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Lisa Levinson

What's It Worth? Certificates, Badges and Online Portfolios | SkilledUp - 0 views

    Another in the blog series by Brad Zomick for skilledup for learners from 9/14/13. He discusses whether digital badges and certificates mean anything to employers, and what their actual worth is. Badges are mostly used for incentives along the way in a course, and are often not very meaningful. Same for certificates of completion. Most valuable are online certifications if they are associated with a company such as Microsoft, an accredited school, or other recognized entity. Zomick states that online badges, certificates, and credentials are most valuable when embedded in an online portfolio that shows your work and the skills you learned to do the work.
Lisa Levinson

Temple University: Creating tables with HTML - 0 views

    Temple University's site about creating a table. They also have many topics on using html that we can access. It is not as easy to use as the other sites I have bookmarked, but is valuable non the less.
    Temple University's site on creating a basic table. Not as easy to use as the other sites, but still valuable. Offers other html building topics as well.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Future Of Education Eliminates The Classroom, Because The World Is Your Class | Co.... - 0 views

    Fascinating article by Marina Gorbis on Fast Company site regarding how we must be able to learn online in micro-learning episodes that may last minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc. far removed from schools, MOOCs, and other structured and semi-structured curricula. Excerpt: "We are moving away from the model in which learning is organized around stable, usually hierarchical institutions (schools, colleges, universities) that, for better and worse, have served as the main gateways to education and social mobility. Replacing that model is a new system in which learning is best conceived of as a flow, where learning resources are not scarce but widely available, opportunities for learning are abundant, and learners increasingly have the ability to autonomously dip into and out of continuous learning flows. Instead of worrying about how to distribute scarce educational resources, the challenge we need to start grappling with in the era of socialstructed learning is how to attract people to dip into the rapidly growing flow of learning resources and how to do this equitably, in order to create more opportunities for a better life for more people." In the comments, this summary: "It doesn't matter if you are a physicist, chemist, sociologist, welder, mathematician, teacher, economist, lawyer, restaurant owner, farmer, trucker, whatever, the information most relevant and valuable to your employment is up to you to find! The task requires you find and digest information, on your own. This task used to be a pain, but now we have near-instant access to the entirety of information across the planet. The author is talking about making this access actually instant, not near-instant. Its really just an inevitable thing. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why Older Workers Can't Be Ignored - Forbes - 0 views

    Article by Kerry Hannon, Forbes, 1.25.13 This author asserts that older workers will become more valued by employers even though they aren't making special efforts to hire or retain them now and do not want to pay for the cost of training/retraining them. These trends suggest that taking charge of one's own learning with a PLP, PLN, etc. and taking advantage of all the free opportunities will be valuable skills to have. This author only looks to community colleges for retraining and does not reference any of the online options that we know about from the work on the directory. Should we draft a comment back to Kerry Hannon on this website? "1. Who is going to pay for that training? Most labor market experts I have interviewed say the government and private employers need to ramp up more training programs for older workers and create workplaces that make it easier for them to do their jobs. Employers don't want to spend for it. They've already cut to the bone to stay competitive globally in recent years and this kind of spending is a tough sell. Conceivably, as I discussed as a panel member at a recent Federal Reserve Workforce Development conference, one way to provide the needed training is through the community college system. The coursework could be offered at an affordable cost for the worker. Depending on who foots the bill, employers or employeees could receive tax incentives to ease the tuition bill. (Please continue to next page.) "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Are YouTubers Revolutionizing Entertainment? | Off Book | PBS - YouTube - 0 views

    Video by Off Book/PBS on how YouTube has broadened what we think of as entertaining, valuable, educational, etc. Fast Feedback loop on content. June 6, 2013 Unlike TV, can comment on it and affect directly what is being made, importance of subscription for those who want to watch it. "Just so cool that people all over the world can build a community and drive development." Very intimate and close up framing of videos on YouTube. That comes across, makes it feel personal. "Has to feel like one person is in charge of everything, otherwise it doesn't feel like YouTube." Using feedback mechanisms and viewer interactivity to make new stuff Even TimeWarners of world are reallocating resources to YouTube production "Will be as comfortable going to YouTube as turning on TV"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

On my 3rd Twitter birthday: 7 reasons Twitter is central to my life | Trends in the Liv... - 1 views

    Very good personal assessment of why Twitter is valuable, Ross Dawson, June 20, 2011, blog
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Quick Guides: Overview « Top 100 Tools for Learning - 0 views

    This guide by the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies seems to be a VERY valuable resource available by subscription. How might we incorporate it/use it in WLStudio?
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Sketchy Explanation: Starting a PLN - YouTube - 0 views

