"Using formative assessment techniques in class - or "simple assessments" - are easy to administer and provide the instant feedback teachers need to identify which students need more help, and then adjust their instruction and lesson plans to help them."
This site presents training, resources, and information related to early communication assessment and instruction for students with significant disabilities. It is part of a larger effort to address the needs of students with significant disabilities who participate in the alternate assessment across the state of North Carolina. The goal of the larger project is to provide educators with the training, resources, and support they need to meet the needs of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities across three critical domains: Academics, Communication, and Transition.
The Bridge is an early literacy and language assessment framework based on observation and portfolio development/analysis. Several documents including an experimental version of the Bridge Assessment Tool can be downloaded by clicking on the files below.
The ASSISTments Platform ASSISTS students in learning while it gives teachers assessMENT of their students' progress. The ASSISTments platform is a generic system for any subject from math to English to science.
"The National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) is a project led by five centers and 24 states, building an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The shared goal of the NCSC partners is to ensure that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for post-secondary options. The wiki and the materials hosted here help educators accomplish the NCSC goals by supporting instruction aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The materials on the wiki can also be used in states that are not using the CCSS. Much of the content that is covered on the wiki will also appear in other Mathematics and English Language Arts state standards.
AWARD-WINNING mathematical word problems with different solution strategies. Interactive image maps on various human body systems with definitions. Multiple-choice questions (with instant feedback) on states of matter, food chains and the human body. Read
download reading passages at a variety of grade levels
This progress monitoring system provides assessments for students in grade K-8. Sign-up for a free account.
View a screenshot tour of easyCBM.Want to check out the system before signing up? Take a s
The DLM® project is guided by the core belief that all students should have access to challenging grade-level content. The new DLM Alternate Assessment System will let students with significant cognitive disabilities show what they know in ways that traditional multiple-choice tests cannot. The DLM system is designed to map a student's learning throughout the year. The system will use items and tasks that are embedded in day-to-day instruction. In this way, testing happens as part of instruction, which both informs teaching and benefits students. An end of the year assessment will be created for states that want to include a summative test in addition to the instructionally embedded system.
This site provides an introduction of UDL, the opportunity to check your curriculum for UDL compatibility, and the option to explore resources for building options and flexibility into each component of your curriculum.
Use this CAST interactive online tool to help you apply UDL principles in your teaching to reach and engage all of your students. Learn about UDL, Check Your Curriculum, or Explore Resources for ideas on how to build options and flexibility into each element of your curriculum.
This free online tool helps educators build options and flexibility into each element of the curriculum (goals, methods, materials, and assessments) in
order to reach and engage all students.
Using Technology | Electronic Portfolios in the K-12 Classroom
The use of personal portfolios for assessment and presentation long has been a component of higher education. In fact, personal portfolios are a graduation requirement at many colleges and un