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relhealth - 0 views

what are warning signs in a relationship? Warning signs your relationship is in danger are those signs you have to watch out for to know if your relationship is headed for disaster so you can easil...

Warning signs your relationship is in danger unhealthy breakup interactive

started by relhealth on 09 Jun 19 no follow-up yet
Nigel Coutts

The Power of Relationship for Positive School Climate - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    In teaching and for learning relationships are everything.   This is one of those statements that cannot be overstated, it is true now, it has always been true.To craft a truly positive school climate demands our fullest attention to every detail of every relationship we build but the effort is well worth it.  
Kerry J

Paid consultancy work for gamers 12 to 17 years old - Relationships Australia SA - 1 views

shared by Kerry J on 27 Sep 13 - No Cached
  • Relationships Australia (SA) is looking for up to 10 Adelaide area gamers who want to participate in paid consultancy work about online gaming through a program called Keep It Fun. The end game is to create an online or mobile widget/app/info source for gamers aged 12 to 17 to help them work out whether they’ve got game and are keeping it fun or whether their gaming habits are pwning them.
    Relationships Australia (SA) is looking for up to 10 Adelaide area gamers who want to participate in paid consultancy work about online gaming through a program called Keep It Fun. The end game is to create an online or mobile widget/app/info source for gamers aged 12 to 17 to help them work out whether they've got game and are keeping it fun or whether their gaming habits are pwning them.
Lynne Crowe

Proboscis | SoMa | StoryCubes - 1 views

    StoryCubes are a tactile thinking and storytelling tool for exploring relationships and narratives. Each face of the cube can illustrate or describe an idea, a thing or an action, placed together it is possible to build up multiple narratives or explore the relationships between them in a novel three-dimensional way.
Rhondda Powling

The 3 Characteristics Of A Great Teacher | Edudemic - 2 views

    "Great teachers that instill the 3 R's - RELEVANCE, RIGOR, and RELATIONSHIPS in everyday practice."

Buy Google 5 Star Reviews - Permanent 5-Star Reviews for Businesses - 0 views

    Buy Google 5 Star Reviews Introduction Buying 5-star Google reviews is one of the best ways to improve your business. If you want to increase your sales, get more customers and boost your rankings on Google search engine, then buying real positive reviews is the way forward. Buy Google 5 Star Reviews Why Need To Buy 5-star Google Reviews? Google reviews are the most important ranking factors for your business. They are also the most trusted sources of information and can be used to attract new customers, increase sales and grow your business. Buy Google Reviews You can buy Google reviews. You can buy 5-star Google reviews. You can buy google reviews for your business or website, product, or blog. Why Are Online Reviews Important? You've probably heard that online reviews are important for your business. But why? Online reviews help you build trust with your customers, which is essential to keeping them happy and coming back for more. They help you stand out from the competition by making a better first impression on potential customers. If people who have tried your products or services recommend them to others, then it's likely that those same people will recommend them as well! This means more sales for you! Buy Google 5 Star Reviews If someone has written an honest review about something positive about one of our stores (or even just one product), then we want to know so we can make sure our staff knows how important it is to keep these relationships going strong in the future."
    Buy Google 5 Star Reviews Introduction Buying 5-star Google reviews is one of the best ways to improve your business. If you want to increase your sales, get more customers and boost your rankings on Google search engine, then buying real positive reviews is the way forward. Buy Google 5 Star Reviews Why Need To Buy 5-star Google Reviews? Google reviews are the most important ranking factors for your business. They are also the most trusted sources of information and can be used to attract new customers, increase sales and grow your business. Buy Google Reviews You can buy Google reviews. You can buy 5-star Google reviews. You can buy google reviews for your business or website, product, or blog. Why Are Online Reviews Important? You've probably heard that online reviews are important for your business. But why? Online reviews help you build trust with your customers, which is essential to keeping them happy and coming back for more. They help you stand out from the competition by making a better first impression on potential customers. If people who have tried your products or services recommend them to others, then it's likely that those same people will recommend them as well! This means more sales for you! Buy Google 5 Star Reviews If someone has written an honest review about something positive about one of our stores (or even just one product), then we want to know so we can make sure our staff knows how important it is to keep these relationships going strong in the future."
    Buy Google 5 Star Reviews Introduction Buying 5-star Google reviews is one of the best ways to improve your business. If you want to increase your sales, get more customers and boost your rankings on Google search engine, then buying real positive reviews is the way forward. Buy Google 5 Star Reviews Why Need To Buy 5-star Google Reviews? Google reviews are the most important ranking factors for your business. They are also the most trusted sources of information and can be used to attract new customers, increase sales and grow your business. Buy Google Reviews You can buy Google reviews. You can buy 5-star Google reviews. You can buy google reviews for your business or website, product, or blog. Why Are Online Reviews Important? You've probably heard that online reviews are important for your business. But why? Online reviews help you build trust with your customers, which is essential to keeping them happy and coming back for more. They help you stand out from the competition by making a better first impression on potential customers. If people who have tried your products or services recommend them to others, then it's likely that those same people will recommend them as well! This means more sales for you! Buy Google 5 Star Reviews If someone has written an honest review about something positive about one of our stores (or even just one product), then we want to know so we can make sure our staff knows how important it is to keep these relationships going strong in the future."
Tania Sheko

