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Losing Weight Through Professional Help - 1 views

started by Edgar Anderson on 25 Sep 12 no follow-up yet

A positive dose-response effect of vitamin D supplementation on site-specific bone mine... - 0 views

    A positive dose-response effect of vitamin D supplementation on site-specific bone mineral augmentation in adolescent girls: a double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled 1-year intervention. Viljakainen HT, Natri AM, Kärkkäinen M, Huttunen MM, Palssa A, Jakobsen J, Cashman KD, Mølgaard C, Lamberg-Allardt C. J Bone Miner Res. 2006 Jun;21(6):836-44. PMID: 16753014 doi: 10.1359/jbmr.060302 We conclude that the current vitamin D recommendation for adolescent girls, at least in the northern latitudes, is too low to ensure sufficient vitamin D status during winter. Intake of vitamin D at rates of 10-15 μg/day aids to maintain stable S-25(OH)D concentrations during winter. Vitamin D induced BMC augmentation by decreasing bone resorption, but not affecting bone formation, which was reflected by the biochemical markers of bone turnover. Optimizing bone mineral gain in adolescence is crucial to the prevention of osteoporosis later in life. Increasing vitamin D intake to 10-15 μg/day aids in attaining this goal.

Effects of Atorvastatin on Vitamin D Levels in Patients With Acute Ischemic Heart Disease - 0 views

    Effects of Atorvastatin on vitamin D levels in patients with acute ischemic heart disease. Pérez-Castrillón JL, Vega G, Abad L, Sanz A, Chaves J, Hernandez G, Dueñas A. Am J Cardiol. 2007 Apr 1;99(7):903-5. Epub 2007 Feb 8. PMID: 17398180 In conclusion, atorvastatin increases vitamin D levels. This increase could explain some of the beneficial effects of atorvastatin at the cardiovascular level that are unrelated to cholesterol levels. The mechanism by which atorvastatin increases vitamin D levels is related to inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3 methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. Cholesterol is synthesized from 7-dehydrocholesterol, which is also a precursor of vitamin D3. For this reason, we initially observed a statistically significant relation between total cholesterol and vitamin D. HMG-CoA enzyme reductase is key to the synthesis of cholesterol, whereas ultraviolet radiation causes the formation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Inhibition of the enzyme may increase levels of 7-dehydrocholesterol and increase the synthesis of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, thereby increasing vitamin D levels,10 although we observed no relation between lower cholesterol and increased vitamin D. In addition, 25-hydroxyvitamin D has been shown to inhibit HMG-CoA enzyme reductase activity in in vitro studies.11 A greater concentration of vitamin D could increase enzymatic inhibition, acting in synergy with the statin in decreasing total cholesterol.

Effect of four monthly oral vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation on fractures a... - 0 views

    Effect of four monthly oral vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation on fractures and mortality in men and women living in the community: randomised double blind controlled trial. Trivedi DP, Doll R, Khaw KT. BMJ. 2003 Mar 1;326(7387):469. PMID: 12609940 CONCLUSION: Four monthly supplementation with 100 000 IU oral vitamin D may prevent fractures without adverse effects in men and women living in the general community.

Suomalaisten D-vitamiinin saanti on riittämätöntä - 0 views

    Suomalaisten ravitsemussuositusten mukaan päivittäisen D-vitamiinisaannin tulisi olla ennen 70 ikävuotta 7,5 µg/VRK ja 10 µg/VRK sen jälkeen. Tällaisella saannilla elimistön D-vitamiinin tarve ei tule koskaan turvattua ilman riittäviä erillisiä D-vitamiinilisiä tai "etelän aurinkolomia". Valtion Ravitsemusneuvottelukunnan vuonna 2004 laatimat suositukset ovatkin aikansa eläneitä eivätkä nykytiedon mukaan turvaa väestön D-vitamiinin tarvetta. D-vitamiinireseptoreita, jotka yhdessä D-vitamiinin kanssa toimivat solun sisäisinä säätelijöinä, on mm aivoissa, eturauhasessa, rintarauhasessa, paksussa suolessa ja vasta-aineita tuottavissa soluissa. D-vitamiini säätelee yli 200 geeniä, joista osa säätelee solujen lisääntymistä, erilaistumista, kuolemaa ja verisuonten syntyä. Riittävän D-vitamiinin saanti vähentää tutkimustiedon mukaan selvästi riskiä sairastua eturauhasen, rintarauhasen ja imukudoksen syöpiin, diabetekseen ja sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin - siis sairauksiin, jotka ovat suomalaisten suuria terveysongelmia. Lisätietoja: Olli Simonen, Suomen Osteoporoosiliiton pj puh 044-3080306 ( D-vitamiinin puute kansanterveyshaasteena) Christel Lamberg-Allardt, professori, puh 09-19158266 tai 040-5769500 (väestön D-vitamiinin tarve ja saanti) Hannu Aro, professori puh 040-353 7644 (osteoporoosin, -malasian ja murtumien diagnostiikka ja hoito)

PLoS ONE: Vitamin D Status Is Positively Correlated with Regulatory T Cell Function in ... - 0 views

    Vitamin D status is positively correlated with regulatory T cell function in patients with multiple sclerosis.\nSmolders J, Thewissen M, Peelen E, Menheere P, Cohen Tervaert JW, Damoiseaux J, Hupperts R.\nPLoS One. 2009 Aug 13;4(8):e6635.\nPMID: 19675671

Association study on two vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and vitamin D metabolite... - 0 views

    Association study on two vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and vitamin D metabolites in multiple sclerosis. Smolders J, Damoiseaux J, Menheere P, Tervaert JW, Hupperts R. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 Sep;1173:515-20. PMID: 19758194 DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04656.x Discussion: We found no association of the Apal and Taql VDR gene SNPs with MS or with vitamin D metabolism in our population. Further research should assess the complex interaction between vitamin D, the VDR, and susceptibility to MS.

