General Information About Deer Farming | Deer Farming Articles | NADeFA - 0 views
conradm on 06 Nov 14Starting a deer farm or ranch requires energy, innovation and much time spent in research. Once you have considered your options and decided what is right for you, visit established operations and talk to other deer owners who are raising the type of deer you are interested in. I just read a piece on the North American Deer Farmers Association or NADeFA website about general information on deer farming. The main points of this article are knowing the regulations, start up capital, plan, farm layout, fencing, building pens, nutrition, feeding program, herd structure, handling, health care, buying stock, and transportation. The purpose of this site is to give the average person who wants to know about deer farming or a someone who is new to deer farming, the general information needed to deer farm. Some topics or issues covered in this article were Land to live stock ratios, laws that someone would need to know, how to treat illnesses, and how to prepare the land for deer. This article is about the general information needed to deer farm. This source is very useful because of all the solid factual information. Compared to other sites I have used, this provides a good amount of writing and great details about each topic stated throughout this article. This information comes from a good reliable source used by deer farmers all throughout the us to talk with other farmers and to get information from the site itself. I would definitely recommend this site to anyone who wants to learn about deer farming. This site helped me learn a lot about deer farming and the general information you need to know to deer farm. This information made me realize that I want to learn a lot more about deer farming and possibly consider it as future a career. Someone could use this site/article for advice when starting a new deer farm or if someone just wants to know about deer farming in general. This article has made me want to focus one of my learning topics on deer farming.