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50 Education Leaders Worth Following On Twitter | Edudemic - 2 views

    Opetusalan twiittaajat, joita kannattaa seurata

BMC Medicine | Full text | Anatomy of open access publishing - a study of longitudinal ... - 0 views

    Tässä vielä tutkimus avoimien tutkimusten lisääntymisestä. Niitä on jo puolet kaikista tutkimuksista.

Miten opettajaa rankaistaan tekijänoikeuslain rikkomisesta? | Opettajan tekij... - 0 views

    Mitä voi tapahtua, jos opettaja rikkoo tekijänoikeuslakia? Oikeustapauksia Suomessa vasta yksi.

Kansallinen pelipäivä 9.11.13 - Koulut - 2 views

    Jos ilmoitat koulusi Kansalliseen pelipäivään, saat maksutta Pelikasvattajan käsikirjan.
    Kiitos, Eija, vinkistä. Taidan yrittää saada omaa kouluani innostumaan asiasta...

CC-licensed book on learning games programming for kids - Boing Boing - 1 views

    Avoimesti lisensoitu kirja, jolla voi oppia tekemään pelejä Python-kielellä.

» A pupil, a blog and a PLN! Mr. Mitchell's Blog - - 3 views

    Great example of how a teacher can leverage his followers to connect his students to the rest of the world.

Cognitive Daily: Does mentioning SEX help students learn about other stuff too? - 0 views

  • Sexy examples, it seems, distract from the learning task. The researchers aren't suggesting that teachers start using boring examples, either -- what's best is to present only information that's relevant to what's being learned. Adding in irrelevant examples, especially the juicy ones, only makes learning more difficult.
  • In the study, the irrelevant materials were about 30 percent of the total material presented. Maybe if attention-getting examples could be reduced to, say, 10 percent of the total, they'd serve their purpose without getting in the way of learning.
    Luennon höystäminen mielenkiintoisilla asiaan liittymättömillä tarinoilla voi jopa haitata oppimista.
    Spicing up a lecture with irrelevant examples and anecdotes: Students can apply information better if the irrelevant sections are boring. If they are very interesting or sexy, they do worse.

Opeblogi: Onko e/m/wikipedagogiikalle tarvetta? - 0 views

  • Mistä pedagogiikassa on kysymys? Ensin oppimisesta, siitä, miten haluttu asia opitaan. Toiseksi halutusta asiasta, siis henkilökohtaisista, paikallisista, kulttuurisista ja yhteiskunnallisista valinnoista. Kolmanneksi siitä, miten haluttu asia opetetaan. Miksi tämä vasta kolmantena? Siksi, että oppia voi myös ilman varsinaista opettamista.
  • Jos kehitetään kovin hienosyistä, tiettyyn ympäristöön sovitettua pedagogiikkaa, huomion kohteena ovat ympäristö ja välineet. Näin ei mielestäni pitäisi ensisijaisesti olla.
  • En ymmärrä, miten voisin määritellä tai esitellä wikipedagogiikan, koska wikin käyttäminen oppimisen edistäjänä voi olla mitä vain.
    En ymmärrä, miten voisin määritellä tai esitellä wikipedagogiikan, koska wikin käyttäminen oppimisen edistäjänä voi olla mitä vain.

Laptops in lectures | Tony Bates - 0 views

  • f most students have laptops, why are they still having physically to come to a lecture hall? Why can’t they get a podcast of the lecture? Second, if they are coming, why are the lecturers not requiring them to use their laptops for study?
  • So, yes, there are occasions when lectures work very well. But they should not be the default model for regular teaching in higher education. There are much better ways to teach that will result in better learning over the length of a course or program.
    Luennolla läppäriä käyttävät opiskelijat pärjäävät opinnoissaan muita huonommin. Miksi? Tässä artikkelissa on pohdintaa aiheesta.
    An article about students bringing lap-tops to lectures, with research indicating that students who use laptops in class do less well than students without laptops.

10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know - 0 views

    Tärkeimmät yksityisyyssäädöt, joilla voit valita, mitä muut näkevät Facebook-profiilistasi. Käy läpi kaverilistat, kuvataggaukset, seinäkirjoitukset jne.

Alkaako matka verkosta vai hausta? « Kulttuuri- ja ict-poimintoja - 0 views

    Tiivistelmää "Matka alkaa verkosta"-seminaarin annista linkkeineen. Seminaarin aiheena oli matkailuala, web-palveluiden kehittäminen ja markkinointi ja sosiaalinen media.

10/GUI on Vimeo - 0 views

    Tämä on kyllä aika mieletön peli! Tietokonemaailma meni uusiksi.

10 New Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know - 2 views

    "In this guide we present a thorough overview of the most important privacy settings which includes previous settings that are still relevant as well as new privacy settings that have been added by Facebook."
    Facebookin yksityisyysasetukset menivät uusiksi. Tässä ohjeet, kuinka säätää oma näkyvyys sopivaksi.

Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010 - 0 views

  • The Tablet: It’s the most anticipated product of the year.
  • Geo: The combination of GPS chips in mobile phones, social networks, and increasingly innovative mobile apps means that geolocation is increasingly becoming a necessary feature for any killer app.
  • Realtime Search: After licensing realtime data streams from Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and others, Google and Bing are quickly ramping up their realtime search.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Chrome OS: In November, Google gave the world a sneak peek at its Chrome operating system, which is expected to be released later this year.
  • HTML5: The Web is built on HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and the next version which has been taking form for a while is HTML5.
  • Mobile Video: With video cameras integrated into the latest iPhone 3GS and other Web phones, live video streaming apps are becoming more commonplace—both streaming from phones and to them.
  • Augmented Reality: One of the coolest ways to use the camera lens on a mobile phone is with the increasing array of augmented reality apps.
  • Mobile Transactions: As mobile phones become full-fledged computers, they can be used for mobile commerce also.
  • Android: Last year saw the launch of nearly two dozen Android-powered phones, including the Verizon Droid.
  • Social CRM: We’ve seen the rise of Twitter and Facebook as social communication tools.  This year, those modes of realtime communication will find their way deeper into the enterprise.
    Techcrunch -blogin ennustus vuoden 2010 tärkeimmistä uutuuksista.

A Million People Riding Google Wave. Most Of Them On Their Stomachs. - 0 views

  • I think Google Wave is something I’d like to have open all the time, as I see it as a new potential variety of communication for the web. And if I have it open, I don’t need another service, like email, to notify me about new messages. But I don’t have it open all the time now because usage among people I know is too sporadic.
  • “Although we are opening up access a bit, do remember that Google Wave is still only in its early preview phase,” the team notes today
    Google Wave on vasta kokeiluvaiheessa ja silti se on lähettänyt jo miljoona kutsua. Kirjoissa kuvataan Wave:a mahdolliseksi uudeksi kommunikaation muodoksi web:ssä.

12 things you didn't know Google Docs could do | News | TechRadar UK - 0 views

  • 7. Full screen mode
  • 8. Emulate classic word processors
  • 9. Publish to your blogClick "Share > Publish as Web Page" in any document. Next click "Set your blog site settings" and enter your login details. You can publish to Blogger, LiveJournal, SquareSpace and others.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 10. Create new documents fastHere's a trick from the Official Google Docs Blog []. Drag the following link to your browser's bookmark bar:New Document []Select the bookmark to make a new Google Doc.
  • 11. Open MS Word docs in Google Docs with FirefoxDownload the Google Toolbar for Firefox. Go to the installed Toolbar's options and choose "Tools". Tick the box labelled "Google Docs" and click "Edit". Tick the box labelled "Double-click a file icon". Save the changes and Microsoft Word docs will now open in Firefox.
  • 12. Take it to the limitGoogle Docs files can be up to 500k in size with a limit on embedded images of 2MB. There's a combined limit of 5,000 documents.
    Lisää esimerkkejä Google Docs:in ominaisuuksista.

How Rewards Can Backfire and Reduce Motivation | PsyBlog - 3 views

  • As you can see the expected reward had decreased the amount of spontaneous interest the children took in drawing (and there was no statistically significant difference between the no reward and surprise reward group). So, those who had previously liked drawing were less motivated once they expected to be rewarded for the activity. In fact the expected reward reduced the amount of spontaneous drawing the children did by half. Not only this, but judges rated the pictures drawn by the children expecting a reward as less aesthetically pleasing.
  • Rewards reduce intrinsic motivation
  • In one study smokers who were rewarded for their efforts to quit did better at first but after three months fared worse than those given no rewards and no feedback (Curry et al., 1990). Indeed those given rewards even lied more about the amount they were smoking.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • tangible rewards tend to have a substantially negative effect on intrinsic motivation (...) Even when tangible rewards are offered as indicators of good performance, they typically decrease intrinsic motivation for interesting activities.
  • Rewards have even been found to make people less creative and worse at problem-solving.
  • When we do something for its own sake, because we enjoy it or because it fills some deep-seated desire, we are intrinsically motivated. On the other hand when we do something because we receive some reward, like a certificate or money, this is extrinsic motivation.
  • This is why play can become work when we get paid. The person who previously enjoyed painting pictures, weaving baskets, playing the cello or even writing blog posts, suddenly finds the task tedious once money has become involved.
    Miten palkkio vaikuttaa motivaation? Sisäiseen motivaation se vaikuttaa tässä blogissa mainittujen tutkimusten mukaan negatiivisesti.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Joo, nykyinen motivaatiotutkimus on ihan mielenkiintoista. Vaikka sisäisen ja ulkoisen motivaation jako on jo vähän vanhahtava, on se edelleen hyvä ajattelun väline. Modernimpi tulkinta olisi varmaankin, että sen sijaan, että jännite muodostuisi toimijan ja tehtävän välille, se muodostuu toimijan ja palkkion välille.
    "Yet psychologists have long known that rewards are overrated. The carrot, of carrot-and-stick fame, is not as effective as we've been led to believe. Rewards work under some circumstances but sometimes they backfire. Spectacularly."
    Jos tuota sisäistä motivaatiota vertaa Mihály Csíkszentmihályin Flow-ilmiöön, ollaan lähellä samoja asioita. Flow-tilassa ulkoisille palkkioille ei ole tarvetta. Se on mielestäni myös optimaalinen tila oppimista ajatellen. Sosiaalisen median välineet saattavat olla muuten aika hyviä tähän tilaan pääsemiseen. Itseopiskelu voi muuttua lähes addiktiota aiheuttavaksi sen avulla.

YouTube - 10 Features of Google Chrome - 0 views

    Google Chrome:ssa on paljon käyttökelpoisia ominaisuuksia, joita tässä videossa esitellään.

YouTube - TEDxNYED - David Wiley - 03/06/10 - 1 views

    David Wiley kiteyttää sen hienosti: "Openness is the only means of doing education!" 
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