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Internet Archive: Live Music Archive (free music download, streaming, and preservation) - 4 views

    One place the tradition of fans recording live shows and trading the bootleg tapes (ala the Grateful Dead) is being brought to the digital world is at's Live Music Archive Bands officially agree to allow the practice, and then stores and allows access to the files for eternity... Some info about those details: For example, here is my friends, a ROCKING bluegrass band from Duluth Minnesota: The rights statement is actually an email: On February 7, 2007 Trampled by Turtles a GO! for "Hello, This is Dave Simonett from Trampled by Turtles. I'm writing to give permission for our music to be posted at archive. Please let me know what you need from me. Thanks for the email. Dave Simonett trampled by turtles" "Welcome to Internet Archive's Live Music library. is a community committed to providing the highest quality live concerts in a lossless, downloadable format. The Internet Archive has teamed up with to preserve and archive as many live concerts as possible for current and future..."
    Awesome resource - thanks for sharing. I have often found the conflict between quality recordings and open access to be a challenge. It seems the music that is free isn't usually high-quality, whereas the higher quality isn't usually free. :)
Kim Baker

The memory of a nation in a digital world - 6 views

    "It is an irony of the digital age that at a time when we are used to having easy access to seemingly endless information and knowledge, so much of it is disappearing into a digital black hole. For 450 years the concept of legal deposit has helped to preserve the nation's intellectual record.| There is this aspect of disappearing data as well.
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    What form does this digital archiving take? Is it cached copies?? There is a real problem with referencing digital materials as the reference (typically including the almost meaningless date of accessing) may not be able to point to what was intended to be cited as the digital presence has been amended or deleted. Therefore the information may never be (re)retrieved in its cited form. Physical copies are of course more robust. Fascinating cultural memory issue.
    Indeed, the article raises many questions. The approach is a national one, looking at the problems of archiving digital memory for a specific country when so many of the born digital items are generated from other domains and countries beyond the control of the country (the UK in this instance). There is no global portal at this stage for archiving everything in a coordinated fashion, leading to a kind of anarchy which is not a bad thing, but which does cause problems for national (country-specific) institutions such as national archives and libraries.
    As you say, it is hard for libraries and archives services to keep up because they don't get the resources and support they need to do their work properly. Too often, we think that digital content "archives itself", that it lasts forever when, clearly, it is not the case (not to mention that keeping is not enough, content must be findable too!). I really enjoyed this reading, it touches many of my personal interests, thanks for sharing!
    See my bookmark post 'Academic citation practices ...' for some geeky stuff on the reference / citation issues.
    Jacynthe, you are welcome, and Phillip, many thanks!
Pris Laurente

Digital Preservation and Open Access Archives - 2 views

    Open Access repositories promote the widespread dissemination of scientific and scholarly production. Researchers and teachers publish free on line digital assets for claiming their activity and for sharing research results with other researchers. In particular universities, research centres, libraries and, for limited subsets of their collections, museums, administrative archives and other cultural institutions are promoting open access. In the future, a considerable section of scholarly, academic and cultural institutions memory will be formed by born-digital assets, stored in open access archives. Their digital collections will have an ever growing relevance in making up the scientific and information heritage of the next generations. In order to ensure that these objects will survive and continue to be cited, scholarly and academic communities should be committed to the long term preservation of their repositories.

African Journal Archive - 0 views

    The African Journal Archive is a retrospective digitisation project of full-text journal articles published in Africa. Journal articles hosted on the Archive extend back to the first issue (if available) and end with the last pre-current issue (determined by the publisher). The website comprises over 700 issues and 150,000 pages of journal archives of academic, scholarly, institutional, museums, and professional research organizations in Africa. Online access to the archive is free of charge to Africa and the world.
v woolf

Results from the 2013 NDSA U.S. Web Archiving Survey - 0 views

    A recently published report by the National Digital Stewardship Alliance shows the results of a 2013 survey of web archiving institutions in the US. "from October through November of 2013, a team of National Digital Stewardship Alliance members, led by the Content Working Group, conducted a survey of institutions in the United States that are actively involved in, or planning to start, programs to archive content from the web."
Jannicke Røgler

