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Kevin Stranack

A Shift In Academic Thinking About Knowledge Exchange | KMbeing - 1 views

    "So what does knowledge mobilization mean for education? It asks us to reimagine what it means in exchanging knowledge. It requires us to embrace being open and unselfish in our learning and knowledge exchange. It requires admitting that a large part of what continues to happen in our world isn't good for our students, our teachers, our communities - or our world. It means creating change in our education systems or risk the return to the tragedies of the early 20th century."
Alefiyah Shikari - 1 views

Participatory culture, social media, and the Arab Spring.

module3 participatory culture open knowledge social media Arab Spring

started by Alefiyah Shikari on 10 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Alefiyah Shikari - 1 views

Refer to Chapter 9: Online Journalism and Political Transformation in the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions

module3 participatory culture citizen journalism open knowledge

started by Alefiyah Shikari on 11 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Kevin Stranack

Amazon, Publishers and Readers - 8 views

    Clay Shirky's look at the current Amazon/Publisher wars: "The legacy system is mainly characterized by a refusal to deal in small-batch authorship, a model that made sense when the unit price of a book was any number above zero, but makes no sense today. If ten million people think something is dreck, and fifty people like it, those fifty should get what they want."

The School of Open - 2 views

    The following post was created in collaboration with members of the CC China Mainland Affiliate team and the School of Open community. Below is a description of the 2nd CC China Mainland open educational resources (OER) summer camp (30th June to 8th July 2014) for the children of Luxi Island, a remote island off the coast of China.
robert morris

SERIOUS * New Media Literacy - in a participatory culture. ... - 4 views

    The city of Sao Paulo adopted a "participatory culture" a few months ago. Are there any other cities in the world who`ve done the same?
    It's good that people make a participatory culture over the cyberspace, it is way beyond the limitations like in a classroom setting. It creates a social connection with one another and can be a life-long learning process.

Learning methods for adult professional trainings - 3 views

My presentation about different training methods for adults lifelong learning. Our presentor delivers his experience in defining appropriate portfolio of training methods and launching them into p...

adult learning flipped module3

started by danildintsis on 13 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Florencia Martinez

Observadores del Mar", un proyecto de ciencia participativa - 6 views

algo similar se organizo en buenos aires cuando hubo cortes de luz el verano pasado. funcionaba como pagina web y como un app, de forma que podias enterarte si al volver a tu casa tenias luz o no p...


Kevin Stranack

5 Key Trends in Self-Publishing for 2014 | Mediashift | PBS - 2 views

    Trends in the production and distribution of self-published ebooks.
    Very interesting. Let me share on twitter. Thank you.
Raúl Marcó del Pont

NaturaLista. Ciencia ambiental y participación ciudadana / Environmental Scie... - 1 views NaturaLista es un proyecto de una institución gubernamental mexicana, Conabio. Han creado esta una herramienta de ciencia ciudadana donde los usuarios pueden aprender s...

module3 ciencia ciudadana

started by Raúl Marcó del Pont on 15 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
robert morris

You see it, you report it. Citizen-based journalism | Masters of Media - 0 views

    You see it, you report it.
    This paragraph is in the article: "professional journalists have a specific mindset and a rigorous work ethic well established, unlike citizen journalists". I've been working as a professional journalist for 4 years, and at least in Spain, this would make a great laugh at many journalists over here... "specific mindset and a rigorous work ethic", very funny!
Pris Laurente

Internet Censorship - It's Real | Do Something - 0 views

    Internet censorship is prevalent in countries with communism or other forms of domineering governments.
v woolf

White Paper: Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for t... - 0 views

    The competencies discussed by Dr. Jenkins in the Module 3 video, for those who are interested, are: "Play - the capacity to experiment with your surroundings as a form of problem-solving Performance - the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery Simulation - the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes Appropriation - the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content Multitasking - the ability to scan one's environment and shift focus as needed to salient details. Distributed Cognition - the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities Collective Intelligence - the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal Judgment - the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources Transmedia Navigation - the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities Networking - the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information Negotiation - the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms."

In Athena's Camp - 0 views

    A book with ideas along the line of participatory culture, "panarchy"... The information revolution - which is as much an organizational as a technological revolution - is transforming the nature of conflict across the spectrum: from open warfare, to terrorism, crime, and even radical social activism.
Jannicke Røgler

Norway Is Digitizing All Its Books - 3 views

    "In a plan to scan all of its publications to the cloud, the National Library of Norway is digitalizing its books, and it and plans to make them all freely available to users with a Norwegian IP address. The library plans to have the project completed in about 15 to 20 years."
    This is such a great initiative! And it falls under common sense, why would the documents obtained by legal deposit not be available for all the population of a country? Seeing my own country, Canada, reducing the acquisitions under legal deposit while others makes it more visible and accessible makes me want to weep.

Open publishing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Since I'm interested in publishing, here's a good start! Open publishing is a process of creating news or other content that is transparent to the readers. They can contribute a story and see it instantly appear in the pool of stories publicly available. Those stories are filtered as little as possible to help the readers find the stories they want.

periodismo ciudadano vs. periodismo profesional - 1 views

    Un artículo muy interesante en relación al debate de la calidad de la información proporcionada por profesionales y amateurs desde el enfoque del sector profesional. Interesante para sostener un debate desde ambos enfoques.
    Los periodistas ciudadanos cumplen algunas funciones de los periodistas profesionales como buscar, recabar y compartir noticias, pero les falta la profesionalización, en muchos casos mejorar su redacción, corroborar las notas que comparten y publican. Los medios como blogger, facebook y twitter están plagados de noticias falsas, sin fuentes de investigación. Los periodistas ciudadanos no tienen la ayuda de un editor que revise sus publicaciones, corrija su redacción, opine y ordene las notas. Sin embargo, están haciendo uso de su libertad de expresión. Si alguien no esta de acuerdo con alguna acción, por ejemplo, una ley que discrimina a las personas por su codición económica, escribirá su opinión en un foro opinando sobre dicha ley, en otros casos escribirá una nota en su blog personal y compartiendola a través de sus redes sociales. Aunque esto también puede traer problemas, no existe el derecho de réplica,una corroboración de los hechos como lo puede haber en una investigación periodística profesional.
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