Pleasure Reading Survey « National Reading Campaign - 3 views

    Past research has found that reading for pleasure is linked to better overall satisfaction with life, higher incomes, healthier relationships (lower divorce rates), and better mental health.
Rhondda Powling


    From the Teachers pay teachers site. "A visually appealing PowerPoint covering Roman History from the First Triumvirate of Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey through the death of Mark Antony and rise of Octavian. Each slide includes images and graphics that hold students' attention and keep them focused on the lesson. Topics covered include the rise of Julius Caesar, Pompey and the Senate's plan to bring him home, his crossing of the Rubicon, the civil war, his relationship with Cleopatra, his assassination, and much more. It concludes with an open-ended exit ticket that has students thinking critically about the things they learned. "
Tony Searl

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 1 views

    Perhaps the greatest impact of mobile devices may be in changing the relationship between institutional or classroom based learning and learning in a wider society. Steve Wheeler, in his presentation on Web 3.0. The Way Forward? (2010) says that whilst in the past we have brought the world into the classroom in the future we will bring the classroom into the world.
Suzie Vesper

Key Compencies for teachers by Cheryl Doig - 1 views

    This table by Cheyl Doig shows the relationship between the competencies of the NZ curriculum, what teachers should be enacting to develop these competencies, and how schools/learning communities could be leading staff to be expert role models in these competencies.
Tony Searl

Relationships and Uncertainty Matter Most: David Brooks in the New Yorker on Educationa... - 7 views

  • Brooks is arguing for a teaching that prioritizes inquiry, analysis, and process rather than mastering basic skills and learning the classics
  • inquiry based approach where students discuss and debate ideas, understand the importance of critically examining accepted wisdom, seek out new information and new sources and put them into the mix, construct their own answers and put them into play against other perspectives, deepening their understanding as they build their cases and accumulate more evidence for their point of view, yet still respectfully recognizing the possible validity of other points of view.
  • any environment where students and teachers are on the same inquiring side, exploring ideas and making meaning together.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • school effectiveness is measured solely by test scores on multiple choice tests, and not on whether students are deeply connecting with teachers or whether they are developing deeper understanding, a sense of nuance, a respect for multiple perspectives, a creativity that finds and then assesses many possible right answers.
  • how can we reconcile this January 2010 New Yorker Brooks with that December 2008 New York Time Brooks?
    She stressed the importance of collecting conflicting information before making up one's mind, of calibrating one's certainty level to the strength of the evidence, of enduring uncertainty for long stretches as an answer became clear, of correcting for one's biases.
Roland Gesthuizen

Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association ~ Supporting ICT Educators ~ ICT ... - 1 views

  • By participating in ICT Achievers, students will be delivered valuable hands-on experience whilst supervised by industry professionals. This program is richer than traditional work experience due to active involvement of industry professionals as mentors for the students who take part.
    Up to twenty successful Year 11 students will be placed with individually appropriate industry professionals in a mentoring relationship.
Nigel Coutts

