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Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners - Metabolism - Clinic... - 0 views

    full study of previous abstract: low carb and high fat diet found to maintain muscle glycogen equal to high carb diet in endurance athletes.  Endurance athletes have high fat oxidation and this probably only applies to these endurance athletes; I would suspect this high fat oxidation would not be found in other short interval sports i.e. sprinting, football....
Nathan Goodyear

Exercise-induced right ventricular dysfunction and structural remodelling in endurance ... - 0 views

  • In a cohort of well-trained athletes, we demonstrated that intense endurance exercise causes an acute reduction in RV function that increases with race duration and correlates with increases in biomarkers of myocardial injury
  • no relationship between LV function and biomarker levels
  • focal gadolinium enhancement and increased RV remodelling were more prevalent in those athletes with a longer history of competitive sport, suggesting that repetitive ultra-endurance exercise may lead to more extensive RV change and possible myocardial fibrosis
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • he cardiac impact of both acute and cumulative exercise is greatest on the RV.
  • Greater reductions in RV function occurred in those athletes competing for a longer duration, suggesting that the heart has a finite capacity to maintain the increased work demands of exercise
  • cardiac injury is greatest in the least trained
  • Previous investigators have documented reductions in RV function in less trained subjects over the marathon distance
  • We enrolled elite and subelite athletes and found a significant association between fitness (VO2max) and the reduction in post-race RVEF
  • Even after many years of detraining, cardiac dilation may not completely regress in elite athletes
  • The focus on well-trained athletes may be of particular relevance, given that they perform exercise of highest intensity and duration most frequently, and, thus, may be at a greater risk of cumulative injury.
  • The lack of correlation between increases in troponin and changes in LV function seen in this study has been previously interpreted as evidence that post-exercise elevations in cardiac biomarkers are benign.
  • a significant correlation between changes in RVEF and post-race biomarker levels and this relationship was even stronger in the athletes who completed the race of longest duration, the ultra-triathlon
  • The correlations with RVEF, but not LVEF, provide further evidence of the differential effects of intense exercise on RV and LV function
  • BNP release during intense exercise is associated with greater relative increases in RV systolic pressures, but not LV pressures
  • BNP may provide a measure of both acute RV load and the resultant fatigue which occurs when this load is sustained
  • It has been demonstrated that ventricular load increases with exercise intensity and is greater for the RV than the LV,29 thus potentially explaining why the RV is more susceptible to fatigue after prolonged exercise.
  • This study demonstrates, for the first time, an association between endurance exercise of increasing duration and structural, functional, and biochemical markers of cardiac dysfunction in highly trained athletes
  • Functional abnormalities were confined to the RV and were largely reversible 1 week following the event
  • there remained a significant minority of athletes in whom there was evidence of myocardial fibrosis in the interventricular septum
  • RV abnormalities may be acquired through cumulative bouts of intense exercise and provides direction for prospective investigations aimed at elucidating whether extreme exercise may promote arrhythmias in some athletes.
  • the acute injury and chronic remodelling of the myocardium both disproportionately affect the RV and it remains possible that the two are linked.
  • focal DGE was confined to the interventricular septum and commonly at the site of RV attachment
  • emerging evidence that intense endurance exercise may be associated with an excess in arrhythmic disorders, the mechanisms for which remain unexplained
  • RVEF (and not LVEF) was reduced in athletes with complex ventricular arrhythmias when compared with healthy athletes and non-athletes without arrhythmias
  • it is premature to conclude that these changes may represent a proarrhythmic substrate
    Study finds endurance racing results in reduce Right ventricle ejection fraction even in elite athletes.  This post-race RVEF reduction is associated with VO2max.
Nathan Goodyear

The human metabolic response to chronic ketosis without caloric restriction: preservati... - 0 views

    ketogenic diet found to not deplete muscle glycogen in endurance athletes.  The metabolism of the endurance athletes can do this via the high fat oxidation--estimates of 80%.
Nathan Goodyear

Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation improves endothelial function and maximal oxygen up... - 0 views

    supplementation of 2.6 grams of n-3 found to increase NO and VO2max in elite cycling athletes.  This has applications for all endurance athletes.  
Nathan Goodyear

Thieme E-Journals - International Journal of Sports Medicine / Abstract - 0 views

