How Disruptive Innovation Changes Education - HBS Working Knowledge - 0 views
How can schools around the world educate their students better? What does the future hold? Most researchers who study these questions in the field of education peer through the lenses of sociology and public policy. HBS professor Clayton M. Christensen and colleagues chose a different approach—the theory of disruptive innovation, often applied to a variety of other industries, such as technology and health care.
Como poderão as escolas em todo o mundo educar melhor os seus alunos?
How can schools around the world educate their students better? What does the future hold? Most researchers who study these questions in the field of education peer through the lenses of sociology and public policy. HBS professor Clayton M. Christensen and colleagues chose a different approach-the theory of disruptive innovation, often applied to a variety of other industries, such as technology and health care.