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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Tom Peters on leading the 21st-century organization | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

    A number of great quotes offered by Tom Peters on leading in the 21st century, September 2014. Tom Peters: Today's technology tools give you great opportunities to do 73 things at a time or to at least delude yourself that you are. I see managers who look like 12-year-olds with attention deficit disorder, running around from one thing to the next, constantly barraged with information, constantly chasing the next shiny thing. The only thing on earth that never lies to you is your calendar. That's why I'm a fanatic on the topic of time management. But when you use that term, people think, "Here's an adult with a brain. And he's teaching time management. Find something more important, please." But something more important doesn't exist. Tom Peters: Unless you were born with a very, very silver spoon, you're going to spend the majority of adult life at work. Why shouldn't this be a joyful experience or an energetic experience or a vivid experience? If you're a leader, your whole reason for living is to help human beings develop-to really develop people and make work a place that's energetic and exciting and a growth opportunity, whether you're running a Housekeeping Department or Google. I mean, this is not rocket science. It's not even a shadow of rocket science. You're in the people-development business. If you take a leadership job, you do people. Period. It's what you do. It's what you're paid to do. People, period. Should you have a great strategy? Yes, you should. How do you get a great strategy? By finding the world's greatest strategist, not by being the world's greatest strategist. You do people. Not my fault. You chose it. And if you don't get off on it, do the world a favor and get the hell out before dawn, preferably without a gilded parachute. But if you want the gilded parachute, it's worth it to get rid of you.
Lisa Levinson

Steve Jobs destroyed the 'follow your passion' myth just before he died - Business Insider - 0 views

    from Business Insider, March 3, 2015 by Drake Baer. Baer quotes the biographer of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson, as having a conversation with Jobs about "follow your passion". Jobs thought that following your passion was on a higher context - giving back to society and the community - than a lower context - individualistic, career-focused. To Jobs, following your passion had to include making society better. Baer uses the stat " there are 1,300 business books about "passion" on Amazon.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Social Media can Enhance Schools as Professional Learning Communities | resourcelin... - 0 views

    This article on Resource Link, September 21, 2011, captures the learning environments we wish to bring to businesses, nonprofits, and membership associations. "Social Media - what do you need to know? In the 21st century, learning networks are richer than ever before. Social media, including tools such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn allow connections with professionals to be developed in offline and online worlds in new and exciting ways. No longer are we limited geographically. Social media allows us to connect not only to those we know, but also to those who we don't know, but who share our passions, our interests and our profession. Despite never having met in the physical sense, it is now possible to share links, comment on educational research, debate, collaborate and create new knowledge with individuals no matter where they are working." Another excerpt: So….Social Media and Professional Learning Communities? What is the connection? A school which is a professional learning community focuses upon removing the walls between classrooms (metaphorically, in all cases, physically in some!), encouraging collaboration, dialogue, ready access to colleagues and an openness to challenge understandings and current 'accepted' knowledge. Excerpt: Roberts and Pruitt, in their book Schools as Professional Learning Communities (p3, 2009) quote research that suggests that the major obstacle for schools who wish to develop as learning communities is the provision of resources such as time to collaborate, leadership support, information and ready access to colleagues. Social Media is not the total answer; but in schools where money and time are in short demand (and which school isn't in this situation?), they can go part of the way in meeting these needs. 1. social media providing to time to collaborate 2. social media providing leadership support 3. social media providing information 4. social media providing access to colleagues
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Dustin Moskovitz says tech companies destroying employee personal lives - Business Insider - 0 views

  • beyond ~40–50 hours per week, the marginal returns from additional work decrease rapidly and quickly become negative. We have also demonstrated that though you can get more output for a few weeks during “crunch time” you still ultimately pay for it later when people inevitably need to recover.
  • My intellectual conclusion is that these companies are both destroying the personal lives of their employees and getting nothing in return.
  • This kind of attitude not only hurts young workers who are willing to “step up” to the expectation, but facilitates ageism and sexism by indirectly discriminating against people who cannot maintain that kind of schedule.
    interesting article by Facebook co-founder on how tech start-up expectations/long hours result in diminishing returns and ageism and sexism
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Don't Let Your Community Manager Go It Alone: Associations Now - 0 views

