Differentiating in the Classroom - 3 views
This was a blog entry by a kindergarten teacher that went into details about how one could help each student at different levels advance in the classroom. The blog went into great detail about not ...
This was a blog entry by a kindergarten teacher that went into details about how one could help each student at different levels advance in the classroom. The blog went into great detail about not ...
"Millions of College Reviews & Rankings." College Prowler. College Niche, n.d. Web. 08 Apr. _____2014. College Prowler is possibly the most useful online source to students looking for colleges, e...
Zeiger, Stacy. "Multiple Intelligence Test for Children." LoveToKnow. LoveToKnow Corp, n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. This article introduces the idea of Multiple Intelligences in a classroom. It descri...
I read a prompting guide called The Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide, A Tool for Literacy Teachers. This book helps first and second grade teachers with the basics of teaching literacy for their...
After the suggestion made by Garrett Davis (11th grade) in a collaboration meeting, I met with Wyatt Lossmann (10th grade) about the possibility of welding my connections of my dome. In our meeti...
Middlebury Admissions Staff Member. "Admissions Talk." Preparing for College. Mount Abe, Bristol. _____Oct. 2013. Lecture. It's important to take advantage of all these kind of events that you ca...
This source teaches the students more about the grammatical parts of the language.The spoken language is one thing, the written French is much more difficult and this book helps with that. It is sp...
I read chapter three of The Daily Five, Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades. The chapter was based on the concepts and materials needed to understand good reading levels for di...
This looks like an approachable source. I did a little searching on this site and thinkquest in general and learned that these are educational pages made by students for students. The sites avail...