    Short (<2 minutes) by John Spencer, uploaded June 27, 2010 to YouTube on Starting a PLN. Although oriented somewhat toward teachers, it is valuable for anyone to get a sense of what a PLN is and why it might be a good idea to do.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How to do Core Process by Nick Heap - 1 views

    Core process for individual growth, a blog by Nick Heap. How to find the unique talent that each of us has to "make a valuable contribution in the world and to lead more fulfilling lives."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

3 tips for reaching to the right people | Blog - 0 views

    Interesting blog post by Jennifer Dunn on, June 25, 2013. It suggests using LinkedIn, conferences, and current contacts as starting points for building your business network. Not so unusual but the point about how you don't have to go a conference to benefit from the circle of like-minded peers it attracts but go to the website or Facebook page or Twitter to circulate and get acquainted with the people who might be valuable for you to know is a good one. Makes me think, also, about how wikis or any record building device given to participants one year at a conference or workshop might be left open for one to go back and view current participants. (ex. BEtreat wiki is still open to me; WLstudio?)
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Intended Purposes Versus Actual Function of Digital Badges | HASTAC - 0 views

    "The Varied Functions of Badges" summary from HASTAC discussion, 9/2012 My interest in the functions of badges was spurred along when the MacArthur Foundation asked for help documenting the design principles for using digital badges that emerge across the 30 projects underway by the awardees in their Badges for Lifelong Learning project. We needed to come up with a manageable number of categories. Here is what we came up with: Recognizing Learning. This is the most obvious and arguably the primary function of badges. David Wiley has argued cogently that this should be the primary purpose of badges. If we focus only on purposes, then he may well be right. His point is that badges are credentials and not assessments. This is also consistent with the terrifically concise definition in Seven Things You Should Know About Badgesby Erin Knight and Carla Casilli. Assessing Learning. Nearly every application of digital badges includes some form of assessment. These assessments have either formative or summative functions and likely have both. In some cases, these are simply an assessment of whether somebody clicked on a few things or made a few comments. In other cases, there might be a project or essay that was reviewed and scored, or a test that was graded. In still other cases, peers might assess an individual, group, or project as badgeworthy. Motivating Learning. This is where the controversy comes in. Much of the debate over badges concerns the well-documented negative consequences of extrinsic incentive on intrinsic motivation and free choice engagement. This is why some argue that we should not use badges to motivate learning. However, if we use badges to recognize and assess learning, they are likely to impact motivation. So, we might as well harness this crucial function of badges and study these functions carefully while searching for both their positive and negative consequences for motivation. Evaluating Learning. The final category of
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

21 Months In: How to Manage a Remote Team - Zapier - 0 views

    Interesting and VALUABLE links-rich how-to blog post by Wade Foster at Zapier, a distributed company, June 27, 2013 on managing remote teams. Identifies excellent resources elsewhere assembled by practitioners in remote work places. Identifies three key things: team, TOOLS (great list for work team), and processes for success. Team--hire doers, hire people you can trust, trust the people you hire, hire people who can write, hire people who are okay without a social workplace Tools--Campfire for virtual office; Sqwiggle, a persistent video chat room that takes a picture of you every 8 seconds which people can see on their computers and instant video chat; email, Trello for joint to-do list; GitHub for issues and pull requests; iDoneThis for daily digest of accomplishments--notes that "it is great for personal use as well because it can help build habits." Also Chrome profiles, LastPass Enterprise, Draft for easily versioning drafts, and Google Docs, Hello sign (for signatures without hassle of scanning, etc.), and Google Talk Processes--everyone does support on regular schedule to stay close to customers; a culture of shipping, weekly hangouts, weekly learning, monthly one on ones, culture of daily feedback

"Using Storytelling To Craft And Communicate Your Strategic Vision" - New at TanveerNas... - 1 views

    "Of the array of skills that comprise leadership, the ability to craft and communicate strategic vision is simultaneously the most valuable and least well-practiced. The value part is obvious; leaders adept at inspiring their teams achieve high-impact business results faster, more easily, and more compassionately. But, why do so many leaders struggle with building shared vision? In this article, I'll outline three root causes and suggest ways to address them based on best practices from TED Talks."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The One-Word Answer to Why Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Have Been So Successful | Link... - 0 views

