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Libby Turpin

Making Online Discussion Boards Work for Skills-Based Courses - Faculty Focus | Faculty... - 10 views

    This article explores ways to enhance online communication between students.
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    How to make a disucussion board effective. Divide a large group into smaller study sections. Make certain to post application questions, not fact-based or calculation questions. Apply the questions to the students' life/future.
    The author describes using discussion boards for his accounting course.
    This article highlights some key points about how to successfully integrate online discussions into core subject content. He does this by pairing down the discussion groups much like we are doing in the Web 2.0 course right now ,"When I did discussions with the class as a whole, the students grumbled about having to read repetitive messages. They were much more willing to participate in the study group if there were relatively few messages". He is also looking for an inital post and a follow up post written with correct grammar and spelling.
    In this article, Rob Kelly discusses how he uses online discussion boards to enhance the learning in his classroom. Students end up helping one another, and the conversations go beyond accounting so that students really see the applicability of the subject matter to their future lives. Students who really excel in accounting help students who struggle, and the split classroom discussion helps to make it manageable for all students.
    This article talks about how to make online discussions work for skills-based courses. Using Professor Roger Gee's practice and approach as an example, the author offers examples to guide students in expressing themselves creatively and persuasively, which engages and motivates them. The class is divided into study groups for the discussions. Each discussion begins with a posting by Professor Gee, the discussions are to begin after students have read the material, viewed the PowerPoint, and taken a quiz. Professor Gee encourages students to work within the study groups to help each other.
    This article shows how to let online discussions allow for higher order thinking skills to flourish in a skills-based classroom.
    "Making Online Discussion Boards Work for Skills-Based Courses" is an article written by Rob Kelly and posted in a higher education newsletter. The author describes ways on how online discussions can enhance learning in skills-based online courses. He suggests rather than having students resolve math problems for example, steer students to coming up with an opinion supported by facts they have learned. Students should have the opportunity to have read the lesson, PowerPoints and other related resources before a discussion takes place. The discussions should also give students the opportunity to share opinions and how the material may affect their personal life. Like our class, the author suggest each student to post a reply to the instructor's question and reply to at least one other student's reply. The posting should have good spelling and grammar as if they were in the business world. Another way to enhance learning is to have students work collaboratively and help each other out. The suggestions offered by the author are similar to what we have received in this course. Although the article is written for higher education, I would assume, but I have to also wonder if this is valuable information at the secondary level too?
    This is a first-rate article on how to run an online discussion for a class on a technical subject. The article elucidates the techniques used by an accounting professor at San Diego Messa College. Issues addressed include whether to focus on calculations or opinions, the size of discussion groups, at what point in the lesson plan students should post, and what role the teacher should play in introducing a topic. Professor Gee advocates that posts focus on opinions rather than facts or calculations, since the latter provides an opportunity to spread error. He also discusses dividing a class of 35 into two groups, having students post after they have reviewed a substantial part of the lesson, and the teacher introducing discussion topics and modeling the first comment.
    As a teacher of a 2 year high school accounting program, I enjoyed reading this article about Professor Roger Gee's use of online discussion boards. I introduce my students to several elements of personal finance as it relates to a service business owner's personal finances and wondered how I could engage my students to delve a bit deeper into their own thoughts on their personal finances now and in the future. I will be using Gee's suggestion as it helps students use some critical thinking to plan for their future. Some of the items mentioned actually are part of the "flipped classroom" concept; students already having read the lesson, watched the PowerPoints, and taken the test. Then comes the discussion using the learned skills. I appreciate this information for a skill-based course be it high school or community college. As we articulate with our neighboring community college, and attempt to make our students college-ready, this concept fits the bill.
    Rob Kelly discusses how to he used online discussion boards in a skills based course. This concept could be followed for any type of study group. Given students learn best when they not only teach the information but share and collaborate with others, this idea enhances the learning process.
    I'm the only Accounting teacher and have been teaching for 2 years at the high school level. I feel this article does a great job not just on how discussion boards can help and guide deeper levels of thinking among Accounting students, but provides the opportunity to take baby steps including technology in the classroom and push critical thinking. I can appreciate this article greatly because I believe we all learn through experience and as Gee mentions, some of the students have worked in the field and may be able to offer their peers another insight.
Jennifer Weeks

Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process? | MindShift - 1 views

    • Jennifer Weeks
      This statement is consistent with my own educational experience. I was in the immersion French program as a child in Ontario and half of my day was in French and half of my day was in English. I honestly feel like I spent 6 years of my life from grade 2 to grade 8 copying verb charts and doing worksheets. Clearly, it has paid off as I am a French teacher and I have an excellent vocabulary and understanding of verb conjugations and tenses. 
  • John Kounios, Professor of Psychology at Drexel University and co-author of upcoming book Insight: Aha Moments, Creativity, and the Brain, the connection between creativity and automaticity is complicated.
  • mastered something
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  • thinking about it often becomes locked in and it’s difficult for them to break out of this mental straightjacket.”
  • repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process.”
  • This would be the same as memorizing the rules of basketball and shooting endless free throws without ever learning to play the game.”
    • Jennifer Weeks
      This is the trouble with foreign language instruction sometimes. We don't let students apply what they learn at a fast enough rate to keep them interested. 
  • Focused practice, Lemov has found in his research training teachers, actually automates a process in one’s body, which then becomes fertile ground for creative breakthroughs and individual variations.
    • Jennifer Weeks
      This article talks about the interplay between rote practice/memorization and creativity. It also cites a number of books that are helpful in understanding the nuances of the topic and arguments for and against rote learning. 
  • Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process?
    "Kurt Wootton, co-author of A Reason to Read. "In my view, the repetition must not come before allowing students to participate in the creative tasks, but rather repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process."" I find this statement to "hit the nail on the head" as the debate between rote memory and creative "aha" moments continue. The analogy of the musician practicing for hours playing scales as well as note for note renditions of other's work is appropriate to this discussion. The book, "Outliers",by Malcolm Gladwell, addresses the 10,000 hour rule. To paraphrase; To become world class at anything, it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice. The author's examples range from Bill Gates to The Beatles. When two sides are set up as an US vs THEM debate, it misses the oppoprtunity to combine perfect practice with creative inspiration. Putting together a perfect meal is based on proper choices of various food combinations. Putting together a perfect learning environment is very similar in that a combination of repetitive learning and creative opportunity helps the learning as well as creative process.
    "Kurt Wootton, co-author of A Reason to Read. "In my view, the repetition must not come before allowing students to participate in the creative tasks, but rather repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process."" I find this statement to "hit the nail on the head" as the debate between rote memory and creative "aha" moments continue. The analogy of the musician practicing for hours playing scales as well as note for note renditions of other's work is appropriate to this discussion. The book, "Outliers",by Malcolm Gladwell, addresses the 10,000 hour rule. To paraphrase; To become world class at anything, it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice. The author's examples range from Bill Gates to The Beatles. When two sides are set up as an US vs THEM debate, it misses the oppoprtunity to combine perfect practice with creative inspiration. Putting together a perfect meal is based on proper choices of various food combinations. Putting together a perfect learning environment is very similar in that a combination of repetitive learning and creative opportunity helps the learning as well as creative process.
Florina Merturi

Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education - 5 views

    This is a brief article that expresses the importance and convenience of communicating with technology in education.
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    Information and communication technology plays a large role in changing the field of education. With laptops, PDAs and even smart phones finding their way into daily lessons, these devices are changing the way teachers and students share information and the way schools communicate both within their own organization and to the community.
    This article and a few others on the site explain the role of Information and Communication Technology in education. This ICT concept is important to me as a Business teacher who is responsible for teaching the tpes of applications that are ICT. To think that the concept of communication technology being added to information technology due to the Internet back in 1997 is interesting.
    In this article, "Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education", the author briefly discusses the benefits of technology in education. Because of the brevity of the article, most of the advantages were only skimmed over. However, the author does mention a point that resonates with me as I attempt to integrate technology into my classroom: "The ability to digitally record any data, from tests to transcripts, is a feature of information technology that has long-term potential to save money on both paper and ink as well as make organization and management simpler for administrators and teachers" (Page). The ability to streamline classrooms and to reduce the need for paper intrigues me. Also, her point about technology making "organization and management simpler" is key to sustainable implementation of technology in my future classroom.
    In this article, "Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education", the author briefly discusses the benefits of technology in education. Because of the brevity of the article, most of the advantages were only skimmed over. However, the author does mention a point that resonates with me as I attempt to integrate technology into my classroom: "The ability to digitally record any data, from tests to transcripts, is a feature of information technology that has long-term potential to save money on both paper and ink as well as make organization and management simpler for administrators and teachers" (Page). The ability to streamline classrooms and to reduce the need for paper intrigues me. Also, her point about technology making "organization and management simpler" is key to sustainable implementation of technology in my future classroom.
    In this article, "Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education", the author briefly discusses the benefits of technology in education. Because of the brevity of the article, most of the advantages were only skimmed over. However, the author does mention a point that resonates with me as I attempt to integrate technology into my classroom: "The ability to digitally record any data, from tests to transcripts, is a feature of information technology that has long-term potential to save money on both paper and ink as well as make organization and management simpler for administrators and teachers" (Page). The ability to streamline classrooms and to reduce the need for paper intrigues me. Also, her point about technology making "organization and management simpler" is key to sustainable implementation of technology in my future classroom.
Griffin Loynes

TED-Ed: Flipped Teaching and high order thinking skilss - 2 views

    I found a link from the Newstand that connected me to an article from, which discusses a new educational program from the people at TED talks. The program allows teachers to turn any YouTube video, including TED talks into a lesson. The article aligned this new tool with the phenomenon of flipping classrooms. To flip a classroom means to prepare a lesson that students can complete at home. The pedagogical foundation of flipped classes is connected to project-based learning. The proponents of this approach believe if students can cover lessons at home, then classroom time could be used for collaborative student projects. The new TED-Ed program allows for teachers to create a unique URL, where student can access the video as well as a series of questions. The types of questions vary from multiple choices, to short answer, to more high order thinking questions. These HOT questions expand the ideas from the video into high order thinking akin to Bloom's Taxonomy. The TED-Ed team is also producing their own educational videos, which are a collaboration between educators and animators. At this point there aren't many of the TED-Ed videos produced, but the ones I explored are quite interesting. The article has links to TED-Ed. I am not the biggest proponent of flipped teaching, but I am intrigued by TED's involvement.
Ann Chapman

