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Jess McCulloch

Manna, Chapter 1, by Marshall Brain - 0 views

    this story was recommended to me by David Kees ( in response to a post I wrote about mLearning where David states that we may be shortsighting ourselves if we see mLearning only as a learning plarform.
Rhondda Powling

Main Page - 3 views

    Thom Cochrane's presentation at mLearn 2010. It shows small pieces in a loosely joined, Web 2.0, mobile-friendly approach to educational technology
Rhondda Powling - 4 views

    Presentation wiki of Elanguage conference in Australia. Nicky Hockly and Mark Pegrum
Roland Gesthuizen

THE END OF TEACHING by @agalorda - 3 views

    Slideshow that explores how the landscape and pedagogy of teaching is changing in the tertiary classrooms and halls.
Roland Gesthuizen

Passion Quest - a mobile learning game by curiosity lab - Eventbrite - 10 views

    It's a technology infused quest designed to uncover your passions and illuminate ways to activate the pathways to fulfilling those passions using game mechanics and strategy.
Kerry J

Grafedia - 3 views

    Grafedia is hyperlinked text, written by hand onto physical surfaces and linking to rich media content - images, video, sound files, and so forth. It can be written anywhere - on walls, in the streets, or on sidewalks. Grafedia can also be written in letters or postcards, on the body as tattoos, or anywhere you feel like putting it. Viewers "click" on these grafedia hyperlinks with their cell phones by sending a message addressed to the word + "" to get the content behind the link.
Tony Searl

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 1 views

    Perhaps the greatest impact of mobile devices may be in changing the relationship between institutional or classroom based learning and learning in a wider society. Steve Wheeler, in his presentation on Web 3.0. The Way Forward? (2010) says that whilst in the past we have brought the world into the classroom in the future we will bring the classroom into the world.
Nigel Robertson

EduKindle » Notepad for Kindle Keeps Your Ideas Handy - 3 views

    Tool that allows you to keep notes on the Kindle but outside of a specific book.
Roland Gesthuizen

YouTube - 2 views

    Watch "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it.
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