxnevad invites educators to share their creativity and push the envelope with a ThingLink Teacher Challenge on a Google+ Community. In her blog post, Susan explains the rationale for this free self-paced summer challenge: This challenge invites teachers to learn to use interactive images to redefine learning in the classroom. Learn how to connect audio, video, images, and text in one cohesive presentation during this self-paced professional development opportunity. "
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