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Jose Paulo Santos

How Disruptive Innovation Changes Education - HBS Working Knowledge - 0 views

  • How can schools around the world educate their students better? What does the future hold? Most researchers who study these questions in the field of education peer through the lenses of sociology and public policy. HBS professor Clayton M. Christensen and colleagues chose a different approach—the theory of disruptive innovation, often applied to a variety of other industries, such as technology and health care.
    Como poderão as escolas em todo o mundo educar melhor os seus alunos?
    How can schools around the world educate their students better? What does the future hold? Most researchers who study these questions in the field of education peer through the lenses of sociology and public policy. HBS professor Clayton M. Christensen and colleagues chose a different approach-the theory of disruptive innovation, often applied to a variety of other industries, such as technology and health care.
Jose Paulo Santos

The Heart of Innovation: The Top 100 Lamest Excuses for Not Innovating - 0 views

    100 más desculpas para não inovar
António Teixeira

Where's the Innovation? | always learning - 0 views

  • technology is just an amplifier” - technology doesn’t change the quality of teaching or learning, it will only amplify it, either in a positive or negative way. What we need to be looking at is changing our approaches to learning, not modifying our curriculum to a “newer” version of what we’ve already had for the past 20 years.
    Um texto muito interessante onde se distingue inovação e novas tecnologias, tantas vezes confundidas...
Jose Paulo Santos

How to Change the Way Kids Learn - - 1 views

    The way to implement an innovation so it will transform an organization is to implement it disruptively. That means not attaching it to the existing paradigm and serving existing customers but targeting those not being served or not buying what's served, people we call nonconsumers. That way, all the new approach has to do is be better than a nonexistent alternative
António Teixeira

IBM Reveals Five Innovations That Will Change Our Lives in the Next Five Years - 0 views

    -- Energy saving solar technology will be built into asphalt, paint and windows -- You will have a crystal ball for your health -- You will talk to the Web . . . and the Web will talk back -- You will have your own digital shopping assistants -- Forgetting will become a distant memory
Teresa Pombo

K12 Online Conference 2008 - 0 views

    The K-12 Online Conference invites participation from educators around the world interested in innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used to improve learning. This FREE conference is run by volunteers and open to everyone. The 2008 conference theme is "Amplifying Possibilities". This year's conference begins with a pre-conference keynote the week of October 13, 2008. The following two weeks, October 20-24 and October 27-31, forty presentations will be posted online to the conference blog (this website) for participants to download and view. Live Events in the form of three "Fireside Chats" and a culminating "When Night Falls" event will be announced. Everyone is encouraged to participate in both live events during the conference as well as asynchronous conversations.
Teresa Pombo

SLAIS CIBER home page - 0 views

    CIBER's expertise lies in the mapping, monitoring and evaluating of digital information systems, platforms, services, roll-outs and environments, using robust, big picture and innovative research methods, especially deep log analysis.
António Teixeira

Institute of Play - 0 views

    "We promote GAMING LITERACY: the play, analysis, and creation of games, as a foundation for learning, innovation, and change in the 21st century."
    Um site interessante onde se discute a influência dos jogos na educação.
Jose Paulo Santos

Participe na construção da Sala de Aula do Futuro com o projecto iTEC e a Pro... - 2 views

    O iTEC (Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom) é um projecto co-financiado pela Comunidade Europeia que irá investigar o modo como as tecnologias emergentes podem ser usadas eficazmente na sala de aula nos próximos cinco a dez anos. Este é o maior teste pan-europeu de cenários de ensino e aprendizagem com recurso às TIC que alguma vez foi levado a cabo. Como parte deste projecto, professores e alunos de escolas, espalhadas um pouco por toda a Europa, serão convidados a completar um questionário e a participar em actividades de votação que irão contribuir para a definição dos cenários. As atitudes dos participantes deste projecto irão posteriormente ser analisadas, tendo em vista a produção de cenários pedagógicos significativos para a sala de aula do futuro. Source:
António Teixeira

Amplified Organization - 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning - 0 views

