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Create an online journal with Penzu - 0 views

    Throughout the ages of educational ideas and philosophies teachers have been big fans of having their students keep a journal. Journals are kept in language arts, foreign language classes, and I have seen them in science classes. Students don't particularly like doing them unless they enjoy writing. If given a choice between keeping a journal in their spiral notebook and keeping it online, I would wager that a majority of students in this digital age will prefer to keep it online. So why not give them the choice and tool of Penzu.
Julie Davis

Toy Snake Math : 2¢ Worth - 0 views

    I like the hands on idea of this video. I think students of all ages could benefit from different levels of exploration with the toy snakes.
Julie Davis

What is Media Literacy? - YouTube - 2 views

    Great intro video clip to explain media literacy.  Covers lots of info and concerns.  The idea of "digital citizenship" and the believe that this must be taught at an early age.
Jessica LaPanne

Tech Transformation: Digital Age Learning, Assessment and Feedback - 3 views

    "Students were involved in creating their online textbook using a wiki that involved collaboration with students in 2 other schools where they peer reviewed the work posted by other students on the course". I think students would get a lot out of this!
Jeanine Keyes-Plante

TechLearning: Digital Age Assessment: Part 2 - 2 views

    A look at how technology use in formative assessments improves feedback and how this formative feedback directly helps students improve their performance.
mary oberndorfer

Literacy: Traditional Reading Skills Necessary for Digital Literacy - 4 views

    This article discusses a report published by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory and the Meteiri Group entitled "enGauge 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age" . The brief outlines the skills needed to be successful in the 21st century, but also reinforces the fact that Digital Age literacy is grounded in the traditional 3R's.
Jeanine Keyes-Plante

eLearn: Opinions - Learning Through Storytelling, Not Documents - 1 views

    "As companies grow, in the age of the internet, they are drowning in electronic documents. Some people get so many e-mails each day that they don't even bother opening them. Official documents are nice, but they are no way to communicate." This article encourages and promotes the use of videos to communicate and tell stories.
Miss OConnor

TechLearning: Digital Age Assessment: Part 1 - 1 views

    This post reviews a digital resources that could be used to assess students prior to or during a lesson.  
Jon Tyler

TechLearning: Digital Age Assessment - 2 views

    Effective 21st century assessment reaches beyond traditional testing to look at the broader accomplishments of learners. Assembling an e-portfolio, or electronic portfolio, is an excellent method for assessing students' progress toward school, state, or national academic standards, as well as 21st century skills. An electronic portfolio is a purposefully limited collection of student selected work over time that documents progress toward meeting the standards.
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    This article talks about e-portfolios and how they "are the wave of the future". This type of digital assessment shows student progression and can be a tool teachers can use for the year or can even be passes on to the next grade. The article states "E-portfolios reflect more in-depth, more comprehensive, and better thought-out evidence of student learning than on-demand tests". Students can review their work over the course of the year to see their progression, which I think is empowering.
    This is an informative article that provides a detailed overview of e-portfolios. It provides reasons that e-portfolios are a good method of assessment, and it explores some drawbacks of e-portfolios. The article is a great starting place for those unfamiliar with this type of assessment.
    Great article on the use of eportfolios for students to gather samples of their work and progress towards learning goals.
    Eporfolios would be great for the current teacher to view the strengths and weaknesses of their students. I can find the grade my students received last year but since each teacher grades so differently it really does not give much information.
    A discussion of e-portfolios and their use as assessment.
Courtney Langieri

Education with Technology Harry G. Tuttle - 11 views

    This article suggests how to use Web 2.0 tools to assess students in the digital age. The article has many useful links. I wish that the examples of the actual rubrics were larger. Overall, I found the article to quite helpful.
    How do we assess students' learning in these in Web 2.0 environments? We want to go beyond assessing the mere mechanics of using these tools; unfortunately, most current rubrics for Web 2.0 learning devote only a minuscule amount (usually 16% or less) to actual student academic learning.
    This article is about standards-based learning and 21st century skills. How to improve student learning through teacher's decisions and technology. He has a excellent list of rubrics Web 2.0 tools. Some examples "rubrics" are......Wiki/Blog, Images/Photo/Flickr, Video/YouTube,Podcast, Social Bookmarking, Twitter, Videoconferencing, General Assessment: Prensky's 21st century skills, General Assessment: enGauge's 21st century skills, General Assessment: Partnership for 21st century skills. I really liked the links and rubrics and found them very helpful. However the rubrics were small and a little hard to read.
Kae Cunningham

Digital Age Assessment: Learning in Web 2.0 (NECC 09) « Education with Techno... - 1 views

    A good start to developing assessment tools for Web 2.0 student work. 
Meaghan Roach

