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Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - Ian Goldin with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Ian Goldin - Professor of Globalisation and Development and Director of the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford - UK The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - Cory Doctorow with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Cory Doctorow - Writer, Blogger, Activist - USA The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - David Price with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "David Price - Learning futurist and co-founder of We Do Things Differently - UK The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 playlist ICWE - YouTube - 0 views

    (OEB = Online Educa Berlin) 30 videos 1,312 views Last updated on Jan 8, 2016
Claude Almansi

Se il progresso è solo business non va bene - #loptis - 0 views

    Andreas Formiconi, 23 gennaio 2016 "...Ma che senso ha parlare di individuazione di tecnologie sostenibili e di scambio di innovazioni fra scuole se allo stesso tempo prepariamo il terreno a quella che è una vera e propria colonizzazione da parte delle multinazionali IT?"
Claude Almansi

Turning Digital Learning Into Intellectual Property - DML Central 2016 - 0 views

    Monday, January 25, 2016 Ben Williamson "The world's largest publisher of educational textbooks and resources, Pearson, recently extended its work into digital media and learning. As well as producing innovative new digital learning resources and platforms, Pearson is also positioning itself as a major center for the analysis of educational big data. This has implications for how learning is going to be conceptualized in the near future, and begs big questions about how the private ownership of educational data might impact emerging understandings and explanatory theories of the learning process itself."
    Del 26 gennaio 2016 - e due giorni prima, Andreas Formiconi pubblicava già su partneriati dubbi tra scuole e altri business....
Claude Almansi

FUN - WikiMOOC : apprenez à contribuer sur Wikipédia ! - 1 views

    "Ce MOOC (des cours en ligne gratuits et ouverts à tous) est conçu pour vous faire entrer dans les coulisses de la plus grande encyclopédie au monde : comprendre son fonctionnement, ses règles, découvrir sa communauté (sans hiérarchie), la manière dont la fiabilité du contenu est assurée, etc. Ces cours vous permettront également d'apprendre à contribuer vous-même à Wikipédia : modifier des articles, les illustrer, les mettre en forme, interagir avec les autres contributeurs, travailler de manière collaborative... À la fin du WikiMOOC, vous serez même amené à créer votre tout premier article sur Wikipédia."
Claude Almansi

Data-Privacy-Guidebook.pdf - 0 views

    "Introduction California school districts and County Offices of Education-collectively, Local Educational Agencies ("LEAs")-collect a vast amount of data in providing educational and related services. This data may include pupil records, medical records, financial information, and more. With the advent of individualized learning management systems, LEAs are sharing such data with third-party vendors more than ever before. There has also been a corresponding, and sometimes competing, increase in compliance measures to protect student data. This guide is intended to provide an overview and streamline some of the key laws governing student data privacy. Please note that the laws referenced herein may not be exhaustive. This guide contains information only and is not intended to provide legal advice, nor does it establish an attorney- client relationship. LEAs are encouraged to contact their legal counsel or member organization for any questions or clarifications concerning the content contained herein. This guide is also available electronically at . This guide may be updated periodically; such updates may be found in the electronic version"
Claude Almansi

SEND (Smart Education Networks by Design) | CoSN - 0 views

    "Advances in technology make it possible for students to experience personalized learning anytime and anywhere. But this can only take place if our school systems have well designed networks that support the increased demands of student devices and 24/7/365 access and that remain current in the face of rapidly evolving technologies. In our first phase, with the generous support of Qualcomm, the SEND Initiative developed guidelines for network design and a checklist for district network planning. Currently, SEND II is building on that work in collaboration with leading technology partners: ENA, Filewave, Fortinet, Presidio, Juniper Networks, and SAFARI Montage, SEND II is developing next-level resources for building network architectures that can handle and evolve with new demands."
Claude Almansi

In defense of the cheating scumbags caught up in the Ashley Madison hack | ZDNet - 0 views

    By Zack Whittaker for Zero Day | August 19, 2015 "...Everyone has a right to privacy. It doesn't just keep our information safe, but it helps us be the people we want to be. Without privacy, we're always being watched. Without privacy, we can't have private discussions or experiences that shape our views, opinions, and thoughts that better society. Without privacy, we can't express ourselves as who we want to be. Privacy either exists, or it doesn't. Today it's cheating spouses, tomorrow it could be you."
cristina zaccagnini

Riprovarci, atto II° - 0 views

    "Riprendo da dove ho lasciato per continuare a dipanare il filo... Ho sentito che Alessandro Gassman ha lanciato la proposta ai cittadini di ingaggiarsi tutti in un'opera di pulizia complessiva della città di Roma e ho anche capito che l'idea ha polarizzato l'opinione pubblica. Ecco, a mio avviso, l'iniziativa non sarebbe affatto peregrina se concepita...
cristina zaccagnini