  • “We talk to community managers all the time and we ask ‘What’s the thing you didn’t think was going to be part of your role? What’s the one component you were surprised how much time you were spending on it?’ It’s almost always evangelism and coaching,” said Jim Storer, principal and cofounder of The Community Roundtable, during a webinar earlier this month cohosted with community platform provider Higher Logic. Storer’s colleague and TheCR cofounder Rachel Happe added that the organization created a working group on the role of “becoming an internal consultant,” just to help TheCR members excel in that role.
  • TheCR report also notes that “best-in-class” online communities are more often managed by a staff team, rather than by a single person.
  • “Given what we now know about the complexity of—and potential for—sustained and productive engagement, the notion that a lone community manager can address all the strategic, operational, and tactical responsibilities is quickly fading,” the report states. “Implementing many of the processes and programs that are markers of maturity generally requires more resources, and best-in-class communities with bigger teams are able to prioritize community programming, advocacy programs, community management training, and other key community elements.”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Just like we had with email, I think the whole population is going to have improved online engagement literacy,” Happe said during TheCR’s webinar, describing her five-year outlook. “I think we’re going to see an understanding that community management is a critical 21st-century skill, not just a role.”
    Great article by Joe Rominiecki, June 24, 2015 in AssociationsNow on the online community manager role; quotes the latest Community Roundtable report on how the online community management skillset is needed by many staff, not just one person. There is a big difference between lurking or contributing as an individual in Facebook or LinkedIn groups and mentoring/leading/supporting an online community. Supports our inclusion of "convening" as a vital digital literacy skill.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Tools of your trade - - 0 views

  • My excitement about technology is as a tool to help me do more and better, along the lines of Steve Jobs' "bicycles for the mind".
  • In pretty much any job a computer, or smart phone, is the tool of your trade. It is a professional competence to know how to use it.
    Like the "bicycles for the mind" quote from Steve Jobs and the importance of understanding your "tool of the trade" be it a computer or a smart phone.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb - 0 views

  • Bucky Fuller said many times that you cannot push people, but you can pull them or draw them to your ways of thinking.
  • The way the trim tab and rudder on a ship pull the ship around is that when one turns the trim tab or rudder to one side, it forces the water around the ship to move faster on one side of the ship than on the other side.
  • This lowers the pressure of the water against the ship on that side of the ship.
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  • A vacuum is a type of disturbance of the equilibrium forces in society that, in some way, speeds up the flow of energy in the area or direction in which you wish people to move.  This is the human equivalent to Bernoulli’s principle.
  • How this is done is subtle.  Ways to upset the equilibrium pace of society and societal evolution is to introduce new technology, present new information, draw attention to yourself or to something that upsets things in certain ways, or to send out love that draws people in.
    interesting discussion of trim tab and rudders by Lawrence Wilson, an MD. He quotes Richard Buckminster Fuller who said that for one person to change the entire world, they need "to act like the rudder and trim tab of a ship."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why Ed Tech Is Not Transforming How Teachers Teach - Education Week - 0 views

  • teachers are far more likely to use technology to make their own jobs easier and to supplement traditional instructional strategies than to put students in control of their own learning. Case study after case study describe a common pattern inside schools: A handful of "early adopters" embrace innovative uses of new technology, while their colleagues make incremental or no changes to what they already do.
  • numerous culprits
  • Washington-based International Society for Technology in Education
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • project-based unit on social-justice movements
  • Their goal: Produce independent research papers on topics of their choice, then collaboratively develop a multimedia presentation of their findings with classmates researching the same issue.
  • cloud-based tool called Google Slides
  • prepare written text (61 percent of respondents reported that their students did so "sometimes" or "often") conduct Internet research (66 percent), or learn/practice basic skills (69 percent).
  • Far more rare were teachers who reported that their students sometimes or often used technology to conduct experiments (25 percent), create art or music (25 percent), design and produce a product (13 percent), or contribute to a blog or wiki (9 percent.)
  • "most teachers [at the school] had adapted an innovation to fit their customary practices."
  • "second order" obstacles.
  • expanding teachers' knowledge of new instructional practices that will allow them to select and use the right technology, in the right way, with the right students, for the right purpose.
  • eachers and students in the small-scale study were found to be making extensive use of the online word-processing tool Google Docs. The application's power to support collaborative writing and in-depth feedback, however, was not being realized.
  • "We're telling teachers that the key thing that is important is that students in your classroom achieve, and we're defining achievement by how they do on [standardized] tests," she said. "That's not going to change behavior."
  • "job-embedded" professional development
  • "The smarter districts use those teachers to teach other teachers how to integrate tech into their lessons,"
    Great article on why more progress in the classroom isn't happening with student-centered uses of technology. June 10, 2015 Edweek, quotes Larry Cuban.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Five Tips for Leading Through Change: Associations Now - 0 views

    nice blog post by Mark Athitakis, 8.3.15, quoting a new book by Anna Caraveli on leading through change.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

