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Whit Lower

Collaborative Meeting with Student Wyatt Lossmann - 2 views

collaboration students welding dome metal

started by Whit Lower on 08 Nov 13
  • Whit Lower
    After the suggestion made by Garrett Davis (11th grade) in a collaboration meeting, I met with Wyatt Lossmann (10th grade) about the possibility of welding my connections of my dome. In our meeting we discussed the options of square tubing struts, open circle connections, and welding my connections. This was an exciting meeting because Wyatt ending up offering to even to my welding for me. Wyatt was an incredibly useful resource for me to connect with while my ideas were originally involving metal. Unfortunately I ended up not needing to use Wyatt when I made the decision to switch to a wooden frame, but the experience of collaborating with another student was very helpful in my ILO. For anyone else looking for help in welding, Wyatt is the guy to go to. Not only is Wyatt skillful in his trade, but he is also eager to get more welding practice.

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