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Lisa Levinson

Social Networking Sites and Social Media: What's the difference? - Word-of-Mouth and Re... - 0 views

    From on the difference between social networks and social media. Examines the history of using these terms: prior to 2010, social network was more widely used. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter were just trying to connect people together. However, after 2010 both FB and Twitter started to become news and resource sources and the emphasis changed from connections to content. An example from Twitter: Used to ask - What are you doing? Now ask - what is happening?
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Telecommunications Is Changing Work - 0 views

    has a from-to matrix by Phyllis Moen on shifting from traditional to open work environment and links to other resources
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

'Free-Range Learners': Study Opens Window Into How Students Hunt for Educational Conten... - 0 views

    I like this term "free-range learning" and believe it might be part of the Studio language. "Ms. Morgan borrows the phrase "free-range learning" to describe students' behavior, and she finds that they generally shop around for content in places educators would endorse. Students seem most favorably inclined to materials from other universities. They mention lecture videos from Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology far more than the widely publicized Khan Academy, she says. If they're on a pre-med or health-science track, they prefer recognized "brands" like the Mayo Clinic. Students often seek this outside content due to dissatisfaction with their own professors, Ms. Morgan says." Also this comment: I don't think academe has really come to grips with the very large role peer-to-peer sharing plays in the way students learn. We proved this interesting phenomenon this year in a very large online course that we were in the process of redesigning. One section of the course piloted the redesign, which had dropped the former textbook in favor of all online content, cut out 1/3 of the subject areas covered in the old version of the course and changed the assignment instructions and interaction modalities radically. Despite the fact that all students in the pilot section were fully informed that they were in a different and new course, and were required to go though an extensive introductory module covering all aspects of the new version of the course, including the syllabus, and were required to pass a test covering the course requirements and structure, we still had something like 5% of the students turn in work that was based on the old course assignments and old course structure. Some of them had apparently not read any of the assignment instructions from their own section, and were relying entirely on peers in other sections for information on how to complete assignments.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How blog­ging chan­ged my life for the bet­ter | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    Blog by Harold Jarche, Life in Perpetual Beta, April 30, 2012 Love this story of how blogging changed his life for the better.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Is Peer Input as Important as Content for Online Learning? | MindShift - 0 views

    Article in MindShift, KQED, April 24, 2012 by Nathan Miton. Fabulous because it recognizes that content is one leg of learning stool. Excerpt: But at such a huge scale, what are the digital methods of teaching that work best? Philipp Schmidt, founder of the free online university P2PU, preaches three building blocks: community, recognition and content. Endorsement of peer learning potential Excerpt: The Stanford professors readily admit that some of the students who participated in their online courses provided their peers with deeper, more comprehensive answers than they were able to. The exponential explosion in opportunities for learning. Excerpt: in the past 10 years I've heard people say campus-based education better look out, that this will be threatening to their business model, and I've never really felt that until the last six months. The pace of change in open education is qualitatively different than it was even a few months ago." A new breed of digital pedagogy/andragogy/heutagogy Excerpt: "We probably haven't fully made the transition to digitally native pedagogies and learning approaches," Carson said. "The first generation of distance learning is basically an attempt to move the classroom online, and I think that part of the scalable learning of these massive courses is the breakdown of that model."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

the problem with EdX: a MOOC by any other name? | - 1 views

    #change11, blog post by Bon Stewart, May 2, 2012 And here's the rub... "The original MOOCs - the connectivist MOOCs a la Siemens & Downes, and the work of David Wiley and Alec Couros and others - have been, for the most part, about harnessing the capacity of participatory media to connect people and ideas. They've been built around lateral, distributed structures, encouraging blog posts and extensive peer-to-peer discussion formats. Even in live sessions showcasing facilitator's expertise, these ur-MOOCs have tended towards lively backchannel chats, exploring participants' knowledge and experiences and ideas. They've been, in short, actively modelled on the Internet itself. They've been experiential and user-driven. Their openness hasn't stopped at registration capacity, but extended to curricular tangents and participatory contributions and above all, to connections: they've given learners not just access to information but to networks. They've been messy, sometimes, but they have definitely not been business as usual. The problem with EdX is that, scale and cost aside, it IS essentially a traditional learning model revamped for a new business era. It puts decision-making power, agency, and the right to determine what counts as knowledge pretty much straight back into the hands of gatekeeping institutions."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Leadership is an emergent property of a balanced network | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    Blog by Harold Jarche on Leadership is an emergent property of balanced networks, May 29, 2012 Like this assessment of leadership skills in networks: "As networked, distributed workplaces become the norm, trust will emerge from environments that are open, transparent and diverse. As a result of improved trust, leadership will be seen for what it is; an emergent property of a balanced network ["in-balance" may be a better term for this changing state] and not some special property available to only the select few. And this one: Networked contributors (full-time, part-time, contractors) need to work together in a networked environment that facilitates cooperation and collaboration. This is why the narration of work and PKM will become critical skills, as work teams ebb and flow according to need, but the network must remain connected and resilient
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

