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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Roland Gesthuizen

Roland Gesthuizen

Most Common Mistakes in Screencasting - Smashing Magazine - 6 views

    "I have recorded hundreds of screencasts, including for Mac OS X Screencasts3. Having gained a lot of experience, it's now time to share this experience with others."
    Good advice, especially what NOT to do if you are making a screencast to demonstrate a software function with a desktop video.
Roland Gesthuizen

ACEC 2012 - 4 views

    "The Australian Council for Computers in Education and ECAWA, the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia invite you to join us in Perth for ACEC 2012. This major event on the regional education calendar will be held from Tuesday October 2nd to Friday October 5th 2012 and will feature prominent Australian and international speakers."
    In the future but worth bookmarking your interest and details now on this place-holder webpage.
Roland Gesthuizen

Australian Council for Computers in Education | Australian Council for Computers in Edu... - 3 views

    "The ACCE is the national professional body for those involved in the use of information and communications technology in education. This includes educators who teach computing / information technology subjects as well as all educators who strive to improve student learning outcomes through the powerful use of ICT."
    A national professional body for ICT and eLearning in Education.
Roland Gesthuizen

Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - - 0 views

  • Taking a test is not just a passive mechanism for assessing how much people know, according to new research. It actually helps people learn, and it works better than a number of other studying techniques.
  • students who read a passage, then took a test asking them to recall what they had read, retained about 50 percent more of the information a week later than students who used two other methods.
  • What we recall becomes more recallable in the future. In a sense you are practicing what you are going to need to do later
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • the struggle involved in recalling something helps reinforce it in our brains
    Taking a test is not just a passive mechanism for assessing how much people know, according to new research. It actually helps people learn, and it works better than a number of other studying techniques.
Roland Gesthuizen

10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Technology - - 5 views

    Your gadgets and computers, your software and sites - they are not working as well as they should. You need to make some tweaks. But the tech industry has given you the impression that making adjustments is difficult and time-consuming. It is not. And so below are 10 things to do to improve your technological life.
Roland Gesthuizen

8 Apps to Prepare You for Your Next Presentation/ Webmeeting | Teacher Reboot Camp - 4 views

    "reparation takes time. Planning slides, arranging them, finding pictures to accompany the messages, and making decisions on color schemes and templates can take hours. That is why I like to plan on the go and with mobile devices and apps, you can sketch out your presentation and rehearse almost anywhere. Here are the apps I recommend."
    Review and list of several Apps that you can use for conference and workshop presentations.
Roland Gesthuizen

21 Signs You're a 21st Century Teacher - SimpleK12 - 7 views

    "Are you a 21st Century Teacher?"
    Basically a list of what it takes to become a progressive teacher that engages with learning technologies and adopts new learning spaces. As an Australian, I smiled at the second item.
Roland Gesthuizen

YouTube - Found: Lost Pictures of New York Blizzard - 2 views

    "I was skiing in Brooklyn's Prospect Park and I found a roll of film. I had the film developed and this is what I found. Please contact me if you recognize the people in the photos.
    Fascinating to follow this search on YouTube and the collaboration that is being called for to track down the owners.
Roland Gesthuizen

The True Size Of Africa - 5 views

    Brilliant infographic from Kai Krause (perhaps the Kai Krause?) to combat rampant 'immappancy'
    Good comparison to work out the real size of Africa.
Roland Gesthuizen

Two spaces after a period: Why you should never, ever do it. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate... - 6 views

    "when he sits down to type, Julian Assange reverts to an antiquated habit that would not have been out of place in the secretarial pools of the 1950s: He uses two spaces after every period. Which-for the record-is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong. "
    Well that settles it then, two spaces are out and just one space it shall be.
Roland Gesthuizen

The Anytime, Anywhere Learning Foundation - 1 views

    " A six-month action research project slated to launch in January 2011, all seventh grade students will be permitted to use their personally owned netbook, notebook or tablet pc throughout the school day. Our ultimate goal? To increase access to technology for all students. "
    A 1:1 student computing approach that has considerable merit, bring your own technology BYOT.
Roland Gesthuizen

Virtual Classrooms - 2 views

    "Learning how to "live" in a virtual world. Absorbing information. Setting up an Educational venue. What is a virtual world? A virtual world is "an online electronic presence that imitates real life in the form of a personal presence through someone's avatar (the alter ego which is a graphical representation of themself in the virtual world)". Sue Gregory "
    Interesting graphic on the front of this site that visualises some of the current and emerging tools for online teaching in higher education.
Roland Gesthuizen

