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Meghan Hahr

Differentiating in the Classroom - 3 views

This was a blog entry by a kindergarten teacher that went into details about how one could help each student at different levels advance in the classroom. The blog went into great detail about not ...

Education Differentiating Multiple Intelligences

Whit Lower

College Prowler - 1 views

"Millions of College Reviews & Rankings." College Prowler. College Niche, n.d. Web. 08 Apr. _____2014. College Prowler is possibly the most useful online source to students looking for colleges, e...

Prowler research education college students reviews

started by Whit Lower on 08 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Maureen Deppman

Fotobabble - Talking Photos - 0 views

    Fotobabble is a free service that allows you to quickly turn a picture into an audio picture story. To use Fotoabble just upload an image to the site, and allow the site to access your computer's microphone, and start recording your voice. You can comment on your photo, explain what's happening in your photo, or tell a story related to your photo. When you've completed your recording you can save it in your Fotobabble account, contribute to a public gallery and or embed it into your blog. Have students upload images from lab experiments or field trips and then talk about them. Have student define vocabulary words and offer images. Have students describe an image of a painting or some other piece of art.
Julia Rickner

College Prowler- College Research - 0 views

    This site allows you to look at reviews of colleges written by alumnis or attending students. This gives you a different perspective of that college. It also allows you to know things that college tours simply don't tell you. They also have scholarship opportunities that you can apply for. On top of that, you can see rankings of schools and research further into each school you are interested in. I have found this website very helpful in my college search, and I have even applied to a few scholarships on this site.
  • ...1 more comment...
    This website includes college reviews written by current students. College Prowler is a student community where you can ask questions, share tips, and discuss campus life at more than 7,000 colleges and universities.
    College Prowler is a site that rates colleges and universities so that people who are going through the college process can navigate towards a better school. If you can't decide between two schools and you don't have the time to visit again, you can use this site to help make your decision!
    College Prowler is the website to use! Its a quick, easy, and free sign up process to gain access to all the website has to offer. Once you have an account, you can search any college you want and it will bring you to an information page. The college pages consist of student reviews, which in my opinion, are the most reliable source! You can look through individual tabs such as summary, about the school, about the students, about the campus and about the location. Under each of these tabs are an abundance of information and reviews that help you fully understand the college. The best tool on College Prowler is the Applicant Status. With this tool you can plug in your GPA and SAT/ACT scores, and it will place you among statistics showing people admitted, denied, wait listed, and attending. It is a great way to see where you stand in terms of college admittance!
Julia Rickner

Cappex- College Research - 0 views

    Again, another great tool for college research. This site is very organized. Though it shares a lot of the same qualities as other college research sources (finding a college, scholarship chances, admission chances, etc.) my favorite part of it is how organized the student reviews are. Through Cappex, you can choose one of your favorite colleges, and see one students review of the school in entirety, then scroll down and see the next students review of the school. It is organized in a way that you can see clearly multiple students opinions about the same area of the college. Cappex is easy to navigate, and another strong source to use for college research.
Meghan Hahr

The 8 Mulitiple Intelligences - 1 views

Zeiger, Stacy. "Multiple Intelligence Test for Children." LoveToKnow. LoveToKnow Corp, n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. This article introduces the idea of Multiple Intelligences in a classroom. It descri...

education teaching multiple intelligences PL

started by Meghan Hahr on 18 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
Louissa Rozendaal

WSCU Accepted Students - 0 views

    This list is helpful for planning my next steps regarding my college admission.
Clayton Trombley

What Do Colleges Look For in a Student - 0 views

    I was curious about what colleges look for in the characteristics of a student. I always had an idea about what they were looking for in the essays but never in a student, so this article was interesting to read.
Maureen Deppman

Digital Footprint Quiz - 1 views

    This quiz was developed to get students thinking about their digital footprint. The quiz was created at the request of high school students who thought the creation of such a quiz could lead to a smart conversation about ways students can update their digital footprint so that it is one that leads to college and career success.

"The Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide, A Tool for Literacy Teachers" - 1 views

I read a prompting guide called The Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide, A Tool for Literacy Teachers. This book helps first and second grade teachers with the basics of teaching literacy for their...

Education Literacy English Fountas Pinnell PromptingGuide YoungChildren SecondGrade

started by adupoise on 08 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Jackson Radler

Physics for Engineers and Scientists - 1 views

    All of the physics problems assigned in MIT's OCW 8.0.1 Physics courseware in this book, and I use it to learn more about how the world works. Great resource for highly motivated high school student and college students.
    This is one of the books referenced by the MIT OpenCourseWare Physics class. It is an invaluable resource as it contains problems assigned in the course. These problems are used to ensure that we (students) are understanding the material and more importantly understanding what material we do not yet know.
Whit Lower

Collaborative Meeting with Student Wyatt Lossmann - 2 views

After the suggestion made by Garrett Davis (11th grade) in a collaboration meeting, I met with Wyatt Lossmann (10th grade) about the possibility of welding my connections of my dome. In our meeti...

collaboration students welding dome metal

started by Whit Lower on 08 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
Whit Lower

Advice on applying for colleges from an actual college admissions officer - 0 views

Middlebury Admissions Staff Member. "Admissions Talk." Preparing for College. Mount Abe, Bristol. _____Oct. 2013. Lecture. It's important to take advantage of all these kind of events that you ca...

college admissions advice lecture

started by Whit Lower on 25 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Meghan Hahr

How To Handle Aggressive Students - 0 views

    This is a great link to handling students who are being verbally aggressive. The site goes into detail about what to avoid, and how to react. The page has a great place to post questions and comments below, so you can see how others enjoyed the page as well.

French Four Years - 0 views

This source teaches the students more about the grammatical parts of the language.The spoken language is one thing, the written French is much more difficult and this book helps with that. It is sp...

French Language Grammatical

started by lanefisher on 18 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

The Daily Five - 1 views

I read chapter three of The Daily Five, Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades. The chapter was based on the concepts and materials needed to understand good reading levels for di...

Education Elementary BasicReading Literacy

started by adupoise on 21 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Melinda Lathrop

Scholarships - 1 views

    This is the site for students looking for financial help and college info.
    This site was really helpful. It provides so much imformation for those who do not know much about college. Such as, cost, scholarships, and financial aid. This site is easily divided by tabs to help with organization.
    VSAC is a place that offers many college bound students scholarships. This is a great place to look at if you are anticipating on paying for college out of your pocket so that you can earn as many scholarships as possible.
Kristen Farrell

The rulers of Ancient Egypt - 1 views

This looks like an approachable source. I did a little searching on this site and thinkquest in general and learned that these are educational pages made by students for students. The sites avail...

Research Ancient Egypt

Maureen Deppman

Inspired Picture Writing - PicLit - 0 views

    This tool is great to help students with their creative writing. The site provides visually stunning images with a bank of words for writing a poem, descriptive paragraph, or caption. Lists of words are categorized by verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and with an additional universal list. The work is public, supports vocabulary building, and helps with word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Julia Rickner

Unigo- College Search - 0 views

    Unigo is another great college research source. I particularly like this sight because its focus is on the opinions of students attending the college, with less insight from the college itself. The information I found on Unigo was honest, with both good and bad responses about my college. It was a great way to look at my "dream schools" from a different point of view through comments, photos, and videos. Unigo has a really great, straightforward college search that narrowed down my top colleges. Also, Unigo had great tips on college essay writing, and filling out applications.
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