ICTlogy » ICT4D Blog » The Dichotomies in Personal Learning Environments and ... - 0 views

    Authors did an opening exercise at a conference in 2010 to force choices by educators on organizationally controlled vs. individually controlled PLEs. It clear that the shift is toward individualized learning supported/guided by educators side by side not in front of the learner. Excerpt "To help them in this endeavour, institutions have an important role as guides (not leaders) that have to trespass their own walls and enter the environments (in plural) where learning actually takes place, which increasingly is outside of the framework of formality. In fact, this seems to be answering at the WHAT question: what is learning in the digital era? The rest of pairs (Openness and the Barriers) seem to be pointing at the HOW question: how should learning be carried on in the digital era?. The answer seems to be open and flexible institutions, new educational systems and methodologies and a dire organizational change."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Connected Learning: A New Research-Driven Initiative « User Generated Education - 0 views

    Connected Learning, a new research-driven initiative was introduced at the Digital Media and Learning Conference 2012. This blog post by Jackie Gerstein discusses its essence and includes TED video of Henry Jenkins and separate video of Mimi Ito. See excerpt on core values and principals of connected learning: At the core of connected learning are three values: Equity - when educational opportunity is available and accessible to all young people, it elevates the world we all live in. Full Participation - learning environments, communities, and civic life thrive when all members actively engage and contribute. Social connection - learning is meaningful when it is part of valued social relationships and shared practice, culture, and identity ( This initiative is being driven by the following design principles: Shared purpose - Connected learning environments are populated with adults and peers who share interests and are contributing to a common purpose. Today's social media and web-based communities provide exceptional opportunities for learners, parents, caring adults, teachers, and peers in diverse and specialized areas of interest to engage in shared projects and inquiry. Cross-generational learning and connection thrives when centered on common interests and goals. Production-centered - Connected learning environments are designed around production, providing tools and opportunities for learners to produce, circulate, curate, and comment on media. Learning that comes from actively creating, making, producing, experimenting, remixing, decoding, and designing, fosters skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and productive contributions to today's rapidly changing work and political conditions. Openly networked - Connected learning environments are designed around networks that link together institutions and groups across various sectors, including popula
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb - 0 views

    Very nice site by the Milken Institute (changing the world in innovative ways) featuring bite-size multimedia appetizers of its Best Cities for Successful Aging research.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Opinion: Why not Everyone Should be A Social Entrepreneur | Dowser - 0 views

    Blog post by Lara Galinsky on Dowser (who's solving what and how), August 6, 2012 "This may sound idealistic but we are already on the way. According to Net Impact's recent Talent Report: What Workers Want in 2012, the Millennial generation wants, and expects, to do good and do well in their paid work. In fact, a majority of students (65 percent) expect to make a difference in the world through their work, and 53 percent would take a 15 percent pay cut to work for an organization whose values matched their own. However, in my experience, too few of these students know the kind of difference they want to make, and how to make it. And that is the real opportunity. In order to harness this generation's desire to create change, we must move away from the antiquated concept of vocation, which emphasizes what's in it for the individual: whether it will sustain their interest or bring them fame or fortune. Instead, we need to help young people start their professional lives by asking questions. What issues, ideas, people, and projects move them deeply? What problems are theirs to own? How can they combine their heads and hearts to address those problems? What is their unique genius and how can it be of use to the world beyond themselves?"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Beyond X PRIZE: The 10 Best Crowdsourcing Tools and Technologies - 2 views

    The Blog of Tim Ferriss with guest post by Peter Diamandis about crowdsourcing problems and going to capital sources for funding. Reviews the changes in communication and cooperation and what is now possible with ICTs.
    I was looking for a tool that allowed the "crowd" to create a database, which I think is ultimately what we would want. None of the ten listed seemed to fit that description. Did either of you see one that we may want to consider, or do we try to find something else? Does one of these seem like a good fit for us in other ways?
    I haven't determined that any of these is the preferred channel for doing the W.W. database, Lyn. But the idea of incentivizing the creation and maintenance of a crowdsourced 'database' (for lack of a better term) is offered by these groups. A wiki that is set up for a Learning W.W. could be the beginning app until we find someone to do it or a tool to do it better. Even using Diigo in a paid account could work to gather tagged contributions with better organization to follow when we enlist someone to help us.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Connected Learning - 1 views

  • Connected learning is when you’re pursuing knowledge and expertise around something you care deeply about, and you’re supported by friends and institutions who share and recognize this common passion or purpose. Click here to learn more about the connected learning model and the research that supports it.
    Absolutely fabulous video (6 minutes) on Connected Learning and how we must change the outcomes based focus of education to awaken the curiosity of each learner and engage with them in learning how to learn given the distribution of resources, ideas, experts, etc. while preserving the learners' autonomy, access to diversity, openness to others for learning, interactivity with similar and diverse co-learners, etc. Film by Nic Askew at interviewing McArthur Foundation person and two professors of education
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Workforce collaboration in the network era | Harold Jarche - 1 views

