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Home/ Web 2.0: Enhancing Education Through Technology/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by randy woodis

Contents contributed and discussions participated by randy woodis

randy woodis

using google tools to create eportfolios - 1 views

    61 slides with definition of portfolios, reasons to use them, google tools to use, and examples. "Portfolios are purposeful collection of work that exhibits efforts, progress, and achievements over time"
randy woodis

20 Great youtube features and tricks you need to know - 0 views

    From ways to find the best youtube videos for the classroom to tricks to make youtube videos more appropriate to use in the classroom.
randy woodis

Michael Fisher virtual summer camp - 5 views

    Many educational sites to check out this summer. There is a site of web 2.0 tools that can be accessed in "two clicks." Also a nice live binder link for how to use the web 2.0 tools. this site will take you to his recommendations for webinars, lesson plans and all sorts of internet sites. Updated regularly.
randy woodis

The instructors role in online discussions - 0 views

    this presents an opinion on Instructors commenting on students discussions. Many observations. The author statesher best advice is "" to be a presence in each discussion room and... what was most important was not the quantity of the interactions with students but the quality of those interactions." The author found if she did not comment students were disappointed and lost interest in the discussion so the teacher is the cheerleader to highlight important things and clarifiy any confusions.
randy woodis

iCivics - 2 views

    There are games and lesson plans designed by retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor . I suggest teachers choose a grade level as some of the subject matter could be for older students. Students can take the role in a court and argue an issue. I tried a sample and it was arguing for or against locker searches in school (students got to choose their side) Good for critical thinking. Many lesson plans about how our democracy works and history including branches of government, voting, and other civic topics.
randy woodis

Prezi presentation on ancient Civilizations - 8 views

    I am trying this again - last link went to site on news stand but not to actual presentation and would not open Example of prezi presentation. Also at the top are tabs to learn how to make a prezi presentation and an explore tab showing other prezi presentations and reasons to make one. Good background for anyone to learn more about Prezi.
randy woodis

Efficient and Effective Feedback in the Online Classroom - 20 views

    Example of prezi presentation. Also at the top are tabs to learn how to make a prezi presentation and an explore tab showing other prezi presentations and reasons to make one. Good background for anyone to learn more about Prezi.
randy woodis

Introduction to flip cameras - 3 views

    Introduce Flips to your staff: A PowerPoint with some great ideas on how to use Flips in the classroom.
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