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BBC China | 英国生活 | 英格兰村庄何故"弃英投威"? - 0 views

  • 另外,威尔士政府首席部长的冷淡态度恐怕也无济于他们的事业。 他的新闻发言人告诉BBC:“此事纯属英格兰内政,本府不予评说。”
isaac Mao

福禄祯祥: 《纽约时报》网站已被解封 - 0 views

  • 当然也不排除另外一种极有可能的情况,那就是《纽约时报》网和BBC中文网这次不是被北京解除了封锁,而是它们自己突破了北京的封锁。据我所知,北京所采取的其中一种封锁办法是,封锁网站服务器FTP的IP地址。如果某个服务器的IP被封锁后,换个没被封锁的服务器就能突破封锁。我这个网站fulue.com曾两次被封,我也是两次这么把它激活的。当然,北京完全可以再次封锁新的服务器IP,但可能也会过段时间再下手。比如我的网站从第一次突破封锁到第二次被封,间隔了一个月。《纽约时报》网和BBC中文网到底是被北京解除了封锁,还是他们自己突破了封锁,各自清楚。但有一点是最清楚的,那就是封锁肯定是北京干的。(文/福禄祯祥
  • 《纽约时报》网和BBC中文网到底是被北京解除了封锁,还是他们自己突破了封锁,各自清楚。但有一点是最清楚的,那就是封锁肯定是北京干的。(文/福禄祯祥
arden dzx

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Making sense of modern China - 0 views

  • Prof Spence does not ignore the risks, but sees more grounds for optimism. He points to the ballooning number of university graduates, the emergence of grassroots civil groups, and the vast improvement in the education levels of top leaders as evidence that change will have to come. "The whole idea of representation is being explored. Remember China had a hard time with representative government, which fell apart under the warlord era [in 1915]. "China is backtracking into the past, looking for ways of making changes. We could wish they changed much faster, but we should be glad they are changing at the speed they are," he says. Hear Professor Jonathan Spence deliver the 2008 Reith lectures: BBC Radio 4, Tuesdays from 3 June, 0900BST

Stephen Fry » Blog Archive » The BBC and the future of broadcasting - 0 views

shared by feng37 on 19 Jun 08 - Cached
  • Here was a report that really delivered a blow to the BBC’s solar plexus. Peacock began to foresee the possibility of digital diversity on an unimagined scale, it also put forward the ideas of a consumer-led, market driven broadcasting world, one in which the very principles of a licence fee funded public service broadcasting system would naturally be seen as obsolete. This suited the tenor of the times: deregulation, privatisation and a rigorous dismantling of the frontiers of the state – it was happening in the city and in industry and the utilities, why not broadcasting? The BBC, long seen as harbouring tendencies and personnel that were socialistic at best, Marxist at worst, was suddenly no longer a secure and unassailable acropolis. It was no secret that Norman Tebbit and some of the more fundamentalist free-marketeers and red-baiters of the administration would have been very happy indeed to dismantle the entire structure of the BBC. Peacock prevaricated and the charter appeared safe, but at a great price. Nothing would ever be the same again, the old certainties were dead and the harsh realities of capitalism arrived at Wood Lane and Portland Place. Whole departments were razed and working practices abolished, and something called an internal market was put in place. Radio Times was outsourced, the permanent make-up staff went, engineers, editors and set-designers were suddenly out of a job. Twenty-five percent of the BBC’s output was commanded to be produced from outside sources and a whole new independent sector was born. Companies like Hat Trick and Talk Back achieved almost instant success.
isaac Mao

BBC 中文网 | 港台消息 | 香港记协抗议西藏驱赶香港记者 - 0 views

  • 香港电子媒体记者原本是少数能进入骚乱后的拉萨采访的境外记者。包括BBC在内的多家外国媒体都没能进入西藏。
  • 香港记协忧虑西藏当局的做法会让人有掩盖事实的感觉,不利中国的开放形象,呼吁当局重新考虑,容许记者到当地采访。
isaac Mao

BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 达赖担忧西藏流血冲突持续 - 0 views

  • 这位流亡海外的西藏精神领袖在印度接受BBC专访时说,他“严重关切”上周发生在拉萨的暴力抗议事件。 但是达赖喇嘛强调,他仍然支持今年夏天北京举行的奥运会。
isaac Mao

中国新闻自由度世界排名仍低 - 0 views

  • 无国界记者组织推出年度新闻自由度排名榜,中国在全球近170个国家中排名倒数第六。
  • 无国界记者表示,民主并不能自然地保证新闻自由,在某些民主国家,由于对安全状况的担心,反而造成新闻自由受到影响。

BBC 中文网 | 时事专题 | Pundit Commentary | 在中国经济一枝独秀的背后 - 0 views

  • 一是以民族主义为新的意识形态纽带,把大国外交和大国崛起的官方口号与反美反日反台独捆绑在一起。与此同时,引导整个社会向皇权时代回归,伟大的帝王与伟大的盛世变成大众文化的主旋律。
  • 二是向"一切向钱看"的原始资本主义的突进,中共鼓励发财致富,整体性政党之利益分化为派别利益,整体性国家利益分化为特权集团利益,集团利益又最终量化为权贵家族及个人德利益。
  • 三是放纵物质上的奢侈消费和文化上的轻浮调笑。
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 四是在政治上严禁一切政治异见,特别是对有组织的民间挑战更为严厉。
  • 五是对知识精英进行利益赎买。六四后,中共对在八九运动起到巨大作用的知识精英,先以血腥镇压恐吓之,继而以利益诱惑之,很快就将知识界变成了屁股决定脑袋的犬儒。
  • 在这样的"经济奇迹"背后,是制度腐败的奇迹、社会不公的奇迹、道德沦丧的奇迹、挥霍未来的奇迹,不仅是经济成本和人权成本极为高昂的奇迹,更是社会综合成本难以估量的奇迹。
isaac Mao