    Premise(?) for WL Learning Studio from Harold Harche's blog, February 23, 2012 Excerpts: "Those specialized departments of the 20th century need to engage in social learning, by modelling behaviour and continuously developing next practices to adapt to changing conditions. This is the challenge to remain relevant in the 21st century workplace. Learn or die." "This isn't the Information Age, it's the Learning Age; and the quicker people get their heads around that, the better - Prof Stephen Heppell" "It boils down to the fact that in the network era, value is derived from workforce collaboration, where you are either contributing to the network, or you are no longer required."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Blog - Measuring Leadership Development - 0 views

    Blog by Matthew forti on Measuring Leadership Development, November 28, 2011 Neighborhood Builders by Bank of America builds high performing community-based nonprofits and gives them multiple three-day sessions of leadership training for the ED and emerging leader. Excerpts: "1. Develop a detailed theory of change. It isn't worth spending a dime on measurement until you've carefully defined which leaders you intend to target, what specific training and other programming they need, what they will gain, how those gains will be applied, and what should ultimately result." 2. Measure with mixed methods. 3. Continuously measure to improve impact. 4.Build rigor over time. Leadership programs don't need to build a full-scale measurement system right from the start. The best programs are intentional about whether and how to improve the rigor of their measurement over time, based partly on what they want to do with the results.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Management in Networks | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    Once again, Jarche comes through for me. Tuesday, January 14, 2014 "The keys to motivation at work are for each person to have a sense of Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. This is a network management responsibility." Could we do a play on RAMP-R-----Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose in the Studio? Another excerpt that I buy to a point--I don't think networks are the new companies but short of that, I agree with his premise: Most management practices today still focus on 20th century models, such as Henry Fayol's six functions of management [look familiar?]. forecasting planning organizing commanding coordinating controlling I heard these same functions discussed by a workplace issues consultant on the radio as recently as yesterday morning. Notice that there is no function for enhancing serendipity, or increasing innovation, or inspiring people. The core of management practice today has not changed since the days of Fayol, who died ninety years ago. "But the new reality is that networks are the new companies. The company no longer offers the stability it once did as innovative disruption comes from all corners. Economic value is getting redistributed to creative workers and then diffused through networks. Knowledge networks differ from company hierarchies. One major difference is that cooperation, not collaboration, is the optimal behaviour in a knowledge network. In networks, cooperation trumps collaboration."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Top 10: The Quotable Eric Schmidt - Digits - WSJ - 0 views

    WSJ/Digits by Courtney Banks, January 21, 2011 Quote: ""Google policy is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it. I would argue that implanting things in your brain is beyond the creepy line. At least for the moment, until the technology gets better."" 6. In an August 2010 interview published in the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Schmidt posited that someday people would need to be able to change their names on reaching adulthood, in order to avoid embarassing information about them recorded on their friends' social-networking sites: "I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time … I mean we really have to think about these things as a society." 5. Speaking on a panel at the Techonomy conference in August 2010, Mr. Schmidt touted how Google image-search technology could be used to identify people: "If you have 14 pictures on the Internet, within a 95% confidence interval we can predict who you are. You say you don't have 14 pictures? You have Facebook pictures, so there."

6 Important factors for Getting from Where You Are To Where You Want To Be | Martina Mc... - 0 views

    "Dr. Joe Vitale, a motivational speaker and author, is quoted as saying, "the fastest way to get where you want is to be happy with where you are." Believe it or not, this mindset is actually effective. It may take making some changes and soul searching on your part, but in the end, it will be more than worth the effort to adopt this positive mentality."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

1.5 years of Email Dopamine Addiction | 8 Productivity Habits - 0 views

    Excellent Blog post by Chris Munch, July 11, 2013 on stopping his dopamine addiction with graphic mainlining-technology image. Excerpt I have an addiction that cost at least 18 months of my life… This was not an addiction with drugs or alcohol, and in-comparison the 'high' was mundane, just avoiding life and responsibility. Months went by, lost to an addictive and bitter procrastination. Nobody was worried, on the surface I looked busy and hard working, yet around me life passed me by while I was infused in a dopamine haze. I'm a recovering addict to email, Skype, Facebook and so many little fun distractions online. My First Step to Recovery I lost about 1.5yrs of my life to email and chat. And then one day I read something which said turn off all auto-checking of email and IM notifications so that you won't get disturbed when you have work to do. I felt pretty dumb having spent the last couple of years doing the opposite, allowing myself to be constantly interrupted. After I made that little change things began to get better. That's when I realized I had an addiction. Even without the auto-alerts I found myself constantly being drawn in to see the latest unimportant message I had received.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Turn Off the Email Dopamine Drip « Get Storied: Change Your Story. Change You... - 0 views

    Excellent blog post by Michael Margolis in 2012 on how to keep email from being a big part of online overload.
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