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Kevin Stranack

Impact of Social Sciences - The Impact Factor and Its Discontents: Reading list on cont... - 0 views

    "Impact Factors have come under increasing scrutiny in recent years for their lack of transparency and for misleading attempts at research assessment. Last year the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) took a groundbreaking stance by explicitly disavowing the use of impact factors in assessment. This document has since drawn support worldwide and across the academic community. But what exactly are Journal Impact Factors and why are they cause for so much concern? Here is a reading list that highlights some helpful pieces we've been able to feature on the Impact blog over the last few years."
Kevin Stranack

Frontiers | Deep impact: unintended consequences of journal rank | Frontiers in Human N... - 1 views

    "the data lead us to argue that any journal rank (not only the currently-favored Impact Factor) would have this negative impact. Therefore, we suggest that abandoning journals altogether, in favor of a library-based scholarly communication system, will ultimately be necessary. This new system will use modern information technology to vastly improve the filter, sort and discovery functions of the current journal system."
    Talk about an ambitious suggestion! As we've talked about this in class, I'm not surprised to find scientific research that impact factor is bad scientific (not to mention business) practice. I'm also very interested in this idea of alternative scholarly communication systems; and if libraries are to play a central role, I have to assume that projects like institutional repositories would play an enormous part in this new system. I wonder what this suggests about altmetrics, though? Are we just putting a band-aid on a deep wound, and treating the symptom instead of the disease?
Kevin Stranack

Time to discard the metric that decides how science is rated - 3 views

    "The trouble is that impact factor of journals where researchers publish their work is a poor surrogate to measure an individual researcher's accomplishments. "
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    El asunto es que ha sido más lento de lo esperado el cambio de las herramientas para medir el impacto de artículos académicos, no digamos de los libros. Y en México el sistema de difusión y producción editorial de la ciencia está desestructurado de tal manera que se convierte en un incentivo para tratar de publicar en revistas extranjeras, que tienen índice de impacto y esquemas de difusión, pero que utilizan el modelo tradicional de evaluación. La institución gubernamental promotora de la ciencia en este país (Conacyt) está intentando fomentar la inclusión de evistas en índices y bases de datos, pero esto genera un fortalecimiento de los grandes grupos editores, que echan mano del peer review clásico, y el círculo continúa. Parece que uno puediera aplicarle al peer review la frase que que le achacamos a la democracia: el peor sistema de gobierno diseñado por la gente, con excepción de todos los demás.
    Una mirada crítica al acceso abierto: Nature 495, 426-429 (28 March 2013) doi:10.1038/495426a As that lack of enthusiasm demonstrates, the fundamental force driving the speed of the move towards full open access is what researchers - and research funders - want. Eisen says that although PLoS has become a success story - publishing 26,000 papers last year - it didn't catalyse the industry to change in the way that he had hoped. "I didn't expect publishers to give up their profits, but my frustration lies primarily with leaders of the science community for not recognizing that open access is a perfectly viable way to do publishing," he says.
    La cuestión es que no hay quien ofrezca una opción sólida que pueda remplazar al Factor de Impacto. La comunidad científica lo ha adoptado cómo "LA" manera en que se puede medir el desempeño de los investigadores en el mundo. Y ese supuesto es hegemónico en el mundo. Tan es así que Scielo, a pesar de ser un repositorio en acceso abierto que sigue la filosofía de dar a conocer la producción científica latinoamericana, se decanto por generar indicadores bibliométricos de la mano de Thomson-Reuters y entrar al Web of Science. Esto no es asunto menor, es un indicador definitivo de que el dominio del FI no decaerá. Esto repercute directamente con la política científica nacional de cada país. En México CONACYT evalúa a los miembros del SNI mediante sus publicaciones en SCOPUS -pidiendo como evidencia las citaciones en este sistema de información. En Colombia, PUBLINDEX colocá revistas en A1 por el hecho de ser JCR-WoS u SJR-SCOPUS. Esto es innegable y seguirá pasando. Es por ello que iniciativas regionales de Acceso Abierto en América Latina (ya sean repositorios, leyes, etc:) ofrecen una posibilidad diferente que debe ser explotada por los investigadores de la región para mejorar la visibilidad de su producción. Del mismo modo, es ahí donde espacios como este MOOC deben ser valorados por su capacidad para diseminar la cultura del conocimiento abierto.

Open Access Journals Impact Factors - 0 views

    OMICS Group international is an Open Access publisher that publishes about 400 journals in the fields of Clinical, Medical, Engineering, Life Sciences and Pharmaceuticals with a team of above 30000 editorial board members. It organizes over 300 International Conferences in a year worldwide and signed an agreement with more than 1000 International Societies to make the scientific and healthcare information Open Access.
Gerald Louw

Open Access explained - 0 views

The video explained the term open access in easy to understand terms. It is clear that digitization and the price increase played a major role in the open access movement. Open Access is just like ...

module 6 open access

started by Gerald Louw on 06 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Open Access: Progress, Possibilities, and the Changing Scholarly Communications Ecosystem - 2 views

    In this article Abby Clobridge discusses the Scholarly Publication landscape today as it relates to open access journals, and how we need to re-think some of our standards for publishing (both my authors and by publishers).
    Part 2 of this article addresses OA and journal impact factors, and part 5 give examples on how libraries/librarians can contribute in spreading OA acceptance.
Kevin Stranack

The MOOC and the Genre Moment - 8 views

    "If you were only reading the popular press you would think that higher education is experiencing a sea change."
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