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Contents contributed and discussions participated by feng37


朱四倍:谁把环保局领导逼成了上访户_评论_凤凰网 - 0 views

  • 面对侯宜中的遭遇,我们看到的不正是一幅类似西西弗的艰难情景吗?看到的不正是当下推进环保的窘境吗?看到的不正是环保人员面对各种复杂利益纠葛时的辛酸吗? 而且这并非孤例。很多地方局长要通报当地的污染,居然只能给总局写匿名信。这不是危言耸听,是来自环保部副部长潘岳的说法,他还说有个资源大省的环保局长,一边被省长骂为什么摆不平环保总局,一边被“我”(指潘岳)骂为什么不能严格执法。 在GDP的指引下,在狭窄政绩观的导向下,在公众还无法参与到环保监督过程中时,侯宜中的遭遇或是可以想象的事实。据报道,“十五”时期,全国各省市GDP指标全都超额完成,惟独能耗指标和环保主要指标没有完成,全部都欠账,而且还有反弹。并且在当下,由地方政府与某些企业特别是大企业结成的特殊利益集团,已经成为环保的陷阱。
  • “经济发展要上,环保要适当让一让”,这种政绩的短期目标实现是以成本的外部化,比如环境破坏为代价的,其结果是资源的低效配置和经济增长可持续的基础受到损害。而环保总局对全国11个省区126个工业园的调查结果——— “近九成存在环境违法问题”也是佐证。 上世纪90年代中期,世界银行把我们每年因环境造成的损失评估为GDP的5%至7%,现在,已经到了10%,这是一个让人害怕的速度。据环境问题专家估算,如果把环境的恶化考虑在内,中国的GDP的实际增长要减少2-3个百分点。这是一种可怕的零和博弈隐忧。

[个论]胡泳专栏:呼吸也是上瘾的 · 个论 · 2009-05-13 ,南都网,数字报,电子报,南方都市报 - 0 views

  • 有专家给出过惊人的数字:有网瘾的和有网瘾倾向的青少年加起来差不多达到2000万人。如此吓人的数字,使得杨永信在他的博客上称,如果不能很好地控制网瘾的蔓延,会造成“亡党亡国”的后果,会让整个中华民族“断子绝孙”,会让美国人在上个世纪七十年代叫嚣的“不战而胜”变成现实,会让中国文化在网络帝国主义的文化侵略中消失!  事情到了这样的高度,全党全国不能不高度重视了。遗憾的是,这些专家们至今连什么是网瘾都说不清。2008年11月8日,全球第一部《网络成瘾临床诊断标准》在我国通过专家论证,网瘾正式纳入精神病诊断范畴。其界定中一项量化的指标是每天连续使用网络达到或超过6小时,且这种症状达到或超过3个月。我们很容易估算,现在上网时间能达到一天6小时的,基本都是80后和90后,也就是30岁以下的人群。专家们又说了,因为工作关系每天面对电脑10小时以上的不算,再减去20岁以上有工作的———结论出来了:这个所谓的“诊断标准”主要针对的是还在读书的学生。

