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Kevin Stranack

Taylor & Francis Online :: 2014 open access survey - 0 views

    "Taylor & Francis carried out a worldwide survey, with the aim of exploring journal authors' views on open access. Having previously conducted a survey on open access in 2013, we have been able to see how authors' opinions have developed, and whether the discussion and debate on open access has helped to inform and shape views. With responses to both the 2013 and 2014 survey given side-by-side, you can easily see how attitudes have changed. Alongside this, the 2014 survey explores many new areas and gives a fascinating insight into authors' current perceptions of open access."

The Three Keys To Unlocking The Sharing Economy | LinkedIn - 2 views

    collaborative consumption is one of the ways of sharing
Kevin Stranack

Getting to Know the Makerspace Movement in Education - 2 views

    "Part of the trending 'DIY Culture', the 'Maker' subculture refers to the ideology of cutting out the middleman and creating your own product or idea which can then be shared or improved upon. "

Impact of Social Sciences - Hacking is a Mindset, Not a Skillset: Why civic hacking is ... - 4 views

    "4. Give it away now. Information and knowledge should be shared openly, freely."
    rule 4 of hacking mindset: Give it away now. Information and knowledge should be shared openly, freely.

Ending with Open Access, Beginning with Open Access | The Scholarly Kitchen - 1 views

    "This raises the interesting and important question of whether publication in an OA journal represents the end of a process or the beginning of a different one. The difference is marketing, a term that is often misunderstood in scholarly circles. Marketing means creating demand for something. Traditional publishers do this with their brands and (for books) their authors. For OA publishers the challenge is to continue to keep pushing a particular paper after it has appeared online. There are many ways to do this, of which simply making the content openly available is one (allowing an article to get indexed by search engines and pointed to by bloggers and others). But to continue to keep the article in the eyes of its prospective readers, new means of attracting attention have to be developed. "
Kevin Stranack

Open Scholarship As Intellectual Activism - 4 views

    "Progress has been made toward making academic research, knowledge, and resources accessible to the broader public. This is a great cause. It is certainly a matter of justice and equality. Ironically, a number of scholars - particularly those from marginalized communities themselves (women, people of color, LGBT people) - cannot or are hesitant to participate in the move toward open access. However, many scholars, particularly marginalized scholars, participate in a different form of open scholarship: intellectual activism. "
Kevin Stranack

The Morality of Open Access vs Increasing Diversity | - 4 views

    "Larger than the Open Access warz, I feel that I have a moral responsibility to increase the access to science careers for women and minorities. I can't hold the door open for those folks unless I am standing on the other side of it. That means getting tenure and if someone tells me that I can get closer to those goals by forgoing Open Access for a round or two, I'm going to do it."

Rebirth Of Science : Bernard Rentier at TEDx Liege - YouTube - 2 views

    I love the idea that progress and science being based on communication. Often the idea that I have in my mind is a scientist working alone, and that is never truly how the great break-throughs come, but rather from building on the science that we have learned about previously. I still have a problem with the Author Pay part of Open Access publishing, and it seems like it is not actually "Open" if you have to pay to play. The Utopic Version is really the way that I think of "Open" publishing even with all the pit falls of finding the Utopia. I like the rebirth by giving the onus to the reader to review, and that is a model that works as seen by Wikipedia, because people are willing to aid progress with out conventional compensation. I understand all of the problems with this, but I love the possibility.
Kevin Stranack

Why I went independent as an author | The Passive Voice | A Lawyer's Thoughts on Author... - 4 views

    "The motivation for my own authorial decision to turn my back on traditional publishers was both psychological and entrepreneurial. The psychological was purely personal. I am a Depression baby. My father was hard hit during the Depression and it was difficult for him to get and hold a job. He was always at the mercy of others, and I vowed early on never to be beholden to others to make my living. Controlling my own destiny has always been one of my principal obsessions."
Kevin Stranack

Opening the Textbook: New Opportunities for Libraries and Publishers? | Ithaka S+R - 0 views

    "What solutions might we find within our community to solve the problem of rising textbook prices? In our latest issue brief, Nancy Maron, Ithaka S+R's Program Director for Sustainability and Scholarly Communications, looks at recent trends in textbook publishing and suggests that collaborations between university presses and academic libraries might yield a new breed of textbook more aligned to the needs of faculty and students."
Kevin Stranack

Designing Open Projects: Lessons From Internet Pioneers | IBM Center for the Business o... - 4 views

    "This report offers practical design advice to public managers and political leaders who are facing complex, dynamic public challenges involving multiple stakeholders on issues or problems where there is no clearly defined solution. In these situations, open project approaches have the potential to spark large-scale activity that could fundamentally change society."

One Professor Schemes to Keep Colleges in the Web's Fast Lane - Technology - The Chroni... - 1 views

    " "Paid prioritization and other forms of preferential access will significantly disadvantage libraries, education, and other nonprofit institutions,""

College Libraries Push Back as Publishers Raise Some E-Book Prices - Technology - The C... - 0 views

    "11 academic publishers, including major players like Taylor & Francis and Oxford University Press, would be raising the cost of short-term e-book loans effective June 1. In some cases the increase would be as much as 300 percent."
Kevin Stranack

Frontiers | Deep impact: unintended consequences of journal rank | Frontiers in Human N... - 1 views

    "the data lead us to argue that any journal rank (not only the currently-favored Impact Factor) would have this negative impact. Therefore, we suggest that abandoning journals altogether, in favor of a library-based scholarly communication system, will ultimately be necessary. This new system will use modern information technology to vastly improve the filter, sort and discovery functions of the current journal system."
    Talk about an ambitious suggestion! As we've talked about this in class, I'm not surprised to find scientific research that impact factor is bad scientific (not to mention business) practice. I'm also very interested in this idea of alternative scholarly communication systems; and if libraries are to play a central role, I have to assume that projects like institutional repositories would play an enormous part in this new system. I wonder what this suggests about altmetrics, though? Are we just putting a band-aid on a deep wound, and treating the symptom instead of the disease?
Kevin Stranack

MISSIVES The Distant Crowd: Transactional Distance and New Social Media Literacies - 3 views

    "The focus of this paper is on describing how, after countless millennia of gentle evolutionary change, the Internet is challenging us to discover new forms of sociality and, with it, new forms of social literacy to help us become more effective learners and citizens."

Did He Just Say That?! The Perils of Video Recording the Conference Presentation | The ... - 1 views

    "implying that publishers have willfully disregarded their ethical responsibilities over profits: And my theory is that academic publishing has drifted so far from its original idealistic roots with scientists taking care of the whole last step in the scientific process, from experiment to sharing the news about it, [that] in this world of the Internet and expensive publishing processes, basically a cottage industry grew up that has now grown into a massive multi-billion dollar industry that has become estranged from the ideals, that were probably naïve to begin with. But you can be idealistic and do a good job and make a profit. That is not mutually exclusive."
Kevin Stranack

The Hope and Hype of MOOCs - 2 views

    "Following is a summary of the thoughtful and provocative discussion that took place, as the panelists debated the future of education and where libraries fit in."
Kevin Stranack

The easy way to fix peer review: Require submitters to review first. - 1 views

    "Think of your meanest high school mean girl at her most gleefully, underminingly vicious. Now give her a doctorate in your discipline, and a modicum of power over your future. That's peer review."
    Great article. Funny, descriptive and useful. Anyone non-academic who works with academics should understand the pressure of peer review and this article introduces it wonderfully. I want to dig deeper into this idea of open peer review.
    See my bookmark to: 'Open peer review is a welcome step towards transparency ...'
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