    Ultra endurance athletic events associated with significant increase in systemic inflammation due to damaged gut.
Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners - Metabolism - Clinic... - 0 views

    For endurance athletes, low carb and high fat diet utilizes the high fat oxidation in these athletes compared to a high carb diet.  Glycogen stores did not differ between the two groups.  
Nathan Goodyear

The endurance athletes heart: acute stress and chronic adaptation -- George et al. 46 (... - 0 views

    acute and chronic heart changes to endurance training/events.
Nathan Goodyear

Exercise-associated hyponatremia: role of cytokines. - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    study links rhabdomyolysis to exercise induced hyponatremia.  This article links the depletion of glycogen to muscle release of IL-6 leading to increase in ECW and thus hyponatremia. The abstract discusses fluid restriction vs hypertonic 3% NaCL to reverse the more severe cases.  The first signs are of weight gain and thus weight should be monitored.  Decreased renal output is also associated with EAH.  Altered mental status is an early sign.
Nathan Goodyear

Changes in cortisol and testostero... [J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    long endurance competitive events associated with catabolic hormone balances found in a low T:C ratio.  This occurs primarily through an elevation in cortisol and small drop in Testosterone.  The recovery phase is anabolic through a rise in T:C, primarily through a return to baseline by cortisol and an increase in Testosterone.
Nathan Goodyear

Exercise-associated hyponatremia. - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    hyponatremia due to exercise, or exercise induced hyponatremia, is multifactorial: over-hydration, poor renal clearance, SIADH thus inhibition of renal fluid clearance, and excessive Na loss through sweat.
Nathan Goodyear

Exertional Dysnatremia in Collapsed Marathon Runners - 0 views

    Nice review of the treatment of hyper/hyponatremia with marathon runners.
Nathan Goodyear

Cordyceps Sinensis (CordyMax Cs... [Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Study finds no improvement in performance with Cordyceps over 5 weeks of treatment.  This study looked at endurance performance via VO2 max.

Tynor Foot Drop Splint Right-Left - 0 views

    Tynor Foot Drop Splint Right/Left Applications Prevention and correction of foot drop. Peripheral nerve paralysis. Nerve/Muscle damage. Ankle or Plantar flexion contracture. Functional Alignment of the foot. Post operative care. Burn patients. Tynor Foot Drop Splint Right/Left Features Effective foot lift. Strong leaf spring action. Customizable. Thin walled, worn in a shoe. Tynor Foot Drop Splint Right/Left Measurements Measure shoe size Size Chart - Sizes European American Small 34-36 2.8-4.4 Medium 37-39 5.3-6.8 Large 40-42 7.5-9.0
Nathan Goodyear

