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Matti Narkia

Exapation of an ancient Alu short interspersed element provides a highly conserved vita... - 0 views

    Conclusion We demonstrated that the VDRE in the CAMP gene originated from the exaptation of an AluSx SINE in the lineage leading to humans, apes, OWMs and NWMs and remained under purifying selection for the last 55-60 million years. We present convincing evidence of an evolutionarily fixed, Alu-mediated divergence in steroid hormone nuclear receptor gene regulation between humans/primates and other mammals. Evolutionary selection to place the primate CAMP gene under regulation of the vitamin D pathway potentiates the innate immune response and may counter the anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin D. Exaptation of an ancient Alu short interspersed element provides a highly conserved vitamin D-mediated innate immune response in humans and primates. Gombart AF, Saito T, Koeffler HP. BMC Genomics. 2009 Jul 16;10:321. PMID: 19607716 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-321
Matti Narkia

Review and meta-analysis on vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and cancer risk -- Raimond... - 0 views

    Review and meta-analysis on vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and cancer risk. Raimondi S, Johansson H, Maisonneuve P, Gandini S. Carcinogenesis. 2009 Jul;30(7):1170-80. Epub 2009 Apr 29. Review. PMID: 19403841
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