Queensland floods : Queensland Government - 0 views

    "Safety, emergency and money donation information listed by the Queensland Government for the flood disaster that occurred in Australia during 11-12 January 2011."
    The official list of advice and support needed to help cope with this emergency.
Roland Gesthuizen

Resolved: How to Keep Your Computer Safe, Clean, and Backed Up in 2011 - 3 views

    "Keeping your computer in good shape gets to be tedious and annoying when you have to try to fit it in to your busy schedule. Rather than letting things slip through the cracks and watch your computer slow to a crawl, fall victim to a nasty virus, or crash and burn with no backups, we've put together everything you need to tackle to stay on top of all your computer maintenance tasks. Here are the four things we're going to look at (feel free to click to skip to any of the sections):"
    A good list of advice for backing up your computer when teachers often conduct a clean up between teaching years.
Roland Gesthuizen

To celebrate the role of the public domain in our societies | Public Domain Day - 1 Jan... - 0 views

    "On this day of great celebrations worldwide, we also invite to celebrate the impressive wealth of knowledge, information and beauty that today, like every year on this day, becomes freely available to humankind. Every year on New Year's Day, in fact, due to the expiration of copyright protection terms on works produced by authors who died several decades earlier, thousands of works enter the public domain - that is, their content is no longer owned or controlled by anyone, but it rather becomes a common treasure, available for anyone to freely use for any purpose."
    Interesting website that lists what copyright works enter the public domain each year. Leon Trotsky has just been added to the list.
Roland Gesthuizen

Please Stop Thinking About Tomorrow : Stager-to-Go - 4 views

  • Let’s stop talking about the future and start doing something now! Generations of children have missed-out on rewarding educational experiences while we worry about how corporate meetings will be conducted in 2019.
  • Suggestions for school improvement: smaller classes a curriculum related to real life better teacher education teachers make room in the curriculum for the folk-tales of children’s ancestors parents encouraged to visit the school more intimate contact with people outside of school and cooperating with the entire neighborhood
    "Even if the technological progress gap between 2000 and 2010 was enormous, there is almost zero evidence that it has made an impact on education. Yeah, I know. "Blogging changed your life. Your PLN saved you from social isolation…" Social media just doesn't feel that new to me and I challenge you to argue that it has had more than an infinitesimal impact on classroom practice."
    Nice blog article that reflects on the past decade, without getting lost in the next.
Roland Gesthuizen

A Great Way to Teach Cell Phone Etiquette [Infographic] - Tech the Plunge - 4 views

    "this nice infographic from Personal Communications Electronics is a great place to start teaching your students (family members as well?) about cell phone etiquette."
Roland Gesthuizen

NASA Image Shows La Niña-Caused Woes Down Under - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - 5 views

    "For Australia, La Niña typically means above-average rains, and the current La Niña is no exception. Heavy rains that began in late December 2010 led to the continent's worst flooding in nearly a half century, at its peak inundating an area the size of Germany and France combined. "
    Good NASA satellite image of the current flooding in QLD.
Roland Gesthuizen

Ewan McIntosh: iPad Learning for All the Wrong Reasons - 5 views

    "The iPad itself is a great device -- I love mine and it's changed the nature of computing on our couch. It is the ultimate in personal computing; it is not, as my wife and I have discovered, very good at being a shareable device"
    Interesting iPad review. Good reason why kids need these tablet computers in the hands, not locked up in school labs or libraries.
Roland Gesthuizen

YouTube - TAC Campaign - 20 year Anniversary retrospective montage "Everybody Hurts" mu... - 0 views

  • On December 10th 1989 the first TAC commercial went to air. In that year the road toll was 776; by last year 2008 it had fallen to 303.A five minute retrospective of the road safety campaigns produced by the TAC over the last 20 years has been compiled. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change they way we drive, all edited to the moving song Everybody Hurts by REM.This campaign is a chance to revisit some of the images that have been engraved on our memories, remember the many thousands of people who have been affected by road trauma and remind us all that for everyones sake; please, drive safely.Transport Accident Commission Victoria.
    "On December 10th 1989 the first TAC commercial went to air. In that year the road toll was 776; by last year 2008 it had fallen to 303. A five minute retrospective of the road safety campaigns produced by the TAC over the last 20 years has been compiled. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change they way we drive, all edited to the moving song Everybody Hurts by REM"
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