Efficient and Effective Feedback in the Online Classroom - 20 views

    A discussion of "disruptive innovations" and how online learning can be used in brick and mortar schools to engage students in richer, more complex learning experience and increase student/teacher interactions.
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    Example of prezi presentation. Also at the top are tabs to learn how to make a prezi presentation and an explore tab showing other prezi presentations and reasons to make one. Good background for anyone to learn more about Prezi.
    RSS aggregator
    Nowadays IPAD is being used in the classrooms for more and more functions. This article introduced APPs offering 5 new software and assistive technology for special needs kids.They have a lot of other options for a child's particular needs. I am sure IPAD(APPLE) will keep their great contribution in the education in the future.
    "We believe the more connected students are with their peers and instructors, the more likely they are to enjoy the overall experience and successfully complete their course. Decades of research from scholars such as Lev Vygotsky and Gabriel Tarde indicate that by making groups more interactive and social, student learning experiences can become more productive and fun. We are working hard to evolve the online learning process from markedly remote to highly collaborative." Original article site:
    Online homework is beneficial to students. They get feedback promptly, even more promptly than that provided by very conscientious instructors. Online homework can also be designed so that it allows students to work on areas that frequently cause trouble and/or on areas where the individual student is having difficulty. Original Article site:
    This brief article points out that many new online teachers focus on two of the three critical elements identified by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000) that support instruction and learning: cognitive presence and teaching presence. The third, social presence, might be overlooked. The article's author, Dr. Oliver Dreon, offers five ways to build social presence in an online class, many of which are familiar to the VHS community.
    While this article is about 'flipping' in general, it also describes a team-based learning approach to flipping. The author used this approach at the university level by grouping students into heterogeneous and permanent teams of six or seven. The students then used the author's templates to explore course material.
    This article fully explains implementation of blogging in a classroom. The teacher explains: expectations; use of blog posts for classroom discussions, and decorum. She highlights that student blogging enables her to bring to the classroom, without pinpointing a particular student: "insightful responses, inaccurate interpretations, good questions, and lively exchanges". Excellent Information!
    This is actually one of the most useful blog things I've seen. It's a solid reminder that teaching an online course is not a checkout for the teacher. Students really want constant feedback - because many things are not verbally explained and the students have to break them down into steps for themselves, it can be overwhelming. They want to know "Am I doing this right? Is this what you're looking for?" so constant feedback and grading reinforcement in more necessary online than in f2f.
    This blog really hits home with me. I do get overwhelmed at all the different places I have to navigate to get my work done, so it is important, as the article stated to have an easy-to-access-course - design. Trying to tab to resources , clicking on links, then opening up different websites. I love the videos, which help me, because I am a visual learner. As stated in the article, it is difficult for the teachers to be present all the answer questions, but if students and teachers work together the class can work out. Some students take longer to master a new process than other, so good communication is the key here.
    The article explains the importance of Problem-Based Learning in Education. It is crucial to create lessons that incorporate interesting, safe and useful activities.
    I read this and thought how true it is that giving feedback to students taking an online course...or working on a website etc. is as important as feedback we give on essay writing, reading, speaking and listening. Feedback is a key communication tool for students to know where they stand. As is any feedback - provided it is constructive.
craig reynolds

Building community in an online learning environment: communication, cooperation and co... - 0 views

    This is an academic paper examining the reasons why an online learning group should 'move ... from cohort to community.' (abstract), and how students resources and strategies may be managed to accomplish this. The paper asserts that students in a distance learning situation are isolated from each other and the teacher, therefore it is of vital importance that the cohort needs to create a sense of community rather than simply exist alone in the virtual learning room. The article quotes Vygotsky's social development theory of 1978, Selznik's seven elements of community: history, identity, mutuality, plurality, autonomy, participation, and integration (1996), and how the author's of the article modified the characteristics to conform more with current online learning theory. I found this article particularly relevant to the current situation I find myself in. Even though I am happy in my own space and don't need the close interaction with others, I can see that it is important to push myself forward in the sense of gleaning the most benefit from the course and those many intelligent people out there. This is difficult for me because I find the time necessary to maintain so many contacts, and actually have something worthwhile to say and share goes against my slow, ponderous thinking and non-gregarious nature!
Mervin Eyler

Clever, Cool and Creative...Nice to Meet You Articulate Storyline - 3 views

    The author of the article reviews a new training software release "Articulate Storyline". The program combines several elements: video, dialog balloons, and questions with multiple scenario resolutions for starters. Each scene is very short. The video action stops, and text balloons appear showing the dialog of the scene. Then three possible resolutioins to the scene appear. The user chooses one, and the video continues. It works like an improv play where the audience chooses how each scene will end. Although it's designed as a tool for the teacher, I can see where students would love this, too. The reviewer is definitely not unbiased, but there are links to samples that showcase just what the program can do.
Florina Merturi

Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish - 7 views

    This is a link to a video of a high school that uses only Project-Based learning PBL, a teaching/learning style where students create projects to demonstrate their learning of the objectives set out by the teacher. It goes through the process of how to set up PBL projects as teachers. It's a decent introduction to the process: something to pique one's interest. At the end there are links to other videos with more information about PBL.
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    I really enjoyed this PBL video. The teachers in the video explained the process, allowed the students to do the research on the topics and decide what the best form of their final presentation would be for each group. The students appeared to be actively engaged during their class time. I was impressed by their dress for the final presentations. The principal mentioned that they do speeches 60-65 times each year so by their graduation the students are very versed in public speaking; most impressive. I would like to see our school do more PBL.
    Project-based learning has come to the forefront of education as it is being used to assess what the students know and how they can use the knowledge in the "real world" to problem solve. The approach by the school to implement PBL into their curriculum goes directly back to state standards. I thought the video was well informed and I was impressed with the 60-65 times the students speak in front of others (public speaking).
    Go inside Manor New Technology High School, part of the New Tech Network of schools, where an unwavering commitment to an effective schoolwide PBL model keeps both students and teachers motivated and achieving their best. More to this story.
Joseph Mullett

Could the Internet be the End of Snow Days - 1 views

    A great article that discusses some of the potential uses for technology and communication beyond the walls of the classroom. Through the use of the internet, online programs, and direct communications like Skype, Edmodo, and other instant messaging, students can attend the classroom, even if they can't get to the school on days of weather inconvenience. Snow, Water damage, bomb scares, you name it. Provided that the students could access the internet and had power, the school could exist for that day. Part of the issue is getting kids to realize that the learning can occur outside of the classroom. Another part is that sometimes snow days occur at very inopportune time, like right before benchmark/standardized tests. But, it appears that for the most part the article discusses saving money and keeping the schooling going, when the weather won't allow it. Not sure how many snow days your school has but... not the biggest issue for me. But then there is the other side of this issue. Some parents, and myself included, agree that there just isn't enough time off in the winter. Go to school in the dark, leave in the dark, creates no time for play, no time for a mental break from the classroom. And in a world where students have been accused of not spending enough time outside being kids, I would have a difficult time as a teacher expecting to see them sign in to my classroom, when I was also outside playing on one of those mythical "Snow Days."
Meaghan Roach

Secure Social Networking - 4 views

    The article uses a friendly approach to help teens stay safe and for parents (adults) to understand how to change privacy settings. There is a series of videos (11) to help learn more about social networking and how to check yourself it something doesn't seem right. The article also demonstrates the use of protection your personal property from hackers and spammers.  I personally think the article does a great job using the friendly approach with teens, and using videos, and teens will click on a video than read an entire article. Holly
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    This site offers a number of websites to help learn how to use and how to be safe while networking. Some of the sites are aimed at teens, others at adults (parents and/or teachers). Most sites include videos. I like the site as a first step to put one on the road to being saavy or literate on the web when using social networks.
    This site has information that is valuable for parents and students alike, so all users of the Internet can protect themselves as securely as possible. It's important to know the limits of social networking and the videos present this information in a clear concise manner.
  • This up-to-date site designed for adults offers an excellent online discussion forum on social networking sites. You'll also find the latest related news, with "commentaries" written by both staff and guest experts covering various legal, social, and safety issues. Of special interest: the commentaries on age verification and cyberbullying.
    In Web 2.0 classrooms, teachers encourage students to use social networking for collaborative work. This article delves into the issue of safety in regards to social networks. It provides five links to websites, which help students become aware of the possible dangers of social networking. The article summarizes the different links, discussing the particular purpose and audience of the linked site. Some the sites even provide resources for parents and teachers.
    These are great articles. I like the user friendly approach to all of these; In there are great personal accounts of what can go wrong using social media. Those articles really resonate with my own fears. We must be wise when we use the web.
    This online discussion forum offers adults insight into the legal, social, and safety issues tied into specific social networking sites.
Jessica LaPanne