Fatigue fractures in military conscripts : A study on risk factors, diagnostics and lon... - 0 views

    Fatigue fractures in military conscripts : A study on risk factors, diagnostics and long-term consequences Ruohola, Juha-Petri University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Helsinki University Central Hospital Centre of Military Medicine, Helsinki 2007-03-09 Doctoral dissertation (article-based) It seems likely that low vitamin D levels are related to fatigue fractures, and that an increasing trend exists between TRACP-5b bone resorption marker elevation and fatigue fracture incidence. Though seldom detected by plain radiography, fatigue fractures often underlie unclear lower leg stress-related pain occurring in the distal parts of the tibia. Femoral neck fatigue fractures, when displaced, lead to long-term morbidity in a high percentage of patients, whereas, when non-displaced, they do not predispose patients to subsequent adverse complications. Importantly, an educational intervention can diminish the incidence of fracture displacement by enhancing awareness and providing instructions for earlier diagnosis of fatigue fractures

How to optimize vitamin D supplementation to prevent cancer, based on cellular adaptati... - 0 views

    How to optimize vitamin D supplementation to prevent cancer, based on cellular adaptation and hydroxylase enzymology. Vieth R. Anticancer Res. 2009 Sep;29(9):3675-84. PMID: 19667164

JAMA -- Effect of Vitamin D on Falls: A Meta-analysis, April 28, 2004, Bischoff-Ferrari... - 0 views

    Effect of Vitamin D on falls: a meta-analysis. Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dawson-Hughes B, Willett WC, Staehelin HB, Bazemore MG, Zee RY, Wong JB. JAMA. 2004 Apr 28;291(16):1999-2006. Review. PMID: 15113819

Vitamin D supplementation enhances the beneficial effects of weight loss on cardiovascu... - 0 views

    Vitamin D supplementation enhances the beneficial effects of weight loss on cardiovascular disease risk markers. Zittermann A, Frisch S, Berthold HK, Götting C, Kuhn J, Kleesiek K, Stehle P, Koertke H, Koerfer R. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 May;89(5):1321-7. Epub 2009 Mar 25. PMID: 19321573

Review and meta-analysis on vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and cancer risk -- Raimond... - 0 views

    Review and meta-analysis on vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and cancer risk. Raimondi S, Johansson H, Maisonneuve P, Gandini S. Carcinogenesis. 2009 Jul;30(7):1170-80. Epub 2009 Apr 29. Review. PMID: 19403841

Effects of calcium, dairy product, and vitamin D supplementation on bone mass accrual a... - 0 views

    Effects of calcium, dairy product, and vitamin D supplementation on bone mass accrual and body composition in 10-12-y-old girls: a 2-y randomized trial. Cheng S, Lyytikäinen A, Kröger H, Lamberg-Allardt C, Alén M, Koistinen A, Wang QJ, Suuriniemi M, Suominen H, Mahonen A, Nicholson PH, Ivaska KK, Korpela R, Ohlsson C, Väänänen KH, Tylavsky F. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Nov;82(5):1115-26; quiz 1147-8. PMID: 16280447

Shedding Light on Vitamin D and Cancer - 0 views

    Vitamin D's days of obscurity seem pretty much over. Once just an afterthought to most people-relegated to the sides of milk cartons and the pages of medical texts-it's now on the cusp of becoming a full-fledged disease prevention star. Although vitamin D has long been known as an important factor in bone health, a quickly growing body of evidence now shows that it may also help lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, and even premature death.[1], [2] Not surprisingly, scientists and the public have started to take note, particularly of vitamin D's potential to protect against cancer

Cutting edge: vitamin D-mediated human antimicrobial activity against Mycobacterium tub... - 0 views

    Cutting edge: vitamin D-mediated human antimicrobial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is dependent on the induction of cathelicidin.\nLiu PT, Stenger S, Tang DH, Modlin RL.\nJ Immunol. 2007 Aug 15;179(4):2060-3.\nPMID: 1767546

On the epidemiology of influenza - Virology Journal | Full text - 0 views

    On the epidemiology of influenza. Cannell JJ, Zasloff M, Garland CF, Scragg R, Giovannucci E. Virol J. 2008 Feb 25;5:29. Review. PMID: 18298852 doi:10.1186/1743-422X-5-29

Effects of Above Average Summer Sun Exposure on Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Calcium A... - 0 views

    Barger-Lux MJ, Heaney RP. Effects of above average summer sun exposure on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and calcium absorption.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Nov;87(11):4952-6.PMID: 12414856 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cutting Edge: Vitamin D-Mediated Human Antimicrobial Activity against Mycobacterium tub... - 0 views

    Liu PT, Stenger S, Tang DH, Modlin RL. Cutting Edge: Vitamin D-Mediated Human Antimicrobial Activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Is Dependent on the Induction of Cathelicidin. J Immunol. 2007 Aug 15;179(4):2060-3. PMID: 17675463 [PubMed - in pr

The Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Blood Glucose and Markers of In... - 0 views

    Pittas AG, Harris SS, Stark PC, Dawson-Hughes B. The Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Blood Glucose and Markers of Inflammation in Non-diabetic Adults. Diabetes Care. 2007 Feb 2; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17277040 [PubMed - as sup

Prostate cancer survival is dependent on season of diagnosis - Wiley InterScience: Jour... - 0 views

    Prostate cancer survival is dependent on season of diagnosis
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