Inside the precision hack « Music Machinery - 0 views

  • At 4AM this morning I received an email inviting me to an IRC chatroom where someone would explain to me exactly how the 100 Poll was precision hacked. Naturally, I was a bit suspicious. Anyone could claim to be responsible for the hack - but I ventured onto the IRC channel (feeling a bit like a Woodward or Bernstein meeting Deep Throat in a parking garage). After talking to ‘Zombocom’ (not his real nick) for a few minutes, it was clear that Zombocom was a key player in the hack. He explained how it all works. The Beginning Zombocom told me that it all started out when the folks that hang out on the random board of 4chan (sometimes known as /b/) became aware that had enlisted moot (the founder of 4chan) as one of the candidates in the 100 poll. A little investigation showed that a poll vote could be submitted just by doing an HTTP get on the URL: ?pollName=time100_2009&id=1883924&rating=1 where ID is a number associated with the person being voted for (in this case 1883924 is Rain’s ID). Soon afterward, several people crafted ‘autovoters’ that would use the simple voting URL protocol to vote for moot. These simple autovoters could be triggered by an easily embeddable ’spam URL’. The autovoters were very flexible allowing the rating to be set for any poll candidate. For example, the URL  &rating=1&amount=160 could be used to push 160 ratings of 1 (the worst rating) for the artist Rain to the poll.
  • “Needless to say, we were enraged” says Zombocom. /b/ responded by getting organized - they created an IRC channel (#time_vote) devoted to the hack, and started to recruit. Shortly afterward, one of the members discovered that the ’salt’, the key to authenticating requests, was poorly hidden in’s voting flash application and could be extracted. With the salt in hand - the autovoters were back online, rocking the vote.

Tool: CiviCRM for better communication | - 0 views

  • When a small campaign becomes a permanent organization, there are often difficulties in scaling.  A small group can communicate with supporters through a Google Group, but what if you have multiple constituencies or you want to record information about your supporters that will help you communicate with them effectively? Wouldn’t you like to manage your “relationships” better? Or, be more efficient in sending out appeals and updates? Tap the right quarters when it comes to fund-raising? Know exactly who your potential supporters could be?
  • It also notes that CiviCRM is also used by many other large NGOs such as Amnesty International, Creative Commons and the Wikimedia Foundation for their fundraising. And there have been also cases of very large record sets being used with one company claiming to have set up CiviCRM with a set of over 3 million constituents .

灵宝政府登门道歉王帅获赔近八百元_新闻中心_新浪网 - 0 views

  • 昨日,灵宝市政府派专人赴上海向“王帅发帖事件”的主角王帅道歉,并就其被错误拘留8天给予了783.93元国家赔偿。王帅本想提出对误工费用进行补偿,后见家乡人道歉十分真诚,就没有再坚持。   此前一天,副省长、公安厅厅长秦玉海在做客人民网时坦承公安机关在此事上执法有过错,并向大家道歉。目前,灵宝市公安局主管副局长和两名办案人被暂时停职接受处理。
    • feng37
    昨日,灵宝市政府派专人赴上海向"王帅发帖事件"的主角王帅道歉,并就其被错误拘留8天给予了783.93元国家赔偿。王帅本想提出对误工费用进行补偿,后见家乡人道歉十分真诚,就没有再坚持。   此前一天,副省长、公安厅厅长秦玉海在做客人民网时坦承公安机关在此事上执法有过错,并向大家道歉。目前,灵宝市公安局主管副局长和两名办案人被暂时停职接受处理。

对海盗湾一审败诉的感想 - 阮一峰的网络日志 - 0 views

  • 海盗湾在中国一直被屏蔽,不仅是网站本身被屏蔽,更重要的是tracker服务器也被屏蔽了。这样有什么后果?网上一半左右的torrent文件,使用的是海盗湾的tracker,它们在中国都无法进行BT下载,因为我们连不上tracker服务器。这意味着中国人民无法接触到世界上50%的BT资源。 这是很严重的后果,它阻碍了中国人民获得知识和信息的步伐,是对整个民族的犯罪。我希望北京政府能认清楚自己到底在干什么。
  • 我并不是在说我支持盗版,而是在说我支持知识的分享。全世界有那么多海盗湾的支持者,我相信其中大多数人都有同样的想法:目前的版权制度收费太高,阻碍了知识的传播,已经背离了鼓励原创者的初衷,而成为了大公司高额垄断利润的来源。

The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism | - 0 views

  • We are very excited to announce the release of The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism.  Following the recent protests in Moldova, the value of Twitter as a tool for digital activism is more prominent than ever.  Yet in addition to bringing greater awareness to that tool, the hype surrounding Moldova revealed misunderstanding of the value of of Twitter for activism and, even though the realists responded strongly, there was not a stand-alone resource which clearly defined how Twitter could be used by activists.  We hope this guide will fill that void.