Teaching and Learning as Dialogue with the World - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Learning should always be an active process and a two-way partnership between teaching and learning. In essence, learning and its counterpart exist as a vibrant dialogue between individuals whose role in the relationship is continually transformative. I'd like to explore this thinking further.
Nigel Coutts

Fostering a dispositional perspective of curiosity - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    When we are young, we are naturally curious. We ask many, many questions. As we encounter the world, our consciousness is bombarded by a plethora of opportunities for curiosity. And at this early stage of exploring and discovering the world we inhabit, there is no filter between our sense of curiosity and our expression of our it. If we are curious, we will be asking questions and heaven help anyone close enough to be a potential source of answers. - At school, our relationship to both curiosity and inquiry changes.
Roland Gesthuizen

All Change..! « newteachersblog - 1 views

  • The point of this story is change. It illustrates how the teaching profession you are entering today will be a different ‘place’ in ten, fifteen, twenty years time. The relationship between a profession and its client group – and in our case that’s children and parents – is constantly transforming. That is something we all have to accommodate. The landscape within which we operate changes too – sometimes quite dramatically.
    "Stuff happens, sometimes when you least expect it. But you just have to deal with it. One day I lost a child on the London Underground. Beat that."
Tania Sheko

Insect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • The life cycles of insects vary but most hatch from eggs. Insect growth is constrained by the inelastic exoskeleton and development involves a series of molts. The immature stages can differ from the adults in structure, habit and habitat and can include a passive pupal stage in those groups that undergo complete metamorphosis. Insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis lack a pupal stage and adults develop through a series of nymphal stages.[7] The higher level relationship of the hexapoda is unclear. Fossilized insects of enormous size have been found from the Paleozoic Era, including giant dragonflies with wingspans of 55 to 70 cm (22–28 in). The most diverse insect groups appear to have coevolved with flowering plants.
  • Male moths can sense the pheromones of female moths over distances of many kilometers. Other species communicate with sounds: crickets stridulate, or rub their wings together, to attract a mate and repel other males. Lampyridae in the beetle order Coleoptera communicate with light.
Nigel Coutts

Spaces for Learning - 0 views

    Learning is impacted by many forces such as the learner's disposition to the process, the quality of their teacher's pedagogy, their emotional state and nature of the curriculum. Amongst this long list of factors is naturally the environment in which that learning occurs and the relationship between the environment and the learner.
Tony Searl

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 1 views

  • “The More Knowledgeable Other. is anyone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the leaner particularly in regards to a specific task, concept or process. Traditionally the MKO is thought of as a teacher, an older adult or a peer” (Dahms et al, 2007),
  • Technology will play a key role in mediating both the other relationships and mediating learning itself.
  • A further and critical aspect of context is what is judged as legitimate in terms of process and content. How are outcomes defined, what constitutes success and how is it measured?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • needs to generate and appropriate a shared repertoire of ideas, commitments and memories
  • key aspect of learning discourses it that they are fluid and relational
  • provides the central challenge to the design of a PLE
    "The More Knowledgeable Other. is anyone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the leaner particularly in regards to a specific task, concept or process. Traditionally the MKO is thought of as a teacher, an older adult or a peer" (Dahms et al, 2007),
Tony Searl

danah boyd | apophenia » "Bullying" Has Little Resonance with Teenagers - 1 views

  • We need to create environments where young people don’t get validated for negative attention and where they don’t see relationship drama as part of normal adult life.
    We need interventions that focus on building empathy, identifying escalation, and techniques for stopping the cycles of abuse.
Roland Gesthuizen

Teachers adrift in failed system - 2 views

  • The challenge lies not in attracting smart, personable people to teaching, but in retaining them
  • Continuity and consistency are as vital for students as for teachers trying to establish relationships with their charges and develop teaching and learning strategies.
    "PRIME Minister Julia Gillard says she wants to eradicate the riff-raff from the teaching profession and entice the best and brightest to join. The challenge lies not in attracting smart, personable people to teaching, but in retaining them."
    Good article that reflects on the conditions faced by many short-term contract teachers that we have in Victoria.
    Reflections by a teacher caught in the sandpit of contract teaching in Victoria.
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