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Wikipedia funding model - rebuttal to online donation strategy from 2010 - 5 views

    I followed a trail about Wikipedia that led me to their funding model. This is an interesting rebuttal to their strategy of asking users for donations atop the page (sort of a PBS/NPR model for those in the US). Interesting to think about how advertising or marketing might play into the Wikipedia model, and how it might change the dynamic of the conversation.
    Thanks for the post! I also thought it was interesting to read the arguments for and against an ad-driven business model at the link below: A limited advertising model actually makes a lot of sense to me. I think the real obstacle to changing business models is how passionately and adamantly Jimmy Wales has rejected even the future possibility. Strong wording sound heroic, but not allowing some flexibility could greatly limited Wikipedia's positive impact.

Is There a Sustainable MOOC Business Model? - 0 views

    Is There a Sustainable MOOC Business Model? Is "open" in open eduction will remain open and free from restriction? Can Coursera, Khan Academy, and other MOOC platforms be a $100-million business or a billion dollar business? It will take more time to learn the answer.

Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association - 1 views

shared by christofhar on 31 Oct 14 - No Cached
nellycarr and yitingwang liked it
    Our mission is to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally in all scientific, technical and scholarly disciplines. This mission will be carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation. Through a shared interest in developing appropriate business models, tools and standards...
    Our mission is to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally in all scientific, technical and scholarly disciplines. This mission will be carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation. Through a shared interest in developing appropriate business models, tools and standards... Read full article >
    Our mission is to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally in all scientific, technical and scholarly disciplines. This mission will be carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation.
Kevin Stranack

Publishing Is Not Dying - Greg Satell - Harvard Business Review - 6 views

    "In truth, publishing is flourishing, creating massive new fortunes for entrepreneurs and more choices for consumers. It's also attracting large investments by established companies and venture capitalists. Though not everyone prospers, there has never been a better time for publishers."
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    Good source, this actually has been practice for several years, almost all the publishers are engaging into digitized open publishing type, wherein the resource materials they are selling is actually publish electronically, so that buyers or interested clients may view it online; no need to go to their shop to ask what they are looking for.
    Coincido con la reflexión de este artículo acerca de la necesidad de las casas editoras (publishers) de repensar sus modelos de negocios y de olvidarse (aferrase sería una palabra más precisa) del exclusivo modelo gutenberiano de producción editorial. Sin embargo, me parece que su enfoque adolece de varios problemas. El más notorio es que trata al mundo de las publicaciones como uno solo, cuando no hay forma de comparar las dinámicas, capitales (humanos, financieros y simbólicos) puestos en juego en la publicación académica (scholarly publishing) o en los libros de interés general (trade), guías turísticas, enciclopedias, libros religiosos, textos para niños, etc., para no mencionar la abismal distancia entre las revistas académicas (scholarly journals) y los libros o inclusivo las revistas generalistas (magazines). Concluir que las cosas van maravillosamente bien porque un montón de empresas, vinculadas a los medios masivos (un punto relevante en la argumentación, que se menciona como si fuera lo más normal del mundo) tienen emprendimientos exitosos es confundir peras con manzanas. También creo que usar el mantra de la época de la disruption (age of disruption) para todo aporta poco a la discusión (
    I agree with the reflection of this article about the need for publishers to rethink their business models and forget the exclusive Gutenberian publishing model. However, I think his approach suffers from several limitations. The most notorious is treating the publishing world as one, when there is no way to compare the dynamics, capital (human, financial and symbolic) at stake in academic or scholarly publishing with books of general interest (trade), tour guides, encyclopedias, religious books, textbooks for children, etc., not to mention the abysmal gap between scholarly journals and books or inclusive commercial magazines. Conclude that things are going wonderfully well because a lot of companies, linked to the mass media (an important point in the argument, mentioned as if it were the most normal thing in the world) have successful ventures is to confuse the things. I also believe that using the mantra of the age of disruption for all contributes little to a seroius discussion ( = all)
    Good overview with fundamental advice for publishers: innovate
    Good read, Kevin! :) I agree with this article that said "As long as people want to be informed, entertained, and inspired, there will be profitable opportunities in publishing." The main key to keep the business running is everyone must adapt. Traditional publishers need to moves to digital media in order to survive and meet the modern readers' needs.
Kevin Stranack

ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit - 1 views

    "New technology and innovative business models offer proven opportunities for enhancing the sharing of scholarly information - research papers, primary data and other evidence, creative activity and other products of research and scholarship - across institutions and audiences. This scholarly communication - understood as the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use - promotes a shared system of research and scholarship. ACRL sees a need to vigorously re-orient all facets of library services and operations to the evolving technologies and models that are affecting the scholarly communication process. There is wide variance in the background understanding of and engagement in scholarly communication as a critical perspective and worldview for academic librarians. This Scholarly Communication toolkit was designed by ACRL's Scholarly Communication Committee as a resource for education and advocacy efforts in transforming the scholarly communication landscape."
Kevin Stranack

Hire Education: Mastery, Modularization, and the Workforce Revolution | Christensen Ins... - 0 views

    "Who will attend to the skills gap and create stronger linkages to the workforce? This book illuminates the great disruptive potential of online competency- based education. Workforce training, competency-based learning, and online learning are clearly not new phenomena, but online competency-based education is revolutionary because it marks the critical convergence of multiple vectors: the right learning model, the right technologies, the right customers, and the right business model."
Kevin Stranack

Knowledge Unlatched: A new business model for Open Access monographs? › Hybri... - 2 views

    "In a nutshell, Knowledge Unlatched would act as an intermediary between a global library consortium and individual academic publishers. The latter would approach Knowledge Unlatched with titles they would like to see published in Open Access. Knowledge Unlatched would then regularly send out a list of titles to libraries which would opt in to fund the unlatching, that is, the publication in Open Access, of certain titles. The titles so funded would be released with a Creative Commons licence by the publishers which retain the right to sell special editions and extra services around the titles. "
Kevin Stranack

How it works - Knowledge Unlatched - 5 views

    The Knowledge Unlatched model depends on many libraries from around the world sharing the payment of a single Title Fee to a publisher, in return for a book being made available on a Creative Commons licence via OAPEN and HathiTrust as a fully downloadable PDF.
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    This is a great slide show. Sums it all up. Thanks. I may pass this on to my collection development manager.
    Great concept! This goes to show that Open Knowledge does not equate to free and giveaway. I love the blend of effectively using a crowd-funding model through libraries to ensure appropriate fees are paid to cover costs and compensate authors and publishers to enable open access under a CC license across a global library network. It would be interesting to see the follow up to this. I would think this approach would be useful for school libraries in a district or region to use this approach and effectively share the resources.
    Interesting take on what will happen to the future of libraries and how information will be published and sold. It's important to realize that nothing comes free and that we should promote a business model that benefits content-producers as well as consumers.

A Beginner's Guide to the World of Self-Publishing - YouTube - 5 views

    YouTube, Full Sail University, Published on Mar 12, 2014 "Technology has made it easier than ever to publish your own work. This Full Sail University panel discusses how to successfully self-publish your own work, and how to do it without getting lost in the sea of all of the other content that's out there." A panel of successful self-published authors talk about the flexibility of new technology within the publishing realm to sell books/music: formatting your work, business models, copyright , print on demand options, music aggregators,, marketing, worldwide distribution, etc.
    The video length of one+ hour might seem a bit daunting at first, but I ended up watching most of it in one go - this is really an excellent and easy-to-follow overview of all the important aspects of self-publishing. (I was especially pleased that this video listens to well in the background, as opposed to most other videos that I find require more "involvement" and that do not fit well with a busy day schedule.) What is best about this is that it is all based on actual people experiences - successful self-published authors participating in the panel, and sharing their knowledge & tips in real-time. I was especially curious to find out about the marketing side of of self-publishing a book, and was pleased to discover quite a few helpful ideas and tips. As someone who is thinking about self-publishing soon, this has answered a lot of questions and definitely sparked confidence in the process as a whole. Thank you very much for sharing! Hopefully, this will help and encourage many more self-publishers to be.
Kevin Stranack

How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming American Higher Education | Fast Company | Busi... - 3 views

    "The edupunks are on the march. From VC-funded startups to the ivied walls of Harvard, new experiments and business models are springing up from entrepreneurs, professors, and students alike. Want a class that's structured like a role-playing game? An accredited bachelor's degree for a few thousand dollars? A free, peer-to-peer Wiki university? These all exist today, the overture to a complete educational remix."
Kevin Stranack