…My heart's in Accra » Studying Twitter and the Moldovan protests - 0 views

  • At some point on Friday, we hit a peak tweet density - 410 of 100,000 tweets included the #pman tag. Had I been scraping results by iterating 100,000 tweets at a time, I would have had four pages of new results - my script is only looking at the first page, so I’d be dropping results. If I ran the script again, I’d try to figure out the maximum tweet density by looking for the moment where the meme was most hyped, try to do a back of the envelope calculation as to an optimum step size and then halve it - that would probably have me using 20,000 steps for this set.
  • Density of tweets charted against blocks of 100,000 tweets
  • Picking apart the URL: max_id=1511783811 - Only return results up to tweet #1511783811 in the database page=2 - Hand over the second page of results q=%23pman - The query is for the string #pman, encoded to escape the hash rpp=100 - Give the user 100 results per page While you can manipulate these variables to your heart’s content, you can’t get more than 100 results per page. And if you retrieve 100 results per page, your results will stop at around 15 pages - the engine, by default, wants to give you only 1500 results on any search. This makes sense from a user perspective - it’s pretty rare that you actually want to read the last 1500 posts that mention the fail whale - but it’s a pain in the ass for researchers.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • What you need to do is figure out the approximate tweet ID number that was current when the phenomenon you’re studying was taking place. If you’re a regular twitterer, go to your personal timeline, find a tweet you posted on April 7th, and click on the date to get the ID of the tweet. In the early morning (GMT) of the 7th, the ID for a new tweet was roughly 1468000000 - the URL retrieves the first four tweets to use the tag #pman, including our Ur-tweet: evisoft: neata, propun sa utilizam tag-ul #pman pentru mesajele din piata marii adunari nationale My Romanian’s a little rusty, but Vitalie Eşanu appears to be suggesting we use the tag #pman - short for Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, the main square in Chisinau where the protests were slated to begin - in reference to posts about the protests. His post is timestamped 4:40am GMT, suggesting that there were at least some discussions about promoting the protests on Twitter before protesters took to the streets.
  • Now the key is to grab URLs from Twitter, increasing the max_id variable in steps so that we’re getting all results from the start tweet ID to the current tweet ID. My perl script to do this steps by 10,000 results at a time, scraping the results I get from Twitter (using the Atom feed, not the HTML) and dumping novel results into a database. This seems like a pretty fine-toothed comb to use… but if you want to be comprehensive, it’s important to figure out what maximum “tweet density” is before running your code.
  • Picking apart the URL: max_id=1511783811 - Only return results up to tweet #1511783811 in the database page=2 - Hand over the second page of results q=%23pman - The query is for the string #pman, encoded to escape the hash rpp=100 - Give the user 100 results per page While you can manipulate these variables to your heart's content, you can't get more than 100 results per page. And if you retrieve 100 results per page, your results will stop at around 15 pages - the engine, by default, wants to give you only 1500 results on any search. This makes sense from a user perspective - it's pretty rare that you actually want to read the last 1500 posts that mention the fail whale - but it's a pain in the ass for researchers. What you need to do is figure out the approximate tweet ID number that was current when the phenomenon you're studying was taking place. If you're a regular twitterer, go to your personal timeline, find a tweet you posted on April 7th, and click on the date to get the ID of the tweet. In the early morning (GMT) of the 7th, the ID for a new tweet was roughly 1468000000 - the URL retrieves the first four tweets to use the tag #pman, including our Ur-tweet: evisoft: neata, propun sa utilizam tag-ul #pman pentru mesajele din piata marii adunari nationale My Romanian's a little rusty, but Vitalie Eşanu appears to be suggesting we use the tag #pman - short for Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, the main square in Chisinau where the protests were slated to begin - in reference to posts about the protests. His post is timestamped 4:40am GMT, suggesting that there were at least some discussions about promoting the protests on Twitter before protesters took to the streets. Now the key is to grab URLs from Twitter, increasing the max_id variable in steps so that we're getting all results from the st