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - 0 views

    Welcome to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP). From its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. Consequently, our dynamic reference work maintains academic standards while evolving and adapting in response to new research. You can cite fixed editions that are created on a quarterly basis and stored in our Archives (every entry contains a link to its complete archival history, identifying the fixed edition the reader should cite). The Table of Contents lists entries that are published or assigned. The Projected Table of Contents also lists entries which are currently unassigned but nevertheless projected.
    I like this encyclopedia, I already have used it to do my homework, it has very structured information, and is like consult a great book of phylosophy and very specialized!

A Dynamic New Tool to Preserve the Friendsters of the Future - - 2 views

    In thinking about the Wayback Machine and archiving webpages, this new tool brings to light archival possibilities for social media.
    Wow, great article! This really complements the ideas we have been talking about this week regarding digital preservation. I've been thinking a lot about the idea of preserving and accessing closed social networks of the past this week, and didn't even think to make the connection to this weeks' readings until now. I actually introduced my roommate to the Wayback Machine this week and together we were able to find her tacky old Lord of the Rings themed archived geocities website (and it was even worse that I could have imagined! hilarity ensued.) Of course, we were able to access something like geocities because it's a website that's open and available to the public. But what about a social network that requires a username and password? I recently tried to see if I could access my old myspace profile, and was shocked to find that myspace has transformed itself into a music-sharing site with none of the old social networking features it used to have. The information that used to be contained -- and the interactivity that went along with it -- are gone! Not to mention that, if it were searchable via a tool like the Wayback Machine, one would need to remember the *exact* URL to find it (for this sad, sad, reason, I have not been able to find my tacky old geocities website from way back when). This is a great idea and I look forward to seeing how the project evolves. Thanks for sharing!

The Internet Archive - 0 views

shared by tazzain on 10 Dec 14 - No Cached
    The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public.

Welcome to Open Library (Open Library) - 24 views

    Open Library is an open project: the software is open, the data are open, the documentation is open. Whether you fix a typo, add a book, or write a widget--it's all welcome. Open Library is a project of the non-profit Internet Archive, and has been funded in part by a grant from the California State Library and the Kahle/Austin Foundation.
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    Un esfuerzo encomiable, para plantarle cara a Google, cosa que soepecho que todos sabemos, no es asunto fácil. Robert Darnton, uno de los prmotores del proyecto, publicó varios textos que ubican el contexto general del proyecto. Uno esA World Digital Library Is Coming True!, en, donde concluye: "It would be naive, however, to imagine a future free from the vested interests that have blocked the flow of information in the past. The lobbies at work in Washington also operate in Brussels, and a newly elected European Parliament will soon have to deal with the same issues that remain to be resolved in the US Congress. Commercialization and democratization operate on a global scale, and a great deal of access must be opened before the World Wide Web can accommodate a worldwide library."
    This is awesome. Thanks for sharing it.
    Really liked. Thanks for sharing it!
    This website is an open source of information on a book resources. This is great, easy to download thru pdfiles. As technology spreads all throughout the world, the way we communicate to others and also the way we find an information has changed just like e-books or e-learning process.
    i love open library, although the digitized books often have issues, the pdf formats are not great. many entries are not so great either. However, the important part of Openlibrary that no one has mentioned yet, is the lending model for digitized modern books. they have digitized books that are still in copyright, but do not have ebook editions and are usually not being reprinted. they lend one digital copy for one physical copy held in storage. they idea is to use the traditional rights of buyers provide under copyright rather than the contract law licensing of most ebooks.
    Very good and will be helpful to all
    Welcome to Open Library! Looking for accessible books in the DAISY format? View our accessible book subject page, or search for accessible books.