Tesla's Elon Musk proves why patents are passé - 2 views

    Looks at the "Linux model" as a successful way of doing business."I think there is a general movement and a general recognition in the technology community that we need to reform the patent process. There's far too much effort and energy put into creating patents that do not end up fostering innovation," said Musk. "I think no reasonable person would say that the current patent system is ideally suited to foster innovation."
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    I found this article extremely interesting as it made me view patents from a different perspective. I had always viewed patents as a means to benefit the inventor, but this article opened me to the extent to which large corporations and the legal profession can monetize from patents - at the cost of the inventor. Hopefully this move by Musk, a very prominent executive, continues to be noticed by other corporations.
    yes, i've been following Tesla patent narration for a i'm into researching on energy & society issues. Sometimes i'm skeptical about applying open source to other realities than ITs as other interests, values and people are at work. Anyway we'll see if TESLA produce a critical mass for a revolution in the engine market... I like the P2P foundation by Michel Bauwens discussing on relevant issues and creating alternative scenarios
    A true pioneer, Mr Musk is. I think he has an extra sense for the future. Patents seem to be an institution which increasingly focuses on short term profit instead of the common benefit on the long run.
    Patents are the biggest responsible for the technological delays. The laws should change radically.
Kevin Stranack

How Old School Publishers Can Win In The Digital Age - 1 views

    "Like many millennials today, Yale classmates Henry Luce and Briton Hadden left their jobs to create a startup. They found newspapers dry, longwinded and boring and thought they could do better by presenting stories in a faster paced, more personality centered format. In 1923 they launched Time magazine and it became a runaway success."
    "The greatest challenge for publishers today is to create new business models. Unfortunately, most haven't even begun the process due to misplaced nostalgia for distribution revenue. In that sense, paywalls represent the greatest threat to old-line publishers."
    And also due to the inherent feature of every human being of being resistant to changes. And all of that without taking into account some economical interests.
Kevin Stranack

OER or Traditional Textbooks? Look at Learning Outcomes Per Dollar | EdSurge News - 0 views

    "But it's been over 15 years since the first openly licensed educational materials were published, and major publishers have yet to publish a single textbook based on pre-existing OER. Why?"

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Business | W... - 4 views

    This is an excellent article which explains how Sugata Mitra's teaching models helped to transform a failing school in Mexico. It's a story which completely changed my attitude to learning and education and inspired me to discover as much as possible about cloud-based and student-centred learning.
    Thanks for posting. I have heard of similar ideas from my girlfriend who works with learning disabled people, helping them make goals and follow through with them. The way the criticized traditional 'top down' eduction system is set-up, learning disabled people end up with the impression that they are failures and burdens. This goes beyond learning disabled people though, anyone who finds no inspiration for math, English and the sciences is bound to under perform at school, fail at the competitive aspect of it and get told their failures as a result, implicitly or explicitly. I also found that at design school when I realized that math and English were important for the projects I was working on I started to learn effectively and enjoy doing so. This is after failing my secondary education (pre university in New Zealand). You say this changed your attitude towards cloud learning, have you done much else as a result?

Causes and consequences of consumer online privacy concern - 2 views

This study examines how regulatory efforts and business policy relate to online consumer actions. The researchers developed and tested a conceptual model focusing on online consumer responses to pr...

started by shireede on 11 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Rosa Munoz-Luna - 2 views

Estupendo avance, y un ejemplo a seguir para futuras revistas y maneras de compartir el conocimiento.

Module 9 publishing Open new business model open access


American government announce to promote open education - 0 views

    Open education is the purpose of MOOC. Obviously, open education is a correct trend of education system. MOOC always is a debatable issue, a new area where no rule to control it. In that case, there are some chaos in Open knowledge including intellectual property, and business model of MOOC and so on. But now, the US government decide to promote it, may will bring a bloom to open education and benefit people around the world
Ibraghimova Irina

TrendMD - 1 views

"TrendMD, an online tool that gives readers a way to find content relevant to their interests, while giving publishers, institutions, industry and authors the ability to target their audience. Tre...

module10 filter

started by Ibraghimova Irina on 11 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

The Economics of Open Access Publishing - 0 views

    Open Access Publishing is the free distribution of research, whether it is as a pre-print (working paper) or a peer-reviewed article. Since the creation of the web, more and more journal are choosing open access as their business model. One of them was recently Economic Analysis and Policy, published by the Economic Society of Australia...
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