Riprovarci, atto 1° - 0 views

    Il testo che qui segue è stato elaborato pochi giorni fa con il piacevole fruscio delle onde in sottofondo... Da tempo, mi sentivo di nuovo stuzzicare dalla voglia di riattivare il mio blog, cui sono rimasta legata parecchio affettivamente, perché se anche negli ultimi due anni è rimasto letargico, i continui pungoli così densamente riflessivi...
Claude Almansi

Cooley | Websites as Places of Public Accommodation: DOJ Settlement May Extend Accessib... - 0 views

    "Recent headlines around a high-profile settlement between the US Department of Justice and edX, Inc., one of the largest and earliest distributors of MOOCs, have once again highlighted the importance of understanding the rules for making online courses and services accessible to those with various types and levels of disabilities. While much of the media coverage of the edX settlement has focused on the fact that the government sued so high-profile-and respected-an online provider, to date there has been little recognition that the enforcement action may signal an effort to extend the ADA's accessibility requirements not only to a broader range of non-institutional entities providing web-based instruction, but also to those that provide other education-related services."
Claude Almansi

Kafka, Before the Law (e-text) - 0 views

    "The gatekeeper sees that the man is already dying and, in order to reach his diminishing sense of hearing, he shouts at him, "Here no one else can gain entry, since this entrance was assigned only to you. I'm going now to close it.""
Claude Almansi

Joseph Heller Catch-22 - Wikiquote - 0 views

    "Chapter 5 There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them, he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to, he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. "That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed. "It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed. p. 55 (p. 46 in Simon & Schuster 2004)"
Claude Almansi

CreateSpace: ISBN options - 0 views

    "What are my ISBN options? You have four ISBN options: you can either use a CreateSpace-Assigned ISBN, a Custom ISBN*, a Custom Universal ISBN*, or you can use your own ISBN. Both custom ISBN options are offered through an agreement with Bowker®. Price Imprint Distributors CreateSpace-Assigned ISBN Free CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform CreateSpace Custom ISBN* $10 You choose CreateSpace Custom Universal ISBN* $99 You choose You choose Provide Your Own ISBN Existing ISBN Required You choose You choose"
Claude Almansi

Createspace royalty calculator - 0 views

    "Royalty Calculator* Use the royalty calculator to figure out how much you'll make every time your book is manufactured. (...) * Figures generated by this tool are for estimation purposes only. Your actual royalty will be calculated when you set up your book."
Claude Almansi

Member Agreement - CreateSpace - 0 views

    "4. Titles 4.1 Content Rejection and Removal We may, in our sole discretion, at any time, and without notice to you (a) reject Content; or (b) remove, or refuse to list or distribute any Content on or from any CreateSpace E-Store, Amazon Property or other sales channel. You will remain liable for all fees and other amounts that you may owe under this Agreement in connection with any Title or Content we remove because of a violation of this Agreement or our Content Guidelines. You may withdraw your Title from the Services at any time, but we will have 30 days from the date of a Title's withdrawal (or termination of this Agreement) to remove all applicable Content. However, we may fulfill any Customer orders pending as of the date we remove such Title from the Services. If we request that you provide additional information relating to your Content, such as information confirming that you have all rights required to permit our distribution of the Content, you represent and warrant that any information and documentation you provide to us in response to such a request will be current, complete, and accurate. You authorize us, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider appropriate to verify your rights to permit our distribution of the Content and the accuracy of the information or documentation you provide to us with respect to those rights."
Claude Almansi

CreateSpace: Content guidelines - 0 views

    "Items sold on through the CreateSpace service must follow our content policy and guidelines, detailed below. (...) Public Domain and Other Non-Exclusive Content Some types of content, such as public domain content, may be free to use by anyone, or may be licensed for use by more than one party. We will not accept content that is freely available on the web unless you are the copyright owner of that content. For example, if you received your content from a source that allows you and others to re-distribute it, and the content is freely available on the web, we will not accept it for sale through CreateSpace. We do accept public domain content, however we may request that you provide proof that your submitted material is actually in the public domain and may choose to not sell a public domain title if its content is undifferentiated or barely differentiated from one or more books already available through our service or available through other retail sites. We do not currently accept public domain material for Amazon Video on Demand. "
Claude Almansi

Raccontare... in Braille - Immacolata Nappi 2012-10-02 - Education 2.0 - 1 views

    "L'esperienza di Mattia C. dimostra l'esistenza di un modo di concepire la "forma" che prescinde dall'esperienza visiva." di Immacolata Nappi | del 02/10/2012 |
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