Brain Power - Brain Researchers Open Door to Editing Memory - Series - - 0 views

  • Suppose scientists could erase certain memories by tinkering with a single substance in the brain. Could make you forget a chronic fear, a traumatic loss, even a bad habit.
  • Researchers in Brooklyn have recently accomplished comparable feats, with a single dose of an experimental drug delivered to areas of the brain critical for holding specific types of memory, like emotional associations, spatial knowledge or motor skills.
  • The drug blocks the activity of a substance that the brain apparently needs to retain much of its learned information.

Chinese Social Networks 'Virtually' Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis - 0 views

  • What can Facebook and Western social networks learn, if anything? If monetizing a social network is so easy, then why hasn’t Facebook opened up its payment API to third party developers? While the aggressive and intrusive hyper-viral aspects of the apps in China may not be replicable in a Western Market, the problems for creating a more viable business model run deeper. Western companies cannot innovate in the same way due to institutional problems stemming from their own struggle for an identity and revenue. Facebook has just recently announced a “credits” system, but it seems to miss the mark. The new system demonstrates little incentive for users to shell over money, and does not speak to the same need as paying for a social application that all your friends are already on and talking about. Facebook may be afraid to become a marketplace for applications, because they are reluctant to be labeled as a social gaming network or a social app store. Instead, they are a self-styled guru of dynamic human interaction. If they opened up their platform to become an apps store, their major revenue streams would put them into a pigeonhole, calling their $15 billion valuation into question. They obviously don’t want to be labeled as a “gaming platform” either, and don’t want to fully depend on selling digital trinkets. Like during the American gold rush in 1849, where Chinese merchants prospered while most prospectors went bust in search of striking gold, it appears that building viable, scalable businesses for Social Networking sites may still be an ancient Chinese secret for Westerners.

Australia's Internet filter ruled by a single bureaucrat - ACMA, internet content filte... - 0 views

  • Australia's Internet filter ruled by a single bureaucrat

一个帖子的7种命运--南都周刊 - 0 views

  • 要么被卡死砍死,要么成为瞩目的明星帖。这是一个帖子的成名之路,也是网络信息控制的简单脉络。
  • “在版主以外,西祠还设有监控整个网站的部门,”River说:“他们直接与政府接触,根据指令删帖。这个指令是版主层面无法直接接触的。”一般来说,遭受监控部门暗算命运的小T往往是对一些政府失职的现象进行捕风捉影的曝光,而当时的确实情况其实尚未调查清楚,还不便宣扬。这类小T其实有被推荐的潜质,无奈生不逢时。
  •   2008年7月,网友“米兰血液”在天涯上发帖称:部分河南领导以20万元的建筑成本价购得实际价值200万元的别墅。而后,信阳市国土资源局一工作人员在接受采访时指出:“领导好像已经知道了帖子的事,正在做工作删帖(援引自《东方今报》相关报道)。”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  •   “技术虽然给人带来了某种平等,但是在技术的拥有者和非拥有者之间同样会因为这种‘数字鸿沟’而出现控制与被控制。”时评家熊培云在其反思信息和控制的博文中写道:“当权力与技术合流,社会是否从此手无缚鸡之力?”

As world trade falters, workers head home - Washington Post- - 0 views

shared by feng37 on 05 Mar 09 - No Cached
  • Singapore's exports collapsed by a stunning 35 percent in January, mirroring much of the rest of Asia. The export boom here was tied to credit-fueled buying sprees in the United States that stopped abruptly and may take years to return, if ever. Manufacturers are grasping for a Plan B. But none of the options -- mining domestic markets, or trying to tap consumers in still-growing China and India -- offers a truly viable solution.
  • "The collapse of globalization . . . is absolutely possible," said Jeffrey Sachs, a noted American economist. "It happened in the 20th century in the wake of World War I and the Great Depression, and could happen again. Nationalism is rising and our political systems are inward looking, the more so in times of crisis."
  • Economists from Credit Suisse predict an exodus of 200,000 foreigners -- or one in every 15 workers here -- by the end of 2010.

