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Suzanne Pinckney

The 4 steps to building an engaged team - Actionable Books - 0 views

  • I heard once (Clayton Christensen, maybe?) that a leader needs to say things 7 times before the message is heard, understood and internalized.  Never assume that the message you shared once, 3 months ago, was heard in the first place, or that it’s still a driving motivation for people now.  Ask questions.  Share success stories.  Be hyper focused and, when in doubt, communicate it again.  Other people don’t live in your head.
Suzanne Pinckney

CEO survey is gloomy reading for the corporate sustainability movement | Guardian Susta... - 0 views

    Really interesting article on CEO survey with insight as to why sustainability is a challenge still. Good fodder for our messaging
Suzanne Pinckney

How Millennials will shape the future of work | PandoDaily - 1 views

  • They want companies to give back to the community,  to eliminate the traditional 9 to 5 workday, collaboration instead of isolation, and to create a organization fabricated by social media.
  • 92 percent of Millennials believe that business should be measured by more than just profit and should focus on a societal purpose.
  • A Cisco study shows that 70 percent of students believe it is unnecessary to be in an office regularly. Millennials will make working from home or from shared office spaces the norm — goodbye cubicles!
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • If workers are forced to do business outside of the office, such as making a call to China or answering an email, then they should be able to do personal related things inside the office.
Suzanne Pinckney

Paradigm Shift #1: Green Power Hate Mail - Kevin Hagen - 0 views

    "challenge of sustainable business is to reject a worldview that requires trade-offs"
Suzanne Pinckney

How to follow the paths of sustainability trailblazers | - 1 views

  • Collaboration is key," Polman said, "The issues are simply too big to go it alone.
  • about collaboration at new scales.
  • The secret is to begin, to move forward despite the uncertainty and to become comfortable with much greater transparency and collaboration, so that we can bravely lead for a new order of things,"
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • There is still a lack of appreciation amongst many CEOs of the full nature and scale of the transformation that is needed," P
  • How do we embolden people to do the right things and not have to be so harsh on each other?"
Suzanne Pinckney

It's time to start taking responsible investing seriously | Guardian Sustainable Busine... - 0 views

    "On its newest assembly lines BMW produces less than 50g of waste per vehicle. Less than the weight of keys and still the company has plans to reduce it further. "
Suzanne Pinckney

How to make sustainability ideas stick | - 0 views

  • Make the project part of core business strategy, involve all levels of your business and include a "cool" factor to make it memorable.
  • For instance, do you remember these phrases: "biodegradable plant acute hazardous waste absorption bins" or "cactus sinks?"
Suzanne Pinckney

5 ways to assess how green that chemical is | - 0 views

    ""Is it true that Interface puts a pesticide in their carpet tiles?"  "
Suzanne Pinckney

Seth's Blog: Two people you might need in your professional life - 1 views

    very nice
Suzanne Pinckney

Number of 'climate leaders' doubles in new CDP report | - 0 views

  • The Home Depot reported to CDP that it has sold $6 billion worth of energy-efficient products, and estimates that a 5 percent shift in customer buying habits could account for some $300 million in energy efficiency-related sales.
  • "Since economic growth resumed, the old notion of emissions reductions and increasing GDP being mutually exclusive has appeared less valid," the report says.
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