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Kerry J

Top 10 Best Practices for Government Websites - - Guide to Managing U.S.... - 0 views

    US government best practice guidelines but really good advice for anyone planning/re-structuring their web site.
Roland Gesthuizen

Queensland floods : Queensland Government - 0 views

    "Safety, emergency and money donation information listed by the Queensland Government for the flood disaster that occurred in Australia during 11-12 January 2011."
    The official list of advice and support needed to help cope with this emergency.
Darrel Branson

Government goes it alone on NBN - Telecommunications - iTnews Australia - 0 views

    The Australian Government will build its own $43 billion National Broadband Network, in a move that returns Australia's telecommunications economy to an era of part-public, part-private ownership.
Roland Gesthuizen

Australian government quietly ends laptops in schools program | ZDNet - 3 views

    "The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations has confirmed that year 9 to year 12 students in 2013 will be the last to receive laptops under the current scheme."
Roland Gesthuizen

#VicPLN Action - 1 views

    "On June 21 2012, the Vic Government released a discussion paper which states its vision for the improvement of the teaching profession. The 'New Directions for School Leadership and the Teaching Profession,' aims to stimulate and inform discussion on the future of the teaching profession and school leadership."
Roland Gesthuizen

The Compact: Roles and Responsibilities in School Education - 1 views

    "The Compact: Roles and responsibilities in Victorian government school education (the Compact) was developed in support of the Victorian Government's school education reform agenda"
Tony Searl

In Defense of Public School Teachers in a Time of Crisis - Henry Giroux | Paulo Freire,... - 2 views

  • Yet, teachers are being deskilled, unceremoniously removed from the process of school governance, largely reduced to technicians or subordinated to the authority of security guards. Underlying these transformations are a number of forces eager to privatize schools, substitute vocational training for education and reduce teaching and learning to reductive modes of testing and evaluation.
  • Teachers are no longer asked to think critically and be creative in the classroom.
  • Put bluntly, knowledge that can't be measured is viewed as irrelevant, and teachers who refuse to implement a standardized curriculum and evaluate young people through objective measures of assessments are judged as incompetent or disrespectful
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • teachers are increasingly removed from dealing with children as part of a broader historical, social and cultural context.
  • Removed from the normative and pedagogical framing of classroom life, teachers no longer have the option to think outside of the box, to experiment, be poetic or inspire joy in their students. School has become a form of dead time, designed to kill the imagination of both teachers and students
  • Under this bill, the quality of teaching and the worth of a teacher are solely determined by student test scores on standardized tests.
  • Moreover, advanced degrees and professional credentials would now become meaningless in determining a teacher's salary.
  • In other words, teaching was always directive in its attempt to shape students as particular agents and offer them a particular understanding of the present and the future.
  • Rather than viewed as disinterested technicians, teachers should be viewed as engaged intellectuals, willing to construct the classroom conditions that provide the knowledge, skills and culture of questioning necessary for students to participate in critical dialogue with the past, question authority, struggle with ongoing relations of power and prepare themselves for what it means to be active and engaged citizens in the interrelated local, national and global public spheres.
  • fosters rather than mandates
  • respects the time and conditions teachers need to prepare lessons, research, cooperate with each other and engage valuable community resources.
  • In part, this requires pedagogical practices that connect the space of language, culture and identity to their deployment in larger physical and social spaces. Such pedagogical practices are based on the presupposition that it is not enough to teach students how to read the word and knowledge critically. They most also learn how to act on their beliefs, reflect on their role as engaged citizens and intervene in the world as part of the obligation of what it means to be a socially responsible agent.
  • As the late Pierre Bourdieu argued, the "power of the dominant order is not just economic, but intellectual - lying in the realm of beliefs," and it is precisely within the domain of ideas that a sense of utopian possibility can be restored to the public realm
    teachers are being deskilled, unceremoniously removed from the process of school governance, largely reduced to technicians or subordinated to the authority of security guards. Underlying these transformations are a number of forces eager to privatize schools, substitute vocational training for education and reduce teaching and learning to reductive modes of testing and evaluation.
Roland Gesthuizen