Wall Street on the Tundra | - 0 views

  • One of the distinctive traits about Iceland’s disaster, and Wall Street’s, is how little women had to do with it. Women worked in the banks, but not in the risktaking jobs. As far as I can tell, during Iceland’s boom, there was just one woman in a senior position inside an Icelandic bank. Her name is Kristin Petursdottir, and by 2005 she had risen to become deputy C.E.O. for Kaupthing in London. “The financial culture is very male-dominated,” she says. “The culture is quite extreme. It is a pool of sharks. Women just despise the culture.” Petursdottir still enjoyed finance. She just didn’t like the way Icelandic men did it, and so, in 2006, she quit her job. “People said I was crazy,” she says, but she wanted to create a financial-services business run entirely by women. To bring, as she puts it, “more feminine values to the world of finance.” Today her firm is, among other things, one of the very few profitable financial businesses left in Iceland. After the stock exchange collapsed, the money flooded in. A few days before we met, for instance, she heard banging on the front door early one morning and opened it to discover a little old man. “I’m so fed up with this whole system,” he said. “I just want some women to take care of my money.”

港府预算细到座椅,广州呢 - 0 views

  • 据报道,“政府是大管家,要替纳税人管好钱。”前天在广州两会的分组审议预算报告时,不少代表对一些大额支出未曾提交人大会议审议提出疑问。有代表质疑,500亿治水为何不提交人大审议?也有代表抱怨“政府不能高兴提交什么项目就提交什么项目”。 有另外一则新闻,让人很是感慨:2月2 5日,香港特区政府财政司司长曾俊华宣读新年度财政预算案,预算案文本非常详细,总共七大本大16开黄色封面的“大书”。最薄一本是《政府财政预算案拨款条例草案言辞》共42页。而分量最足的三本预算账本达1150多页,记者粗略估算,七本预算案总量加起来近20斤,开支甚至详细到座椅。为让市民能充分了解财政预算案,香港政府出尽各种招数:派传单、建网站,上电视、接热线,全方位披露财政预算案内容。 这一幕让在当地采访的内地记者也让我们慨叹不已———相比香港的财政预算,国内的报告显得如此单薄,聊聊数页,不但记者读不懂,市民更是无从查看。一边是一个省就被审计出乱花钱数百亿,一边是人大代表面对粗糙的财政预算看不懂,财政预算审查变得程序性而非实质性,这已经成为当下人大监督最尴尬的事情。
  • 应该承认,建立一套健全的预算监督体系需要很长一段时间,从粗化的亿万元不知道怎么花的,到细化的座椅资金从哪里来,这中间有大量的工作要做。以美国为例,美国花了数十年时间,才建立起公共财政制度和对预算的监督。细化到座椅的预算监督表面看耗时耗力,但刚性的“高压线”一旦建立起来,其节省的资金是我们难以想象的。

"人人问总理"是网络不能承受之重 - 笑蜀的日志 - 网易博客 - 0 views

  • 假若“两会”代表委员都尽职尽责,假若“两会”真正起作用,还至于千军万马奔网络吗?“E两会”还能年年火爆吗?  网络之于中国转型,无疑居功至伟。但这并不证明网络就是万能的。如果没有相应的制度对接,没有现实力量的支撑,多么精彩的网络风景,也往往不过是海市蜃楼,终不免风吹雨打去。期望主要借助网络推动变革,是网络不能承受之重。 
  • 制度之于网络,有如主食之于点心。再怎么可口的点心,也只能起到补充作用。
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