If You're Not Paying For It, You Become The Product - Forbes - 0 views

    "in this digital age we have sacrificed our privacy in order to access all manner of free stuff on the web. It's a movement that most of us have come to accept. Or have we? I'll borrow a quote I read on MetaFilter recently: 'If you're not paying for it; you are the product'. I'm not sure how many people are fully aware of this sentiment yet or whether they even care. But the next time you're browsing the web or enjoying a video on YouTube, remember that Google is watching your every move; because that's the price you pay."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The CNN 10: Visionary Women - - 0 views

    This profile of Ari Horie moves me a great deal. I like her assessment of the power of collaboration and this quote: "Horie doesn't want women to feel limited by the culture they were born into or the place where they live, she says. She believes that their opportunities should be endless." I also like the idea of an "accelerator" program for entrepreneurs and/or learners/leaders.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

It's not about adding technology to training, but about changing training | Learning in... - 0 views

    Quote that Jane Hart found from Jane Bozarth, 12/6/14, rest of Jane Hart's post is just as interesting. well worth reading. "The thing that is going to change the game is - the learners …. They are changing the concept of training, and we are increasingly moving toward an age in which the adult worker will not sit still for training that just looks like more "school". They're becoming more sophisticated in their understanding of how learning looks and how it happens. We're going to have to figure out how to provide better performance support, in smaller bites, in places easy for them to access. And we'll need to offer time and space and support so they can create the user-generated help that others need. And if we don't? They won't wait for us. They'll find the means to do it anyway.""
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Cheapest Generation - The Atlantic - 0 views

    Interesting article on how millennials are not buying cars or houses. This quote makes me think about how we market to middle-aged career professionals, i.e., "I've made it and I'm a tech person." (based on how I use IT technology to communicate, collaborate, and convene groups online) "Subaru's publicist Doug O'Reilly told us, "The Millennial wants to tell people not just 'I've made it,' but also 'I'm a tech person.' " Smartphones compete against cars for young people's big-ticket dollars, since the cost of a good phone and data plan can exceed $1,000 a year. But they also provide some of the same psychic benefits-opening new vistas and carrying us far from the physical space in which we reside. "You no longer need to feel connected to your friends with a car when you have this technology that's so ubiquitous, it transcends time and space," Connelly said."
Lisa Levinson

Content Curation Primer | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    A great blog on content curation from Beth Kanter from October 4, 2011. The focus on this is content curation for non profits, but is really for any content curation. She quotes and paraphrases Harold Jarche in that content curation is really seek, sense, share. Mentions that content curation is a great professional development tool and helps everyone keep up with what is happening in their field.
Lisa Levinson

Content Curation - 5 Ways to Succeed...Eventually | Convince and Convert: Social Media ... - 0 views

    Although this article concentrates on content curation for marketing, there are some great tips to remember such as identifying your audience, focus your sharing, make sure your curation is of impeccable quality, curate consistently, brand yourself not your company. Love this quote: " Jason Falls of Social Media Explorer publicly states his Twitter strategy is "find good shit and share it.""
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

ISSUU - Canada's Best Diversity Employers (2015) by Canada's Top 100 Employers - 0 views

    List of Canada's top 100 best diversity employers with examples of what they have done to promote, inform, support diversity and inclusion. Great quotes in the TD Bank profile by Hanen, and Han. Bringing your whole self to work is the goal which means your sexual orientation or helping elders in the home or your culture, etc.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Premium Job Board Sued for Promising Customers Jobs That Don't Exist | PBS NewsHour - 0 views

    interesting case of The Ladders, "premium job board" being sued for advertising jobs that did not exist at quoted salary level
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Examine the Benefits, Drawbacks of Online Learning for Introverts - US News - 0 views

  • he could really prepare what he wanted to say. Introverts like Dyer tend to be more reflective and really think through their ideas or answers to questions, especially when it comes to learning, experts say.
  • Introversion has to do with the amount of stimulation an individual enjoys and thrives on," says Kasevich. "Introverts prefer much less stimulating environments than extroverts."
  • Among introverts, Kasevich says, "solitude is a catalyst for innovation."
    article on benefits, drawbacks for online learning--more time to reflect and respond in writing; live dialogue/discussion may be compressed into 3 hour time blocks making for a difficult session for introverts. Curtis Bonk is quoted several times.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Find Your Tribe - Gretchen Louise - 0 views

    blog by gretchen Louise on Find Your Tribe; no date quotes Jeff Goins among others
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

International Women's Day 2017: Five things you need to know about today | The Independent - 0 views

    quotes and pictures from ten feminists and history of International Women's Day
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