Science journal Nature to make archives available online - 2 views

    "The science journal Nature will make its archive of papers, dating back to 1869, free by way of read-only links available to subscribers and major news outlets. Under the new system, planned as a one-year trial, subscribers such as universities and researchers will be able to share a link to a read-only version of a Nature paper with anyone."
    This is a great idea - hope to see more follow this model. Ideally, it would be nice to see it open a bit further (to lay persons), but this is a positive move.

Open Archives Initiative - 2 views

    Support for Open Archives Initiative activities has come from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Coalition for Networked Information, the Digital Library Federation, Microsoft Corporation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and from the National Science Foundation (IIS-9817416 and IIS-0430906).

UPSpace Home - 0 views

    Welcome to the Institutional Repository of the University of Pretoria, an open access electronic archive collecting, preserving and distributing digital materials created by members of the University of Pretoria.

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz : Brian Knappenberger : Free Download... - 7 views

    The story of Aaron Swartz, incredible programmer and activist for internet rights, open access and open knowledge. Good documentary to learn a little more about the open access movement, see some important figures (Tim Berners-Lee, Lawrence Lessig, etc.) and the fight against the SOPA bill. A big part of the movie is about his personal life and legal battle over copyright infringement. Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
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    I saw it a couple of weeks ago. It is a heart-rending story, very well put together. The issues it raises are very serious, and the cost of losing such a brilliant young genius to the world is immeasurable. It is a wake up call of magnitude. Thanks for posting this link.
    It's such an informative and well-made documentary. After watching it I was so excited to know more about Open Access, which is one of the reasons I attend this online course. Thanks for sharing.
    Wow, this documentary can really have an effect, it's heartwarming to hear that the topic of this documentary is one of the reason you took this course! At the end of the movie I was half angry at the unjust prosecution of Swartz and the injustices on the access to knowledge and half uplifted, motivated to get more active on OA, OK and internet rights.
    Although my interest was sparked by great open source projects, like R and PLOS, this documentary was a great inspiration a few weeks ago to relight that flame and join this course. Great to see how Aaron Schwartz still continues to be of inspiration to the open source community. Now and then I also love to go back reading stuff from his blog, e.g. his view on how to be productive (
    I've been meaning to watch this for ages, thank you for bringing it to my attention again.
    Gonna drop the academic personna for a sec and say it just makes me so mad and so sad what happened to him.
    This was a great video! I enjoyed it very much and it was very touching. thank you for posting. @smoens - awesome blog too. thank you for the link.
    For the Copyright section I recommend to watch this documentary: The Internet's Own Boy depicts the life of American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. It features interviews with his family and friends as well as the internet luminaries who worked with him.

SHERPA/RoMEO - Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving - 1 views

    A good place to check publishers' policies on copyright and self-archiving
robert morris

The Journalist's Toolbox: News Industry Sites Archives - 0 views

    Great resource! I published my book, did a time line with my professional path and created a new website. It is a great collection of useful tools!

National Archives of India - 0 views

    The National Archives of India is the repository of the non-current records of the Government of India and is holding them in trust for the use of administrators and scholars. It is an Attached Office of the Ministry of Culture. It was set up in March 1891 in Calcutta (Kolkata) as the Imperial Record Department and subsequent to the transfer of the National Capital from Calcutta to New Delhi in 1911 it was shifted to its present building in 1926.
Kevin Stranack

Open-access website gets tough : Nature News & Comment - 1 views

    "Now, following criticism of its quality-control checks, the website is asking all of the journals in its directory to reapply on the basis of stricter criteria. It hopes the move will weed out 'predatory journals': those that profess to publish research openly, often charging fees, but that are either outright scams or do not provide the services a scientist would expect, such as a minimal standard of peer review or permanent archiving. "
Kevin Stranack

A relationship cut short in B.C. with one fell swoop by Enbridge - 1 views

    "You might as well have come into our archives and burned our documents." An example of different ways of knowing between different cultures, and the opportunities for misunderstanding.
Kevin Stranack

OLH Overlay Journals | Open Library of Humanities - 0 views

    "An overlay journal performs all the activities of a scholarly journal and relies on structural links with one or more archives or repositories to perform its activities."
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