AITSL - Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership - 3 views

    The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) came into being on 1 January 2010. The Commonwealth Minister for Education has outlined MCEECDYA's priorities for the Institute in a Letter of Expectation. AITSL provides national leadership for the Commonwealth, state and territory governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership.  
    "AITSL provides national leadership for the Commonwealth, state and territory governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership. AITSL has responsibility for: * rigorous national professional standards * fostering and driving high quality professional development for teachers and school leaders * working collaboratively across jurisdictions and engaging with key professional bodies. "
    Australian group with teaching and leadership focus.

Buy Verified Coinbase Account - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy Verified Coinbase Account Introduction Coinbase is the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world. They have an impressive customer base, but it can be hard to get verified. In this article, we'll show you how to buy a verified coinbase account and why you should do it! can i buy bitcoin on coinbase without verification No, you can't buy bitcoin without verifying your account. When you want to buy bitcoin, the first thing you have to do is verify your profile and create an API key. This will help keep bad actors out of our system and make sure that only people who are intending to purchase coins are able to do so. The verification process takes up to 24 hours but it's worth it! You'll get access to all kinds of cool Coinbase features like real-time quotes and order history tracking-and we won't tell anyone if they miss out on some free goodies (like $10 worth). How can you buy real verified coinbase account? You can buy a verified coinbase account from the official website or from one of their partners. Buy a verified Coinbase Account: Buy Verified Coinbase Pro Account: how to create a verified coinbase account You can create a verified coinbase account through the verification process. To do this, you'll need to provide your government-issued ID, proof of residency and at least one secondary form of identification (such as a utility bill or bank statement). If you already have an existing Coinbase account, then you can use that account as reference when completing the verification process. However, if it's been more than 90 days since your last purchase on Coinbase and haven't made any new transactions in that time frame, then we ask that you create a new wallet with us bef
    Buy Verified Coinbase Account Introduction Coinbase is the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world. They have an impressive customer base, but it can be hard to get verified. In this article, we'll show you how to buy a verified coinbase account and why you should do it! can i buy bitcoin on coinbase without verification No, you can't buy bitcoin without verifying your account. When you want to buy bitcoin, the first thing you have to do is verify your profile and create an API key. This will help keep bad actors out of our system and make sure that only people who are intending to purchase coins are able to do so. The verification process takes up to 24 hours but it's worth it! You'll get access to all kinds of cool Coinbase features like real-time quotes and order history tracking-and we won't tell anyone if they miss out on some free goodies (like $10 worth). How can you buy real verified coinbase account? You can buy a verified coinbase account from the official website or from one of their partners. Buy a verified Coinbase Account: Buy Verified Coinbase Pro Account: how to create a verified coinbase account You can create a verified coinbase account through the verification process. To do this, you'll need to provide your government-issued ID, proof of residency and at least one secondary form of identification (such as a utility bill or bank statement). If you already have an existing Coinbase account, then you can use that account as reference when completing the verification process. However, if it's been more than 90 days since your last purchase on Coinbase and haven't made any new transactions in that time frame, then we ask that you create a new wallet with us before proceeding with the verification process.
    Buy Verified Coinbase Account Introduction Coinbase is the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world. They have an impressive customer base, but it can be hard to get verified. In this article, we'll show you how to buy a verified coinbase account and why you should do it! can i buy bitcoin on coinbase without verification No, you can't buy bitcoin without verifying your account. When you want to buy bitcoin, the first thing you have to do is verify your profile and create an API key. This will help keep bad actors out of our system and make sure that only people who are intending to purchase coins are able to do so. The verification process takes up to 24 hours but it's worth it! You'll get access to all kinds of cool Coinbase features like real-time quotes and order history tracking-and we won't tell anyone if they miss out on some free goodies (like $10 worth). How can you buy real verified coinbase account? You can buy a verified coinbase account from the official website or from one of their partners. Buy a verified Coinbase Account: Buy Verified Coinbase Pro Account: how to create a verified coinbase account You can create a verified coinbase account through the verification process. To do this, you'll need to provide your government-issued ID, proof of residency and at least one secondary form of identification (such as a utility bill or bank statement). If you already have an existing Coinbase account, then you can use that account as reference when completing the verification process. However, if it's been more than 90 days since your last purchase on Coinbase and haven't made any new transactions in that time frame, then we ask that you create a new wallet with us before proceeding with the verification process.
Roland Gesthuizen

