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General Information About Deer Farming | Deer Farming Articles | NADeFA - 0 views

    Starting a deer farm or ranch requires energy, innovation and much time spent in research. Once you have considered your options and decided what is right for you, visit established operations and talk to other deer owners who are raising the type of deer you are interested in. I just read a piece on the North American Deer Farmers Association or NADeFA website about general information on deer farming. The main points of this article are knowing the regulations, start up capital, plan, farm layout, fencing, building pens, nutrition, feeding program, herd structure, handling, health care, buying stock, and transportation. The purpose of this site is to give the average person who wants to know about deer farming or a someone who is new to deer farming, the general information needed to deer farm. Some topics or issues covered in this article were Land to live stock ratios, laws that someone would need to know, how to treat illnesses, and how to prepare the land for deer. This article is about the general information needed to deer farm. This source is very useful because of all the solid factual information. Compared to other sites I have used, this provides a good amount of writing and great details about each topic stated throughout this article. This information comes from a good reliable source used by deer farmers all throughout the us to talk with other farmers and to get information from the site itself. I would definitely recommend this site to anyone who wants to learn about deer farming. This site helped me learn a lot about deer farming and the general information you need to know to deer farm. This information made me realize that I want to learn a lot more about deer farming and possibly consider it as future a career. Someone could use this site/article for advice when starting a new deer farm or if someone just wants to know about deer farming in general. This article has made me want to focus one of my learning topics on deer farming.

Fallow Deer | Deer Farming Articles | NADeFA - 0 views

    History Fallow deer are on of the popular exotic species raised in North America. Their domesticated history extends back to the 9th century B.C., when the Phoenicians domesticated them for quality venison. For centuries, the Europeans raised them for food, and today fallow deer continue to yield fine table venison. Fallow deer farming is popular throughout the us depending on where it is legal. I have read a piece written by the NADeFA about fallow deer. The main points of this article are their history, general information, nutrition/health, and reproduction. The purpose of this article is to let people know about fallow deer. Some topics covered in this article are where they are naturally located, when they were first domesticated, looks, size, necessities, hormones, and when they give birth. This article is about fallow deer farming and the basic information about fallow deer. This article is full of good useful information for anyone who wants to know about the history, general information, nutrition, and reproduction of fallow deer. This site has an ok amount of good information. Compared to other sites I have used this article could of had more writing but still answered what I wanted to know about fallow deer. This information is reliable, relevant for my learning, and comes from a good source. I would recommend this site. This source was helpful to me because it answered what I wanted to know about fallow deer. This information had directed my learning by making me want to know more abut fallow deer and the agricultural side to fallow deer. Someone could use this source to find out the basics about fallow deer. This article has given me good reliable information on deer farming and answered what I wanted to know about fallow deer and could make me possibly look into fallow deer farming.
Amelia Bruhl

How to Become a Set Designer - Set Designer Career | Academic Invest - 0 views

    This website has an entire on what it takes to become a set designer. It also has information on what a job as set designer looks like, what a set designer does for work, how much set designers get paid per year, who they work for, what the job environment is like, and the recommended education for becoming a successful set designer. At the bottom of the website is more information on whether or not a career on scenic design is the right choice for you. Also, there are links to sites with even more information on the subject.
    What does a set designer do? How much do they make? How do I become a set designer? Visit our 'Set Designer Career Guide' to find out everything you need to know about becoming a set designer.
Amelia Bruhl

Design and Production | English Theatre - 0 views

    This website has a lot of information on how to go about designing sets and props. It also has information about working with other production team members. This includes information on how to draw floor plans to show your fellow production team members exactly what you are thinking the set should look like. The article gives a list of suggested pieces to add to a set that make your set successful and good quality. A list of designing tools are also written on the bottom of the page.
    How to go about designing sets and props/working with other production team members

