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Florina Merturi

Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education - 5 views

    This is a brief article that expresses the importance and convenience of communicating with technology in education.
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    Information and communication technology plays a large role in changing the field of education. With laptops, PDAs and even smart phones finding their way into daily lessons, these devices are changing the way teachers and students share information and the way schools communicate both within their own organization and to the community.
    This article and a few others on the site explain the role of Information and Communication Technology in education. This ICT concept is important to me as a Business teacher who is responsible for teaching the tpes of applications that are ICT. To think that the concept of communication technology being added to information technology due to the Internet back in 1997 is interesting.
    In this article, "Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education", the author briefly discusses the benefits of technology in education. Because of the brevity of the article, most of the advantages were only skimmed over. However, the author does mention a point that resonates with me as I attempt to integrate technology into my classroom: "The ability to digitally record any data, from tests to transcripts, is a feature of information technology that has long-term potential to save money on both paper and ink as well as make organization and management simpler for administrators and teachers" (Page). The ability to streamline classrooms and to reduce the need for paper intrigues me. Also, her point about technology making "organization and management simpler" is key to sustainable implementation of technology in my future classroom.
    In this article, "Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education", the author briefly discusses the benefits of technology in education. Because of the brevity of the article, most of the advantages were only skimmed over. However, the author does mention a point that resonates with me as I attempt to integrate technology into my classroom: "The ability to digitally record any data, from tests to transcripts, is a feature of information technology that has long-term potential to save money on both paper and ink as well as make organization and management simpler for administrators and teachers" (Page). The ability to streamline classrooms and to reduce the need for paper intrigues me. Also, her point about technology making "organization and management simpler" is key to sustainable implementation of technology in my future classroom.
    In this article, "Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education", the author briefly discusses the benefits of technology in education. Because of the brevity of the article, most of the advantages were only skimmed over. However, the author does mention a point that resonates with me as I attempt to integrate technology into my classroom: "The ability to digitally record any data, from tests to transcripts, is a feature of information technology that has long-term potential to save money on both paper and ink as well as make organization and management simpler for administrators and teachers" (Page). The ability to streamline classrooms and to reduce the need for paper intrigues me. Also, her point about technology making "organization and management simpler" is key to sustainable implementation of technology in my future classroom.
Thomas Fischer

Higher Education on-line opportunities are exploding! - 0 views

    Gregory Ferenstein posts in Tech Crunch: GREGORY FERENSTEIN Monday, February 11th, 2013 The rate at which online education is becoming part of the fabric of higher education is experiencing exponential growth. Over 1800 accredited Universities including M.I.T, Duke, UPenn, University of Wisconsin are actively embracing the new technologies. Many of the new courses are rigorous science based courses now being offered at vey low tuition rates. Studies are showing that test scores are rising in an online environment. A word of caution must be added. Initial experiments in education usually recruit the best and brightest on both sides of the equation. As these programs expand, close attention should be paid to the results.
jane sun

Best Social Media Sites for Teachers - 0 views

    Education World has put together a resource of educator-specific social media platforms such as WeCollaborate, Teacher Engage, Technology Integration in Education, The EducationWorld Community, that give resources of ideas, blogs and lesson/unit ideas.
    The article illustrated the function of web 2.0 in Education Area. The author promoted some free social media sites"" & "". They were all designed for the teachers. Please enjoy the article, enjoy the education world community!
NIM Facilitator

Super Book of Web Tools for Educators - 2 views

    In this book there introductions to more than six dozen web tools for K-12 teachers. Additionally, you will find sections devoted to using Skype with students, ESL/ELL, blogging in elementary schools, social media for educators, teaching online, and using technology in alternative education settings.
Christie Gloss

Learning with 'e's: Five tools for global educators - 1 views

    In this article, Steve Wheeler discusses the changing role of teachers from traditional classroom teachers to global educators. He discusses the top five tools he believes global educators need to connect with global communities, resources and audiences.
Daniel Maak

Comprehensive Assessment of Student Retention in Online Learning Environments - 2 views

    A scientific study of the educational practicality of online education versus conventional face-to-face, brick and mortar environments. Issues of retention as well as escalated drop-out rates for online education are evaluated.
Griffin Loynes