Secure Social Networking - 4 views

    The article uses a friendly approach to help teens stay safe and for parents (adults) to understand how to change privacy settings. There is a series of videos (11) to help learn more about social networking and how to check yourself it something doesn't seem right. The article also demonstrates the use of protection your personal property from hackers and spammers.  I personally think the article does a great job using the friendly approach with teens, and using videos, and teens will click on a video than read an entire article. Holly
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    This site offers a number of websites to help learn how to use and how to be safe while networking. Some of the sites are aimed at teens, others at adults (parents and/or teachers). Most sites include videos. I like the site as a first step to put one on the road to being saavy or literate on the web when using social networks.
    This site has information that is valuable for parents and students alike, so all users of the Internet can protect themselves as securely as possible. It's important to know the limits of social networking and the videos present this information in a clear concise manner.
  • This up-to-date site designed for adults offers an excellent online discussion forum on social networking sites. You'll also find the latest related news, with "commentaries" written by both staff and guest experts covering various legal, social, and safety issues. Of special interest: the commentaries on age verification and cyberbullying.
    In Web 2.0 classrooms, teachers encourage students to use social networking for collaborative work. This article delves into the issue of safety in regards to social networks. It provides five links to websites, which help students become aware of the possible dangers of social networking. The article summarizes the different links, discussing the particular purpose and audience of the linked site. Some the sites even provide resources for parents and teachers.
    These are great articles. I like the user friendly approach to all of these; In there are great personal accounts of what can go wrong using social media. Those articles really resonate with my own fears. We must be wise when we use the web.
    This online discussion forum offers adults insight into the legal, social, and safety issues tied into specific social networking sites.
Thomas Fischer

StoryTube: A great Idea - 2 views

    This article introduces a contest which promotes reading and media skills that began in 2008. It is sponsored by major publishers such as Simon and Schuster and Scholastic and 5 regional libraries, The contest is for students in grades 1-6. The students need to create a storytube on a book they have read. It is important to point out that teachers are not replacing a written report or are using this to enhance the report. I reviewed some of the winners and it is so great to see kids excited about what they read and using technology so easily. With students creating video media at such an early age and being so comfortable doing it only leads me to believe that when these students reach high school the work that they will create will be fantastic.
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    What a fun way to talk about and share enthusiasm about books. Another good idea is booktrailers. Many of those can be found on Youtube as well.
    In this article, the author promotes a new contest for students, which combines reading and YouTube. I find this idea interesting as it connects to the new literacies that are being introduced in education. Jason Ohler discusses these literacies extensively on his webpage. I feel it is important to provide students with the tools to critically engage with all types of texts. In their lives, students are constantly engaging with video. This contest allows students to synthesize this awareness with creating video stories.
    This article originally appeared in SLJ’s Extra Helping. Sign up now! By Jennifer Pinkowski -- School Library Journal, 07/09/2008 Funny accents, strange wigs, and spoiler-free plot summaries are the common elements in the winning videos made by contestants in StoryTubes, a new contest for kids that promotes reading-and new media skills-by capitalizing on the popularity of YouTube.
    This link explains how libraries are using the power and popularity of YouTube to promote learning, literacy, creativity and technology. StoryTube is a great project idea that uses the power of the contest as a wonderful motivator.
Anna Hitchcock

Good Assessment is the right of all our students - 0 views

    This website is a guide to effective assessment In a Digital Age. The online resources from this website enable teachers to investigate the potential of enhancing assessment and feedback through technology.
Norma Glennon

In the Google Age, Information Literacy is Crucial - 4 views

    Ensure quality of information by teaching retrieval practices that include alternative sources as well as Google. Using workshops and presentations is important, as it takes time for students to recognize the most valuable and up-to-date content.
Sonia Vasan

Congreso: nonprofit teaches digital literacy to Latino community - 1 views

  • Philly reporters Juliana Reyes and Thomas Creedon contributed to this report. The lines between digital literacy and adult education are blurring. Today at Congreso , the well-regarded North Philadelphia nonprofit that has served its Latino community for 40 years, digital literacy is part of just about every adult education course.
    I'm not sure whether Steve wanted an article on information/media literacy in the sense of evaluating news content, but I've interpreted it here as multimedia literacy, or digital literacy in the information age. This article is just another example of the reason I wanted to take this course in the first place: these days, digital literacy is essential.
Kathy Heller

Education World: Cool Tech Tools for Differentiated Instruction - 1 views

    This article discusses 5 technology tools to help teachers incorporate differentiated instruction into any lesson. These tools appeal to different learning styles and individual strengths. Advanced students can be challenged and struggling students can receive help. The 5 programs/tools cited are Museum Box, The Elements, Garage Band, Intro to Math, and Dragon Dictation.
    Each of the apps listed in this article deserve a glance, some especially for the younger grades and special education. Garage Band appeals to all ages - my colleague uses it to set poems to music in her 2nd grade class. I hope to have students use it this year as background to a video. The Elements app is awesome! (I just spent an hour checking it out - I was completely swept away and so not focused on the task at hand.) I can also imagine an group project with Museum Box, that would appeal to the ultra-organized students. This article really showcases just how technology and all the ensuing apps has something for every student to latch on to and feel success with.
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