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Kamille Snell

Duolingo | Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free - 0 views

    This source has been vital to me to learning languages. It does not teach languages (so far) that do not use the same characters as English, but it teaches all of the major European languages. It starts you off by teaching you how to say you are drinking or eating and your gender, and slowly raises your skill level in the language by adding more vocabulary and the longer you work on the courses, the faster you'll be able to say exactly what you want! This resource has helped me to keep up my French skills during vacations and breaks for school, it also has helped me to have very basic skills in German, Spanish, and Italian. I would highly recommend this app (YES! IT'S AN APP FOR YOUR MOBILE PHONE! AS WELL AS A WEBSITE!) to anyone who's even the slightest bit interested in learning a language. It will slowly build you up using the strategy of making you translate from English to the language and vice versa. This is a must-use for anyone learning a European language.
    This is a site that I have used in the past and actually downloaded onto my phone. This is a great site to learn more about a language and to play games to improve!

Sleeping Brains Can Process and Respond to Words - 0 views

    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
Kiley Pratt

How to speak multiple languages without mixing them up - Fluent in 3 months - Language ... - 1 views

    This is a great article about how to not mix up languages when you are learning more than one. In addition, this site is a wonderful resource for general language learning tips and tricks.

French Four Years - 0 views

This source teaches the students more about the grammatical parts of the language.The spoken language is one thing, the written French is much more difficult and this book helps with that. It is sp...

French Language Grammatical

started by lanefisher on 18 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Kiley Pratt

Lonely Planet: Nepali Language Phrasebook - 0 views

    This book is great at teaching both script and the foundation of Nepali language. It explore sentence structure, basic vocabulary, and all the essentials for traveling through Nepal. I thought it was a great supplement to daily language lessons
Kiley Pratt

Anima Shrestha- Language Teacher - 0 views

Anima was an incredible language teacher. Not only did she hike with us to a rural village to continue our language lessons, she gave us all an inside view at Nepali culture and lifestyles.

Nepal anima language teacher good Education writing sanskrit

started by Kiley Pratt on 14 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
Kelsey McCormick

Speech Language Therapy - 0 views

    This website was about speech language therapy which covered the different disorders within both speech and language disorder. It also covered the different therapies that are offered, when someone should peruse therapy and more. Interesting site to read, I learned a lot.
Siena Hoaglund

Google Translate - 0 views

    This site is very useful when you are stuff on translating a language. If you forget how to pronounce, the meaning of, or how to spell something in another language for school it is perfect.
Will Aldrich

HSK Test - HSK (Level I) - 0 views

    HSK (Level I) assesses test takers' abilities in the application of everyday Chinese (Mandarin). It is the counterpart of the Level I of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the A1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF).
Will Aldrich

English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - - 0 views

    Free online dictionaries - Spanish, French, Italian, German and more. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions. This website is really incredible. It has helped me with French so much. When I was trying to translate my letter from English to French, this tool made it so much easier to just look up a word that I needed to know! It even gives you the conjugations, tenses, and any other forms of the word that you could possibly need to know! I'd highly recommend this resource to anyone learning a language or anyone who just wants to know how to say something in a different language.
    Have you tried Duolingo? If you aren't familiar with it and how it works, be sure to check out the TED talk about it and crowdsourcing. Amazing!
Kiley Pratt

Things to Avoid When Learning a Foreign Language - 1 views

    This is an immensely helpful video which explains the importance of completely immersing yourself in a culture when learning a foreign language. This will be very important when I am feeling homesick next year!

Ma Premiere Fois - 0 views

This movie was incredibly useful, the speed of the language is fast enough for me to be challenged yet understand practically everything. The themes and storyline were complex, so I was forced to c...


started by lanefisher on 13 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
Kelsey McCormick

American Sign Language - Animals - 0 views

    This video was about ASL and taught you how to sign different animals. It went at a nice pace so it was easy to follow along. I recommend this to anyone who wants to learn sign language.
Rider Maccrellish

Vermont Public Radio "Does Your Dog Really Like You?" - 0 views

    This VPR radio program visits the topic of emotion in animals. Virginia Morell is an animal researcher and author of the book "Animal Wise: The Thoughts and Emotions of Our Fellow Creatures." Morell studies the emotions of different animals and their means for communicating those emotions. The large topic of interest in this short VPR news special is about whether humans have a special connection with dogs. Morell's answer is yes, dogs and humans have a similar way of communicating with facial cues and body language which makes our two species somewhat appealing to one another. This helps my research a lot in that it brings out not only the similarities between K-9s and humans but also the mysterious draw of one animal to the other. Since the domesticated dog is so closely related to the wolf, it is true that wolves have similar body language, facial expression and social behavior tendencies. Morell speaks about her topic of expertise with great ease and it is fun to listen to because she is so smart.
Will Aldrich

Mahli Knutson - 1 views

    Mahli is an amazing teacher. She helped me to learn Mandarin at a more precise level. Instead of just teaching me vocabulary, she taught me grammar rules and the tones that are crucial to the Chinese language. She would stay after school with me or meet up with me for around an hour every few days and we would go over things that I needed and/or wanted to know and she would help me with them and she would also critique my Chinese. Mahli studied abroad to China, so she knows the difficulties of learning Mandarin, so she is extra patient with you. She is really a great teacher and to anybody who would like some advice on Mandarin Chinese, I would certainly recommend talking to Mahli.
    Is there a link to Mahli? Ha! Wishing so!
Will Aldrich

InterPals Penpals - Make friends online and find free pen pals from around the world! - 0 views

    Like with any social network, be careful. Not everyone on there is a person just like you trying to learn a new language. But that aside, this website was really great for me to talk with people who knew Mandarin Chinese and were willing to help. Some people I just had quick conversations with that only lasted a few sentences, others I still talk to today. The person that knows Mandarin that I still talk to lives in China and is always happy to help me with the tones and to have conversations with me and teach me how to say things like a normal Chinese person would say them. This is a really great resource for person to person interaction. But again, be careful, as always.
Carsen Sanchez

Language Learning Software - 0 views

    This website is the home of the "Pimsleur Approach" a language learning software. I would recommend this to anybody who has 30 minutes of free time.

French Textbook 1/2 - 1 views

    This is a very useful source for practicing or catching up on your french. I covers most basics and fundamentals of the french language.

Quizzes - 0 views

This resource is a fun way to learn French and an interesting way to use problems solving. Unlike other quizzes it uses humor to engage the student and to interest them in the language.

French fun quizzes languages words

started by lanefisher on 18 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Siena Hoaglund

First Thousand Words in Spanish by Stephen Cartwright - 0 views

This book uses pictures to help you learn basics words in Spanish. This book is helpful when you are trying to learn how to say everyday objects, while still being an easy.

Education Tool Language

started by Siena Hoaglund on 17 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
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