White tailed deer in VT - 0 views

    One of the main points of this site is biology of the deer, which is basically what they eat, their species, population number, location, and a little bit of anatomy. The other main points are Their habitat, why not to feed /bait deer, and what impacts do deer have on people. The purpose is to let people know the information in each of the main points and to have people be more knowledgeable about Vermont deer. The basic topics are pretty much species,what deer eat, where they live, how they survive, why not to biat, populations, and management. If someone wanted to know what this article is about I would say vermont big game. This is a useful site if you want to have a good summary of Vermont deer. This site goes over many good topics even though they don't go crazy in depth it is still a good site for me. There are sites outside of new England that go much farther into detail, but this site is still pretty helpful. This site has good information for me considering I am studying overall biology and management. I would recommend this site to someone who wants a great splurge of information about vermont deer, but if someone wanted to know more information about deer or if they needed info on specific topics that go deep into detail, than this site may not be for them. This site was pretty helpful because it gave information about everything and wrote two to three sentences about each and every topic . For example, the site says that "deer are completely vegetarian. They eat a variety of leaves, twigs, and nuts. In Vermont, a deer's diet consists of maple, ash, birch twigs and leaves. Small plants, grasses, and fruit and nuts such as apples, acorns, and beechnuts also are important foods."Clearly, this site goes into detail and has valuable information. I now know that I have furthered my knowledge about deer. Once I pick a specific topic to study I may have to pick sites outside of Vermont because states with a higher deer density and more money can study deer

Brain Parts Overview - 0 views

shared by ameliafbruhl on 16 Jan 15 - No Cached
    The source different from other sources I've used because it is actually a slideshow, not an article (which is helpful in the sense that you do not have to read a lot, it is very short and concise information). The slideshow gives plenty of information about the five senses of the body and the various organs related to those senses. I took notes on the entire slideshow. This source is useful because, as I mentioned before, it is written out in the simplest form possible and most important terms are highlighted. This source helped me understand the fundamentals of the senses and how they operate in the brain. I will use this source from time to time when I need to reference the information on the senses.

Brain (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Parts, Conditions, and More - 0 views

    This website gives a lot of information in an overview format of the brain and the nervous system, brain tests, and treatments. Also listed are a few brain conditions (ie. headaches, aneurysms, etc). At the bottom of the website are many other similar resources for further research. This is a reliable and useful source because upon checking the sources I found that the information is written by doctors. This source was very helpful in terms of hindering a basic understanding of the brain. The diagram is helpful in visualizing the different parts of the brain.
    This website gives a lot of information in an overview format of the brain and the nervous system, brain tests, and treatments. Also listed are a few brain conditions (ie. headaches, aneurysms, etc). At the bottom of the website are many other similar resources for further research. This is a reliable and useful source because upon checking the sources I found that the information is written by doctors. This source was very helpful in terms of hindering a basic understanding of the brain. The diagram is helpful in visualizing the different parts of the brain.
Hannah Funk

Create Your Own Jeopardy Template Online - 0 views

    This is a site to make-your-own jeopardy games. I have used it to make review materials for the Brain Bee club I am in when I am leader of the day. It does not provide information, but if you write the questions and answers it will format your information into an interactive game that can record points for any number of teams. This site is a little different from others in that it is not necessarily reliable or unreliable because that depends on the information you put in it. It is not a source of information, but a way for you to communicate information you already have. I have found this simple site to be very helpful. I imagined myself doing a boring powerpoint when I was leader of the day, but this site gave me another option. It made sharing my expertise an activity that could involve the whole group in a fun way.
Eliza Kurth

WebMD - 0 views

    This is a great informational site that I have used to find information for projects particularly in Human Development. It has a lot of information on almost any medical issue that you could think of. It is written by certified doctors so you can be sure that the information is accurate. It is a wonderful, easy to use site, with a lot of good information.
Lyn Smith

