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Lecture 2: Discovery of Electron and Nucleus - 0 views

    Lecture 2's emphasis is on the hydrogen atom. The lecture specifically addressed the binding energies of the electron and nucleus, verification of hydrogen-atom energy levels and wavefunctions or orbitals (for the hydrogen atom), explained using the Schrödinger equation and diagrams.

Lecture 1: The Importance of Chemical Principles - 0 views

    Lecture 1 emphasized on light as a particle, matter as a wave and the Schrödinger equation. Light as a particle was described through various examples of photon ejection. Matter as a wave emphasized on Louis de Broglie's formula while Schrödinger's equation emphasized on, well… Schrödinger's equation (and its partial solving)!
Whit Lower

Advice on applying for colleges from an actual college admissions officer - 0 views

Middlebury Admissions Staff Member. "Admissions Talk." Preparing for College. Mount Abe, Bristol. _____Oct. 2013. Lecture. It's important to take advantage of all these kind of events that you ca...

college admissions advice lecture

started by Whit Lower on 25 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Brian Kuhns

Weight, Perceived Gravity, and Weightlessness - 0 views

    This video discussed the difference between absolute gravity and perceived gravity. It talked about how an object in free fall is weightless but still experiences gravity. It explained how G-force is not the same as gravity, because it can also be caused by acceleration, and it even showed some interesting experiments that demonstrate some of the concepts that were talked about.
Brian Kuhns

The Motion of Projectiles - 0 views

    In this video professor Lewin does a great job of debunking common misconceptions of gravity (like the idea that heavy objects fall faster) with fun and intuitive experiments, It is a great introduction to physics concerning gravity.
Brian Kuhns

Introduction to Kinematics - 1 views

    In this video Professor Lewin thoroughly describes some of the simpler physics concepts of 1-d motion, If you have taken calculus you will probably be familiar with these concepts but it is still a good introduction to the format of Professor Lewin's videos, if you intend to watch more of them in the future.
Brian Kuhns

Gases and Incompressible Liquids - 0 views

    In this video he discusses gases pascal's principle and in-compressible fluids. He has some good demonstrations of these principles, such as shooting a paint can filled with water to demonstrate that water is (almost) in-compressible.
Brian Kuhns

Units, Dimensions, and Scaling Arguments - 0 views

    In this video Professor Lewin does some awesome things, he discuses dimensional analysis in a way that makes dimensional analysis feel simple and intuitive. He explains some of its advantages and some of its weaknesses. This video was also generally a good introduction to the application of units, and scaling arguments.
Jackson Radler

MIT OpenCourseWare - Physics I: Classical Mechanics - 0 views

    "The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone." The one site we are currently using most in AP Physics (It mostly follows the curriculum of the AP test). We are watching 2 lectures per week
Brian Kuhns

Uniform Circular Motion - 0 views

    In this video Professor Lewin does a great job of introducing some of the principles of rotation. He does several demonstrations of artificial gravity with a centrifuge and then with a bucket and rope. The video provides a great introduction to the mechanics of rotation.
Carina Isbell

Bozeman Biology - 0 views

    We use these videos a lot in AP Bio and they've been incredibly helpful in understanding human processes and other areas of biology, as well as a little bit of chemistry. They are simple enough for anyone to understand, as long as they watch the correct videos first, but covers so many subjects that it's incredibly helpful for either a wide-spectrum or specific study.

Principles of Chemical Science - 0 views

    MIT's Opencourseware course 5.111 is an introductory on biological, organic and inorganic molecules, emphasizing basic principles ranging from electronic structure to chemical kinetics. The source is a well refined, college-level course that thoroughly explains each of the topics it intends to address through recorded college lectures.
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