    Great exploration of focus as a verb (process) and noun (single goal) by Greg McKeowan telling the story of Gates and Buffett talking at dinner. Here are three ways to combine both types of focus to ensure we getting the vital few things done. --Ask the right questions --In order to have focus we need to escape to focus --Know how valuable your time is
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Manager and machine: The new leadership equation | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

    article by Martin Dewhurst and Paul Willmott, September 2014 on new leadership skills required in age of new information technologies Machines force executives and senior leaders to: 1. open up their companies through crowdsourcing and social platforms within and across organizational boundaries 2. create data sets worthy of the most intelligent machines 3. "let go" in ways that run counter to a century of OD 4. to make the biggest difference through the human touch. ...questions they frame, their vigor in attaching exceptional circumstances highlighted by increasingly intelligent algorithms ... tolerating ambiguity and focusing on the "softer" side of management to engage the organization and build its capacity for self-renewal. 5. turbocharged data-analytics strategy, a new top-team mind-set, fresh talent approaches, and a concerted effort to break down information silos...transcend number crunching..."weak signals" from social media and other sources also contain powerful insights and should be part of the data-creation process. 6. ...early movers will probably gain insights of unstructured data, such as email discussions between representatives or discussion threads in social media. 7. ...dashboards don't create themselves. Senior executives must find and set the software parameters needed to determine, for instance, which data gets prioritized and which gets flagged for escalation. 8. ...odds of sinking under the weight of even quite valuable insights grow as well. Answer: democratizing it: encouraging and expecting the organization to manage itself without bringing decisions upward. units and functions will be able to make more and better decisions on their own. 9. 8 will happen even as the CEO begins to morph into a "chief experimentation officer," who draws from acute observance of early signals to bolster a company's ability to experiment at scale. 10. need to "let go" will be more significant and the discomfort of s
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Can Digital Badges Help Encourage Professors to Take Teaching Workshops? - Wired Campus... - 0 views

    Article by Jeffrey R. Young, June 9, 2015 in the Chronicle of HE on incentive value of badges for professors to take teaching workshops. Should we offer a badge for ECO completers? "Still, badges are probably more valuable to professors than are the paper certificates that Kent State traditionally gave to those who completed training workshops in the past. "It's an easy way for a professor to show that I'm that type of faculty member that goes and does faculty development," said Ms. Kelly."
Lisa Levinson

Scott Dinsmore: How to find work you love | TED Talk | - 0 views

    Scott Dinsmore's TED talk about how he found the work he loved by hanging around those he saw doing what he wanted to do, and seeing that it could be done. Being with people who took a risk to work at their passion allowed him to feel more confident, gain valuable incite and advice from them, and forge ahead much more successfully. His steps for quitting your job and doing what you love is to become a self expert first, then find those who are doing what you want to do.
Lisa Levinson

Why a Tech-Driven Economy Needs the Liberal Arts - US News - 0 views

    Dr. Tuajuanda C. Jordan is president of St. Mary's College of Maryland, a small liberal arts school. Jordan was trained as a biochemist, but had a liberal arts education and was exposed to natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and the arts while attending college. This is a very articulate and clear essay on why liberal arts education matters, and how learning to question is its most valuable trait.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

75% of B2B decision makers use social media to learn - 0 views

    Blog by Kevin O'Keefe, "Real Lawyers Have Blogs," on the topic of the law, firm marketing, social media, and baseball, February 23, 2014. O'Keefe reviews a study by Gerry Moran on using social media to teach, not to sell. Other key points that O'Keefe makes: Build a large social network of people modeled after your customers and their influencers. 75% of B2B decision makers use social media to learn. (wonder where this stat comes from?) Pass on valuable information. Don't use your social media and networking channels to promote yourself. You want to be known for handing out knowledge and not brochures. Use social so that people will want to visit with you in person. 73% of customers are willing to engage with you on social media, so the opportunity is there. Use social media to teach, not sell. Selling is best done face-to-face. However, Social Media Today reports B2B buyers look at an average of over 10 digital resources before ever making a purchase. Since customers need to learn before they buy, use this opportunity on social media to connect. Teach and connect with today's technology. Connect and get on the radar of your customers and potential networks by retweeting, sharing, commenting and favoriting others' content. Develop Insights. Before you teach and connect with your customers, you need to listen to the customer and their customers. Social is an excellent listening tool. Be a publisher. In addition to curating and passing on the great content to your network, create your own assets on a blog. Organizations who blog get clients. Later Excerpt: Over the years LexBlog as been all about helping lawyers understand how to use the Internet in a real and effective fashion so as to grow their practices. By sharing information from third parties along our own insight via blogs and other social media we established a reputation as trusted advisors. Even when I reach out to meet with lawyers and law firms I have never met f

Want to Make a Successful YouTube Video? Read This. | - 0 views

    In his book Entrepreneur Magazine's Ultimate Guide to YouTube for Business, marketing and public relations consultant Jason Rich show you how to master the secrets of successful "YouTubers" and put your brand, product or service in front of millions of potential viewers. In this edited excerpt, the author outlines some common elements of successful, small-business focused videos. Valuable tips for making a YouTube video that will make a difference to potential clients.
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