Anatomy of the Human Body: Brain Structure - 0 views

    This internet archive of a very informative book on the human body provided further insight to contextualized material on the inner brain structures. Many sites have in-depth information that is very thorough, but sometimes it can be a bit too much. This book progresses in a logical order, covering all topics of the human body. The information on the brain is great for putting everything in place from other sites. Since the information in the book is in context, I found it useful to match the more specialized information I had acquired from other sources to the book, which helped me understand how it connects to the other parts of the brain. An example of this is when I was researching the basal ganglia and limbic system. The two systems are very closely connected, and while I knew about the separate systems, it was hard to visualize how they fit together. This book showed how they were joined together, which was helpful even when I knew a lot about the separate systems, because it was hard to understand them as a whole working component.
Margaret Moody

Fact Monster - 0 views

    This site was especially helpful for me to research information that I needed for a presentation I was doing in Global Studies. I found that Fact Monster was a very reliable source, with a lot information. The information was as useful as facts about countries, to formulas and strategies for math. It is a very simple, helpful site that is easy to navigate.
Amelia Bruhl

Tips for Theater Set Design - 0 views

    Set-building can get expensive very quickly. There are some basic techniques, however, that can save a theater or high school drama club a lot of time and money. This website lists many of them. The article includes information about how to cut spending, be safe when constructing sets, many set building techniques, a timeline for building, and information on who should build the sets.
    Set-building can get expensive very quickly. There are some basic techniques, however, that can save a theater or high school drama club a lot of time and money.
Kelsey McCormick

Schizophrenia - 0 views

    This website gave great information on schizophrenia. Explaining what it is, how someone with this illness may act, the treatments and so much more.
    Can you comment on how the website is organized to give readers here a better idea of what type of information if offered? How do you know that it is great information - have you cross-referenced it with other sources? Explain how you know it contains quality information. How is this site supporting your project and helping you answer the questions you have?

How to Paint a Mural: Learn About Mural Supplies, Preparation and Mural Techniques - 0 views

    For this "How to Paint a Mural" site, I found a lot of helpful information about what materials are needed, what type of paint I should use (which I already knew from Ms. Cleary), and what techniques I could use to paint the mural. Even though they used specific brands as some examples of paint brands, this site also gave some examples overall. Besides all of the mural information, there was other drawing and painting advice that I might want to look at another time, including different media. This site seems interesting for people that are interested in art. Not only does this site have great information, it also isn't boring looking, and you can find what you are looking for. I'm glad I looked at this site even if I saw tips and information that I already knew.
Riley Forbes

Climate Change in Italy - 0 views

    I used this website recently when working on a climate change project for Italy. Most of my time spent researching was at this site because it is very organized and has so much information. There are twenty subtopics that range from what is climate change to the impacts of climate change in Italy. The purpose of this website, even though it is called Climate Change in Italy is to speak to people throughout the world and inform them on the consequences of too much CO2. This site was very useful for me because there was a lot of information in each of the categories. The only drawback with this website is that it goes really in-depth, so if you want to know a specific thing about Italy Climate Change then you may want to choose a new source. The information is definitely reliable seeing as I have compared it to other sources and I would recommend this site to people who want to know about climate change in Italy or Europe in general. I used this source for a project and it was very useful, so I would suggest people who want to use it as well to use it specifically for research. This website helped me look at climate change on a smaller scale: Italy (it really zoned in on the specific climates in Italy).

Soil Solarization for Gardens & Landscapes Management Guidelines--UC IPM - 0 views

    This site also discussed the process of solarization. However, the site was centered more on the destruction of pests in the soil. I believe, though, that the same procedures used for extinguishing the pests could be used on seeds. One idea that intrigued me was the idea that a small container can be solarized, with plastic tarp on top, as I didn't really think of using a small container to solarize plants. As my plot of soil with the parsnip plant is very small, I don't think actually solarizing it would do anything, but as a possible alternative to my procedure of baking the seeds, if I had more time I could have solarized them in a small container. I could still do that, as a back-up to my procedure, with the remaining soil and seeds, and see how it affects the seeds, if I have sufficient time. Aside from this small bit of information, and a repeat of the instructions of how to do solarization of your own, I don't think I will use this site very often. The only good information it had was the information mentioned above. However, it is also a reliable educational source, and as such, it will most likely contain reliable information, as compared to a non-educational site.