讽刺缅甸军政府的笑声 - 0 views

  • 这些被捕者与他们最著名的同事昂山素姬一样,都是缅甸最勇敢、最有才华的人士,但是却遭到军人政权的镇压。 我在过去4年一直生活在亚洲,有幸与其中一些罪犯相识,成为朋友。
  • 他本来是学牙医的,不过很快发现他的真正事业是做喜剧演员。他无情地嘲讽缅甸无能军人统治下生活的荒谬一面。
shi zhao

BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 中国拒绝数十项联合国人权建议 - 0 views

shared by shi zhao on 12 Feb 09 - Cached
  • 联合国人权理事会提出100多条要求中国改善人权纪录建议。中国拒绝了包括废除死刑、增加媒体自由等建议。
  • 人权组织指出,中国接受的一些建议令人发笑。例如斯里兰卡要求中国与全世界分享如何把一个强有力的中央政府与区域民族自治相结合的经验;津巴布韦认为北京当局应该增强它在世界各地的传媒影响,因为北京的政策目前被严重误解。
  • 人权组织表示,中国拒绝接受这些基本人权,显示其没打算改善人权状况。中国的立场现已白纸黑字的记录在联合国,这就是让中国向联合国人权理事会汇报的重大意义。
isaac Mao

中国人肉搜索引擎助奥运冠军寻父 - 0 views

  • 中国的互联网社群有一个专用名词叫作"人肉搜索引擎",意即动员人力帮助寻找人或物。
  • 虽然郭文珺在射击项目上的成绩不断进步,但她一直没有摆脱失去父亲的阴影,曾经数次萌生放弃射击运动的念头,甚至一度离开体校,做了一名售货员。
isaac Mao

请来大批志愿者 填补奥运空座位 - 0 views

  • 北京奥组委周二(8月12日)说,大批拉拉队员被运进奥运场馆,以填补空座席并增添场内气氛。
  • 北京奥组委副主席王伟对记者说,这样做可以使拉拉队更好地为比赛双方的精彩表演助威,创造一个良好的赛场气氛。
isaac Mao

BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 东京将就"日记者被殴"向中国抗议 - 0 views

  • 发言人还说,这两名日本记者被带到一个警察局后遭到殴打,两小时后获释。二人伤势均不严重。
    • isaac Mao
arden dzx

BBC NEWS | Technology | Warning sounded on web's future - 0 views

  • Sir Tim spoke prior to the unveiling of a Foundation he has co-created that aims to make the web truly worldwide. It will also look at ways to help people decide if sites are trustworthy and reliable sources of information.
isaac Mao

丁子霖:继续天安门母亲的抗争 - 0 views

  • 网站刚开通时,中国大陆的网友可以登录,但是没有过几个小时就被当局封锁了。
  • 网站刚开通时,中国大陆的网友可以登录,但是没有过几个小时就被当局封锁了。 丁子霖说,"我们认为这个网站的建立对天安门母亲这个群体的继续抗争以及推动政府与我们对话都是有正面和积极作用的,所以我们不怕中国当局封我们的网站。我们要把我们的经历和诉求留在人间,留给历史,历史是封杀不住的。"
  • "这次汶川的地震即是天灾,也是人祸。经济是发展了,但是制度下的一些人祸不是靠你经济发展的素质,也不是靠从国外得到具有巨大诱惑力的订单所能解决的。"
  • ...1 more annotation...
Kenyth Zeng

What does the world think of the U.S. and China? - 0 views

  • An exception to this is Germany, which gave the most negative of all the European assessments. China, on the other hand, was quite positive towards Germany. It probably isn’t anymore.
  • Danwei posted on Who is winning the Olympic PR War? Jeremy’s conclusion: In the West, Free Tibet organizers. In China, the Chinese government.
  • Chinese people are not “brainwashed” by the government but carefully considering Western sources and see them as being just biased as their own sources.
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  • the world still doesn’t like the US government. In fact they like China’s government more.
  • Overall: China. 47% for China vs. 35% for U.S. (excluding subject country) Latin America: China. 45% for China vs 32% for U.S. Europe: China. 39% for China vs 31% for U.S. Middle East: China. 63% for China vs. 34% for U.S. Africa: United States. 66% for China, 70% for U.S. Asia (ex-China): China again. 40% for China vs 39% for U.S.
  • In fact, only 9 of 23 countries rated the U.S. higher than China
isaac Mao

BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 中国网民抨击西方媒体"颠倒黑白" - 0 views

  • 网民抗议 一名中国网民甚至还设立一个抗议美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的网站(,指责这家新闻机构在国际新闻界"领头撒谎"。 这个网站声称,设立网站的目的是为了"收集、整理并发布西方主流媒体作恶的证据",让网民"认清西方媒体卑鄙无耻的真面目"。
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