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Home/ English 102 - Spring 2009/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by K Snyder

Contents contributed and discussions participated by K Snyder

K Snyder

Self-regulation and the income-achievement gap - 0 views

    The authors of this article talk about he achievement gap among students that are wealthier compared to lower class. The wealthier student get a lot more of the needs and get the support from home, while the lower class do not get as much and do not always have that support. In this article many studies were conducted. These are reliable studies that show how poverty among students can cause more problems in a childs academic development.
K Snyder

Accelearte Learning - 0 views

    The author here realizes an important problem. He believes that students that live in poverty need to change their live styles and when they reach 4th and 5th grades, that is the ear things need to change. This is the place in a childs life that determins how they percieve school for the rest of thir lives. Th author says that teachers need to understand that these students were born into poverty and do not have much direction. Teachers need to understand and be able to help the students when they need it.
K Snyder

Escaping Poverty - 0 views

    The author of this article describes how class and race can affect a persons life and what they do with their lives. The author has done a lot of research on different topics to see if the effects of a childs race or social status really have an effect on thier education. They found that children living in poverty have a less chance of succeding in academics. The main point of this article addresses is the African American population, but that is not always completly the case.
K Snyder

failed promise of no child left behind act - 0 views

    This article and author brings up many good points that the American people do not usually see. They start off by saying how the No Child Le Behind Act was implemented to help students get a good education and a fair one. The author then goes into how it has failed to meet the requirements and is supporting inequality. the idea of this act is not to bring attention to the economic problems with students, but to help the students achieve a quality education.
K Snyder

family must be a part of the solution - 0 views

    The author in this article explains that there needs to be a solution to find how to close the achievement gap. They thought that more programs for the children would decrease the problem, but it is still a problem today. The author came up with that if parents get more involved in their childrens school work, then theie achievement will increase.
K Snyder

Teacher Quality - 0 views

    The author of this article explains how teacher quality has been an ongoing issue and a big concern for many. The No Child Left behind Act focuses on having good qualified teachers that will improve test scores of their students. The article says how there is not clear meaning on what a qualified teacher is. One can not determine weather a teacher is qualified. it also talks about how they asses a teacher to determine weather they are qualified enough to teach.
K Snyder

Using technology to create tests - 0 views

    The author here thinks that technology should b used in all the classrooms and it diferentiates instruction. When mentioned to students they seem more enthused about learning. The author conducted a lot of research on how to incorporate testing into assessment. They give all the posiives about online testing and the advantages to it. The article also gives places where teachers can creat online tests and implement it into their classroom more.
K Snyder

influence of the school - 0 views

    The author of this article does a study of individual level and school structural variables and weather they effect academic achievement. This study was conducted on about 12,000 10th graders so it is sufficient data and very reliable. They found that a schools climate is very important and can influence a students achievement level. Also, the article mentions student involovment will help academic achievement in many students.
K Snyder

teachers absences effect student achievement - 0 views

    In this article it brings up a very good point on how if a teacher is absent, then it will effect the students in their classroom. Some teachers are better than others and that could also effect the students. This study shows that 5-6% are absent days while school is in session. When teachers do take off of work, its hard for the schools to find good substitutes and it then leads to a day of no learning for the students.
K Snyder


    The author in this article does a study to see if the relationship between teachers perceptions of the leadership of school principals in a large urban school district. This study seems very reliable because the number of people in the study is about 700, which i a sufficient number to collect data from. The article also explains that decision making in schools have changed and teamwork has improved and with the teamwork in urban schools it is important to have a leader.
K Snyder

closing the gap - 0 views

    The author here starts out with a story or a project that was conducted in her classroom. She had a consultant come in to try and help her students with reading. he believed that building a relationship was necessary and to do before and post background information was necessary also. They then go into talking about how the No Child Left behind Act is sometimes hard to meet the requirements and many students may not meet them.
K Snyder

transition for middle school to high school - 0 views

    the author in this article descirbes how the transition from middle school to high school can cause a lot of stress on a student, which can allow them to not work to their full potential. So many urban schools are now considered failing schools, which means there is unequal learning going on. With the transition there are a change in expectations, social changes and it is a big adjustment. The author mentions a very important part where the achievement gap is widening and oppurtunities are becoming non existent.
K Snyder

Teach for America - 0 views

    This author suggests a way to improve the quality of teachers in urban school districts. This will hopefull help the students and close the achievement gap. It says that Teach for American should adopt the teacher residency to help qualify the teachers. Urban schools are in need of well prepared teachers. The program will screen and recruit college grads that are strong and will make a difference in the urban school districts and will change a childs life.
K Snyder


    This author starts this out very differently than any other article. he puts the No Chil Left Behinf Act into a metaphor or a twisted road because it took so long to come up with and it has been changed many times. he talks about how it has to do with standardize test scores and how its hard to prepare students for these types of tests. The teachers are now likely to teach to the tests instead of the curriculum or coming up with their own effective ways of teaching.
K Snyder

Supplemental Educational Services as a Consequence of the NCLB Legislation:... - 0 views

    The author of this article talks about the No Child Left Behind law and how it can help urban city students. This law wants to help students raise their reading and math scores. He has also done a research study that brought in Supplemental Educational Serives and it was desgined to raise achievement levels of students throught tutoring programs. They found that one-on-one tutoring was very productive to the students.
K Snyder

Parents involvement can help - 0 views

    This athor of the article talks about some ways in which the achievment gap can be closed. they discussed how having school year round could help, but by doing studies it has not increased the students knowledge. There are more practical solutions that need to evolve. The author suggests that if the student is taught reading strategies from their home life, then it will impact the students literacy greatly.
K Snyder

improvement in Urban School district - 0 views

    This study focuses on the improvement of Birch Middle School, which is an urban school. This school was known as the worst in the district. Before one knew it the new principal made signifigant improvement in this school. he stressed to teachers to creat a strong academic culture. He overall created a better school for the children to come and learn and that by the help of one person, they can change alot and many lives.
K Snyder

Data Use and School performance in Urban Schools - 0 views

    The author examines differences between data they have collected of 13 urban schools. They collected this data by using test scores, surverys, and case studies, in which other people cmae into schools and watched them. They found very inconsistent information because of the small sample size they had. The only assessed low and high scoring students, which may have caused problems. The teachers use assesment in the classroom to see what students needs are and to have them achieve the goals.
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