New England Young Writers Conference - 0 views

shared by ameliafbruhl on 16 Jan 15 - No Cached
    This is the website for the New England Young Writers Conference. I has information about the conference, how to apply, the cost, and where it's located. I used this website to apply for the conference. It was easy to navigate and I found the application form quite easily. THis source was very helpful because after applying, I was accepted into the conference. I believe that it will help me develop my writing skills. This source opened up new possibilities for me in terms of exploring my creative writing skills. The purpose of this website is to give the readers more information about the New England Young Writers Conference.

Deer Diseases | Missouri Department of Conservation - 1 views

    I just read an article on a web site about deer diseases. The main points of this article is modern and common different deer diseases. For example, CWD, chronic wasting disease is a disease found all throughout the us and in many different species of deer. Other diseases listed are also cutaneous fibromas, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, bluetongue, lyme disease, nasal bot flies, and tapeworms. The purpose is to inform you about deer diseases throughout the us. If someone asked me what this article was about I would probably say that it is about more recently found deer diseases. This is a useful source because of how much writing there is about each disease. When compared to other sites I have used this site goes further in detail about each topic. This information for me was written by a reliable source and relates to my focus. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to learn about deer diseases. This source was very helpful for my learning. This source was helpful because it related to my focus and helped me further my education. This site has made me want to direct my learning closer to diseases and problems that reduce the deer population. I can use this source to learn about deer diseases. For example if I were to see a deer that looked unhealthy I could use this site to find out the side effects of each disease and compare it to the deer I saw to find out what was wrong with it.Overall, this site has been helpful for my learning.
    I just read an article on a web site about deer diseases. The main points of this article are modern and common different deer diseases. For example, CWD, chronic wasting disease is a disease found all throughout the us and in many different species of deer. Other diseases listed are also cutaneous fibromas, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, bluetongue, lyme disease, nasal bot flies, and tapeworms. The purpose is to inform you about deer diseases throughout the us. If someone asked me what this article was about I would probably say that it is about more recently found deer diseases. This is a useful source because of how much writing there is about each disease. When compared to other sites I have used this site goes further in detail about each topic. This information for me was written by a reliable source and relates to my focus. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to learn about deer diseases. This source was very helpful for my learning. This source was helpful because it related to my focus and helped me further my education. This site has made me want to direct my learning closer to diseases and problems that reduce the deer population. I can use this source to learn about deer diseases. For example if I were to see a deer that looked unhealthy I could use this site to find out the side effects of each disease and compare it to the deer I saw to find out what was wrong with it.Overall, this site has been helpful for my learning.
Julia Rickner

College Prowler- College Research - 0 views

    This site allows you to look at reviews of colleges written by alumnis or attending students. This gives you a different perspective of that college. It also allows you to know things that college tours simply don't tell you. They also have scholarship opportunities that you can apply for. On top of that, you can see rankings of schools and research further into each school you are interested in. I have found this website very helpful in my college search, and I have even applied to a few scholarships on this site.
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    This website includes college reviews written by current students. College Prowler is a student community where you can ask questions, share tips, and discuss campus life at more than 7,000 colleges and universities.
    College Prowler is a site that rates colleges and universities so that people who are going through the college process can navigate towards a better school. If you can't decide between two schools and you don't have the time to visit again, you can use this site to help make your decision!
    College Prowler is the website to use! Its a quick, easy, and free sign up process to gain access to all the website has to offer. Once you have an account, you can search any college you want and it will bring you to an information page. The college pages consist of student reviews, which in my opinion, are the most reliable source! You can look through individual tabs such as summary, about the school, about the students, about the campus and about the location. Under each of these tabs are an abundance of information and reviews that help you fully understand the college. The best tool on College Prowler is the Applicant Status. With this tool you can plug in your GPA and SAT/ACT scores, and it will place you among statistics showing people admitted, denied, wait listed, and attending. It is a great way to see where you stand in terms of college admittance!
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