  • Digital natives and technologies of cooperation are combining to create a generation of amplified individuals. These organizational “superheroes” will remake organizational models through their highly social, collective, improvisational practices and their augmented human capacities. These new models will thrive in a world of social networks; information proliferation, transparency, and saturation; and rapid change. As digital natives enter learning professions, and as existing educators and students become amplified, their extended human capacities will challenge traditional ways of organizing learning and will amplify schools, districts, and other learning organizations. 
  •  These individuals are highly social, collective, improvisational and augmented. 
  • Together, these attributes enable several amplified organizational practices - open leadership and sociability, beta building, collective sensemaking, and transliteracy - that support more flexible responses to change and stimulate innovation
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In many ways, amplified individuals, organizations and their practices are enabling pedagogies born in the early 20th century that have not been able to find expression in the current educational system.
  • Many educators venturing into the amplified world find that modes of learning using social and collaborative platforms are downright inspiring - encouraging the reasons that they chose to teach.
  • However, education decision-makers must work to close not just the digital divide - access and familiarity with digital technologies - but also the participation gap - comfort engaging in a culture of contribution, connectivity, sharing, and massive collaboration.
  • Open collaborative platforms enable distributed teams and loosely connected networks to self organize and form ad hoc structures to solve problems and implement strategies.  By circulating resources openly and broadly through social networks, information tends to find the right people at the right place at the right time that allows ad hoc leaders to emerge and apply relevant expertise more quickly.  Such an open, flexible structure facilitates collective sensemaking - a practice by which knowledge and expertise that may not have been visible can rise in response to critical issues. Tools ranging from Plazes (a system that lets your social contacts know where you are, what you’re doing and when) to Moodle (an open source courseware management system) allow knowledge workers, educators, learners to form their own smart mobs and self-led teams.  The transparency of these systems also helps support a culture of beta building - rapid innovation, in which participants of a social network, distributed team, or smart mob can see information, offer critique, and help iterate solutions and strategies.  Amplified organizations will be transliterate - capable of communicating across multiple media in ways that use specific media platforms and non mediated, face-to-face interactions to develop effective and creative messages.
    Organizações "expandidas" serão criadas por indivíduos "sociais, colectivos, improvisadores e conectados..."
Jose Paulo Santos

Promethean ActivBoard 387 Pro - 0 views

    Novo quadro interactivo da Promethean recebe classificação de 4 em 5 pontos (Very Good) pelo editor da PCMAG.COM nos EUA. ActivBoard 387 oferece a melhor solução em software; é escolha sólida p/ Professores que querem ir para além do quadro de giz. "ActivBoard 387 Pro offers a better software suite and is a solid choice for educators who want to go beyond the blackboard." "Chalkboards are so last century; the Promethean ActivBoard 387 Pro can help teachers innovate in the classroom."
António Teixeira

Productivity 2.0: How the New Rules of Work Are Changing the Game | Zen Habits - 0 views

  • He clears away distractions and allows himself to focus on the task at hand
    • António Teixeira
      No mundo Web 2.0, isto não é nada fácil...
  • More isn’t necessarily better.
  • focus on quality, on innovation, on creativity.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 6. Forget about organization — use technology.
    • António Teixeira
      O Piaget distinguia a organização "espacial" e a organização "orgânica", preferindo esta. Temos, finalmente, as ferramentas necessárias.
  • Independence, freedom, and collaboration. Hierarchies are being flattened out. In fact, whole new forms of organization and collaboration are being created all the time.
    Um artigo sobre o modo como o trabalho deve ser encarado num mundo cada vez mais digitalizado.
Jose Paulo Santos

BBC NEWS | Technology | US to back 21st century learning - 0 views

  • "America's reputation as an international leader rests in the hands of our youth," said Sen. Chris Dodd. "It should be among our top priorities to provide our students with the tools they need to maintain and build upon this standing." The Senator was one of the original sponsors of a bill that proposed the setting up of the centre. Meanwhile Congressman John Yarmuth of Kentucky spearheaded the passage of the bill through the House and said its timing could not be more critical. "American businesses know that they need a well-educated workforce to face growing competition from China, India and Europe." The Federation of American Scientists said, "The creativity that developed extraordinary new information technologies has not focused on finding ways to make learning more compelling, more personal and more productive in our nation's schools. Education has not kept pace with technological advances said the FAS "People assumed that the explosion of innovation in information tools in business and service industries would automatically move into classrooms." That, the Federation said, has simply not happened.
    O mundo começa a acordar para o problema da Educação... Escola ainda distante do desenvolvimento tecnológico e da sociedade.
Carlos Vaz

Overcoming Technology Barriers: How to Innovate Without Extra Money or Support | Edutopia - 0 views