Why Should Educators Blog? - 3 views

    This teacher makes a really strong argument that you should not feel that you have nothing important to say. This is the way to make some strong networked relationships. I like her quote "This has led to many great conversations with other educators about teaching issues." Blogging has connected her to peers throughout the world. I find that being an online educator is lonely so this may be the way to go to share resources and to discuss with others that share our online world.
    I really enjoyed reading this article because I'm feeling the same excitement as the author did when she first began blogging. While I'm just learning how to "officially" blog, I have been using Edmodo with my students as a way to connect with my students outside my classroom. It allows us to communicate and ask questions to one another outside of normal school hours, yet in a more structured classroom like forum, unlike Facebook. But because it works similar to Facebook, the students love it and don't mind logging on and doing their assignments. One day when I was out sick, I was able to log on an have real time discussions with my students. If they had questions about the assignment they were able to ask. They can also turn in their assignments via Edmodo instead of waiting for the next day/week. My feelings are if the students are into it, then it's something we need to be doing as well to keep up with them. Teachers who use Web 2.0 tools such as blogging have an advantage over those that don't because these are the social networks that students know and are familiar with. Also, the author of this article points out the fact that teachers have a new way of connecting to each other and share ideas. From what I remember when I was younger, the traditional teacher's only way of communicating and sharing ideas or concerns with other teachers were via phone or before/after school meetings. I don't know how often that actually happened, but now with blogging you can share your information any time with any body.
Florina Merturi

Think "Exciting": E-Learning and the Big "E" (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    Author Bernard Luskin indicates that most of today's literature refers to the physical changes in technology but as we learn more about human behavior and how people learn, it will dramatically impact the way we teach globally. The author provides 'key takeaways' from the article which all relate to media literacy. He explains that this new 'exploding' environment will impact the future of learning for all levels of education as the media, learning psychology, technologies become popular tools for learning. As we learn more from research and studies about media and how it relates to human behavior, it will increase the effectiveness of the ways technology is used in education. The author states that the 'big "E" is for "exciting, energetic, engaging, extended learning". He explains that E learning has and will continue to grow as a key in media literacy and the way people learn, study, individual behavior in society, and products that are produced. This interest in technology, media, communications and how humans learn has actually developed a new field of study, Media Psychology. The author supports the need for people to enter this field and recommends that we learn what e-learning is about and go beyond the electronic gizmos and gadgets.
    The exploding new media and communications environment has implications for the future of both K-12 and adult learning as media, technology, and learning psychology increasingly become tools for learning in and outside the classroom. The new research area of media studies, i.e., the study of media effects, includes media psychology because an understanding of human behavior is vital to the effective use of technology in education.
Mervin Eyler

Six technologies that soon could be in your classrooms - 4 views

    This is a three-page overview of the Horizon Report which tries to predict technological trends in the classroom. It predicts a greater use of tablets in the short run, game-based learning for the medium term, and augmented reality in the long run. It says all of the technologies will enhance collaborative learning, but associates creativity with only game based learning. Finally, it lists recent trends in technology and education. It also lists the most likely obstacles to adopting the technologies in the classroom. Being a subscription site, one must sign up (free) in order to read past the first page.
NIM Facilitator

Storify - 1 views

    Platform for combining writing and stories from social media into a unique mashup. Once signed in, create a story by searching various social media platforms for content. For example, you can search Twitter for a certain keyword or hashtag. Then, drag selected content into the story pane. Content from multiple searches can be included in one story. The key feature is the ability to add text throughout the story. For example, you could ask students to take a stance on the budget battles in the U.S. Content from social media and the web can be pulled into the story. Then, students create their own content, justifying or disagreeing with the stories incorporated into the story. Completed stories are published and then shared. Give Storify a try for current events projects as well as teaching media literacy.
Christine Kurucz

The Instructor's Challenge: Moving Students beyond Opinions to Critical Thinking - 0 views

    In this article, teachers are urged to push students beyond simply providing personal opinions as answers. By offering better prompts and questions, students need to be pushed into "critical reflection and evaluation" of the topic at hand. Having students move beyond simply Q/A formats, they are more engaged in their learning in terms of both the process and the outcome. Teachers need to provide feedback, challenging prompts, and encourage the discovery process (among others) to improve critical thinking skills. In addition, teachers can post open-ended questions, provide models of what synthesis looks like, and refrain from being the authority on the subject. While this article was not specifically related to Web 2.0 tools, the elements of how to increase critical / higher order thinking skills apply to all of the elements of technology use in the classroom.
Colleen Gianino

