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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tania Sheko

Tania Sheko

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Social Media (Part 1) - guest post by Alexander... - 0 views

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Social Media (Part 1) - guest post by Alexander Sheko @jennyluca Remember we spoke about tertiary student perspective on social media. @alexandersheko has posted part 1
Tania Sheko

Pleasure Reading Survey « National Reading Campaign - 3 views

    Past research has found that reading for pleasure is linked to better overall satisfaction with life, higher incomes, healthier relationships (lower divorce rates), and better mental health.
Tania Sheko

Learning with 'e's: Learners as producers - 5 views

    • Tania Sheko
      Teachers must become comfortable with becoming co-learners if they are to remain relevant to students in a technology rich learning economy.
  • The effect of "learners as producers" as they post, comment and add value to their friends' posts is incredible. The multiplier effects of such means of transfer of knowledge are far-reaching. It goes beyond what a teacher can necessarily and possibly teach within the confines of the formal contact hours. The combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning has definitely enriched students' as well as the teacher's learning.
    Teachers won't be redundant in the new technology rich learning economy, but they will need to adapt as conditions change, becoming guides and mentors rather than instructors. summary via Judy O'Connell
Tania Sheko

Wiki:Introduction to Blogging | Social Media CoLab - 1 views

  •  1. Link to a website -- a blog post, online story from a mainstream media organization, any kind of website -- and criticize it. If you can provide evidence that the facts presented in the criticized website are wrong, then do so, but your criticism doesn't have to be about factual inaccuracy. Debate the logic or possible bias of the author. Make a counter-argument. Point out what the author leaves out. Voice your own opinion in response.
    • Tania Sheko
      Critical literacies can be taught using social media.
  •  1. Pick a position about a public issue, any public issue, that you are passionate about. Immigration. Digital rights management. Steroid use by athletes. Any issue you care about.  2. Make a case for something -- a position, an action, a policy -- related to this public issue. You don't have to prove your case, but you have to make it. It doesn't have to be an original position, but you need to go beyond quoting the positions of others. Provide an answer to your public's question: "What does the author of this blog post want me to know, believe, think, or do?"  3. Use links to back up or add persuasiveness to your case. Use links to build your argument. Use factual sources, statements by others that corroborate your assertions, instances that illustrate the point you want to make.
    • Tania Sheko
      Another good exercise to develop critical literacies using social media.
Tania Sheko

Jill Meagher | Trial by Social Media A Worry, Experts Say - 4 views

  • With that anger comes responsibility to social media users, who become content publishers when they post. That may require a knowledge of media law.
    • Tania Sheko
      I mean social media.
    • Tania Sheko
      Is there an current unambiguous social media law?
    Interesting development with social media and the law.
Tania Sheko

Nine Tenets of Passion-Based Learning | MindShift - 7 views

    Nine tenets of passion-based learning
Tania Sheko

screen-shot-2012-05-26-at-15-14-13.png (755×517) - 8 views

    characteristics of reflective writing
Tania Sheko

What do you love? - 3 views

    Google's 'what do you love' search retrieves results organised by medium, eg books, videos, pictures, etc. Some random things here too.
Tania Sheko

Conference Schedule - EducationOnAir - 3 views

    Checking out great topics online Google ed conference using Google+ Hangouts #googlect #edchat #vicpln #austl #tlchat
Tania Sheko

Speaking of useful apps, this one's a genuine life-changer - 0 views

    Proloquo2go app helps autistic boy communicate 
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