TED-Ed: Flipped Teaching and high order thinking skilss - 2 views

    I found a link from the Newstand that connected me to an article from, which discusses a new educational program from the people at TED talks. The program allows teachers to turn any YouTube video, including TED talks into a lesson. The article aligned this new tool with the phenomenon of flipping classrooms. To flip a classroom means to prepare a lesson that students can complete at home. The pedagogical foundation of flipped classes is connected to project-based learning. The proponents of this approach believe if students can cover lessons at home, then classroom time could be used for collaborative student projects. The new TED-Ed program allows for teachers to create a unique URL, where student can access the video as well as a series of questions. The types of questions vary from multiple choices, to short answer, to more high order thinking questions. These HOT questions expand the ideas from the video into high order thinking akin to Bloom's Taxonomy. The TED-Ed team is also producing their own educational videos, which are a collaboration between educators and animators. At this point there aren't many of the TED-Ed videos produced, but the ones I explored are quite interesting. The article has links to TED-Ed. I am not the biggest proponent of flipped teaching, but I am intrigued by TED's involvement.
S Worrell

The Dean's List: 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs | EdTech Magazine - 2 views

    EdTech: Focus on Higher Education has surveyed the web and found what we believe are the 50 best IT blogs in higher education. These blogs - including well-known names and some who are less familiar - cover every aspect of technology, both in the classroom and behind the scenes. Learn from tech experts and IT peers at colleges who are in the trenches. Dig into the very best the web has to offer.
    Higher Education Blogs is the source to see what's on the Dean's List for classroom integration. Educators reap rewards.

Educational Videos for Free as well as other Visuals for Education - 0 views

    PBS Learning Resources is an excellent site for teachers and students to find educational films as well as other media types such as sound, images, and lesson plans. This site has a couple thousand videos for you to see. These videos are all free.
Eric Lehmann

12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free - 0 views

    All education is self-education. Period. It doesn't matter if you're sitting in a college classroom or a coffee shop. We don't learn anything we don't want to learn. Those people who take the time and initiative to pursue knowledge on their own are the only ones who earn a real education in this world.
NIM Facilitator

Advice and First Steps for Educational Leaders to Lead by Example by dlourcey - 7 views

    "Advice and First Steps for Educational Leaders to Lead by Example Please provide Advice, First Steps, or Next Steps to Educational Leaders (superintendents and principals and other key leaders) on what he or she must do to lead by example to further 21st century learning for students and staff."
NIM Facilitator

1001 Uses for a Digital Camera - 2 views

    This site is designed as a reference tool putting educators in touch with creative educational applications for digital cameras in educational settings.
Jill Zupetz

iPads In Education - How's It Going So Far? | Emerging Education Technology - 2 views

    This article discusses how the implementation of iPads in education has been successful in some schools.
Eric Lehmann

Top 100 Education Blogs | OEDb - 1 views

    Education blogs are becoming a means for educators, students, administrators, and parents to interact more effectively than ever before on the internet. The number of blogs available is overwhelming. This website seems to hits and filtering tools to showcase some of the top education bloggers.
Bonnie Ferreira

Education 3.0 - 3 views

    This was an excellent article addresses the changes in the Web from 1.0 - 3.0. The 1.0 education was teacher delivering the content to the student. 2.0 discuss how the student and teacher can equally access information. Web 3.0 delivers education 24/7 worldwide with authenticity and creativity. This articles address education through web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.
Andrea Jones

Most Recent Materials in Merlot Teacher Education - 1 views

    This article is about using Skype in the classroom for global education. I am categorizing it as media literacy because of the use of skype. Thousands of teachers are involved in a large variety of global educational projects. One of the partners in this program is NASA's Digital Learning center. Projects there are live so that students can learn how to prepare a space vehicle for take off or for them to design something for the spacesuit. There are many other partners to this program.
Jennifer Weeks

Apps and Education [infographic] - 1 views

    A look at the value of Smartphones in education.
Janice McGuire

Sweetsearch: More Than A Free Search Engine For K12 Education! | 21 st Century Educatio... - 1 views

    Sweet Search and finding Dulinea!
    An absolutely wonder search engine alternative. A perfect way to consciously direct student searches for information of all kinds! Great find Jan!
Mary Ann Foncello

The Top Educational iPad Apps Every Teacher and Student should Know about ( 100+) - 3 views

    Top education iPAD apps organized according to Bloom's Taxonomy and 21st Century Skills.
Jasmane Frans

Stanford Daily | Faculty Senate debates online education - 0 views

    In this article educational areas surrounding the changing trend of online and traditional teaching are highlighted. Online enthusiasm and concerns, the flipped classroom, the value of online courses and prioritizing teaching students on campus could be issues all educators will have to debate at the rapid pace online teaching are accelerating.
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