Intravenous Fluid Use in Athletes - 0 views

  • Treatment of exercise-associated hyponatremia with hypertonic IV infusion to correct plasma sodium levels is also a standard and accepted use of IV fluid infusions
  • athletes who present for medical care with hypernatremia who cannot tolerate oral fluids can benefit from IV fluids
  • Vaporization of sweat accounts for 80% of heat loss in hot, dry atmospheric conditions. This mechanism of water loss is the major contributor for exercise-associated dehydration
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • The rate of water loss can be quantified through measurement of sweat rate
  • Pre- and postexercise body weight measurements are the most common means to estimate overall water loss but are condition specific
  • It appears that 1% to 2% body weight loss is well tolerated by the exercising athlete
  • Dehydration, defined as greater than 2% loss of body weight, can negatively affect performance
  • In highly trained endurance athletes, plasma volume and sodium serum concentration were preserved despite a 5% body weight loss
  • In Ironman triathletes, dehydration to 5% body weight loss did not correlate with occurrence of medical complications
  • hydration should begin hours prior to exercise, especially if known deficits are present, and fluids should be consumed at a slow, steady rate, with 5 to 7 mL/kg taken 4 hours prior to exercise
  • Sodium concentration did not produce significant changes in the rate of absorption but was primarily dependent on carbohydrate concentration
  • Replacing 150% of body weight loss over 60 minutes has been tolerated without complications
  • IV treatment of severe dehydration (>7% body weight loss), exertional heat illness, nausea, emesis, or diarrhea, and in those who cannot ingest oral fluids for other reasons, is clinically indicated
  • A recent survey of the National Football League teams revealed that 75% (24 of 32) of the teams utilized IV infusion of fluids for prehydration in at least some otherwise healthy individuals
  • In the National Football League, an average of 1.5 L of normal saline was administered approximately 2.5 hours prior to competition
  • after 2 hours of exercise, the rectal temperature was 0.6° higher in the group not receiving IV infusion. Also, stroke volume and cardiac output were 11% to 16% lower in the control group versus the IV infusion group.
  • Recent evidence suggests the etiology of EAMC is related to muscle fatigue and neuronal excitability
  • no correlation between hydration status or electrolyte concentrations with EAMC
  • there may be a subset of muscle cramping that is associated with a loss of both body fluid and sodium
  • Glycerol is the primary agent for oral hyperhydration
  • elevation of plasma volume by 200 to 300 mL via dextran infusion resulted in 15% increase in stroke volume, 4% increase in VO2 max, and an increase in the exercise time to fatigue
  • Neither the tonicity nor mode of hydration resulted in improved speed of rehydration, greater fluid retention, or improved performance
  • There are beneficial anecdotal reports of EAMC treatment in elite and professional-level athletes with IV hydration during the course of an event
  • Plasma volume was better restored during rehydration with IV fluids at preexercise and 5 minutes of exercise. At 15 minutes, there was no difference between IV and oral rehydration
  • More rapid restoration of plasma volume was accomplished in the IV treatment group with no advantages over oral rehydration in physiological strain, heat tolerance, ratings of perceived effort, or thermal sensations
  • No difference was found in exercise time to exhaustion. IV and oral rehydration methods were equally effective. Heart rates were statistically higher in the oral rehydration group through 75 minutes of exercise, and there were higher increases in norepinephrine plasma concentrations
  • No significant differences between the groups were found for time to recovery, number of days with pain, number of days with stiffness, sleep disturbance, fatigue, rectal temperature, and loss of appetite
  • The current data suggest that IV rehydration is faster than oral
  • There may be physiological benefits of decreased heart rate and norepinephrine in athletes rehydrated via IV route
  • Postexercise blood 1 hour and 24 hours showed no differences in circulating myoglobin or creatine kinase
  • The use of IV fluid may be beneficial for a subset of fluid sensitive athletes
  • this should be reserved for high-level athletes with strong histories of symptoms in well-monitored settings.
  • Volume expanders may also be beneficial for some athletes
    to be read
Nathan Goodyear

Exercise-Associated Muscle Cramps - 0 views

  • athletes who develop EAMC often ingest similar amounts of fluid during exercise as do their noncramping counterparts
  • Oral fluid ingestion may be ineffective, and intravenous fluid may provide a faster delivery for athletes suffering from acute EAMC
  • It is interesting that stretching the affected muscle almost immediately relieves EAMC
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Stretching, the primary treatment for acute EAMC
  • National Athletic Trainers’ Association recommends that athletes prone to muscle cramping add 0.3 to 0.7 g/L of salt to their drinks to stave off muscle cramps
  • Others have recommended adding higher amounts of sodium (about 3.0 to 6.0 g/L) to sports drinks based on the frequency of EAMC
  • intravenous infusion of fluids removes this delay, and it has been used to aid athletes who develop acute EAMC
  • maintaining hydration and adequate electrolyte levels is a good prevention strategy for individuals susceptible to EAMC
  • Fluid volumes of 1.8 L per hour have been well tolerated by tennis athletes who are susceptible to EAMC
  • Monitoring an athlete’s body weight is an easy method of ensuring adequate fluid replacement and individualizes each athlete’s fluid needs
  • the National Athletic Trainers’ Association and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend a volume of fluid that allows for less than a 2% body weight reduction
  • Endurance training may also serve as an effective means of preventing EAMC by expanding plasma volume and the extracellular fluid compartment15 and delaying neuromuscular fatigue
    Exercise associated muscle cramps or EAMC is not worked out.  The theories include dehydration, mineral/electrolyte deficiencies, and neuromuscular activity.
Nathan Goodyear

RPE, blood glucose, and carbohydrate oxidation dur... [Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1991] - Pu... - 0 views

  • The data suggest that ingestion of carbohydrate beverages during endurance cycling can maintain plasma glucose and CHO oxidation during the latter stages of prolonged exercise
    carbohydrate drinks help to maintain glucose levels in exercise
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