Victorian School Term Dates | Victorian Government - 0 views

    "This page provides Victorian School Term dates for years between 2011 and 2015. From the link opposite you can download these dates as a group of events in iCal format to use on your personal computer."
Roland Gesthuizen

Gillard Stoush Over Schools Funding Continues - 0 views

    "Victoria is expected to receive a quarter of the additional $6.5 billion a year to be spent on schools under the Gillard government's funding reforms - four times what the Baillieu government is offering in its alternative plan."
Roland Gesthuizen

Clunky, outdated ultranet faces an uncertain future - 3 views

  • The $99 million ultranet, an online portal that was supposed to connect teachers, parents and students at state schools, has been dogged by cost blowouts, technical glitches and opposition from teachers
  • The ultranet, promised by the former government before the 2006 state election, was designed to provide a state-wide, secure website that parents, students and teachers at every state school could access.
  • the ultranet was a closed space which meant students could not be taught digital citizenship skills in a real environment. ''The whole point of Web 2 was communicating globally - this is completely within a walled garden,''
    "THE future of Victoria's troubled online education network is in doubt, with many schools refusing to use it amid complaints it is clunky and outdated and the security wall does not provide a real-life cyber environment."
Roland Gesthuizen - 0 views

    "The Victorian Department of Education recognises the importance of flexible work options and family friendly work practices in maintaining a diverse, adaptive and high performing workforce able to meet current  and future needs."
Tony Searl

Technology, Media & Telecommunications predictions 2012 - 2 views

    Our aim with Predictions is to catalyze discussions around significant developments that may require companies or governments to respond.
Rhondda Powling

Our Policies | John Monash Science School - 0 views

    "John Monash Science School has a number of Policies that provide for the safety of staff, students and visitors while in our learning environment as well as provide guidance around the governance of the school. It is a condition of enrolment that students agree to adhere to the Policies and Procedures of the School. Please find below a listing of policy descriptions and details. Policies can also be downloaded from the list of attachments."
Chris Betcher

Ln: Statistics Laundering: false and fantastic figures [ pornography statistics ] - 0 views

  • The core point made herein is that the use of web sites for such purposes has long been, and still is being, vastly exaggerated in the media, by advocacy organisations, etc. Meanwhile little if any attention has been given to credible evidence that there is a vastly larger problem involving the use of non-Web Internet technologies which will not be affected in any way by the Federal Government's plan to spend AUD$44.5 million on 'blocking' of accidental/unintentional access to web sites.
    This research paper contains information about various alarming and sensational, but out-of-date, false and/or misleading 'statistics' concerning the prevalence of 'child pornography' material on Internet Web sites, etc., which appeared in Australian media reports/articles, government agency reports, etc., in 2008 and 2009.
John Pearce

FOSI Publications - 0 views

    "The nature of evolving technology sees the emergence of new trends and behavior among young people and new efforts by government and industry to combat harmful behaviors. FOSI provides periodic information to keep you informed about these issues."
Roland Gesthuizen

Teacher pay: broken promises and falling standards - The Drum Opinion - The inconvenien... - 2 views

    Today, thousands of public school teachers are on strike after the Victorian Government reneged on its election promise to substantially increase their salaries. The inconvenience to families is regrettable, but the reality is that attacks on teachers' working conditions ultimately hurt students.
Roland Gesthuizen

National approach needed to combat bullying, symposium hears | Herald Sun - 0 views

    "BULLYING should be a specific criminal offence and Australia needs to establish a national digital tribunal with powers to speedily remove offensive material from the internet. This is what experts at a national bullying symposium are urging the Federal Government to do to combat bullying and cyber bullying."
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