  • According to a recent survey by the nation's two largest teachers' unions, most educators are enthusiastic about the role technology can play in improving learning, but many still feel unprepared to take advantage of digital tools in the classroom. What's stopping them? The persistent barriers include too few computers, a lack of technical support, and inadequate professional development.
Jose Paulo Santos

What is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly (artigo traduzido em francês) - 0 views

  • Le concept de web 2.0 est apparu avec une conférence « brainstorming » entre O'Reilly et Medialive International. Dale Dougherty, pionner du web et membre d'O'Reilly notait alors que bien loin de s'être effondré, le web n'avait jamais été aussi important et que nombre de nouveaux sites et applications à caractère innovant apparaissaient avec une régularité déconcertante. De plus, les quelques sociétés qui avaient survécu à l'hécatombe semblaient avoir quelque chose de commun. Se pouvait-il que le crack des « dot com » eût révélé une nouvelle ère pour le web au point que l'expression « web 2.0 » ait un sens ? Nous sommes alors tombés d'accord sur le fait que cela en avait un : la conférence web 2.0 était née.
    Para quem desejar saber como surgiu o termo "Web 2.0", aqui vai uma explicação
    Leia e saiba mais sobre a génese da "web 2.0".
António Teixeira

The Quest School: Gaming for grades | Technology | - 0 views

  • the play, analysis, and creation of games, as a foundation for learning, innovation, and change in the 21st century. Through a variety of programs centered on game design, the Institute engages audiences of all ages, exploring new ways to think, act, and speak through gaming in a social world.
    Um pequeno artigo sobre a importância dos jogos na educação.
António Teixeira

Degree module boosted through on line games technique - 0 views

    Ora aqui está o que considero ser uma tendência que se irá intensificar nos próximos anos. A realidade é um mundo demasiado pequeno - preciso de uma... realidade alternativa.
    A Universidade de Leicester tem explorado o valor educativo dos jogos imersivos online conhecidos como Jogos de Realidade Alternativa.
António Teixeira

Nine Reasons to Twitter in Schools - 0 views

  • 1. Together we’re better
    • António Teixeira
      Sim, mas não demasiado. Não se aprende nada se estivermos em constante tagarelação...
  • Why should educators get involved with Twitter? Here are nine reasons.
  • 2. Global or local: you choose
    • António Teixeira
      A web 2.0 oferece-nos uma visão de maior proximidade relativamente ao Outro, torna-nos mais cidadãos do mundo. O Twitter reforça essa faceta, sem dúvida.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • 3. Self-awareness and reflective practice
    • António Teixeira
      Que a reflexão sobre a acção é importante, ninguém duvida. Mas o Twitter não me parece que favoreça a reflexão... Lembro um filósofo francês (Foulcault? Delleuze?...) que, nos anos 60, já afirmava haver demasiada conversa e que a sabedoria exige silêncio. Quem fala (twitta) muito não terá tempo para pensar no que diz...
  • 4. Ideas workshop and sounding board
    • António Teixeira
      Discussão de ideias com 140 caracteres de comprimento?... Hum, não me parece...
  • 5. Newsroom and innovation showcase
    • António Teixeira
      Notícias e montra de inovações, talvez num blogue. O Twitter é mais para "estados de espírito"...
  • 6. Professional development and critical friends
    • António Teixeira
      Ainda bem que uso o Twitter, caso contrário o meu desenvolvimento profissional estava comprometido. LOL.
  • 7. Quality-assured searching
    • António Teixeira
      Qualidade assegurada? Só se for nos twitts do género: "Bom, pessoal, agora vou tomar um café. Até já." Então e o socialbookmarking? Para que serve?... Ah, já sei: o Twitter é o socialbookmarking dos preguiçosos. eh eh eh...
  • 8. Communicate, communicate, communicateExpressing yourself in 140 characters is a great discipline.
    • António Teixeira
      Pois é. Principalmente para aqueles que largam um Twitt cada vez que expiram...
  • 9. Getting with the times has never been so easy!
    • António Teixeira
      Aqui estamos de acordo. Mais fácil só mesmo assistir às Tardes da Júlia.
  • By Laura Walker.
    • António Teixeira
      Resta-me agradecer à autora esta oportunidade para exercitar o humor e enganar a Crise. Já agora, também agradeço que não tenha defendido o Twitter como ferramenta que promove a escrita. É que o Twitter tem a ver com tudo menos com escrita. É apenas conversa. Tudo muito oral. Sem chegar a vias de facto.
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