Creative Suite 6 Ships; Creative Cloud Coming May 11 -- THE Journal - 2 views

    This is a brief article describing the Adobe Creative Suite update to 6.0. Aside from listing the latest updates, he most interesting part of this article is that Adobe is introducing the Creative Cloud. If you follow the link about the cloud it unveils a whole knew way of creative possibilities. The Creative Cloud is something I want to look into for our classroom. I am wondering if it is an alternative to purchasing hefty licenses every year.
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    This is good news!
    I have a hard time imagining the powerful suite of Adobe apps working well in the cloud. For this cloud service to work, I would imagine one needing a seriously fast and reliable Internet connection. None the less, I am really excited to see if this lives up to the promises. Thanks for sharing.
    I use Photoshop all the time at my school. I'm looking forward to what CS6 has to offer. Want to research more on The Creative Cloud. So far what I know, I like.
Cheryl Zaino

Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains - 4 views

  • Table of The Cognitive Domain Category Example and Key Words (v
    This article is about how the Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning has changed. The new higher order thinking is the following. Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding, Remembering. The article also includes the three domains of learning: Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor.  As stated in the article, Bloom's Taxonomy was create in 1956 and the old taxonomy included the following: Evaluation, Synthesis, Analysis, Application, Comprehension and Knowledge. The auther feels the new taxonomy , "reflects a more active form of thinking and is perhaps more accurate".- See more at: Questions to ask are how does the new technology fit into the new definition of "Bloom's Taxonomy". At what stage will all education require technology as the main component and source for educating students?
Katy Williams

Differentiated instruction allows students to succeed - 9 views

    This article discusses the importance of differentiation and especially the need for students to "redo" their assignments until they get them correct. By allowing students to "redo" they are improving their higher level thinking skills. Good and short article with practical reminders.
    I love this article! Great reminders for all of us as educators to simply differentiate learning for our students. -vary the length or quantity of the assignment. -extend or curtail the duration of the assignment. -change the language of the assignment. -scaffold the learning activity from hard to medium to easy. -compact the activity and teach only what they don't know. -give them learning activities that let them perform the same learning objective with multiple mediums like summarizing a story they have read through narrative, drama, song, poetry, art, or design They also discussed the ability to redo assessments and I agree with this but somewhere in my teaching experience this has been engrained in my head only once. But I realize the feeling of success this allows a student.
    In this blog, Ben Johnson reiterates the misconceptions in education about all students getting concepts in education at the same time. He goes on to discuss the importance of true differentiation in the classroom and that it is not creating an imbalance among students but a way for all students to succeed. He emphasizes the things teachers already do in the classroom to help students succeed and ends with a suggestion to allow students to redo their work in all areas (not just English and history).

Part 2… Creativity In The Digital Classroom… Web 2.0 Tools… Are They In Your ... - 4 views

    The author points out the importance of bringing creativity into the classroom and into the curriculum to help engage the learner. The author recommends several Web 2.0 applications that can be used at any school which include Glogster, Storybird, Animoto, and Voki to name a few.
    This article was great! It was to the point and explained the importance of creativity in the classroom. The integration of that creativity helps students become producers of their own curriculum and makes them responsible for their own education. The article lists useful tools to bring that creativity alive.
Shelly Landry

Troy Hicks: A Conversation About Digital Writing | Edutopia - 0 views

    "The digital tools offer students new opportunities, no doubt, but they still need to be intentional in the way that they craft their pieces of digital writing."  This quote sums this article well.  Despite the new technology, teachers and students must be intentional in the ways they approach writing.  The article discusses Troy Hick's book Crafting Digital Writing.  The book looks very interesting.  Part of the article also discusses some of the arguments against digital writing with Tony's counter arguments.  There are also some great links within the article to various writing resources.
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