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Suzanne Pinckney

Sustainable Business: Where Our Moral Compass Meets the Bottom Line | Paul Polman - 0 views

  • So capitalism, with all its faults, is the only game in town. The task confronting the present generation of leaders is to improve on it, to build on its strengths and eradicate its weaknesses.
  • It became all about "having more," instead of "living more."
  • Addressing the weaknesses of capitalism will require us, above all, to do two things: first, to take a long term perspective; and second, to re-set the priorities of business.
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  • If business is to regain the trust of society, it must start to tackle the big social and environmental issues that confront humanity, especially at a time when governments seem increasingly to be caught in shorter and shorter election cycles and have a hard time internalizing the global challenges in an increasingly interdependent world. As I have said many times, "business can not be a mere bystander in the system that gives it life." The environmentalist Paul Hawken believes that if there is any deficit we are facing right now, it's a deficit of meaning. Many are talking about the need for a GDP+. A broader measure of success than just simply wealth creation.
  • Small actions, big difference. Yes, we all have a role to play.
Suzanne Pinckney

Creativity - Extended Interview - Peter Sims - 0 views

  • So, improvisation and humor really lubricate the skids for creativity as a group, and then, also, allow people to not censor their ideas too prematurely, which is obviously really important.
  • if you’re laughing, you’re more likely to have a more relaxed state of mind and you’re more likely to be in a creative state of mind. Humor removes some of the barriers and some of the self-consciousness.
  • make it so people are very comfortable working with ambiguity and fighting through setbacks and failure, in order to solve problems in more creative ways.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Luck Isn’t Random. It’s A Skill.
  • people who tend to be more lucky have a much more open stance to their world. They interact with people at gatherings or parties who are different from them. They’re just more open to different types of people, and unlucky people tend to just stick to their very own type, people who are of similar backgrounds, similar educational backgrounds, etc.
  • “I’m going to try this for a few weeks and I’m going to see where it gets me. Then I’m going to check in again and I’m going to measure the progress. I’m going to take stock and I’m going to make a decision then about whether to keep going in that direction or to shift.”
  • The willingness to spend 5 to 10% of your time doing experiments will, over the long run, really open up that part of you that can be more creative and entrepreneurial, and yield, hopefully, some new opportunities that you hadn’t thought of before trying something.
  • “Yes. That looks good and what if we did this,” instead of saying, “I don’t like that idea,” and just throwing it out completely.
  • you take the good elements and then you make them better and you constantly do this until you get to perfection.
  • The term for these people is “experimental innovators” – those who learn from each little mistake and piece together what ends up being something great, whether it’s a comedy act or a building or a piece of music. It just doesn’t come without lots of setback and toil.
Suzanne Pinckney

Fantastic First Impression - tips for website - 0 views

  • If you’re using white text on a dark background, don’t do anything else with your site before fixing that. It makes for a miserable reading experience, and it will cut down dramatically on the links and shares you receive. Your text should feel like black text on a white background, even if the colors are actually very dark gray with very light gray. If you’re using one of those fancy textured backgrounds that’s taking forever to load — replace it. Site speed is an essential element of reader-friendly design. Bump your font size up. How big will depend on the typeface you choose, but 14 pt is a good starting point. Speaking of typeface (what most of us call font), choose readability before anything else. No matter how much you love the look of that fancy, hard-to-read font, replace it. Don’t use 20 different typefaces all over your site. Choose one for your headers/subheaders and one for your body text. Links should be underlined. Designers love to play with more attractive ways of indicating links — sadly, none of them is as clear to the reader as underlined text is. When you’re writing content, break it up into fairly short paragraphs. Avoid very wide or very narrow columns for your text: both are hard to read. Columns that are 450-550 pixels wide tend to work well (here’s an article explaining why).
Suzanne Pinckney

Good Deeds Attract Top Millenial Talent - 0 views

    "Millennials are willing to turn down jobs at Fortune 500 companies to work for companies that better reflect their values."
Suzanne Pinckney

Strategy Secrets of the Sustainability Masterminds - Terra Infirma - 0 views

  • What you stop doing is as important, if not more so, as what you start doing
  • Won’t achieve the endpoint without breaking the journey down into intermediate steps;
  • Is the Brundtland definition of sustainability ambitious enough? Should we not want to improve the world for future generations
    great summary of what leaders are concerned or thinking about right now, europe focused
Suzanne Pinckney

The New Metrics: Clues for making sense of sustainability ratings | - 0 views

  • “If it’s easy to remember, it’s easier to participate,” he said.
  • Oudghin showed examples of the remarkable transparency of some publicly traded companies, such as Nike, where anyone can check up on the details of pretty much every Nike supplier.
  • “How would we recognize a truly sustainable business if we saw one?”
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • This “fourth benchmark” goes beyond metrics comparisons to a baseline year, to competitors, or to an internal company goal. The Gold Standard would use material, science-based key performance indicators and goals that could identify a truly sustainable business. Willard is actively working with a broad range of stakeholders from the capital markets to non-profit sustainability experts such as the Natural Step and GISR.
  • And one factor pushing the acceptance and utilization of metrics is the shortening timeframes of risk management in the wake of recent climate events. Gil Friend, founder and CEO or Natural Logic, Inc., said he trusts that each new measuring tool adds new worlds of understanding of “capital,” whether monetary, environmental or social.
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